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    Date: October 23, 2003 (Updated: January 13, 2004)

    By Darryl Eberhart

    (NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)” and “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”.


    “And ye shall be HATED of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 10:22) ((NOTE: The above verse is taken from the Lord Jesus Christ’s instructions to His twelve disciples found in Matthew Chapter 10.))

    “Then said He unto them , But NOW, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip : and he that hath no SWORD, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)

    ((NOTE #1: The Lord Jesus Christ gave these instructions to His disciples shortly before His crucifixion.)) ((NOTE #2: The “sword” of Jesus Christ’s day would be the equivalent to the “handgun” of our day.))


    “The historian Rene Sedillot…calculates that the [French] ‘revolution’, on account of the terrorism and the civil war, claimed at least 600,000 victims.” – Juri Lina (author; quote taken from his book Under the Sign of the Scorpion) ((NOTE: The French Revolution took place from 1789 through 1799.))

    “The entire membership of the [Russian] Communist Party, which in 1918 numbered perhaps no more than 100,000, was turned into an instrument of murder. Its aims were two-fold: to inspire dread and horror among the Russian masses, and to exterminate the middle and upper classes…these people were the best that Russia had. They were the leader class. They were the priests, and lawyers, and merchants, and army officers, and university professors.”

    Frank L. Britton (author; quote taken from his book Behind Communism)

    “Before the Bolsheviks seized power there were 360,000 [Russian Orthodox] priests in Russia. At the end of 1919 only 40,000 remained alive.”

    Juri Lina (quoting author Vladimir Soloukhin; quote taken from Lina’s book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion) ((Ed. Note: The above means that the Russian Communists exterminated 320,000 Orthodox priests in just two years!))

    “1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed through Russia… According to official Soviet reports from May 1922, 1,695,904 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among the victims were bishops, professors, doctors, [military] officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists, nurses, workers and farmers…Their crime was ‘anti-social thinking’.” – Juri Lina (from his book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion)

    “During [Communist leader] Bela Kun’s three month reign of terror [Ed. Note: in Hungary in 1919], tens of thousands of people – priests, army officers, merchants, landowners, professional people – were butchered.” – Frank L. Britton (from his book, Behind Communism)

    “During the Spanish Civil War [Ed. Note: 1936-1939], Communists killed four thousand Catholic priests.” – Richard Wurmbrand (pastor; author; quote taken from his book, Marx & Satan)

    DEDICATION: To Texe and Wanda Marrs


    Editor of ETI & TTT is doing a combined issue on this topic of the “final assault” on Christianity and the American Republic because I believe one cannot really separate the two. What I mean is that the globalist rich elite plan to “take down” the American Republic and Christianity at the same time.

    I could have listed many more quotes; however, for the sake of brevity, the quotes listed earlier in this newsletter should suffice to show that the “terror” visited upon the poor French people during the French Revolution; upon the poor Spanish people during the Spanish Civil War; upon the poor Russian people during the Russian Revolution; upon the poor Hungarian people during the Hungarian Revolution; etc., has a common thread. ((This will hopefully be elaborated upon in the next section.)) This common (and very wicked) thread was also played out later in the 20th Century – in places such as Red China, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.

    I am writing this newsletter – which I consider the most important I may ever write – because I strongly believe that the terror, horror, and slaughter seen particularly in the French, Russian, and Red Chinese Revolutions (and later in the Communist dictatorships over the poor Russian and Chinese peoples) are soon to be replayed in the United States of America. The same type of people who orchestrated the terror seen in the French and Russian Revolutions also orchestrated two world wars. These globalist rich elite scum and their lackeys hate Christianity; they hate our American constitutional Republic; and they hate freedom. They have not hesitated to start world wars (i.e., both World War I and World War II) and cause the death of tens of millions of individuals. They have overthrown legitimate governments all around the globe and put in their place totalitarian regimes that imprison, torture, and murder millions of their own citizens! What they did to the poor French and Russian peoples during the French and Russian Revolutions, they now plan to do to the American people. They also plan to destroy Christianity.

