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- May 22, 2011 at 8:29 pm#246575
ParticipantCsaliba (Charles);
Wispring is correct about well formatted posts being easier to use but you appear to be new to using the formatting tools provided.
I find it easier to hand type my formatting in so I type “[” “quote” “]” before the text I am citing and “[” “/quote” “]” after the end. In addition using the letter “b” or “u” instead of the word “quote” before and after text you wish to format will (b)old or (u)nderline the indicated text. The “/” bracket of each command must be written in the reverse order the commands were opened with each open bracket command having a close(/) bracket command. Spacing between separate paragraphs is also beneficial.
To see what I mean use the quote post command and look how I formatted my post.
You wrote;
Quote Jesus became the last most sinful person on earth just before He died. I know of nowhere in scripture where it states Jesus became the last most sinful person on earth. What Scripture does state is through the disobedience of the man Adam many are ordained sinners through the obedience of the man Jesus the Anointed many are ordained righteous.
Quote Romans 5 (Young's Literal Translation) 19for as through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners: so also through the obedience of the one, shall the many be constituted righteous.
If you understand that the old man (carnal nature) was put to death with Jesus the Anointed and the new man (divine nature) was resurrected with them then you should understand how our sin(that which ordains us to sin) was put to death on the cross and our righteousness(that which ordains us to do right) was resurrected with him.
Quote Romans 6 (Young's Literal Translation) 6this knowing, that our old man was crucified with [him], that the body of the sin may be made useless, for our no longer serving the sin;
7for he who hath died hath been set free from the sin.
8And if we died with Christ, we believe that we also shall live with him,You wrote;
Quote First of all with every respect, not as you said “God incarnates in a human being whenever the Spirit of God dwells in a man as God lives in them through his Spirit,”
because you, I, and all Christians have the Holy Spirit within us, and through Him, dwells our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ living in us, and through Our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ, dwells the Almighty God the Father, but still none of them are incarnated within us.I do not believe you understood what I meant by the word incarnate since you seem to disagree and then go on to use a description of incarnation as evidence my claim was wrong. The word incarnate has two meanings according to Merriam-Websters online dictionary and both fit the the result of the Spirit of God coming to dwell in any human being, be they Jesus son of David or anyone else. I assure you that the Spirit of God was “invested with bodily and especially human nature and form” when it came to dweel within the human son of David. I also assure you that the Spirit of God was “made manifest or comprehensible” when it came to dwell in Jesus.
You wrote;
Quote Although we have the Holy Spirit within us, we have more freedom then humanity had before Jesus came, this for the simple reason, that humans were the property of Satan’s Spirit, from Adam’s sin … I agree that because of Adam’s disobedience all human beings are slaves to sin, which is to say ordained to sin by Satan.
You wrote;
Quote Even those who where good in the eyes of God were the property of Satan, but through Michael’s intervention, they will be sent temporary to Limbo till the redeemer came. This I disagree with though the dead, including Jesus, enter Hades (Sheol, The land of the dead) to wait for judgment day, though Jesus and some other honored dead were called to heaven before That Day in accordance to God’s righteous judgment.
You wrote;
Quote Thanks for Jesus, this evil spirit was removed, first on baptism of the water, in order for Jesus to fulfil His mission, then on the baptism of the blood on the cross from all nature the covenant which lasts forever According to my understanding the carnal nature’s (you may call it an evil spirit) death is caused by our being united with him in death but like poison can take time to kill so it is with the death of Jesus which works through faith. That is why scripture states “being saved” when speaking of those added to the assembly.
Quote Acts 2 (Young's Literal Translation) 47praising God, and having favour with all the people, and the Lord was adding those being saved every day to the assembly.
May 23, 2011 at 10:11 am#246640Tim Kraft
ParticipantCharles: After carefully reading your dissertation(overview of your truth) I give it and 85/15 rating. Thats 85% altered trash doctrines mixed with some 15% personally gleaned truth. I don't think you will but tell me the truth. Did you receive the information you presented from God or other men/doctrines/commentaries? I say it was memorizing a commentary(ies) you have read and embellishing with doctrines you have previously learned. Its like taking doctrinal error and amplifying it to greater darkness and mixing it into a mud potion.
IMO, TKMay 23, 2011 at 10:58 am#246642Tim Kraft
ParticipantQuote from Charles:…..”humans were the property of Satan’s Spirit, from Adam’s sin and were vulnerable, and being manipulated by him, since our souls were his, and his angels residue, and also completely jailed within this filthy flesh (not body)which also his”.
Humans are Gods offspring. How dare you say that they are the property of “deception”! Do you even know what the word/term “satan” means? Don't include me with any who might agree with you that a lying, deceiver owns my soul!! It is obvious that you have partaken of deception to say such a thing about yourself. Satan owning our souls is not the Gospel of Jesus. If I were to say that satan owned my soul that would be blasphemy to my lord Jesus. I have given myself to Jesus. A person owns himself and is free to give himself to whomever they want to be lord of their life. Obviously by your very words, you are owned by satan.
Another Charsles Quote:”So Jesus was the last to be possessed by Satan as his property…”!
….”Even those who where good in the eyes of God were the property of Satan…”!Satan doesn't own a thing. Even God doesn”t own us. If we have free will choice then we choose our lord and God! The very deceiver you speak of has deceived you into believing he owns you. Or did or ever could have. Find you own truth in the Bible and you will not find darkness that you purport to be truth. IMO, TK
This is a site that believes Jesus is lord. There are other sites that believe Satan is lord! IMO, TK
May 23, 2011 at 2:57 pm#246653Pastry
ParticipantTim! I do agree what you have stated here. Charles is in his own world, and I don't think that he will listen to any of us, who believe in the saving grace of Jesus or Lord and King. What we should do is to not even post to him… I always think if we would stop. he might go away….. That is what I am hoping for. It is so sad to believe that Satan owns us. Not I either, I belong to Jesus and Almighty God who has given us to Jesus. And Jesus said He will not loose us…. I sure hope he will one day change his believes…
Peace to you and yours IreneMay 24, 2011 at 7:59 pm#246757csaliba
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ May 16 2011,06:33) Quote (csaliba @ May 15 2011,10:00) “I am the LORD your God [Elohim], who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods [Elohim] before Me. (Exodus 20:2-3)
The Hebrew word translated “God” is the word El or Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of El. The plural form is used 2607 of the 2845 times the word “God” is used in the Old Testament. Not only is the word for God usually used in the plural form, but several verses refer to God as “Us”:
God bless
Hi Charles,I bailed from the one conversation we had because your posts are very long, and your views don't often align with any scriptures I've ever read.
