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- February 1, 2010 at 11:59 pm#175024
ParticipantTHOMAS IRVING (Canadian)
To tell you why I became a Muslim, I have to explain what I felt before and after embracing
Islam, my first contact with Islam and the faith that it inspired into me. First of all, let me tell you
that thousands of Canadians and Americans think exactly as I used to think before becoming a
Muslim; they have the same feeling of dissatisfaction; and they are awaiting the scholars of Ahl
as-sunnat who will teach them the essence of Islam.
As I was a child, I held fast to my faith, Christianity, with both hands. For I needed a religion to
feed my soul. However, as I grew older, I began to see a number of faults in Christianity. The
stories told about the life of Isa 'alaihis-salam' and his being the son of God, -may Allahu ta'ala
protect us against saying so,- sounded like superstitious tales to me. My personal logic would
never accept them. I began to ask myself questions, such as, “If Christianity is the true religion,
why are there so many non- Christians in the World?” “Why do Jews and Christians share the
same basic religious book and differ in other respects?” “Why are non-Christians doomed to
perdition though they have no other apparent faults?” “Why do many nations choose not to
become Christians?”
It was in those days when I met a missionary who had been serving in India. He complained to
me, “Muslims are very obstinate. They insist that the true religion is Islam, and not Christianity.
So all my efforts to Christianize them end up in failure.” These statements were at the same time
the first definition I had heard of Islam. A sensation of curiosity towards Islam, seasoned with a
high degree of admiration for Muslims who had been so staunchly attached to their religion,
began to blossom in my heart. I felt that I should observe Islam more closely, and began to attend
lectures on 'Oriental Literature' in the university. I saw that what the oriental people had been
rejecting in our belief was the doctrine of 'trinity', and that they accepted the belief of 'One God',
which was perfectly agreeable with common sense. It was certain that Isa 'alaihis-salam' had
announced his religion as one based on belief in One God, and himself as a mere born slave and
Messenger of that One God. The God he had mentioned should be a merciful God. Nevertheless,
that beautiful and true belief had been smothered with meaningless legends, superstitions and
heresies inserted into Christianity by idolaters, and the pure belief in the One Merciful,
Compassionate God had been adulterated into a tripartite godhood, which was accessible only to
priests and which, so to speak, created mankind with a share from the original sin. Then, a new
religion with a new prophet was necessary to restore the humanity with that pure and intact belief
in One God. Europe, on the other hand, was awash in semi-barbaric cruelty in those days. As
savage tribes were invading countries, on the one hand, a small minority was perpetrating all
sorts of vices under the mask of religion, on the other. The human race was moaning desperately
under the talons of idolatry and irreligiousness, when, [according to historians], seven centuries
after Isa 'alaihis-salam', in the oriental horizons, there rose Muhammad 'sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa
sallam', the final Prophet of Allahu ta'ala, and he began to communicate to people the true
religion of the true God, which was based on belief in One God.
When I read and learned all these facts, I believed in the fact that Muhammad 'sall-Allahu 'alaihi
wa sallam' was the final true Messenger of Allahu ta'ala, because:
1) As I have said above, people needed a new prophet;
2) All my thoughts concerning Allahu ta'ala conformed with the religion spread by that great
Prophet 'sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam';
3) As soon as I read the Qur'an al- karim, I sensed that it was the Word of Allahu ta'ala. The facts
communicated by the Qur'an al- karim and the hadith ash-Sharifs [utterances] of Muhammad'sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam' satisfied me in every respect and infused a sense of peace
into my soul. And this is the reason why I became a Muslim.
You can be sure that, as I have already said, thousands of Americans and Canadians sense the
same deficiencies and errors in Christianity. Sad to say, though, they have not had the same
chance I had to do a thorough research into the Islamic religion; they need a guide.
After attaining that belief in Islam, I embarked on a study of the books published about Islam. I
would like to touch upon a few of the works that I could recommend in this connection. An
Indian well-wisher sent me a book captioned 'What Is Islam?', written by Q.A. Jairazby H.W.
Lovlegrove. I would specially recommend the book. It is a book that describes Islam in the best
way. Spreading the book world over would be a useful service for the promulgation of Islam. I
read an English version of Qur'an al- karim rendered by Maulvi Muhammad Ali, and I liked it. In
addition, I read some other books, and I did not neglect magazines publicizing Islam. In
Montreal, I found many works published in French about Islam. Some of them praised Islam,
while others were intended against it. But Islam's greatness could not be buried even under books
written for the purpose of reviling it. Instead, they were no more than other sources of evidence
corroborating for me the fact that Islam is the true religion.