    The quotes I listed above come from three outstanding books that I recently obtained from “Power of Prophecy” ministry. Those books are: Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Juri Lina; Behind Communism by Frank L. Britton; and Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand. To order these books (and I most highly recommend that you do), call toll-free 800-234-9673 and use your Discover, Master Card or Visa. Prices (postpaid) for the books are as follow: Under the Sign of the Scorpion – $28; Marx & Satan – $14; and Behind Communism – $11. Or, you can send check or postal money order made out to “Power of Prophecy” and mail it to: Power of Prophecy // 1708 Patterson Road // Austin, TX 78733. ((NOTE: If you can only afford to buy one of the above listed books, I most highly recommend that you get a copy of Under the Sign of the Scorpion. This 368-page paperback book details the horrors of the French and Russian Revolutions, as well as the “Red Terror” that haunted the Russian people for decades after the Russian Revolution. This book shows you WHO was behind these revolutions. There are also chapters on “American Aid to the Soviet Union”, Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and the Illuminati. This should be a must-read book for all Americans!))


    The “common thread” in the French, Russian, Chinese, and other Communist Revolutions consists of the following:

    1.) Mass terror and murder was used to:

    **bring in a totalitarian police state;

    **eliminate entire “classes” of people;

    **suppress all opposition to the police state.

    2.) Generally speaking, Christians (more than any other religious group) were especially targeted for imprisonment, torture, and execution.

    I listed relevant quotes at the beginning of this newsletter to show you the categories of people that the Communists and other assorted Socialists (such as Fascists and Nazis) targeted. In general, one can easily see that these “Revolutionaries” wanted to immediately remove the leadership (or potential leadership) of any opposition to their “Revolution”. In some countries (such as Russia under the Bolsheviks) the entire middle and upper classes were targeted for “extermination”. In partic
    ular, these “Revolutionaries” targeted: any clergy (and often their followers) who would not “play ball” with the Revolution; military officers; writers, artists, and other intellectuals; professors and teachers; merchants; independent farmers and other landowners; etc. ((Communists seem to have a particular hatred and fear of farmers and ranchers. This is because the farmer and rancher are NOT dependent upon the “State” for their livelihood. Soviet Communists slaughtered and starved to death MILLIONS of farmers in the Ukraine (a part of the “former” Soviet Union).

    Another group of people the Communists (and other Socialists) particularly hate and fear are the preachers, pastors, and priests (i.e., the clergy) who have the courage to oppose and speak out against the totalitarian police state. During the French Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the Russian Revolution, and the Communist takeover of China we find the clergy being viciously tortured and murdered in LARGE numbers. And after the Communists eliminated the vast majority of the clergy who opposed them, they then infiltrated their own Communist stooges into high positions within the church. ((NOTE: A book that details Communist infiltration into the Russian Orthodox Church is entitled How the Communists Use Religion by Edgar C. Bundy – Radio Liberty used to carry a very limited number of this book – you can call toll-free 800-544-8927 to order it.))


    There really are rich elite people running this world. And because these “globalist rich elite” control America’s mainstream media, many Americans have been “conditioned” (some would say “brainwashed”) into thinking that such things as “conspiracies” do NOT exist at the upper echelons of government, banking, and organized religion. Unfortunately, such “conspiracies” DO EXIST. There is indeed a group of rich elite individuals who CONTROL governments, banking systems, intelligence services, national military forces, and the leaders of organized religion. Editor of ETI & TTT refers to this group of individuals as the “globalist rich elite”. The globalist rich elite want a one-world totalitarian government, a one-world banking system, and a one-world religion – all under THEIR control! The globalist rich elite believe in both massive gun control (i.e., disarming all us “peasants”) and massive population control (i.e., they plan on “eliminating” massive numbers of us “peasants”). The globalist rich elite also HATE Christianity with a passion!