I will engage with you about “elohim” if you keep your posts short and to the point.
First up, the Hebrews used what is commonly called a “plural of majesty”. I believe that to be a misnomer because it doesn't always reflect something majestic. For example, Canaan was told that he would be the slaves of slaves. It is more a “plural of emphasis”, because a slave is surely not majestic.
King Nebuchadnezzar was called the kings of kings. So was Artaxerxes. Surely the writer did not intend to teach that these two human beings were comprised of multiple persons in a “kinghead”, right?
Solomon's Song of songs is really the songs of songs in Hebrew, because the writer wanted to emphasize that this was a “above par”, so to speak.
The Hebrew use of the plural form of a word meant either “more than one”, or as an emphasis that the one mentioned was “above par”.
For example, “elohim” could either refer to more than one god, or to one single god that was “above par”. It is used in reference to the single god Dagon and the single god Mo'lech.
It is most commonly used to refer to the single God Jehovah. But keep in mind that the word can only refer to more than one, or one who is above par. It NEVER refers to “more than one person in a Godhead” or “more than one person in a slavehead” or “more than one person in a kinghead”, or “more than one song in a songhead”.
Finally, you are mistaken if you think any scripture ever refers to YHWH as an “US”. But I would like you to post these scriptures that you think do this.
Mike,and allWell done, for giving a further definition of elohim!
Now It is My turn now to define One God, not Just God.
The Jews say :Shema (Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is ONE Lord”)The word translated “one” from the Hebrew is echad, which refers to compound unity of oneness. Specific examples of how echad refers to a compound unity are found hereunder:
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one [echad] flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
Now the whole earth used the same [echad] language and the same [echad] words. (Genesis 11:1)There is another Hebrew word, yachid, which refers to absolute oneness. Examples of it are hereunder:
And He said, “Take now your son, your only [yachid] son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah; and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.” (Genesis 22:2)
And he said, “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only [yachid] son, from Me.” (Genesis 22:12)If the intention of Shema was to refer to an absolute oneness to God, it would have used the Hebrew word yachid instead of echad. nevertheless, the word yachid is never used in reference to God (Elohim)!
Now that’s for you to supply a convincing reason.(NOT FOR ME I know the reason why!)
Since you are not ready to read long posts even when discussing Almighty God, all I want to say is, that in the old testament Satan succeeded to establish a confusion within his kingdom regarding Almighty God, in order to establish himself as god of the word, and succeeded through a big lie.
Notwithstanding the fact that Jesus came and died to establish God’s kingdom, This confusion remained, the speciality of Satan.To give proof through the Gospel how Jesus, through His simplicity, the speciality of Jesus, overcame this it would take really an excessive long post and it’s uncomfortable for you to read.
Personally I don’t believe that it is going to affect salvation for the simple reason, that all titles, all things, all religions, all beliefs what so ever which takes you close to God Almighty the Father as long as in the name of JESUS CHRIST is acceptable, but the reward will be accordingly. These days it isn’t that important to convert Jesus believers to other Jesus believers, because they all believe in His name, the Muslims believe in Him as a prophet, and they get the reward accordingly, Who believe in Jesus as a God he will be rewarded accordingly, He is preparing a place with many mansions for us.
Jesus through His death on the cross, eliminated not only His direct opponent, Satan, but also all his laws, all his systems, and all the confusions he established, Jesus won the entire world, and all what’s within it, He became the proprietor of a brand new creation throughout. He established new laws, and new systems which still are not fulfilled. The Church is still in construction. There is nothing in this world which is not a reference to Him, and also could be used as an appreciation, praise and honour to the fullness of God Almighty. Jesus fulfilled all systems, and all titles, it’s all in Him, all by Him, and all for Him, no matter what, as long as within his NAME! Except sin! Now reflect in depth on these scriptures hereunder within these concepts.
Matthew 10: 40 “He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.41 “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 “And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”
Luke 9: 49 John answered and said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us.” 50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you.”
John:16: 33 These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John:14:1 1“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.
Your last bit of statement says:
Finally, you are mistaken if you think any scripture ever refers to YHWH as an “US”. But I would like you to post these scriptures that you think do this.I never stated that, since there’s a mystery regarding YHWH, because before Jesus those four letters could be a reference even to Satan believe it or not.(But that’s another hot issue??,
I give you something to ponder: In the Garden of Eden, there was only one tree, not one good and one evil which Adam and Eve couldn’t touch, but although it was only one tree, it represented The knowledge of good and evil!! Or God and Satan,Through that system Satan reigned as humans belie
ved only in the knowledge of Satan, after all it is his world, and ALL, I repeat ALL CHRISTIANS ARE THE ARMY OF JESUS CHRIST,FIGHTING IN A FOREIGN LAND, THE SALT OF THE WORLD. Before Jesus came there was only one system: From bad to worse,from world to hell, ALWAYS DEAD but Jesus made it possible that from worst to best, from darkness to light, from wickedness to righteous. From a devil to saint, from dead to alive,from the world to paradise in JESUS CHRIST
only.Matthew 8: 22 But Jesus saith unto him, Follow me; and leave the dead to bury their own dead
Nothing goes to my Father but by me!!
Peace and love in our Lord God Jesus Christ
CharlesMay 28, 2011 at 7:55 am#247102Wispring
Not so well done on giving a definitive definition of echad. Here is some more scripture with the same word.Quote Genesis 1:5 (Young's Literal Translation) 5and God calleth to the light `Day,' and to the darkness He hath called `Night;' and there is an evening, and there is a morning — day one.
Here it is used in context to mean more like “one of many”.Quote Genesis 1:9 (Young's Literal Translation) 9And God saith, `Let the waters under the heavens be collected unto one place, and let the dry land be seen:' and it is so.
Here it used to to express a singular location.Quote Genesis 11:6 (Young's Literal Translation) 6and Jehovah saith, `Lo, the people [is] one, and one pronunciation [is] to them all, and this it hath dreamed of doing; and now, nothing is restrained from them of that which they have purposed to do.
Here it is used twice. In the first instance it conforms to your definition. In the second to a singular language.Quote Genesis 27:45 (King James Version) 45Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?
