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  • #352085

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,11:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 28 2012,16:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,11:31)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 27 2012,02:56)

    the time is come to put your lips into action to prove your written words ,so please answer the question I have ask you,

    My dear Terraricca,

    Where is your questions?

    Could make it clear and specific?



    We have discussed many quotes ,go and read them and respond to those you did not ,but respond to all the quote not one sentence and leave the rest,

    Dear Terraricca,

    Now, you are losing the chance that I've been given to you.

    Why not post it here one after another one.

    Please make it clear and specifically and must be related to the main issue. THE MESSENGERS OF GOD”.

    I'll been waiting for it…. but not too long Terraricca, I have other very important matters to attend to also.



    I do not have the time now ,and truly I do not believe that you know something that I not already know,so if you think I need to go and work for knowledge that I have,this does not help at all,

    But you like to teach others ,and feel you do not need to learn at the least not From anyone outside of your club,


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 28 2012,16:35)

    But there is a lot of question you never answered ,to me,but if you do not want to learn this is fine with me,I know how religions organization working, one way track,my way or the highway ,

    It remind me that religion always operate the same way ,just like in Jesus time ,you do not accept there teaching you are out ,you ask to many question you are out,

    So now you say we do not want the truth,yes we do not want your truth but God truth we need so we wanted that one,but as fare as you have showed me it is none you just put forth yours and your hunger. For Disciples to follow you ,but you do not want them with more knowledge in scriptures that yourself can show,

    Your main stick is your claim that there should be a true messenger today,what makes the new testament void,

    This is not from God ,all scriptures are pointing towards the only true messenger Jesus Christ the son of the living God ,

    So your idea about changing the scriptures does not work with me,friend

    Dear Terraricca,

    There is no question about the authenticity of Christ being the messenger of his God, but you should not proclaim that there is no true messenger of God, except Christ Jesus.

    How about the Apostles, they are not messengers of God? So, your are claiming the wrong concepts and against the gospel.

    You are testifying now that there is true messengers of God, in our time.

    Where is your Biblical proofs about your stand?

    Show it right now here in this page.



    addendum with post no. 655.

    Should be: “You are testifying now that there is none true messengers of God, in our time.


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 28 2012,17:05)

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,11:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 28 2012,16:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,11:31)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 27 2012,02:56)

    the time is come to put your lips into action to prove your written words ,so please answer the question I have ask you,

    My dear Terraricca,

    Where is your questions?

    Could make it clear and specific?



    We have discussed many quotes ,go and read them and respond to those you did not ,but respond to all the quote not one sentence and leave the rest,

    Dear Terraricca,

    Now, you are losing the chance that I've been given to you.

    Why not post it here one after another one.

    Please make it clear and specifically and must be related to the main issue. THE MESSENGERS OF GOD”.

    I'll been waiting for it…. but not too long Terraricca, I have other very important matters to attend to also.



    I do not have the time now ,and truly I do not believe that you know something that I not already know,so if you think I need to go and work for knowledge that I have,this does not help at all,

    But you like to teach others ,and feel you do not need to learn at the least not From anyone outside of your club,

    Dear Terraricca,

    I am not in the process of learning. I have the knowledge about the truth of God, through the true preachers sent by God.

    Therefore, I am not learning from the other, specially outside the church of Christ.

    I am engaging with the other people like you to sahre what is I got and not to have another gospel not preach by Christ and his apostles.

    You have no “light” because you did not accept the gospel of Christ that we must having the preachers sent by God, or else you shall not get the light but instead is the darkness.

    You are preaching another gospel Terraricca, and it is against the will of God. How can you be counted by Christ if you are preaching another gospel and not his gospel. May be you have preach half of the gospel and the rest is your own gospel; to be considered as additional to the will of God.

    Got my point?


    Dear Terraricca,

    You should not says the words “you have no time for now”,.. you must says that you have more time for the truth about God.

    God bless you.

    Peace be with us and not quarreling …


    To all,

    I am leaving this Heaven Net for a while and please, do not accuses me that I am leaving for fear with you guys. I am fearing only to the One and only true God, and not to anybody here.

    Just post the positives and not the negative against to any one.



    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 29 2012,09:36)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 29 2012,13:05)
    God as done what as to be done ,and that is the speading of his word through the entire world ,

    first through people he wake up ,then through new invention like the printing machine ,wen the publiction of the scriptures was send to the people it was like ” “A farmer went out to sow his seed.


    The farmer who sow the seed (words of God) is Jesus and the apostles.

    Jesus, now is in heaven and the apostles were in the graveyard.

    Their successors have changed the truth about God, and made the disciples to follow the perverse things they have injected into to the minds of the remaining cowards servants. (Ref: Acts 20:29-30 / 1 Tim. 4:1-4 NKJV).

    The time goes by and the modern generation come out. The Original Holy Scriptures could not be found.  Only the translated manuscript in Greek and Hebrews are available.

    The businessmen in the Christian world scramble in doing their own translations resulting to many versions of the Bible.

    And causing so many fatal interpretations with the Bible verses and some serious contradiction on their works but it shall continue in sharing it to all the people of the world.