    I, and many others, have written much about the globalist rich elite (the New World Order crowd) and their plans for global government. To try to summarize in a nutshell:

    The globalist rich elite want to place “what little remains of the earth’s population” (after massive population control) into a feudal system of serfdom. The one-world totalitarian “police state” that they plan to establish will make the police state described in the book “1984” pale in comparison. ((If you have not already read the book “1984”, I highly recommend that you get a paperback copy and read it ASAP. “1984” may be coming soon to a neighborhood near you!))

    The globalist rich elite control most of the government leaders in the world (to include the top U.S. government leaders). They control the banking systems in most nations of the world (to include the Federal Reserve banking system in the USA). The globalist rich elite control the top leadership of both the Republican and Democratic Parties at the national level. The globalist rich elite control America’s mainstream media. And they also control the leadership of the major religious denominations of America, to include such religious organizations as the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches. The globalist rich elite use lackeys to carry out their policies – buying them off with money, power, sexual favors, etc.

    The globalist rich elite control almost everything in America and much of the rest of the world. They control almost every aspect of our lives through taxes, the media, etc. But they are NOT content with controlling almost everything. No – they want it ALL! They want their global government, global financial system, and global religion. And there are only two real “stumbling blocks” standing in the way of their grandiose plans: the American constitutional Republic with its well-armed population, and Christianity in America – and the globalist rich elite plan on exterminating both!

    ((NOTE: Many excellent books have been written on the globalists’ plans for one-world government and one-world religion (as well as their one-world banking system). If you are interested in studying this issue (and you should be), call “Power of Prophecy” (800-234-9673) and ask them to mail you a catalog of the books, video & audio tape sets that they carry on this and other topics.))


    Sadly, many Americans have been “conditioned” by the establishment-controlled mainstream media in America to think that horrible things like war, genocide, revolution, etc., could never happen here in America. We’ve also been “conditioned” to believe that America is the world’s only remaining superpower, and that no nation would dare to launch a massive attack on our Republic. We’ve also been “conditioned” to think that the top levels of our government love us and will always take care of us.

    The facts are different:

    1.) War, revolution, famine, genocide, etc., could happen overnight in America under the right conditions;

    2.) America is NOT the only remaining superpower – at least from a military standpoint. Both Red (Communist) China, (still-Communist) Russia, and Communist North Korea possess powerful military forces – forces, which if combined, could seriously challenge, if not possibly defeat, the military forces of the United States;

    3.) America is HATED by most of the Slavic World and the Orthodox Christian World because of our bombing of little Serbia back into the Stone Age, and is HATED by the vast majority of the Moslem World and the Arab World because of our bombing Iraq back into the Stone Age (and because of our continual one-sided support of Israel); and,

    4.) The top levels of our government are totally CONTROLLED by the globalist rich elite. Our “leaders” do NOT love the U.S. Constitution; they do NOT love freedom; and they are “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. They are “socialists” (i.e., liberal democrats and moderate/”neo-con” republicans) who are helping to destroy America’s national sovereignty as they try to merge the USA onto their “global plantation” of one-world government, one-world banking system, and one-world religion.


    I can not emphasize enough how REAL this THREAT to our Republic and to Christianity is. The globalist rich elite have already orchestrated two World Wars (and they are working overtime to drag the world’s population into World War III). The globalist rich elite brutalized and butchered millions and millions of innocent people not only during the two World Wars, but also during the heinous bloodbaths called the French and Russian Revolutions, and the Communist Terror in Red China. The “Communists” also butchered millions in Eastern Europe and in other nations of Asia (such as Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia).

    The globalist rich elite not only financed the French and Russian Revolutions, and the Communist Terror in China – but they also continued to financially support the repressive Communist totalitarian police states in both the Soviet Union and Red China for decades. The globalist rich elite also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power.

    The “revolutionaries” (mostly Communists) that the globalist rich elite financed were not content to merely murder millions of innocent victims, but they also imp
    risoned and tortured millions and millions of innocent victims. They destroyed entire classes (middle and upper) in the nations they controlled. They tortured, butchered, and murdered millions of Christians (for whom they showed special hatred). They set up brutal police states, imprisoning millions in slave labor camps and terrible concentration camps.




