The Gospel According to Matthew

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  • #22815

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 25 2006,10:17)
    Hi cubes,
    Matthew shows Jesus praying to the Father God and saying that his Father is Lord of heaven and earth and that all he has has come from the Father.
    No equal trinity nonsense here.
    Matt 11. 25f
    “(A)At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, (B)Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that ©You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants.
    26″Yes, (D)Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight.

    27″(E)All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father (F)except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him”

    Hi Nick,

    Excellent points, all.

    Such direct and numerous scriptures are overlooked to grasp at ones like Epistemaniac brings up to try to convince us that God is triune. It wouldn't be so bad if they were not outrightly refutable.


    Quote (Cubes @ July 25 2006,02:34)

    Quote (kenrch @ July 24 2006,22:31)
    Posted: July 24 2006,17:21  

    Hi Kenrch,

    You wrote: “God is a Spirit the Holy Spirit has both Father and Son (John4:24).”

    Actually what scripture says is that God made Christ a life giving spirit. [1Corn 15:45]
    says, “So it is written “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life
    giving spirit.” We all know Christ is the last Adam.

    So the Bible is not saying the Holy Spirit has both the Father and the Son.  It is saying
    that the Father and the Son THEMSELVES have holy spirit or the divine nature within them.  This is also how Christ gives us HIS spirit, the holy spirit.  This is also Chirst's baptism by fire that John foretold.

    Ok the Father and Son have the Same Spirit! :D  :D  :)  :;):

    Hi Ken,

    Do you acknowledge that the Spirit is the Father's to begin with, and that it is he who gives this spirit to his Son?  This is one reason why the Father is the True (Highest) God.

    Would it be safe to say that the Father is God (Exodus3:15).  The Son is God (Heb. 1:8).  And that the HolySpirit is God (Act 5:3-4).

    It would be safest to know the Father is the only True God.  But just to finish your sentence …:  The Father is God (The Spirit is his own Spirit, as his own grace, mercy, wisdom and power).  The Son is [a] God as you've shown; and the children of the Most high are [similiarly] God(s) Ps 82.6, John 10:35.  So out of the list, there can be only one God, and that is the Father because all live and are sustained by the Spirit that he gives.


    Their is only one Father-GOD and the rest are His Family beginning with the First Born.

    You have but one earthly father ther rest are your father's children-family.

    Jehovah God, Jesus God, Cubes god, all born again-god. Because we are family which is why Jesus paid our debt so we would have the right to be in the family of GOD.

    Bless you!


    Quote (kenrch @ July 26 2006,09:39)

    Quote (Cubes @ July 25 2006,02:34)

    Quote (kenrch @ July 24 2006,22:31)
    Posted: July 24 2006,17:21  

    Hi Kenrch,

    You wrote: “God is a Spirit the Holy Spirit has both Father and Son (John4:24).”

    Actually what scripture says is that God made Christ a life giving spirit. [1Corn 15:45]
    says, “So it is written “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life
    giving spirit.” We all know Christ is the last Adam.

    So the Bible is not saying the Holy Spirit has both the Father and the Son.  It is saying
    that the Father and the Son THEMSELVES have holy spirit or the divine nature within them.  This is also how Christ gives us HIS spirit, the holy spirit.  This is also Chirst's baptism by fire that John foretold.

    Ok the Father and Son have the Same Spirit! :D  :D  :)  :;):

    Hi Ken,

    Do you acknowledge that the Spirit is the Father's to begin with, and that it is he who gives this spirit to his Son?  This is one reason why the Father is the True (Highest) God.

    Would it be safe to say that the Father is God (Exodus3:15).  The Son is God (Heb. 1:8).  And that the HolySpirit is God (Act 5:3-4).

    It would be safest to know the Father is the only True God.  But just to finish your sentence …:  The Father is God (The Spirit is his own Spirit, as his own grace, mercy, wisdom and power).  The Son is [a] God as you've shown; and the children of the Most high are [similiarly] God(s) Ps 82.6, John 10:35.  So out of the list, there can be only one God, and that is the Father because all live and are sustained by the Spirit that he gives.


    Their is only one Father-GOD and the rest are His Family beginning with the First Born.

    You have but one earthly father ther rest are your father's children-family.

    Jehovah God, Jesus God, Cubes god, all born again-god.  Because we are family which is why Jesus paid our debt so we would have the right to be in the family of GOD.

    Bless you!

    You got it, my brother! And we know therefore that the True God is as Jesus said, the Father.


    Christ came as a faithful servant of God and His teachings.
    We must follow him.

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