The most high god

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  • #179696


    The Holy Spirit is with you.

    Thanks for the support and God-blessed responses to Kathi.


    Terra, my brother,

    Mike has answered you correctly.

    I have always claimed that my inspiration is by means of the Holy Spirit. Read back through some of my posts.

    I am inspired with a clear understanding of the topic at hand and by that means those like TT and WJ are not able to assail me.

    I lose the Spirit when I get annoyed at the deliberately misleading or 'playfully' ignorant responses of some of the posters but I am learning to control that aspect as I have been reading what Jesus said about how to deal with one's advesaries.

    I don't profess knowledge on all Scriptural topics and you may or not notice that I steer clear of many of them because the Holy Spirit does not lead me to engage in them.

    Finally, should I not have joy that God has seen me fit to deliver knowledge to you all by means of his Holy Spirit?

    I hope that more such ones will be used and even more come to accept the Spirited Truth.

    I adopted you as my brother – long may it remain so for we are one in God through Christ.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 21 2010,16:04)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Feb. 22 2010,06:42)
    Hi Mike,
    I think that you have not grasped that I worship the Son 'as the Son' and not 'as the Father.

    Hi Kathi,

    Wow!  That's a lot of questions! :)

    You say that you worship Jesus in the sense that you greatly love and admire Him.

    First of all, I will never again say that I worship Jesus because of the confusion that could create.  I simply confess that I love and admire him very greatly.

    Do you feel the same about King David, or Peter or Paul?

    I imagine I would do obeisance to them as people of honor as I will do to Jesus.  I would also do the same for the 144,000 who will rule with Christ.

    is Jesus what, just the coolest saint? Or the highest angel? Or someone in between an angel and the Father that is more like the created angel than the uncreated Father?  

    Your third choice is what I believe.

    1.Do you talk to an angel as you go about your day?
    2.Do you talk to Jesus as you go about your day?
    3.Do you have a personal relationship with only the Father and not the Son?
    4.Can you have a personal relationship with both and it's ok?
    5.Can you have a personal relationship with the Son and not talk to Him?
    6.Does the Father and the Son abide in you or just the Father?

    1.  No
    2.  No
    3.  I am working on a personal relationship with the Father.  But because He is Holy, and I am far from it, I can only communicate with Him through Jesus.
    4.  I hope someday to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  But for now I pray to God through Jesus as the Holy Scriptures teach.  I do not talk to Jesus.
    5.  No.
    6.  I believe Father and Son abide in heaven.  God's Spirit does flow through me, however.

    If I only had one then I just have a God who doesn't save me.  I need both for salvation and I want and need both for filling the 'God void' within my soul.

    This is the main fallicy of your Godhead belief.  God is the one who saved mankind by sacrificing His only Son for us.  God cannot be reached by mankind anymore because of our great sins.  So God set up Jesus as a channel to Him.  Yes, Jesus is great.  Yes, I love him for his part in our salvation.  But God is the ultimate Savior.  God has used many people to save His people.  Jesus is not to be prayed to for blessings and such, Jesus is the channel through which we pray to Jehovah for blessings and such.  You should always talk to God and pray to God.  You should not walk around talking to Jesus or angels or Elijah the prophet.

    Is He your Lord?  Is the Father Lord?  Are we supposed to worship the Lord?  Is Jesus YOUR Lord or just a lord?  Did you know that David referred to Jesus as “His Lord?”

    Jesus is my Lord.  Jehovah is my God.  I give Godly worship and prayer to only God.  Not anyone else, even if they have the “nature of God”.

    Well, I don't believe the Pharisees were around to witness those incidents and I don't think they would have approved of an act of honor anyway if they were.

    Read John 9:38-40.

    I don't look to angels to fill my 'God void' but I look to the Father and the Son.

    Look to the “only true God” (Jesus' words) to fill you God-void.

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for all your answers!  I really did ask a lot of questions :)
    I have some more questions for you…smile!  

    You say that you don't have a relationship with Jesus and you do not talk to Jesus yet you love and admire Him greatly.
    How do you show that love to Jesus nowadays if you do not have a relationship with Him?  
    Do you think that you know Him or do you think that you just know of Him sorta like King David?
    Are you one of his “sheep?”
    Do you know His voice?  If so, how would you know His voice if you do not have a relationship with Him?

    John 10:27-28
    27 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;
    28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.

    Are you “in His hand” so to speak?
    Do you think that the Son of God was created or begotten?
    Can you tell me when that happened?

    John 14:23
    23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.

    What does this passage in John 14:23 mean to you.

    You say that I should not talk to Jesus.  Why is that?

    1 John 1:3
    3 what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.



    Well, I don't believe the Pharisees were around to witness those incidents and I don't think they would have approved of an act of honor anyway if they were.

