The glory of the builder

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    Quote (t8 @ June 04 2010,10:25)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ July 20 2009,05:16)
    Hebrews 3:1-6:

    1 Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, 2 who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house. 3 For this One has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as He who built the house has more honor than the house. 4 For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God. 5 And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward, 6 but Christ as a Son over His own house, whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

    Verse 3 says that the glory of Christ is the glory of the builder. Verse 4 says that the builder is God. Therefore, Christ is God or He receives equal glory with God.


    No argument there. It says that he is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.


    It doesn't say he is God.

    Try again.

    It says that Jesus is counted worthy of the glory of the builder. “The builder is God.”

    The implication is CLEAR!

    You try again.

    Kangaroo Jack


    The Builder is Jesus.
    The owner of that which the builder built is his Father, God.

    If you are a builder and someone employs you to build a house for them, gives you the plans(the Word) and the Cash (power and authority) to 'make it happen', do you then claim that the house is YOURS when it is finished,…or do you 'hand it over to he that commissioned you'?


    Hi JA,
    The builder of all things is God.[1Cor3.9]
    He has employed many builders including Paul[1Cor3.10]


    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,20:04)
    The Builder is Jesus.
    The owner of that which the builder built is his Father, God.

    If you are a builder and someone employs you to build a house for them, gives you the plans(the Word) and the Cash (power and authority) to 'make it happen', do you then claim that the house is YOURS when it is finished,…or do you 'hand it over to he that commissioned you'?


    Read the text again. It says that Jesus is counted worthy of the glory of the builder. The builder is God. Therefore, Jesus is counted worthy of the glory of God.

    Your analogy deflects from this point.

    the Roo


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 05 2010,20:26)
    Hi JA,
    The builder of all things is God.[1Cor3.9]
    He has employed many builders including Paul[1Cor3.10]


    The text plainly says that Jesus is “counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as the builder of the house is counted worthy of more glory than the house.” It's PLAIN Nick. The builder is God. So if Jesus is counted worthy of the glory of the builder, then He is counted worthy of the glory of God.

    Why do you resist to honoring the Son as His Father has required of you? Why do you put your soul under the threat of condemnation?



    Hi KJ,
    Reliance on logic and inference will always cause you to stumble.
    Why do it publicly?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 06 2010,06:18)
    Hi KJ,
    Reliance on logic and inference will always cause you to stumble.
    Why do it publicly?

    I knew you could not answer Nick.



    Hi KJ,
    If would would PROVE what you think is meant by A VERSE find supporting ones[2Cor13]
    Otherwise you would ask us to follow your personal logic and inferences.
    That would be ridiculous for those following Jesus



    The text plainly says that Jesus is “counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as the builder of the house is counted worthy of more glory than the house.” It's PLAIN Nick. The builder is God. So if Jesus is counted worthy of the glory of the builder, then He is counted worthy of the glory of God


    I cannot work out what you are saying here…

    Can I break it down:
    “counted worthy of more glory than Moses”
    Someone is counted worthy of more glory than Moses – ok…

    inasmuch as the builder of the house The builder of the house is? (You say later on that this is God, yes?)

    [God] is counted worthy of more glory than the house.” God is counted more worthy of glory than the house that he built (yes?)
    This is sensational – “Would you Adam and Eve (Believe) it” – God is more worthy…!

    Then you say:
    The builder is God. So this affirms who the 'Builder is] as inferred earlier.

    So if Jesus is counted worthy of the glory of the builder, (Where did Jesus suddenly spring from here…?)
    then He is counted worthy of the glory of God. Then [Jesus] is counted worthy of the glory of [the builder].

    Lets look at that again with some paraphrasing:
    “[Jesus is] counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as the [God who built] the house is counted worthy of more glory than the house.”

    So the comparison is:
     “Jesus is gr>tr Moses”
     “God is gr>tr The House that he built”

    This is all tortuousness seeing that the verse is oh so simple to understand – a 3 year old could understand it…
    Hebrews 3:3 (KJV)- “For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who has built the house has more honor than the house.”

