The key to knowledge ?luk;11-52

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    Pro 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

    Pro 2:6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.




    so true ,and how many have the knowledge that is understanding??


    Hi everyone,
    My own personal definition of wisdom is knowledge applied in such a way that it bring betterment to one's self and or someone(s) other than oneself.
    Love and Respect,


    Hi again folks,
    I don't a scripture-based answer to this, but, I will present a context-based answere. First, who was Jesus talking about here? The lawyers! Have you ever talked to a lawyer? Have you ever read a EULA(End Users Liscense Agreement) or any lengthy legal document? There is alot of proffesional language that one has to be educated on to truly understand it. Jesus was talking to the people that read and interpret Mosaic law. Things were very corrupt in the Jewish church at that time. Many if not most of the people could not read so they had to trust the lawyers interpretations and they either willingly through thier own corruption or unwillingly through the things they were taught on how to interpret Mosaic Law led the common man astray. This is only my understanding of this particular line of scripture and while it may not be 100 percent correct, it is very viable in light of other things that Jesus said in condemning the lawyers,pharisees,saducees and such.

    With Love and Respect,


    Hello Wispring,

    I read your shorter post and it got me thinking.
    You said Quote “that it bring betterment to one's self and or someone(s) other than oneself.”

    Some verses which came to my mind:

    'That they all may be one, as Thou Father art in me, and I in Thee; that they also in us may be one' John 17:21

    ' I did hunger, and ye gave me to eat; I did thirst, and ye gave me to drink; I was a stranger, and ye received me;  naked, and ye put around me; I was infirm, and ye looked after me; in prison I was, and ye came unto me.  'Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungering, and we nourished? or thirsting, and we gave to drink?  and when did we see thee a stranger, and we received? or naked, and we put around?  and when did we see thee infirm, or in prison, and we came unto thee?  And the king answering, shall say to them, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did it to one of these my brethren — the least — to me ye did it.' Matthew 25

    Just thinking…. Peace and love.

    pace e amore

    Yes. And no matter what we are if christian or if jew or if a muslem or if another, and no matter what truth that we think that we may hav, will not do us any good if we are a hypocrate, and if we can not love our neighbour as we are love ourself. :)


    To pace e amore,

    Yes. And no matter what we are if christian or if jew or if a muslem or if another, and no matter what truth that we think that we may hav, will not do us any good if we are a hypocrate, and if we can not love our neighbour as we are love ourself.

    To my mind this sounds like something Jesus himself might of said. I may be wrong, but, I don't think Jesus ever preached a religion. He preached a “Way”.

    With Love and Respect


    Quote (pace e amore @ Mar. 21 2011,01:33)
    Yes. And no matter what we are if christian or if jew or if a muslem or if another, and no matter what truth that we think that we may hav, will not do us any good if we are a hypocrate, and if we can not love our neighbour as we are love ourself. :)


    if you be a servant to anyone in this world what you say would apply as well,

    but the only way it could apply by the meaning of live in truth of the true God Jehovah or Yahweh…….

    this would only be true to that God.

    all false gods are hypocrites anyway they exist by the refusal or ignorance of the ones that worshiped them.
    and if the ones that worship those false gods come to the knowledge of the true God and stay with the false gods thats hypocrisie.




    the true key is looking for God will and how we can apply it to our lives day to day base.

    this is how we are becoming one with Christ and God ,this God is Jehovah no other one .



    True terraricca.


    Hi Pierre:
    Now that is an example of the key to true knowledge”

    the true key is looking for God will and how we can apply it to our lives day to day base.

    this is how we are becoming one with Christ and God ,this God is Jehovah no other one .



    Quote (thehappyman @ July 05 2011,09:29)
    Hi Pierre:
              Now that is an example of the key to true knowledge”

    the true key is looking for God will and how we can apply it to our lives day to day base.

    this is how we are becoming one with Christ and God ,this God is Jehovah no other one .


    :) :)


    A minister friend of mine stated once that there is 613 commandments in the bible , wow , Commandments to help us in every situation of life. Yet Jesus coved all the commandment with just two, love thy neighbor as thy self , and do unto other as you would like them to do unto you.
    I ponder on why the 613 or more commandments were writened and i found in my personal walk with Him that my whole being is His and i need Him more today than yesterday.


    Quote (thehappyman @ July 05 2011,09:45)
           A minister friend of mine stated once that there is 613 commandments in the bible , wow , Commandments to help us in every situation of life. Yet Jesus coved all the commandment with just two, love thy neighbor as thy self , and do unto other as you would like them to do unto you.
    I ponder on why the 613 or more commandments were writened and i found in my personal walk with Him that my whole being is His and i need Him more today than yesterday.


    this 613 is Jewish thinking

    look it up google


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