WARNING: We, Waqf Ikhlas Foundation, publishers of this book, have prepared books in
English, in French, in German, and in other languages for the purpose of rendering a service to
those virtuous people who wish to learn Islam correctly. Each and every one of these books is a
compilation of knowledge borrowed from works written by great and true Islamic scholars.
Names of those works are appended to some of our books. They are mailed out on request
immediately by Hakikat Kitabevi, whose address is printed on the front page of this book. We
believe that, if a reasonable person reads these books with due attention, no matter who he is, he
will develop a sincere belief in the Islamic religion and will become a Muslim willingly. For the
Islamic religion is a composition of credal and canonical principles that would receive a cordial
welcome from people of common sense. People with a poor sense, psychotics, libertines and
egoists cannot recognize or appreciate the Islamic religion.February 2, 2010 at 12:00 am#175025bodhitharta
ParticipantTestimonies from:http://www.hizmetbooks.org/AdobeBooks/Muslims.pdf
February 2, 2010 at 12:38 am#175028karmarie
ParticipantThanks for those stories Bod, (why do I still feel Islam seems so strong?) everywhere I turn.
February 2, 2010 at 1:16 am#175031Ed J
ParticipantQuote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,06:23) That doesn't answer the question, Why is Jesus called the son of David?
Read “The Bible”=63, the word of “YHVH”=63.Jesus is called “The Son of God”!
February 2, 2010 at 6:53 am#175093bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,11:38) Thanks for those stories Bod, (why do I still feel Islam seems so strong?) everywhere I turn.
I'm not really sure it could be from the stress of accepting something that those around are resisting so much or it may not be for you only ALLAH knows.What do you believe has drawn you to Islam? If it is God then there is nothing you can do, because it is like falling in Love the more you want to resist that love keeps pulling you into it.
For many people, the most important thing in their life is their own welfare. However, those who love other people sincerely forget their own desires and put those of their beloved’s first. They do whatever is necessary to make that person comfortable and meet his or her needs. For example, if two people successfully complete a topic, he would rather see the person that he loves complimented. He will gain great satisfaction if his beloved is in the right, instead of himself, and would rather do the work himself instead of seeing his beloved become tired. He would never confound, belittle, or hurt his beloved, because his sole desire is to gain Allah’s good pleasure and love, as well as His Paradise. As a result, he will be able to demonstrate a sincere love and understanding for the other person.Among His signs is that He created spouses for you of your own kind so that you might find tranquility in them. And He has placed affection and compassion between you. There are certainly signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat ar-Rum, 21)
You who believe! If you turn away from your religion, soon will Allah produce a people whom He loves and they love Him
Quran: 5:54
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
Mark 12:30Without loving Allah, you cannot be a professional worshiper of Allah. Those who really love what they do, succeed in their work. A teacher, who loves to teach, succeeds in teaching more than a teacher who teaches for money. A chef, who loves to cook, succeeds more than a chef who does not like their job. Applying the same logic, only a person who genuinely loves Allah is equipped to worship Him wholeheartedly. It is impossible to worship that which you know not and love not. Worship and love are intimately related. The highest level of love is worship and love is the foundation and essence of godly living. True and genuine worship of Allah does not take place except through loving Him.
Allah’s Messenger said, “None of you believes until I am more beloved to him than his family, wealth and all the people.” If the authenticity of your belief is conditional upon loving Allah’s messenger more than anything else, then the obvious reality is that one does not even smell the fragrance of faith until they love Allah more than anything else individually and collectively.
Our love to Allah is the very foundation of our faith. Since, love is as good as the entity in which it is placed, achieving close to perfect faith is directly related to the perfection of the beloved. Allah’s perfection infinitely exceeds our perception of perfection. He is free from any deficiency and all his attributes are occasion for praise. Thus, those who know Him, love Him more than they love anyone and anything else. Therefore, they freely submit themselves to Him, not because they have to, but because they love to; they love it and enjoy it. Worship is the submission and subordination internally and externally to the beloved Lord out of love and adoration. You and I psychologically are neither willing nor able to subordinate or submit ourselves, both internally and externally in all conditions except through worshipful love. Hence, this love must be dispensed only to Allah. This type of love provides the long term impetus for worship and service. Love without subordination and servitude is not worshipful love. Without love, subordination and servitude do not constitute worship. However, when love is coupled with servitude, humility, submission, subordination, adoration and veneration, the result of combining these attitudes of faith is true and genuine worship. This love-based submission brings about liberation from worldly control.http://www.loveallah.net/main/enrich/loving-Allah.html
—————————-Full love and servitude are suitable only to Allah (Jehovah). “Love your Lord with all your heart” (Mk 12:30). Loving Allah produces servitude and submission all the time and in all places internally and externally. Loving Allah is the emotion that puts lovers in motion, starts them on the path of devotion, eases for them difficulties, shortens for them otherwise long distances and relieves hardships as the sweetness of love offsets the bitterness of difficulties. When you are love-borne, you can cover the distance to come closer to Allah faster and easier. A poet has said,
“ My religion is love
This is my religion
There is no compulsion in the religion
The one whose religion is dislike moves as if dragging his feet in the mud
The one passionate for his religion advances
The one who is passionless slacks.”February 2, 2010 at 7:21 am#175106Stu
ParticipantQuote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,17:53) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,11:38) Thanks for those stories Bod, (why do I still feel Islam seems so strong?) everywhere I turn.