Here it is used to express on of many again.Quote Genesis 27:45 (King James Version) 45Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?
Here it is used to express one of many again.Quote Genesis 34:16 (King James Version) 16Then will we give our daughters unto you, and we will take your daughters to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one people.
Here it conforms to your stated definition.Quote Genesis 40:5 (King James Version) 5And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the prison.
Here it is used to refer to a singular night. Now Charles I could go through the entire OT and post scriptures to show that more than 90% of the time echad means singular one or one of many because I did check it out my own self using the word search function that is included in the ISA(Interlinear Scripture Analyzer). This is a free bible study program that I use that has the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts along with the King James Version and Youngs Literal version. Since God/YHWH is the father of spirits and because in Revelations there is reference to 7 spirits of God I can see how your definition would fit. I can also see how it would fit when a disciple of Christ Jesus loves him and keeps his words the spirit of Christ and the spirit of God will dwell in the disciple, therefore, a compound unity of oneness. The point I am making is the definition you presented, while valid, is not the only one and shows me you either you didn't check out the meaning and application of the word echad thoroughly enough or chose not to present the other uses in context and application because they do not harmonize with your singulare(echad) definition. The word is also used numericaly like the number one in other languages who count like one and sixty to mean how someone in english would say sixty-one. I would like to thank you for your post because it motivated me to educate myself a little more in the Hebrew languange. In context it is usually very clear when it is used in a compound of unity fashion. One can easily discern that because words like people refer to many beings being refered to as one. People is the plural of person. When the sentence is “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is ONE Lord”, the word “Lord” is singular. This makes it easy to understand only one being(monos/singular) is being refered to.
This is what Abraham said about who was the God of the earth.Quote Genesis 24:3 (King James Version) 3And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:
I can understand how some people could understand that Satan is the god of those who are not God's children/sons/daughters. Here Abraham make it very clear who truly is the God of the earth.
By the way, God gave the earth to man to have dominion over and to take care of it in a righteous way in accordance with God's will. I will say honestly most of man does not do this as is evidenced by simply observing the reality of the world with an honest heart. I concur with you that Jesus inherited the world/cosmos also as it's king of kings because God said he would.Quote 1 Chronicles 17:11-14 (King James Version) 11And it shall come to pass, when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his kingdom.
12He shall build me an house, and I will stablish his throne for ever.
13I will be his father, and he shall be my son: and I will not take my mercy away from him, as I took it from him that was before thee:
14But I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom for ever: and his throne shall be established for evermore.
You can expound and exegete all you want; my spiritual teacher, Lord and Master Christ Jesus has already informed me he is not God.Quote John 14:28 (King James Version) 28Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
OK Charles I will quote this from your last post:Quote Your last bit of statement says:
Finally, you are mistaken if you think any scripture ever refers to YHWH as an “US”. But I would like you to post these scriptures that you think do this.
Finally, you posted this.I never stated that, since there’s a mystery regarding YHWH, because before Jesus those four letters could be a reference even to Satan believe it or not.(But that’s another hot issue??,
Here you stating that you never stated that any scripture refers to YHWH as an “US”. This true. You never did specifically state this. You did, however, state this.Quote The Hebrew word translated “God” is the word El or Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of El. The plural form is used 2607 of the 2845 times the word “God” is used in the Old Testament. Not only is the word for God usually used in the plural form, but several verses refer to God as “Us”:
God bless
Many people who post here, when they say God they mean Jehova or YHWH. I know I do. You will have to learn to be a bit more clear if this is not what you mean. I can understand how you were misunderstood here.
Finally you posted this.Quote I give you something to ponder: In the Garden of Eden, there was only one tree
Charles I will truthfully tell you that there are two trees mentioned. The other is the Tree of Life. If you aren't very accurate in your recollection of stories in the bibe; how can people trust your accuracy in interpreting it? Ponder that Charles.
I still love you as a brother in Christ because I can discern that you love God and believe in his son Christ Jesus. I believe you need to study more and actually read what people post to you in response to your posts. In my humble opinion it appears you mostly ignore or completey disregard what people are posting to you. I may be wrong since you may be deciding that with the time you have to post your thoughts you are only replying to the things you deem most important and I am reaching my own conclusion based only on the information and information flow shown in the posts which is in truth doesn't fully represent the reality of what is going on in the lives and minds of those who post.With Love and more love,
WispringMay 28, 2011 at 8:48 am#247109kerwin
You might want to speak to a Hebrew speaker about the meanings of “Echad” and “Yachid” which seem to correspond to the words “One” and “Single” in English.
I do not believe stating “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is a Single Lord”) works that well to pass on the idea there is only one true God.
On the other hand stating “”Take now your son, your single son, …” works well.
Echad it the number 1 in the Hebrew numeric system.
May 28, 2011 at 10:33 am#247127Tim Kraft
ParticipantFor all: Everything I see written about satan/deception is always as though it is a person. The word satan is not a name it is a term describing evil thoughts, evil doctrines, evil words, wrong thinking, wrong beliefs, deception of the truth of God, lies as to the truth of God, or misinformation about the truth etc.! The word satan has a definition. A name might have a description of that person but not a definition.
Remember, the garden is a picture of the heart of man. Jesus said he planted Gods seed/words in the garden of a mans heart. God was communicating with Adam in his mind/heart. Spirit cannot be normally seen by physical eyes. Communication was taking place in the mind of Adam as it is taking place in our minds. We are still in th garden. Our own garden. We still have the choice to accept and believe good/God, only or good and evil! If one believes in good and evil, darkness has just covered half of the truth.
Good is an original thought/thinking/words from God. Evil is un-truth words or an alternate thinking, apart from the truth of God. A mental misunderstanding. An error of thought. Thinking contrary to the truth presented by God.
Good and evil are spiritual thoughts. One from God, that is absolute truth. One is deception against the truth of God. The error/sin against the truth of God is man created, temporary, anti-God, mistaken, lies which are mans illusion of truth about God. Truth of God stands forever. Illusions of truth are believed by man to be truth until he accepts the truth of God and then the illusion ceases, or is cast out of his mind/heart.