    People really forgotten the very important essence of the true preachers of the words of God.

    Satan (the enemy of God planting weed) capitalizing the different translations of the Bible and having happy moment in deceiving the world through his chosen men to be the so called false preachers and false prophets.

    Result: Thousands of Christian religious groups around the world.

    The big problem is, how we could recognize the true chosen people of God, among the so called thousands of professing Christian groups?

    Do you have an idea, Terraricca, which one is the true chosen people of God, among them?


    Jn 17:20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,
    Jn 17:21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    this is my scripture and to show what it says i will explain it to you,do you see the part were Jesus says ;;for those who will believe in me through their message,
    ;; do you understand ;do you know what that message was???, his ???

    the message is the same that jesus give to all and the apostles took it and spread it all over the world of their time with the help of the new believers than joint them, read the book of ACT,

    understand that it is not up to you or me to give life but to God and his son ,we are only the messengers of HIS WORD not ours ;and the word of God his here and his the truth ,

    just because your source his men made believe do not come and tell me that I need an preacher men to teach me what God spirit has given me ,I follow Christ and his father NOT MEN ,

    futher more God does not care about false religion just has Jesus did not care for them at the time there is believe have been some 7 or 8 sects at his time ;

    I am very comfortable with my bibles and have found the truth in them with the help of Gods spirit


    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,12:31)
    Dear Terraricca,

    You should not says the words “you have no time for now”,.. you must says that you have more time for the truth about God.

    God bless you.

    Peace be with us and not quarreling …


    I have all the time in the world to help someone to see the truth in Gods word ,but I have no time to be reconverted into a religion way



    Do you have an idea, Terraricca, which one is the true chosen people of God, among them?

    yes i do ;Jn 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,.that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

    look and see WHOEVER BELIEVE IN HIM ;DO YOU ???


    He was too busy trying to get us to agree that the COC were the only true Christians.
    …you can relate to that right? …after all, that's what JW's teach as well.
    You have dedicated many posts towards that endeavor yourself here.

    Ed, you really don't even have a clue what you are talking about. Your level of delusion is grand.
    Please go back and find any post in the last 3 where I have endeavoured to get you to agree that JW are the only true Christians.

    IT SHOULD BE REALLY EASY FOR YOU ED, given that you say I have DEDICATED MANY POSTS to doing so.

    Look back in this thread for instance. This guy wouldn't even believe I was a Jw if YOU hadn't mentioned it about 12 times. It is YOU who continually have been creating threads about JW's, not me. And even when I respond to such threads, please find a single 1 in the past three years where I am 'endeavouring to get you to believe that Jw are the only true Christians.'

    IF you cannot find 1 single instance of this, I am suing you for slander. Get busy.


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 28 2012,08:36)

    you never answered me on my respond to your quote on page 34;Posted: Oct. 24 2012,13:02

    why would that be ???

    Hi ter

    Because it was long and I didn't really understand what you were asking of me. You seemed to be making many points but asking few questions. I will look at it again. Is there some main point you were trying to address? Is it the fact that you believe you and mike and T8 all believe very similar things?

    You almost certainly don't. I suppose I could create a read if that were true. Or perhaps you could. It would be interesting if it was true. But I don't believe it is.


    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,16:08)

    have post this: “MY OWN WORDS NOW
    And the word of God, preached by the apostles, are preached by their disciples, which goes all the way down to now, to us, if we preach according to what is written, and not trying to be like the Israelites, establishing our own righteousness, and adding things in that are not written.  

    At the end of it all, Israel will be provoked to jealousy, when they realise they made a big mistake.  The verses say nothing about hearing prophets sent by God whom you declare, but the ones God has declared, and they are preaching God's words, and God speaks through Christ.

    You, Ed J, Wakeup, Terraricca and David, all of you too far from the real issue and doing your best in dragging the matter to another issue.  Now, just for a day or two I am not here, you were posting the negative issue on me. How daring you are?

    Here is the truth you really needed: “6. I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7. which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. (Gal. 1:6-9 NKJV).

    Here the teaching of the apostles that you are trying to change. (Book of Romans 10:14-15, 17 NKJV)

    14. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

    17. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    The gospel you are trying to change is, ” You need to hear the words or the gospel first before you can believe and before you can call the Lord; and the gospel must be heard from the preachers sent by God; the preachers must be having with the testimony or prophesies from the Bible. (Isaiah 8:20 NKJV).

    Therefore, your reasoning is not in accord with the apostles, you are preaching the different gospel of Christ.  Because of your own established reasoning you really do not want to accept the apostles gospel.

    All of you now is against the Apostles of God. You really not with them and 100% the ene3mies of the truth.

    I am felt sorry for you.


    It seems he could not answer any questions. I was actually wanting him to explain how a MESSENGER OF GOD or a preacher of God could be one, without using Gods name. He seems blind to the fact that God even has a name.

    He seems set on a programmed course where he is unable to answer questions or discuss the Bible.

    We ask questions. He cannot deal with the questions, so to deal with this mentally, he blames us, and sort of judges us. It's understandable and common. I somehow was hoping for more from him.