    Read John 9:38-40.

    Very good, you are right, it does say that the Pharisees were with Jesus but what you missed is that only a few verses later the Pharisees are about to stone Jesus for making Himself out to be God.  So, they are having a fierce reaction to the accumulation of events that
    happened in a short period of time.



    If I only had one then I just have a God who doesn't save me.  I need both for salvation and I want and need both for filling the 'God void' within my soul.

    This is the main fallicy of your Godhead belief.  God is the one who saved mankind by sacrificing His only Son for us.  God cannot be reached by mankind anymore because of our great sins.  So God set up Jesus as a channel to Him.  Yes, Jesus is great.  Yes, I love him for his part in our salvation.  But God is the ultimate Savior.  God has used many people to save His people.  Jesus is not to be prayed to for blessings and such, Jesus is the channel through which we pray to Jehovah for blessings and such.  You should always talk to God and pray to God.  You should not walk around talking to Jesus or angels or Elijah the prophet.



    I don't look to angels to fill my 'God void' but I look to the Father and the Son.

    Look to the “only true God” (Jesus' words) to fill you God-void.

    This is what we need to fill our God void:
    2 John 9
    9 Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.

    1 John 2:23
    23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.

    You can not fill the God void without the Son and the Father. It takes both.

    Do you still believe that by only looking to the Father fills your God-void?

    God bless,

    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 22 2010,06:47)
    Hi LU,
    What is a godhead??

    Hi Nick,

    People need: “BIBLE PERCEPTION=151, to understandBIBLE TRUTH=117 ! (AKJV Eph.4:22-24)

                    “And Godhead”=63 IS the Majesty of “YHVH”=63 (GOD of “The Bible”=63)!

    Rom:1:20: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
                     being understood by the things that are made, even his (117=יהוה האלהים)
                     Eternal power “and Godhead”=63; so that they are without excuse:

    Col:2:9: For in him (Christ=77) dwelleth all the fulness of “the Godhead”=77 bodily.

    Acts:17:29: Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead
                      is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of…
    117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (Psalm 45:17)
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34)



    The Jews and the pharasees DID NOT think that Jesus was GOD – that is the whole point.

    It is Trinitarians who are wrong fully translating the events to try and make a connection with their inappropriately written creed.

    Here is what is happening:
    – Jesus is carrying out the work of his Father, what his Father has sent him to do.
    – God has given Jesus Power and Authority through the Holy Spirit to carry out these acts.
    – This is why Jesus always prays silently (“For I know that you always hear me but for the belief of these hear I say it openly”)
    – The Jews do not understand that ANYONE BUT GOD can do miracles, forgive sins, raise the dead, cast out demons, etc.
    – So they demand that Jesus tell them under what authority he does the things that he does.
    – Jesus tells them that his Father (The God they know) who gives him the authority and the power – that HE IS the Son.
    – They are amazed at this revelation – some knowing him as the [earthly] son of Joseph and accuse him of blasphemy by
    calling God his Father – making himself EQUAL to God (As JW has suggested: In their earthly eyes a Son was Equal to the
    Father meaning that when a Father died the Son would inherit everything — but — of course, God DOESN'T, CAN'T DIE!!)
    – Jesus tries to explain the rightful situation to them but they are so insensed that they want to stone him so Jesus quietly
    slips away (For his time [to give himself up to death] had not yet come)

    LU, this has nothng to do with Jesus being Worship, er, I mean, obeised.

    Luke 20:17 tells us that Jesus is the CHIEF CORNERSTONE of the “Temple of God” (Should we worship the Cornerstone?)
    Hebrews (4 & 5) tells is that Jesus Christ (The Lamb) will be the High Priest in “Gods Temple” (Should we worship the High Priest?)
    Corinthians 3:16 tels us “Don't you know that you yourselves are “God's temple” and that God's Spirit lives in you?”
    Lu, to whom does the Scriptures say that Worship is given and where?

    Why are you resisting the Holy Spirit? Why are you drawing wrongful conclusions to from Scripture to try and justify what you do.

    Lu, at the end of the day, All I am saying is that you don't use the word WORSHIP, but instead say “Praise, “Honor” and “Glorify”.

    You are ONE STEP away from Truth and yet you fear to take that step – What are you afraid of?

    Glorify the Father and and the Son together (This is what you are doing)
    Worship the Father alone (This is what you might do)


    Last line above: “Worship the Father alone (This is what you SHOULD do)


    This is what Jesus said:

    8Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

    9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

    10Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve

    Jesus is God's Christ or representative and when we obey him we are obeying God's Word.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (JustAskin @ Feb. 21 2010,17:05)
    I have always claimed that my inspiration is by means of the Holy Spirit.  Read back through some of my posts.