Jesus came to reveal the truth of God to mankind and back it up with supernatrual signs and wonders. Jesus was the truth from God. Jesus told us that when a seed(word) of truth from God is sown in the garden/heart/mind of a man, he immediately accepts it with great joy. Jesus also said that darkness,deception, destruction, lies, and deceivers would come(to mind) to destroy that seed/truth/word from God. If one could hang on to the truth of God, deep in his heart he would find total salvation from all aspects of evil/destruction. If one is new in the words of truth from God, it is hard for him to protect his heart from a man of seeming higher position in the truth of God, the dark/world/church, maybe a principality or powers of church hierarchy sowing wicked spirits(evil seeds) from highly respected places, rulers of the illusion of truth/darkness and preachers! You will hear things like, you are a sinner, unworthy, unclean, unrighteous, and totally imperfect unto God. The opposite to the truth.
Remember deception cometh not but to kill, steal, and destroy the truth of God. It is a mind war for truth of God. We don't fight flesh and blood, brothers and sisters, we fight lies, deceptions, and untruth of darkness. Deception only owns the dedeived! Deception and lies have no power whatsoever, unless we give our power and attention to them. If evil doesn't exist in the mind/heart it cannot exist in the life of the person. Just think, God is almighty unless you believe deception is mightier! IMO, TK
May 29, 2011 at 5:31 am#247232Wispring
ParticipantMay God be with you and not the adversary! You know Tim I stated “some” in my post. I should have clarified I am not of the same mind as some.
With Love and more love,
WispringMay 29, 2011 at 9:44 am#247243Tim Kraft
ParticipantWispring: Thank you for the words, “ay God be with you and not the adversary. I accept that with love. But I'm a bit hurt that the mind of Christ is not in both of us. This has been my life dedication to know the truth of Jesus/God. Is there really a difference between using the word adversary or liar against the truth? How about liar or adversary that is in a high position of teaching truth of God but is blind and full of darkness. Would that teacher also be an adversary to the truth of God? Why does Jesus gives parables in all of the Gospels about the truth of God being sown as word/seeds in a metaphoric mind/heart/garden and the enemy is always something against(adversary) the truth attempting to distort the truth of God, uproot it, destroy it or dilute it with lies.
Why is there so little discussed about the parables and direct teaching of Jesus. We follow the old testament diligently when Jesus said at John10:8…all that came before me are thieves and robbers. Surely he was not talking about the Proverbs, Psalms or the Prophets. HE WAS REFERING TO THE RELIGIOUS TEACHERS OF DARKNESS! They were the ones in sin.
Jesus went on to say, I am the door: by me…IF ANY MAN SHALL ENTER..he shall be saved..! The thief or thoughts against or lies and deceptions or un-truth or deceivers or an adversary against the truth of God cometh not but to steal(the truth) kill and destroy(the light of God)!
….I have come that they may have life (God) more abundantly. Can you say to me that you are not of this same mind? I would be astounded. Could you please tell me where you think I have missed the mind of Christ. I highly respect your opinion and all the others. My only reason for being on this site is to test some of the things I have not heard anyone else say. I know they hated Jesus without cause or just because his doctrine didn't align to theirs. Are these things wrong or truth from a slightly different angle?I welcome any or all to kindly give their opinion as to what I have found in the New Testament Scriptures. God bless all, TK
May 29, 2011 at 11:17 am#247257Wispring
ParticipantHi Tim,
Once again I was not clear enough with the things I posted. I certainly do not believe you do not have the Christ mind or God working and living and guiding you Tim. I believe there is an adversial spirit to God. I have never posted this before because it's not strictly scripturaly based, but, here goes.
I had these thoughts once when pondering good and evil. I imagined a time when there was only God before God created anything in our universe and I logically assumed God was all good and benevolent and such. Then I imagined God decided to create something that was other than himself. I thought what would God create? I thought perhaps something he had thought about and would be good,enjoyable and interesting to observe and experience. Since his ways are not our ways and his thought are not our thoughts I am not certain what that first “thing” would be. In any case he created something not God and due to the laws or logic he used in creating something truly magnificent He would allow all of his creation to reach it's fullest fruition/potential before returning to God to be all in all with God. This is when the duality of the created multi-verse began. Therefore the adversary was the ultimate not God thing created. It's not as powerful as God because I believe nothing God creates can be as powerful as God the all powerful being. I believe the adversary is an inherent component of God's design for the multi-verse. All sentient beings are given the choice of believing in and serving one or the other via a free will decision making process. Salvation is serving God alone and reuniting with him for eternity in his spiritual realm. Christ Jesus did this. I am sure many others have achieved this throughout the eternal history of the multi-verse. I know many believe that the universe we live is the only universe that has ever existed. I am not convinced of this. I can imagine multiple universes co-existing in the same space. I can imagine many universes with many souls existing in them having already been born and reached full fruition only to have the process begun again. Behold, I make all things new! How many times has God made all things new? I don't know, but, it very well could be a number larger than is humanly imaginable. Is the adversary a being or just an illusion of false truth? There are those who through free will can choose for self serving reasons to serve thoughts that are adversial to God. Human minds are powerful. Maybe there are beings in existance with minds even more powerful. This I truly don't know. The possibility exists. Could enough individuals who believed and followed adversial thoughts to God reach a critical mass of congruent and cohesive thought to bring into existance a being of sorts that feeds on the soul energies of those who follow it? Deceiving them with promises of power and glory and eternal life that surpass what God promises us? We talk of the personification of the Logos of God. Could there also be the personification of the Logos of the adversary and this is what many call Satan or an aspect of Satan? God informed the writer of revelations all such gods will perish in the lake of fire(God's final judgement) along with death. I believe Christ Jesus words and God the fathers words over the adversary all the time. I desire to re-unite with my souls creator as the final destination for my soul.
These are just thoughts I have had Tim. I truly do not think you have missed the mind of Christ. I believe just like most followers of Christ Jesus you only desire more to be of the same mind as Christ. To serve God more fully. To be a light on a hilltop that is God's and God's alone so that others may also find their way out of the valley of death. In my humble opinion you are inspired by Christ Jesus's teachings and serve him well. Go in peace brother. I will follow my Lord and Masters teachings and love you until the end of the age, whenever that may be.With Love and more love,
May 29, 2011 at 12:48 pm#247264csaliba
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ May 19 2011,12:39) Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,14:27) Quote (terraricca @ May 19 2011,04:06) Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,09:41) Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,02:32) Quote (terraricca @ May 18 2011,12:05) Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49) Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05) I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus, He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal. I hope this causes us to seek more.
thehappyman,John 10:30 I and the Father are one.”