I'm not really sure it could be from the stress of accepting something that those around are resisting so much or it may not be for you only ALLAH knows.
How would it seem strong if people were 'resisting it'?Maybe it is easier than you think to resist the mythology of an illiterate murderous pedophile's insane dreams (or stories) about angels telling him stuff that his god could not be bothered to communicate with him directly.
February 2, 2010 at 8:23 am#175119bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,11:38) Thanks for those stories Bod, (why do I still feel Islam seems so strong?) everywhere I turn.
I'm sorry Karmarie I misread your post.My Mistake,
Peace and Blessings of ALLAH be upon you.
February 2, 2010 at 8:28 am#175120karmarie
ParticipantI believe it was God who drew me. Years ago.
February 2, 2010 at 8:29 am#175121karmarie
ParticipantQuote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,19:23) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,11:38) Thanks for those stories Bod, (why do I still feel Islam seems so strong?) everywhere I turn.
I'm sorry Karmarie I misread your post.My Mistake,
Peace and Blessings of ALLAH be upon you.
lol thats ok I thought a part of your reply was a bit -odd!February 2, 2010 at 8:32 am#175123bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:28) I believe it was God who drew me. Years ago.
God is the best of PlannersFebruary 2, 2010 at 8:38 am#175125karmarie
ParticipantYou thought I said wrong instead of strong haha.
It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
February 2, 2010 at 8:57 am#175130bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:38) You thought I said wrong instead of strong haha. It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
Yea, I had just finished responding to someone being negative and I guess I simply misread it because every post around it was negative. I truly apologize(May God forgive me)I believe that Jesus did what was commanded of him by God and he is the door, on the other side of that door is ALLAH. Your love of Jesus will actually grow, I know I love Jesus more not less because his display of obedience and submission is unmatched. The fact is to Love ALLAH with all your heart, soul and mind and when that happens you will love everyone more including Jesus, Jesus could have never loved us had his love of God not been with his Whole Being.
If we do not love God as much as Jesus loved God, how can we love Jesus?
February 2, 2010 at 9:09 am#175137Stu
ParticipantThe smell of a potential conversion brings out contrition in you BD. How unpleasant.
I think karmarie is just teasing you.
February 2, 2010 at 9:35 am#175142karmarie
ParticipantOh- Stu, I could JUST imagine what you were like at school!
February 2, 2010 at 10:07 am#175145karmarie
ParticipantQuote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,19:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:38) You thought I said wrong instead of strong haha. It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
Yea, I had just finished responding to someone being negative and I guess I simply misread it because every post around it was negative. I truly apologize(May God forgive me)I believe that Jesus did what was commanded of him by God and he is the door, on the other side of that door is ALLAH. Your love of Jesus will actually grow, I know I love Jesus more not less because his display of obedience and submission is unmatched. The fact is to Love ALLAH with all your heart, soul and mind and when that happens you will love everyone more including Jesus, Jesus could have never loved us had his love of God not been with his Whole Being.
If we do not love God as much as Jesus loved God, how can we love Jesus?
Bod, dont let anything they say bring you down. I KNOW you love God, you are loved by God, dont forget that.
February 2, 2010 at 5:36 pm#175205bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,21:07) Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,19:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:38) You thought I said wrong instead of strong haha. It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
Yea, I had just finished responding to someone being negative and I guess I simply misread it because every post around it was negative. I truly apologize(May God forgive me)I believe that Jesus did what was commanded of him by God and he is the door, on the other side of that door is ALLAH. Your love of Jesus will actually grow, I know I love Jesus more not less because his display of obedience and submission is unmatched. The fact is to Love ALLAH with all your heart, soul and mind and when that happens you will love everyone more including Jesus, Jesus could have never loved us had his love of God not been with his Whole Being.
