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- December 12, 2005 at 6:54 am#40978
ParticipantThe issue is not Circumcission Nick, however, the issue is that the 8th day in each and every month is a seventh day sabbath, the issue is not circumcission, can't you understand the words that i say?
December 12, 2005 at 6:57 am#40979NickHassan
ParticipantQuote (Eliyah @ Dec. 12 2005,06:54) The issue is not Circumcission Nick, however, the issue is that the 8th day in each and every month is a seventh day sabbath, the issue is not circumcission, can't you understand the words that i say?
Hi eliyah,
Then why do you offer in support of your theories totally inappropriate verses?December 12, 2005 at 7:25 am#40980Eliyah
ParticipantThese are not inappropriate verses Nick, the Messiah said that THE 8th DAY is a sabbath( John 7:22-23; Lev.12:3) IS THE 8th DAY, you simply do not understand because you err by not knowing the scriptures.
The cleansing for the LAW OF THE LEPER also proves that every 8th day is a sabbath also.
In ( Lev.14:9) is speaking about the 7th day of the month that he was to shave all hair from him.
See diagram below.
1st day of month( NEW MOON) he appeared before the priest verse 1
2nd day of month.
3rd day of month.
4th day of month.
5th day of month.
6th day of month.
7the day of month= ( Lev.14:9).
8th day of month=( Lev14:10)
Also look at ( Exodus Chapter 16) Yah gave them manna starting at THE END OF THE 15th day( which is a sabbath), and He did this for 6 days up untill the 22nd, which was also a seventh day sabbath , that no manna was given on the sabbath, in the second month.( Exod.16:1-30).
I'm not going to argue with you Nick, I don't feel good having head aches, however, you cannot disprove these scriptures concerning the true sabbath, if don't want to believe or accept the scriptures, then that is your problem, but Messiah is NO LIAR, for He said THE 8th DAY IS A SABBATH DAY( John 7:22-23).
Go pray and call HIM a LIAR, for that is what He said, and YOU NICK ARE CALLING HIM A LIAR, however, YOU ARE THE LIAR, because you do not understand the scriptures.
Hitherto is the End of the matter!
December 12, 2005 at 7:38 am#40981NickHassan
ParticipantHi eliyah,
Jn 7.22-23 does not say the eighth day is a sabbath. It does not say males always are, should be or must be circumcised on the sabbath. It does not say or suggest anything of the kind…anything of the kind. That is nothing to do with the words of the Master here so why misuse his words?What is the end of the matter with you, is not necessarily the end of the matter here in this public forum.
Anyway let us hear from others, particularly Jews or those with more knowledge of Jewish customs as to whether males are ONLY circumcised on the sabbath.
For if this foundation is not true then whatever doctrines you wish to build upon this verse must be shown to be false too surely?
December 12, 2005 at 8:14 am#40982Eliyah
ParticipantNick, Messiah said Circumcission was performed on the SABBATH DAY( John 7:22-23) as is recorded in the book of the law in ( Lev.12:3), and ( Lev.12:3) says circumcission was performed on the 8th day.
Which proves every 8th day in each and every month is a sabbath day.
Also Compare ( Exod.12:17; Num.33:3-4) with ( Deut.5:8-15) as the 15th day in the first month is also a seventh day sabbath, and if the 15th day is a sabbath, then so would the 8th day and the 22nd day be seventh day sabbaths too.
It doesn't take a brainiac to figure that out either.
I'm a Hebrew Nick, and I know that people think the Jews today have it correct, however, they do not, as they follow Hillel 2s calendar method of reckoning the calendar which is not scriptural.
Yah's calendar is determined by the heavenly lights( Gen.1:14-15= strongs 4150), and all His APPOINTED TIME SABBATHS( Lev.23:1-3=strongs 4150) are determined by the moon( Psalms 104:19= strongs 4150), and not by a man made calendar.
The words “” FEAST, and SEASON, is strongs 4150 and both words mean the same in ( Gen.1:14-15; Lev.23:1-3; Psalms 104:19).