It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.Peace and love in Jesus Christ
charlesis this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??
Pierre,That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing and never,never,stops Growing and expanding,and dominates all space.Now according to science space mysteriously is expanding,and only recently they discovered it. God as a spirit, out of Himself produced, to understand in our terms,a spirit, this spirit was the only way for the Father to dwell within as an uncreated spirit like the Father.This the Father,with the power of the Holy Spirit did, so He could transform His Son in any material existence no matter what,and in whatever that material could be composed of,and the only way out for that Spirit to return back to the Father was, that no matter how corrupted,and sinful the world and humans were to become,He would still quicken Himself,or change Himself into a woman. Now through The Holy Spirit again from the Father,that unique immaculate ever existed woman ,He would be born also in the most immaculate person full of all divine qualities to be God man on earth. Through being a man and also a God He glorified the Father, revealed Him, gave Him a name, made Him Visible, proved His Love to man,established His kingdom,increased His virtues as man to suffer,and die ,and through death He destroyed Satan as proof that He is superior enough to withhold him Just before He dies,and smash him in hell, and also redeemed all those innocent souls,and became the proprietor of hell, Earth,and Heaven,till now.Also through,and from His death, all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit,possesses,and is being held through His Spirit in order to purify humans both in body and soul on consumption of His Flesh the only true bread from heaven,so when He comes for the last time as Judge, He will first through the Power of the Holy Spirit, quicken,or change in a twinkle of an eye all the just, both dead and alive and all humans for the first time ever will start their road to become sons of the Almighty God.
This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.
In the beginning was the Light, and the Light was with God, and the Light was God. 2 He was one with God in the beginning.
I and the Father are one
Peace and Love in Our Lord Almighty God Jesus Christ till now
Also Pierrethe words :
I'M THIRST before Jesus died meant that He wanted to withhold Satan (I rather not be clear)to destroy him,and that's symbolically the vinegar for.
Reflect and pray so you receive light
Charlesthis is as clear as mud,no scriptures your opinions and dreams
the truth is Gods word not your word of opinions ,start to understand what is written before you are inventing what is not there or said in scriptures.
you be judge by your words you say,
Pierre,I suggest something.
Virtues belong to God.
As it is you will discover the amount of virtues there is in my writing.
Deduct that according to you is not in the scriptures.
Now through the elimination of what is according to you is not within scripture,you will discover that there's less virtues
therefore you would have deducted what belongs to God.Then reflect and ask yourself whether your god is a god or my God is a God Almighty.
Peace and love in My God Almighty Lord Jesus Christ
Charlesbeing in the truth of God allow me to tell you ,all what you are saying so far is pure balloni,fake that is ,stories that is,you most go to much to the movies and see those avatar features.
i would not be surprised if you tell me that STARS WARS ' is a true story,
so far I believe you are from Gods truth.
Pierre,I don’t want to create an atmosphere of antagonism. It was never within my least concept, and also I never was a good diplomatic in whatever I say , but my utmost interest is Love and Truth:
Through your posts,I am receiving light believe it or not!If we Christians are honestly the true believers of the one and only one lord Jesus Christ, (rather not mention more titles since more than that definitely upset a vast number of Christians, of fake believers) why there are so many different Churches, religions, beliefs, denominations, and God knows what in His name??? Isn’t it a clear proof that we are still prisoners of this satanic, filthy, and corrupted flesh, although, Our Lord Jesus Christ recreated us in spirit, soul, and body, through the elimination of Satan’s spirit. soul and body with His death on the cross??? Isn’t it that satanic confusion which dominated us since that fatal sin of Adam and Eve, and still reigning through this irresistible filthy flesh, and created our own Jesus Christ to please our pride. Jesus Christ massac
red this flesh purposely first in order to give us a new one within His spirit, with the hope that we imitate him, and second to make it clear to us, that it’s either we destroy(self control) this flesh or else it will destroy our souls.I leave it to you to reflect how much, generally speaking, different pleasures we are, not only getting out of this damn material!!,but always experimenting how much more we could achieve. with the consequence that we forget God,reject God, or the worst don't believe in God
From the other hand reflect
How much sacrifices, or even ordinary deeds, are we ready to carry out in His name in order to give proof to God the Father,of our truthful belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ???
Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.With reference to your corrupted carnal, like mine, judgement:
I don't go, watch, any kind of mouvies, TV,videos, utube clips, or silimar fake, rubbish, carnal pleasure as such, with the exception of news, and universal religious related occurrences through the internet.St Paul stated in Philippians 3:
. 8More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,So for Paul, all the bible knowledge, and his life as a Pharisee was a balloni, for the simple reason, that he was misguided,puzzeled, and he thought that he was doing something according to the right God, but it wasn’t. If one read the bible like a paperback it’s worse then balloni .
Now referring to two particular pieces in my statement:
first:“That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing , etc..etc. and :
second:“This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.” Although He is One Almighty God,
Now read this from Colossians 3.
KJV Colossians 3
Colossians 3:17………….. giving thanks to God and the Father by him.2 Thessalonians 1:
12 ………………. according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.According to you how many entities are there in the one “God and the Father
And how many entities are there in the one God and the Lord
Jesus Christ considering the fact that they are within the same context???If it meant to be one entity, therefore, Jesus is God,from the other hand if it meant to be more than one entity, therefore Almighty God is not a one entity, but mysteriously still one.
Now read Job 13: 3
As for me, I would speak directly to the Almighty.
I want to argue my case with God himselfAre these two entities or one???
And Job 15: 25
For they shake their fists at God,
defying the Almighty.Again are these two entities???
And again Job 34:10:12
Therefore, listen to me, you men of understanding.
Far be it from God to do wickedness,
And from the Almighty to do wrong.
11“For He pays a man according to his work,
And makes him find it according to his way.
12“Surely, God will not act wickedly,
And the Almighty will not pervert justice.We have to admit, that we simply still own Satan’s pride, and put things to quench ourselves. Isn’t it rather and really God’s wisdom, and we won’t admit it, that we cannot comprehend it.???because we are still within Satan’s pride and still blind??
Now to my statement which is in a way a revelation, I wrote:
“I'M THIRST” before Jesus died, meant that He wanted to withhold Satan (I rather not be clear) to destroy him, and that's symbolically the vinegar for.Now read these scriptures in relation to my statement
2 Corinthians
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (Jesus)Now ‘is transformed’, already occurred, and also still functioning forever.