    I am inspired with a clear understanding of the topic at hand and by that means those like TT and WJ are not able to assail me.


    You mean like you said the Holy Spirit showed you what the definition of the Big “G” and little “g” for God is?

    Do you think you are the only one that hears from the Spirit here?




    Is that all that you can come back with.

    Say something useful or say nothing…


    Quote (942767 @ Feb. 22 2010,23:44)
    This is what Jesus said:

    8Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

    9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

    10Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve

    Jesus is God's Christ or representative and when we obey him we are obeying God's Word.

    Love in Christ,

    Therefore Jesus Christ is God representatively. No degree in rocket science is needed to understand this.



    It is necessary to give additional guidance to some posters here.
    The Capitalise “GOD” or “God” is used to denote “God Almighty”, YHWH, Jehovah.
    The non-capitalised 'god' can mean any sentient creature (Jesus, Angels, mankind) that is NOT God Almighty (as in “a god”, “a God”)

    Is there soething wrong with that so that we write things in the right way so there is no misunderstanding or pr meaning of terms and phrases and spellings – clarity of writing and understanding leads to Truth.

    Or would you rather that we are all confused by differing versions of words and contexts so you can use your 'great knowledge' to all aid your trinitarian views?

    I am after TRUTH, not confusion.
    I am aiming at truthful understanding of the Scriptures.

    You are simply defending a creed that has more holes in in than a seive so you rely on people being confused.

    I notice that when truth is outed that do not respnd to posts to validate the TRUTH – just disappear – Why is that?

    I say that if I see Truth – from whomever it comes (with caution) that I acknowledge it – and you know that I have done that.



    Jesus is God's representative – but he is NOT GOD himself.

    The King's messenger is the King's messenger/Ambassador
    The King's messenger/Ambassador is not the King


    Quote (JustAskin @ Feb. 22 2010,11:42)

    Is that all that you can come back with.

    Say something useful or say nothing…



    Quote (JustAskin @ Feb. 22 2010,06:34)
    Lu, at the end of the day, All I am saying is that you don't use the word WORSHIP, but instead say “Praise, “Honor” and “Glorify”.

    You are telling us not to follow the examples in the scriptures where Jesus is “Worshipped”!

    Should we listen to you or to the ones who were there and under the “Inspiration” of the Holy Spirit wrote of these examples?

    The Apostles themselves “Worshipped” Jesus with the same word that Jesus said was for “True Worship” in John 4:24.

    But you seek to redefine the word. Shall we listen to you or the scriptures and the Holy Spirit that inspired them?

    Blessings WJ


    Quote (JustAskin @ Feb. 22 2010,11:59)

    It is necessary to give additional guidance to some posters here.
    The Capitalise “GOD” or “God” is used to denote “God Almighty”, YHWH, Jehovah.
    The non-capitalised 'god' can mean any sentient creature (Jesus, Angels, mankind) that is NOT God Almighty (as in “a god”, “a God”)

    Is there soething wrong with that so that we write things in the right way so there is no misunderstanding or pr meaning of terms and phrases and spellings – clarity of writing and understanding leads to Truth.


    Yes this is what you said before.

    I gave you scriptures where Jesus is called God with capitol “G”.

    Here is only a couple of them…

    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, “The mighty **God**“, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isa 9:6

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and “the Word was **God**. John 1:1

    But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O **God**“, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom. Heb 1:8

    Thank you for agreeing with most all of the Translators and Translations.

    You are correct. Jesus is “God”.

    Blessings WJ


    Quote (JustAskin @ Feb. 23 2010,04:02)

    Jesus is God's representative – but he is NOT GOD himself.

    The King's messenger is the King's messenger/Ambassador
    The King's messenger/Ambassador is not the King


    If He is God “representatively” then confess Him as your “only Master and Lord” and stop beating around the bush about it. For a “representative” acts IN THE PLACE of another. Therefore, Jesus Christ is God TO YOU in the Father's place.

    btw, He is also God ontologically. Paul explictily said that Jesus pre-existed in God's “FORM.” So Jesus is God ontologically as well.



    Hi TT,
    Was Mary not his mother?
    He was conceived and he said she was his mother.
    God is not perishable flesh nor born of woman but the son of God was.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2010,05:47)
    Hi TT,
    Was Mary not his mother?
    He was conceived and he said she was his mother.
    God is not perishable flesh nor born of woman but the son of God was.

    Mary was the mother of Christ's humanity.



    Hi TT,
    What does that mean??



    Where is JA? Is he hiding now? ???



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2010,06:56)
    Hi TT,
    What does that mean??

    Don't be coy Nick.


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