December 12, 2005 at 8:32 am#40983Eliyah
ParticipantHe Appointed THE MOON for SEASONS( Strongs 4150= FEASTS = SABBATHS= Appointed times= Psalms 104:19), and the seventh day sabbath is an APPOINTED TIME or FEAST or season=strongs 4150( Lev.23:1-3), and let them( the sun, moon and stars be for signs and SEASONS( Strongs 4150) AND FOR DAYS AND YEARS( Gen.1:14-15)
Now argue against thee original scriptures, for Yah Determined( used) the MOON for His SABBATH FEASTS( Psalms 104:19).
December 12, 2005 at 8:39 am#40984Eliyah
ParticipantDecember 12, 2005 at 2:59 pm#40985Sultan
ParticipantIf the eighth day is the sabbath what day did Yahweh rest on in Genesis.
December 12, 2005 at 6:19 pm#40986NickHassan
ParticipantGood point sultan,
Applying the same sort of false logic to Jn 7.22-23 it would be equally 'valid' to say that every day a child is circumcised
or then becomes a sabbath.
AAAHDecember 13, 2005 at 8:31 am#40987Eliyah
ParticipantQuote If the eighth day is the sabbath what day did Yahweh rest on in Genesis. The Sabbath is on the 8th DAY OF EACH AND EVERY MONTH, I did not say ” WEEK”, however not counting the NEW MOON as an ordinary work day( Ezek.46:1), the 7th day sabbath will always be on THE 8th DAY OF THE MONTH, then the 15th day of month, and 22nnd day of month will be sabbaths also.
I NEVER said the 8th day of the week, you should pay more attention when you read posts, instead of running a race through them.
December 13, 2005 at 8:41 am#40988Eliyah
ParticipantBrother Arnold Bowen offers a 1000 dollar reward, if anyone can find a seventh day sabbath that is not on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th days in each AND EVERY MONTH that is not found by the MOON( Psalms 104:19), and I will back up his offer, because every seventh day sabbath found in scriptures are on ONE OF THEE ABOVE DAYS OF EACH AND EVERY MONTH, go disprove it using scriptures not your seventh day roman week, because Moses and neither did the Desciples use the roman solar calendar week.
December 13, 2005 at 8:54 am#40989Eliyah
ParticipantJulious Ceaser( Head of ROME the 4th Beast Government in Dan.7:25 CHANGED Yah's APPOINTED TIMES( sabbaths) and laws) in 45 to 46 bc booted out the moon in determining monthly and weekly time, and it was made law by Constantine in the 3rd century to use a solar calnedar month and week, and we have the Roman Catholic church to thank for its continued observance.
In the scriptures, the moon reckoned the MONTH, WEEK, and DAYS, however the Sun governed the year( Gen.1:14-15).
December 13, 2005 at 4:57 pm#40990Sultan
ParticipantQuote (Eliyah @ Dec. 13 2005,03:41) Brother Arnold Bowen offers a 1000 dollar reward, if anyone can find a seventh day sabbath that is not on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th days in each AND EVERY MONTH that is not found by the MOON( Psalms 104:19), and I will back up his offer, because every seventh day sabbath found in scriptures are on ONE OF THEE ABOVE DAYS OF EACH AND EVERY MONTH, go disprove it using scriptures not your seventh day roman week, because Moses and neither did the Desciples use the roman solar calendar week.
Here we go again with creating a building without the foundation. No one has answered my question, but tried to avoid it , so I'll try again. If I want to know the correct day of the sabbath I go to the Bible. All of this date stuff is based on speculation. Do you know haw many times the Hebrew calender has changed? Do you understand that the Sabbath was instituted before the calender you are refering to? The Bible says,” Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” I prefer to be a follower of God instead of a follower of man.
Seventh day Roman week must of been created by Yahweh.December 14, 2005 at 5:55 am#40991Eliyah
ParticipantListen Captain Kirk,
Rome Created its own calendar in 46 BC( see Encyclopedia), try disproving the scriptures that I and Arnold Bowen give from the scriptures, not your own speculation that Yahweh created the Roman 4th beast( Dan.7:25)man made calendar in 46 bc.