According to you, when was Satan transformed into Jesus since it’s already happened??
Now read this one as well:
John 15:1“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit
How come Jesus has within him, branches which doesn’t bear fruit??? What is he referring to??? What are the branches which doesn’t bear fruit???
Obvious, He was referring to His Father, so on that very moment just before He dies on the cross, and here I prefer to be precise:
When Jesus said “Father why have you left me!”, which signified the moment His Father left Him in order to become an ordinary man,
exactly following it, I’M THIRST which signified that Satan may come in His soul, then the most important moment for all nature especially humans when He said:
ALL ACCOMPLISHED which means that Satan is within Himself and to conclude, after obviously taking the vinegar as a proof, He said
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”
From then on He was totally under His Father’s supremacy. Since He became the most sinful being ever existed in order to destroy Satan, his principles, his systems, his confusions, his commandments, and his death.LIGHT SHINES OUT OF DARKNESS, Jesus shines out of Satan
This was the normal procedure since Adam’s sin, that if the first man falls all humans would be subject to all Satan’s carnal principles, and laws. IT WAS AND STILL IS HIS HOME(THE WORLD) now more than ever, because the battle is over and done with, and it will not affect God’s kingdom. Whatever Satan wants he can do, even comes as Jesus himself, and do all those miracles and more, but it will be for the last time, as Jesus himself comes to destroy him forever.Always Satan must come first in order for Jesus to SHINE (FOR THE LAST TIME) OUT OF DARKNESS (SATAN)
Now reflect on this:
Hebrews 2: 14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—So Satan ,before Jesus death ,was obviously the proprietor of humans, since he held the power of death, his main asset to acquire souls through the excuse, in order to execute JUSTICE ,since humans were behaving evilly, through his manipulations, then he simply kills them,
Love and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.
May 30, 2011 at 10:11 am#247344Tim Kraft
ParticipantWispring: Thank you so much for your disertation/overview of evil/the adversary. I may not be able to write in a way so as to show it but very much of your writing I agree with. In my opinion the religious world/brick and mortar church has conjured up an idea of a powerful devil/lie. This lie tells lies so he is also a deceiver and adversary to the truth/God. The truth is God. Lies against the truth are the adversary. The adversary is not trying to get people to sin or do “wrong” things. The adversary is against the truth/life. The adversary says you must die. Jesus came to give us life. Your choic, who are you gonna believe. The adversary/un-truth wants Gods offspring/children to follow/believe in, evil/destruction/death/sick/degraded/weak/sinful/wrong thoughts which are against the truth/God and which destroy a persons life that believes them. If we beleive, we receive!
Gods words from the begining and through Jesus have always been the same. Gods words do not tell us how to live our lives. Our lives are ours/Gods to live any and all experiences together. God is all inclusive. God is everywhere. Therefore God can not experience himself without setting himself apart from himself. So he has chosen to experience all aspects of life/himself dwelling in a human body that has its own will to choose life or death! God created a world split into opposing forces or aspects of God. Duality is created for this purpose with the freedom of choice for mankind to choose from one extreme to the other. NOT GOOD AND EVIL, one side of one force to the extreme or the other force to its extreme or any variation including perfect balance in the middle. All choices are relative. Not good and bad. Not right or wrong. To know cold one must experience variable aspects of cold & hot to make a personal choice as to what he likes or dislikes.
Just multiple ways to view and experience life. Theres much more but I must stop here.
God has given us a piece of his mind to venture into physicality for the purpose of experience IMO. Jesus said those who were given talents and went and produced more were trustworthy, and faithful servants. The one that feared failing and retrobution from God, hid his riches or freedoms of life for frear of his fathers wrath, hell and punishment. He got exactly what he feared.
The adversary is attempting to alter the truth, fill unlimited sons of God with fear to express and enjoy life, and lead their powerful minds to pre-mature death. Actually any form of death. God only gives life. There is no death in life!! MY thoughts and opinions,
God bless any and all that read. TKMay 31, 2011 at 5:14 am#247390terraricca
Quote LOVE WITHOUT TRUTH IS DECEPTION it should read love for God can not exist without the love for truth
Quote Now referring to two particular pieces in my statement: first:“That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing , etc..etc. and :
second:“This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.” Although He is One Almighty God,
where you get those lies it beats me, you should start to read the scriptures the way it is written,not the way you want to read it;
June 4, 2011 at 10:29 am#247818Tim Kraft
ParticipantPierre: If I were you I would not even bother to read that poisonous post by casibla to you! It is completely full of religious trash, doctrines of religious men, darkness, lies and scripture, childishly taken out of context to beat somebody down and therefore raise themself up. This persons work or non-work of doing this or not doing that is as filthy rags unto God. His salvation is obviously evidenced by what he does or doesn't watch on tv/internet etc.!
Just keep searching, as you are finding much truth/light. The other person is finding much darkness/death/ and doesn't even know it. TK
June 5, 2011 at 6:35 am#247899csaliba
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ May 31 2011,16:14) scaliba Quote LOVE WITHOUT TRUTH IS DECEPTION it should read love for God can not exist without the love for truth
Quote Now referring to two particular pieces in my statement: first:“That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing , etc..etc. and :
second:“This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.” Although He is One Almighty God,
where you get those lies it beats me, you should start to read the scriptures the way it is written,not the way you want to read it;
Pierre,With every respect, and in humble:
Now read slowly and meditate!
God is both love, and truth, and only within Jesus Christ, so LOVE WITHOUT GOD (truth) IS DECEPTION, and unless it is done in the name of Jesus Christ, the only true God in Flesh, God Man, it will not reach the Father!!Jesus is the only truth that God the Father was among man in His fullness in Him, as proof of His true love to humans and His existence!
So truth and love are inseparable only when they are honestly done in the name of Jesus, since He is both love and truth. Now when what we do as Christians, to each other is done both in love and in truth, in the name, and love for Jesus, they must only be so, or else it would be Antichrist.
Colossians 3:
17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him
Reflect in depth,
Through the Holy Spirit, when we, all Christians, experience in any way each other, in whatever we do to each other, (not evil) in Jesus, we are directly experiencing God through Jesus, but through Jesus only.
John 14:
6 said unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.Jesus is the saviour and God , because He died for us and for His Father in order to be glorified both Him and His father. This is the most astonishing demonstration, of LOVE and TRUTH ever happened within human history.