    (Even more: NIV says even clearer:”Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself.

    There was no reference to an actual builder nor an actual house – but to any [good] builder and any [good] house built by that [good] builder.


    Hi KJ,
    If God was IN CHRIST why would you desperately try to show he is a powerful god in his own right while preaching one God?


    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,04:04)
    The Builder is Jesus.

    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,14:54)
    Lets look at that again with some paraphrasing:
    “[Jesus is] counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as the [God who built] the house is counted worthy of more glory than the house.”


    Are you making this up as you go along? :)



    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,14:54)
    This is all tortuousness seeing that the verse is oh so simple to understand – a 3 year old could understand it…

    Yet you seem a little confused…

    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,04:04)
    The Builder is Jesus.

    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,14:54)
    Lets look at that again with some paraphrasing:
    “[Jesus is] counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as the [God who built] the house is counted worthy of more glory than the house.”

    ??? ??? ???



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 06 2010,07:08)

    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,04:04)
    The Builder is Jesus.

    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,14:54)
    Lets look at that again with some paraphrasing:
    “[Jesus is] counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as the [God who built] the house is counted worthy of more glory than the house.”


    Are you making this up as you go along? :)



    Of course JA is making things up as he goes along. Verse 5 says that Christ is the Son over HIS OWN HOUSE.

    Reformation Study Bible on verse 4:

    The necessary implication is that jesus the builder of the house, and therefore he is divine (v. 4). This passage points to both Christ's identity as God (He who built”) and to His personal distinction from the Father page 1937

    Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.”

    He said, “I will build….” The builder of all things is God. Therefore, Jesus is God!



    Hi KJ,
    God was in Christ.
    Now the Lord is the Spirit
    Your trust in logic falls on these verse


    Hey you two. …hey, why don't you get a partner then there could be THREE of you…

    You know you two together are actually bad for one another.

    The qutoe that WJ posted. Please – that is what JACK SAID…. so laugh all you like – you are laughing at your partner…


    KJ, WJ,

    Here is the verse:
    “For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who has built the house has more honor than the house.”

    Now, Jack says that the builder is God? Can I ask you agree here?


    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,04:04)
    The Builder is Jesus.
    The owner of that which the builder built is his Father, God.

    If you are a builder and someone employs you to build a house for them, gives you the plans(the Word) and the Cash (power and authority) to 'make it happen', do you then claim that the house is YOURS when it is finished,…or do you 'hand it over to he that commissioned you'?


    So you didn't give this analogy of Jesus as the builder?


    Please just answer the question that you threw at me thinking to laugh at me – the same one that actually it was JACK that you are laughing at.

    There is a reason for you to answer. I just want to show you.



    That was in response to something else – it's not directly related to my last post – the one where you are laughing at your buddy – thinking it was me! Oh, did you stop laughing BECAUSE IT WASN'T ME – I keep telling you that [the wrong that] YOU TRY TO DO TO ME YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELF…
    and I also keep Just Asking:
    ? – Have you not yet learnt that -?


    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,16:24)

    That was in response to something else – it's not directly related to my last post – the one where you are laughing at your buddy – thinking it was me! Oh, did you stop laughing BECAUSE IT WASN'T ME – I keep telling you that [the wrong that] YOU TRY TO DO TO ME YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELF…
    and I also keep Just Asking:
           ? – Have you not yet learnt that -?


    Nice, do the dance, because it is obvious to see that your post was refering to Jesus being the builder and God being the owner!

    Own up to it and stop doing the dance!

    Here look again…

    Quote (JustAskin @ June 05 2010,04:04)
    The Builder is Jesus.
    The owner of that which the builder built is his Father, God.

    If you are a builder and someone employs you to build a house for them, gives you the plans(the Word) and the Cash (power and authority) to 'make it happen', do you then claim that the house is YOURS when it is finished,…or do you 'hand it over to he that commissioned you'?


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