I do not see any scriptures proving that the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH IS ON ANY OTHER DAYS IN EACH MONTH, OTHER THAN THE 8th, 15th, 22, or 29th days in each and every month from you ?
Where is your scriptural proof? You can't find something when it is NOT THERE Captain.Yah never gave his approval to the Roman beast's calendar, and the seventh day sabbath will allways be on one of thee above mentioned DAYS OF THE MONTH, and NO MATTER WHICH MONTH IS INVESTIGATED IN SCRIPTURES, as this is without EXCEPTION.
Doesn't that sound more logical Captain? Or, is it beam him up Scotty?
December 14, 2005 at 6:11 am#40992Eliyah
ParticipantAlso, you say that we have noy given any foundation of scriptures. I don't think you read the posts very carefully Captain, like ( Gen.1:14-15; Lev.23:1-3; Psalms 104:19) IN ORIGINAL TEXTS OF SCRIPTURES, not your corrupted translations that give their own biased meanings of Hebrew words as the Roman catholic church has done to deceive you.
Go see and read the Booklet By Arnold Bowen, he will send it to you FREE OF CHARGE AND WILL EVEN PAY THE POSTAGE FOR YOU, so what do you have to lose, because I and others have done extensive research on this matter from original scriptures that you can verify with a Strongs Exaustive Concordance, and then come back and try to dis-prove it ?
The true Creator Yah does not leave His calendar and true sabbaths in the hands of sinful men to determine His true Sabbaths.
December 14, 2005 at 6:14 am#40993Eliyah
ParticipantTo receive the FREE BOOKLET by Brother Matthew Jansen and Brother Arnold Bowen, go to…
http://www.lunarsabbath.info/December 14, 2005 at 6:36 am#40994Eliyah
ParticipantThe Jews and the whole world has wondered AFTER THE BEAST( = ROME=Dan.7; Rev.13)), as Yahweh said in ( Lam.2:6) “” I will cause MY SABBATHTS TO BE FORGOTTEN IN ZION””[/B]
We have restored the true sabbath of scriptures in the late 1980s, as well as restored His true NAME of YAH( Psalm68:4) back to the common people.
Eliyah is still on the net by the Grace of Yah!
January 31, 2006 at 5:30 am#40995david
ParticipantSatan the Devil could not silence the early Christians. Instead, he countered the impact of the good news by another means—apostasy. Jesus had foretold this development in his parable of the wheat and the weeds. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) The apostle Peter had also warned that false teachers would arise within the congregation, bringing in destructive sects. (2 Peter 2:1-3) Similarly, the apostle Paul had specifically warned that apostasy would precede the day of Jehovah.—2 Thessalonians 2:1-3.
Because this apostasy occured, and so many false ideas and beliefs were introduced, how can one be sure whether they really believe the truth?
One person says: “This is true.”
And with the same conviction, another says: “You're wrong, this is true.”
How can we be certain we are not deceiving ourselves?What do you think?
January 31, 2006 at 6:46 am#40957Proclaimer
ParticipantHi david,
I think that the world is a supermarket of beliefs and religions and that is what Babylon is. But it is not about choosing the right religion as it is about connecting with God. If we love God more than anything else then we will serve him. If we love anything more than him, then we will serve that.
In this God knows who are his. Man sees religions and decides with his own mind who sits within the correct religion or denomination. God sees our hearts and so we too should see the heart of a man, not the outside so much.
And how can we be certain that we are of the truth. It is our love that proves this. No lie can have the love that God gives.
January 31, 2006 at 6:48 am#40959Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (Eliyah @ Dec. 14 2005,03:41) Brother Arnold Bowen offers a 1000 dollar reward, if anyone can find a seventh day sabbath that is not on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th days in each AND EVERY MONTH that is not found by the MOON
Here in New Zealand we are 12 hours ahead of GMT. Please pay the money to my PayPal account. ThanksSeriously though, I don't think it is wise to argue over dates, sabbaths, genealogies, etc. Also, this topic is about the apostacy. We should stick to the subject.
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