    We must all get out of DENIAL. Generally speaking, we are all in some degree of denial. You know, the “it could never happen here in America” syndrome. The facts are that the world is an evil place – and evil men tend to rise to the top and try to run everybody else’s lives. Horrible things can and will happen here in America if we sit back and do nothing.

    We’ve all got to cut back on watching the propaganda, conditioning, and brainwashing that the establishment-controlled mainstream media DAILY conducts on the American people through TV and movies. The news and “analysis” that Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS give us is “spun” from a liberal and secular humanist standpoint. ((Many stories are outright SUPPRESSED and are kept from the American people.)) Bottom line: Get your news and analysis from alternative media sources. (Also See: A Tremendous Idol)

    Purchase the three books listed on the bottom of page three. Again, if you can only afford to buy one, get Under the Sign of the Scorpion. ((See page three for information on how to order.))

    Please read once again the two Bible verses listed at the beginning of this newsletter. If you are a Christian and you stand against evil and corruption, you WILL be HATED. And let us all remember what Jesus Christ said shortly before His crucifixion about his disciples buying a “sword”. Every American – and every American Christian – should be well-armed. And the head of every American family should teach the children (and grandchildren, if any) proper firearms safety – and how to shoot accurately those firearms. At the minimum, every family that can should possess a shotgun and a “hunting” rifle with scope. If possible, every family should also acquire at least one military style semi-automatic rifle (such as Mini-14, Chinese SKS, AK-47, etc.) ((Several semi-automatic pistols would also be a good idea.)) And being mentally prepared to defend yourself and your family members is just as important as being proficient in putting “lead on target”. ((The worst thing in the world that could happen to you and family members is to end up in a slave labor camp – dependent on the cruel mercies of camp guards.))

    If you think that this newsletter contains important information, please make copies of it and give them to others.


    Does anyone else think that eventually the governments of the world will turn on religion?


    Hi david,
    No. I agree with you here. In my opinion “religious” men are everywhere serving the plan of Satan at present and most are already committed to serving the Beast against the work of God.

    It is amazing what carnal faithless “cowboys” will devise, even using scripture, to show that their real faith is in themselves and their firearms, rather than in the God who sent Gideon with his tiny band against the hordes.

    “Please read once again the two Bible verses listed at the beginning of this newsletter.  If you are a Christian and you stand against evil and corruption, you WILL be HATED.  And let us all remember what Jesus Christ said shortly before His crucifixion about his disciples buying a “sword”.  Every American – and every American Christian – should be well-armed.  And the head of every American family should teach the children (and grandchildren, if any) proper firearms safety – and how to shoot accurately those firearms.  At the minimum, every family that can should possess a shotgun and a “hunting” rifle with scope.  If possible, every family should also acquire at least one military style semi-automatic rifle (such as Mini-14, Chinese SKS, AK-47, etc.) ((Several semi-automatic pistols would also be a good idea.))  And being mentally prepared to defend yourself and your family members is just as important as being proficient in putting “lead on target”.  ((The worst thing in the world that could happen to you and family members is to end up in a slave labor camp – dependent on the cruel mercies of camp guards.))”


    Is this how true christians should act? Should we take up arms or do as the early believers who were fed to the lions for their faith?

    Is a religion that kills in the name of God doing the will of God? Many will say yes and their reasoning will be based on the Old Testament. The early church killed many in the name of religion. Was that the will of God?

    What about if it comes down to defending our nation? Should a christian take up arms then?

    Yet, what did Jesus say? Jesus said to love your enemies. I believe if you have the love of Christ in your heart, you will do what the Lord said to do. Love your enemies, even if it means giving your life.


    The early church killed many in the name of religion.

    I have always thought of the early “church” as the first couple centuries. They did not kill in the name of religion, but as you said, rather, they were the ones being fed to the lions, and sometimes, that was even because of their refusal to take up arms or become a soldier.