A prayer
Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my Creator and my Redeemer. I love you above all other things – even more than I love myself. Thank you for letting me live in communion with your divine life. I wish never to be separated from you.John 4: 23“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; (only In Jesus Christ)for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
“and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (Jesus)This is the only TRUTH within LOVE, and vice versa, that Jesus established through our relationship as brothers and sisters in Him. Therefore through our relationship we would worship God in TRUTH and in LOVE when we do it in Jesus Christ, because all of us are the perfect image of God in Jesus, we are like Gods to each other,since the Father,the Son, dwell in us through the Holy Spirit, in respect to our behaviour, in whatever we do to each other,except evil, when it is done in LOVE and TRUTH.Also, which is of utmost importance,that we always in whatever we do to each other it must be only to give and not to receive,Charity,to imitate Jesus because He came to serve and not be served.Now when it is done in this way from whomever is doing the action automatically,they both receive from each other,and they both give to each other,
And this is equivalent to what Jesus said inMark 12: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. 31The second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:(but it all depends on the individual how,and how much is ready to rely in the Holy Spirit.)
When we as a Christian, do evil to each other in any way, even the smallest lie and it is done with the awareness, in the truth of Jesus it is ANTICHRIST.
But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou Fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.Now let’s take for example Heaven net. Unless, since we are all Christians, we post our posts (1st.truth) for the love we should have to each other, in order to share and be charitable to each other,( To give only and in the name and love for Jesus Christ,(2nd.truth), it will not be truth. Therefore whoever post on heaven net without love( to please his filthy flesh,to receive honour,and praise) to whomever that particular post is sent, that could become antichrist in itself, and since there’s no love, there’s no truth, and also there’s no Jesus Christ ,and there’s no God, Now is this a lie as well???
[/QUOTE]where you get those lies it beats me, you should start to read the scriptures the way it is written, not the way you want to read it;Please Pierre, in Jesus name,
unless you specify where my lies are, and also proof that I lied through scriptures,in order to receive light from you,and vice versa, mine is not a lie, but with every respect you are either blind, or else antichrist. I repeat be specific. Don't use words to satisfy your flesh which belong to Satan!I am using scriptures purposely, and you come out and say that I don’t read scriptures the way it is written, but where. I am always waiting for someone to be specific through scriptures.Humbly and honestly, every word I posted, with the exception of a genuine misunderstanding, since English is not my native language, I posted it in love and in the name of Jesus Christ, and for the love to each other in order to share with you, and give you,all what is being revealed to me.
I am being guided by the Holy Spirit to discover mysteries.I honestly believe so, and only through you all when honestly contradicts me through the Gospel in order that we both receive light from The Holy Spirit.It must come from your HEARTH (soul/Jesus/GOD) to my Hearth (soul/Jesus/ GOD) from your (mind/Jesus/God) to my (mind Jesus/GOD) with all you strength to give to me,not in quantity, but in LOVE AND TRUTH as much you would expect from me.THIS IS GOSPEL.Only in that way we will be in Jesus through the Holy Spirit, and He will gives us light,because we will be one in Him,with Him and For Him!!!
I am doing this,and also all of us should, to receive light through our posts, which myself, I did receive spontaneously while typing, and the long posts, I posted immediately are a proof of what I’m saying. I never bothered to organize myself, for the simple reason that I was so overflowing with this mysterious experience I've been living for months, that I wanted to share it,and spread it as quick as possible,to give, in order to be free,and empty as I couldn’t hold it any more, and to receive again.I agree I could have been more humble,and also I sound like I know it all,but that's only because I am also myself overwhelmed, and under pressure. I am not a sch
olar,or a qualified person in this matter,in fact I always considered myself a devil in disguise,till mysteriously all started some months ago . I am completely a transformed person, and receiving mysterious knowledge periodically,always in relation to my behaviour with others,in every sense.Peace and love in Jesus Christ
June 5, 2011 at 1:02 pm#247913Tim Kraft
ParticipantCharles: How dare you tell another brother in Christ that
Quote to satisfy your flesh which belong to Satan and another place
Quote to please his filthy flesh ! All men are the temple of God, all Gods children, the Church of God, the Body of Christ, some know and agree and learn the truth, some do not. Those who do not believe what God says belong to deception, lies, darkness, satan, untruth! One may speak his opinion on his own behalf but when quoting a doctrinal idea, not from Jesus/God it should not be put upon a brother in Christ. One minute you religious people are saying,.. don't you know, that you are the Temple of God! The next minute you are saying the Temple of God, flesh(human body) is fithly dirty and belongs to satan! How would a liar and deceiver own someones body? Only when deceived through lies!! What God hath cleansed(all meat and all mankind) let no man call unclean!! You may be receiving some light but that statement about filthy flesh is not light.
We are all learning together. Statements should be made on anything and everything but as an opinion that one believes at the time. Not facts that have been garnered from any religious institution. IMO, TK
June 6, 2011 at 4:46 am#248018Wispring
ParticipantAmen to that Tim. Based on my own knowledge and readings I think Charles has read some Essene and Gnostic writings and is incorporating them into his theology. What say you Charles? Have you read how some gnostic christians viewed all flesh as evil and have adopted that view contrary to what our Lord Christ Jesus teaches us in the bible? There have even been some christian sects that believed self-mutilation was something God desired we do to ourselves. Christ Jesus never told me this was what God wants us to do so I concluded these folks were led astray and are no longer having there steps guided by God. Have you ever noticed there isn't a being named Satan throughout the entire old testament? Did you you ever research Zorastianism(Persian Empire) and how they have two gods. One evil and one good. They conquered Babylon and brought their culture with them. I was after the ancient Hebrews were conquered and taken to Babylon that the whole Satan as a being concept insinuated it's way into Judaism and Christianity. Do some research on the religions in the regions surrounding Judea/Jerusalem. Cyrus in the bible was one Zorastian Persian King. Read that stuff as slowly and with as much desire to know the truth as you do the bible. There is truth outside of the bible Charles. God has shown this to me. Were you aware that the entire old testament was most likely re-edited and redacted while the jewish folks were under the rule of Cyrus in Babylon? I agree with you that living with and expressing love and truth in Christ Jesus name is the way to our salvation in God. Loving Christ Jesus and keeping(gaurding) his words. The things he said that teach us how to treat one another(with love), how we are to worship God(in truth and spirit). These are truths of narrow path that leads to God. When we do these things with all our strength, heart, mind, and soul. Our whole being! We are able to do what Christ Jesus told we could, like, all the things the people of his time on earth saw him do and are written about in the bible. Christ told us all the things we see him do we can also do and even greater things! We can overcome the adversary and truly be one of God's children and a brother of our Lord and King Christ Jesus. This is an expression of faith Charles. A person does not need an intricate and deep understanding of the entire scriptures and ancient writings or knowledge of ancient history to accomplish God's plan for all his children in their own individual life Charles. If you are guided by God to learn all that stuff to some degree that is also well. I can truthfully say that if it doesn't in your heart match up to what Jesus Christ said then I would give it little wieght in matters concerning the salvation of your soul. Rememer that flesy body of yours you so down on is the tabernacle of both Christ Jesus and God according to Christ Jesus's own words. Try loving it a little and quit condemning it.