If we do not love God as much as Jesus loved God, how can we love Jesus?
Bod, dont let anything they say bring you down. I KNOW you love God, you are loved by God, dont forget that.
They don't bother me because my desire is to please God.Peace and Blessings to you.
February 2, 2010 at 6:57 pm#175223Stu
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,21:07) Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,19:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:38) You thought I said wrong instead of strong haha. It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
Yea, I had just finished responding to someone being negative and I guess I simply misread it because every post around it was negative. I truly apologize(May God forgive me)I believe that Jesus did what was commanded of him by God and he is the door, on the other side of that door is ALLAH. Your love of Jesus will actually grow, I know I love Jesus more not less because his display of obedience and submission is unmatched. The fact is to Love ALLAH with all your heart, soul and mind and when that happens you will love everyone more including Jesus, Jesus could have never loved us had his love of God not been with his Whole Being.
If we do not love God as much as Jesus loved God, how can we love Jesus?
Bod, dont let anything they say bring you down. I KNOW you love God, you are loved by God, dont forget that.
I've no intention to bring BD down at all.Love the christian, hate the christianity that makes them believe silly things; love the muslim, but reject the nasty ideology that turns an otherwise decent human being into an automaton unthinkingly spouting ideology.
It is not the religious person at fault generally. They need to be forgiven for they know not what they do. I just hope to try and make them aware of what they do, even if it is just sharing a belief system with those who really do the harm.
February 2, 2010 at 7:07 pm#175227NickHassan
Vain human religions boast and preen
but the meek shall inherit the earth.February 2, 2010 at 9:59 pm#175237karmarie
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Feb. 03 2010,05:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,21:07) Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,19:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:38) You thought I said wrong instead of strong haha. It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
Yea, I had just finished responding to someone being negative and I guess I simply misread it because every post around it was negative. I truly apologize(May God forgive me)I believe that Jesus did what was commanded of him by God and he is the door, on the other side of that door is ALLAH. Your love of Jesus will actually grow, I know I love Jesus more not less because his display of obedience and submission is unmatched. The fact is to Love ALLAH with all your heart, soul and mind and when that happens you will love everyone more including Jesus, Jesus could have never loved us had his love of God not been with his Whole Being.
If we do not love God as much as Jesus loved God, how can we love Jesus?
Bod, dont let anything they say bring you down. I KNOW you love God, you are loved by God, dont forget that.
I've no intention to bring BD down at all.Love the christian, hate the christianity that makes them believe silly things; love the muslim, but reject the nasty ideology that turns an otherwise decent human being into an automaton unthinkingly spouting ideology.
It is not the religious person at fault generally. They need to be forgiven for they know not what they do. I just hope to try and make them aware of what they do, even if it is just sharing a belief system with those who really do the harm.
I know. I wasnt pointing the finger at you Stu, I meant everyone. Especially one person who im having a hard time trying to figure out. Its not you.February 2, 2010 at 10:35 pm#175246bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Feb. 03 2010,05:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,21:07) Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2010,19:57) Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 02 2010,19:38) You thought I said wrong instead of strong haha. It is in my heart, I believe it is right, but I keep fighting against it because of my ideas of who Jesus is. I will work it out, in time.
Yea, I had just finished responding to someone being negative and I guess I simply misread it because every post around it was negative. I truly apologize(May God forgive me)I believe that Jesus did what was commanded of him by God and he is the door, on the other side of that door is ALLAH. Your love of Jesus will actually grow, I know I love Jesus more not less because his display of obedience and submission is unmatched. The fact is to Love ALLAH with all your heart, soul and mind and when that happens you will love everyone more including Jesus, Jesus could have never loved us had his love of God not been with his Whole Being.
If we do not love God as much as Jesus loved God, how can we love Jesus?
Bod, dont let anything they say bring you down. I KNOW you love God, you are loved by God, dont forget that.
I've no intention to bring BD down at all.Love the christian, hate the christianity that makes them believe silly things; love the muslim, but reject the nasty ideology that turns an otherwise decent human being into an automaton unthinkingly spouting ideology.
It is not the religious person at fault generally. They need to be forgiven for they know not what they do. I just hope to try and make them aware of what they do, even if it is just sharing a belief system with those who really do the harm.
STU,All belief systems including yours are shared with someone somewhere doing harm.
Jeffrey Dahmer the famous American serial killer who ate his victims said it was attributed to his atheism, his father said he had become an atheist and didn't teach Ted Bundy about God, Ted Bundy said it was his lack of guilt or feeling of later judgement that helped him commit one of the most famous and bizarre spree of murders in history, he had confessed this after becoming a Christian
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