    H, I have written quite a bit on this in the thread about Christians killing. I'm not sure what that thread is called.



    Thank you David. What about a man who murders an abortion doctor? The man is a christian and murders believing he is saving innocent lives by killing this doctor. Is this justified?

    I cannot see murder, reguardless whether if it is to defend our nation or not, if you have Jesus in your heart.


    That is a very good question H. A very good question. It seems you are virtually the only one who agrees with me on this issue. Or at least, the only one who is willing to admit that they agree with me.

    I'm going to go find the related thread.


    It amazes me the believers that say they think it is alright to kill if it means protecting their homes or country or anything. Is this not a weakness in the flesh? Is this not a matter of the flesh? Are we not to rely on faith and not flesh?

    Matthew 17:20 He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain,'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.


    hey im new to this site. I would say that who is the man to judge the doctor and take his life. We ARE called to fight much like in old testament times but the sword of the spirit which is the word of god (ephesians 6). The reason why we still have the old testament is that it gives relevance to the new testament sooo….
    In ot (old testament) times they fought strongholds in their own promised land, and that promised land was delivered by god for his chosen people. God told his poeple not to live among aliens or foreigners. (cant remember the scriptuere but i know it exists lol)

    if we carry this through to nt times or now we are the promised poeople and our soul is the battleground. We all have strongholds of sin in our lives and we shouldnt live with sin (the aliens in ot times) so we need to get rid of the enemies strongholds and, guess what, we do this by using the sword of the spirit which is the word of god.

    this is the main answer now, not only are we able to demolish our own strongholds we can also help breakdown other peoples strongholds by exhorting eachother with the word of god. any person that says they are killing people for peace or protection are wrong. gods done the intentional killing and that wqas with jesus. now why would he have his poeple kill when god himself, through jesus has given us the power to be saved.
    We are told to love our enemies because in effect we need to convert our enemies that they may become soldiers of god.

    nowadays it is so hard to find poeple truly acting like this (which is how were spose to act, we need to not concentrate so much on the stupid things of this world)
    as christians we shouldnt ask so many questions reead the bible pray for understanding all the answers are in there. if u want to find out read. The cool thing abt these forums is that its easier to find the relevant bits :0). well i hope there is some relevance to this :o) hope i answered your question


    Welcome tmb,
    Good post.


    lol thanks. I guess i went off on one. Its frustrating when non-christians ask questions like that as if they think we cant answer or something. not that the guy who asked the question wasnt a christian but it is a common question asked. We should just follow jesus, did jesus kill anyone no he raised them from the dead


    Dear tenmilebrenty,

    Your post is a blessing. That is what it is all about. Love your enemies. If you love your enemies, are they really your enemies?


    well i would say so as they are against us, as, if we let them they can destroy our faith and beliefs, thers a difference between love and blindness, we sould love them and try to get them into the kingdom, but, at the same time have caution around them and realise the devil can still use them to get at us. ??? :)


    Fear not those who can harm the mortal body, but fear him, who can cast the soul into outer darkness.

    If we stand in faith, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.


    indeedy do brother. Thats a cool verse you got the scripture quote of it? that would be cool to add to the collection. thanks.


    Quote (tenmilebrenty @ Aug. 07 2006,10:12)
    indeedy do brother. Thats a cool verse you got the scripture quote of it? that would be cool to add to the collection. thanks.

    Luke 12:4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

    5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.


    Love conquers all. Love defeated Satan. Love set the captives free. The foundation of everything is Love. If you do all things but have not love you have nothing!


    Amen. Yet it is the love of Christ that is in our hearts that conquers all.

    But if we do not submit to that love, and allow his love to work in us and through us, do we have hope of salvation? For it is only our submitting to his will do we have hope. And the more we submit to his will, the more we mortify the sinful flesh.

    So how do we submit to his will? By loving God with all of our hearts, minds and souls. By loving our brothers as ourselves.

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