    All of you now is against the Apostles of God. You really not with them and 100% the ene3mies of the truth.

    How can someone who is continually asking for a person to give him correct answers be an enemy of truth? Truth is all I want.


    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,16:36)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 28 2012,05:09)
    That would be a shame.  It feels like he probably thinks he told us the good news or taught us something.  He seemed set on following a certain path of him communicating his message to us.

    I still haven't a clue what that message is.  He refused to discuss anything.

    Dear David,

    You are not reading and not  listening. What do you think I am doing, not communicating with you guys?

    I was missing for a day or two,..then you have the gut to post the negative post against me.

    Do not punch when your opponent are not before you or else you are hitting just the wind.

    Next time, be sure that I am presently around so that you are not talking to the moon.



    I see you are still speaking and responding to my posts. I am sorry. I did not say you were hiding or ran away.

    What I said was:
    it would be a shame (sad) if you left. (Correct)
    You probably think you told us the good news. (Correct)
    He seems set on following a certain path of communication (true)
    I still don't know what that message is (true)
    he refuses to discuss anything (this one seems true to me)

    So, did I say anything inaccurate in my post above? If not, please do not be upset with me. For me, that last one is the only one you may take any offence at, because you may think it is untrue. But for me, it seems very true. You do refuse to discuss bible topics or answer bible questions.


    Do not punch when your opponent are not before you or else you are hitting just the wind.

    I will attempt to not punch you any more. I will continue to ask questions.


    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,17:34)
    To all,

    I am leaving this Heaven Net for a while and please, do not accuses me that I am leaving for fear with you guys. I am fearing only to the One and only true God, and not to anybody here.

    Just post the positives and not the negative against to any one.


    Sad. I wish he would have attempted to answer any of my questions.

    COC seemed quite interesting, but I have no idea what any of it is about really, because he simply wouldn't explain anything, despite repeated pleadings to do so.


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 28 2012,17:40)
    understand that it is not up to you or me to give life but to God and his son ,we are only the messengers of HIS WORD not ours ;and the word of God his here and his the truth ,

    just because your source his men made believe do not come and tell me that I need an preacher men to teach me what God spirit has given me ,I follow Christ and his father NOT MEN ,

    futher more God does not care about false religion just has Jesus did not care for them at the time there is believe have been some 7 or 8 sects at his time ;

    I am very comfortable with my bibles and have found the truth in them with the help of Gods spirit


    Where is your proofs from the Bible that all of us are the messengers of God?

    Where is your evidences from the Bible that we should not listen to any man in this world?

    Where is your proofs from the Bible that now in our times, God and Jesus will teach us directly through and by reading the Bible alone?

    Where is your proofs from the Bible that the spirit of God will teach us directly without any man as a preacher sent by Him?

    I will wait for your answers.


    Ed J

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,16:41)
    Ed J,

    Where is your proofs, basically from the Bible that I am the same with the man reported by John to Christ Jesus?


    Hi limjunus,

    I was comparing you to John, to which Jesus said:
    “he that is not against us is on our part.” (Mark 9:40)

    You have proved my point, of why I made the comparison of you to Mark 9:38.   (see your quote below)

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 26 2012,13:47)

    Dear Mr. Ed J,

    You have missed the point again.  I stop calling you my brother in Christ not because of John reporting to Jesus, but instead because you have asked me “who are my brothers in Christ, David, Ed J,?

    Therefore, to avoid confusion, I decided not to call you my brother in Christ anymore.

    You are not with me or in our's group, so you are not our brother.

    Got the point.


    Ed J

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,16:46)

    Quote (limjunus @ Oct. 28 2012,16:41)
    You are being like John was to the one casting out devils in Mark 9:38

    Ed J,

    Is isn't not a direct accusation on me?

    Therefore, I have the right to ask you to show your proofs from the Bible that I am like the man reportedly by John to Christ Jesus.

    Where is your proofs from the Bible.?


    The proof is in your words contained in my last post to you.

    Ed J

    Quote (david @ Oct. 29 2012,16:25)

    He was too busy trying to get us to agree that the COC were the only true Christians.      
        …you can relate to that right?      …after all, that's what JW's teach as well.  
         You have dedicated many posts towards that endeavor yourself here.

    Ed, you really don't even have a clue what you are talking about.  Your level of delusion is grand.
    Please go back and find any post in the last 3 where I have endeavoured to get you to agree that JW are the only true Christians.

    IT SHOULD BE REALLY EASY FOR YOU ED, given that you say I have DEDICATED MANY POSTS to doing so.  

    Look back in this thread for instance.  This guy wouldn't even believe I was a Jw if YOU hadn't mentioned it about 12 times.  It is YOU who continually have been creating threads about JW's, not me.   And even when I respond to such threads, please find a single 1 in the past three years where I am 'endeavouring to get you to believe that Jw are the only true Christians.'

    IF you cannot find 1 single instance of this, I am suing you for slander.   Get busy.

    Hi David,

    Did I strike a nerve?

    Are you now suggesting that the JWs are not the only true Christians today?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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