With Love and more love,
WispringJune 6, 2011 at 6:03 am#248019csaliba
ParticipantQuote (Wispring @ June 06 2011,15:46) Amen to that Tim. Based on my own knowledge and readings I think Charles has read some Essene and Gnostic writings and is incorporating them into his theology. What say you Charles? Have you read how some gnostic christians viewed all flesh as evil and have adopted that view contrary to what our Lord Christ Jesus teaches us in the bible? There have even been some christian sects that believed self-mutilation was something God desired we do to ourselves. Christ Jesus never told me this was what God wants us to do so I concluded these folks were led astray and are no longer having there steps guided by God. Have you ever noticed there isn't a being named Satan throughout the entire old testament? Did you you ever research Zorastianism(Persian Empire) and how they have two gods. One evil and one good. They conquered Babylon and brought their culture with them. I was after the ancient Hebrews were conquered and taken to Babylon that the whole Satan as a being concept insinuated it's way into Judaism and Christianity. Do some research on the religions in the regions surrounding Judea/Jerusalem. Cyrus in the bible was one Zorastian Persian King. Read that stuff as slowly and with as much desire to know the truth as you do the bible. There is truth outside of the bible Charles. God has shown this to me. Were you aware that the entire old testament was most likely re-edited and redacted while the jewish folks were under the rule of Cyrus in Babylon? I agree with you that living with and expressing love and truth in Christ Jesus name is the way to our salvation in God. Loving Christ Jesus and keeping(gaurding) his words. The things he said that teach us how to treat one another(with love), how we are to worship God(in truth and spirit). These are truths of narrow path that leads to God. When we do these things with all our strength, heart, mind, and soul. Our whole being! We are able to do what Christ Jesus told we could, like, all the things the people of his time on earth saw him do and are written about in the bible. Christ told us all the things we see him do we can also do and even greater things! We can overcome the adversary and truly be one of God's children and a brother of our Lord and King Christ Jesus. This is an expression of faith Charles. A person does not need an intricate and deep understanding of the entire scriptures and ancient writings or knowledge of ancient history to accomplish God's plan for all his children in their own individual life Charles. If you are guided by God to learn all that stuff to some degree that is also well. I can truthfully say that if it doesn't in your heart match up to what Jesus Christ said then I would give it little wieght in matters concerning the salvation of your soul. Rememer that flesy body of yours you so down on is the tabernacle of both Christ Jesus and God according to Christ Jesus's own words. Try loving it a little and quit condemning it. With Love and more love,
Hi wispring,Explain to me in a simple way.
Why Jesus felt that it is necessary to massacre the flesh,and not simply having his head chopped??
I know the complicated one but it is a lie to you!
Why did Jesus made it clear not to wary about destroying the flesh,but rather wary for HIM (Satan) who can destroy both body and soul in hell?? He wasn't referring to God,because God will never destroys what He creates, but judges, Satan is the murderer,and the liar.
In the old testament not even the son of God is mentioned never mind Satan!!
But get this clear they were both in a way struggling to become man,and they both in a way succeeded,and they both in a way were on the cross,and they both in a way went to hell.But Jesus succeeded in returning back to His Father,and Satan is stuck in Hell and in a way still struggling to become man through the Antichrist !!
Genesis 32 :24 24Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. 25When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of his thigh; so the socket of Jacob’s thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him. 26Then he said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” But he said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27So he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” 28He said, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed.” 29Then Jacob asked him and said, “Please tell me your name.” But he said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And he blessed him there. 30So Jacob named the place Peniel, for he said, “I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved.
Now can you distinguish which is which between Jacob and god??
I am on hurry I must leave.
Peace and Love in Our Lord Jesus Christ
June 6, 2011 at 10:13 am#248028Tim Kraft
Participantcsaliba: Where in the world did you get these ideas? You did not receive these teachings from God/Jesus. They are lies and deceptions.
Quote Why Jesus felt that it is necessary to massacre the flesh,and not simply having his head chopped?? Do you think Jesus chose the cross as the way of dying? It was your religious piers, the religious heirarchy, the highest positioned Jews who screamed and demanded he be crucified!
Jesus had total control of his life and could have picked it up or laid it down. His purpose was to evidence the end of the former temple worship as the final sacrifice to end sin and purify mankind forever. There were many more things that were gained by his sacrifice, one of which is we are not required to sacrifice ourselves or any other sacrifice unto God. Perfection came through Jesus so there is no further sacrifice.
Quote wary for HIM (Satan) who can destroy both body and soul in hell That is a lie? That scripture does not say “satan” can destroy. Yet a deceived human can destroy the body and soul. Apparantly this is what you have chosen as your path. You have placed that deceptive opinion to yourself and pass it out, so as to deceive many. If satan could kill people why would he not destroy all mankind? You have swollowed lies apart from truth. Any thing you hear that is destruction, hurt, pain, suffering doctrines they are from evil/death/deception. The fruit from God is always life. A deceiver has deceived you! A deceptive teaching will kill and destroy you, your body and soul if you do not find the light of truth which is life.
Jesus is the light as you well know. Jesus gives us life from God. Giving a person life is not telling them to destroy the temple, body of Christ, the Church of God/Jesus. You are the house of God. Plesase don't allow thieves and robbers, deceptive, destructive darkness come in and destroy your house of God.
You have much light. Rid the man made doctrines and follow life/peace/joy etc.! God does not destroy good, light exposes evil thoughts and they run for cover. IMO, TK
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