The False Prophet; who and why

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  • #117411

    Hi 94,
    God punished the serpent vessel.
    Satan did not have to crawl on his belly and eat dust.
    But Satan is the one called 'the serpent of old' because of this mischief


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,12:57)
    Hi 94,
    Who said Satan was always there?

    Hi Nick:

    You said:

    Genesis is not the beginning of creation and Satan preceded the creation of man.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,13:02)
    Hi 94,
    God punished the serpent vessel.
    Satan did not have to crawl on his belly and eat dust.
    But Satan is the one called 'the serpent of old' because of this mischief

    Hi Nick:

    A devil is one because he obeys evil. Satan was a liar from the beginning. The lie that he told from the beginning was that which he told to Eve.

    And the scripture states:

    Rom 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

    Eve yielded unto the serpent's temptation and, thereby became a servant of the the serpent.


    Hi 94,
    Are you sure?
    Who said satan was always visible on earth?

    A devil obeys evil?


    Hi 94,
    Do you think Satan told his first lie in Genesis?

    The sons of God were there when the earth foundations were laid.
    Satan was among the sons of God in Job 1


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,13:27)
    Hi 94,
    Are you sure?
    Who said satan was always visible on earth?

    A devil obeys evil?

    Hi Nick:

    I am only sure of what the scripture states, and what we are dealing with is the deception of mankind.

    I said a devil is a devil because he obey evil. Jesus called Judas a devil because of what he was going to do.


    Hi 94,
    Surely we should not think that the record from Genesis comprises the whole history of God and His interaction with His sons?

    That history is for us and we are simply a very small interlude in the whole of the purposes of a timeless God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,13:29)
    Hi 94,
    Do you think Satan told his first lie in Genesis?

    The sons of God were there when the earth foundations were laid.
    Satan was among the sons of God in Job 1

    Hi Nick:

    This is what the scripture in Job 1 states:

    Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

    Job 1:8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that [there is] none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

    Again, Job was a man born of woman, and the scripture states that Eve is the mother of all living, and so, by this scipture you can only say that satan was present at that time.


    hi 94,
    Do you think Eve is the mother of the living angels?
    The sons of God rejoiced when the foundations of earth were laid.

    No puny man was present to witness it


    Hi 94,
    Surely Eve is not the mother of all living plants and animals.
    Perhaps it relates to men?


    Hi 94
    Genesis 3:20
    Now the man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.

    She was also not the mother of Adam.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,13:46)
    hi 94,
    Do you think Eve is the mother of the living angels?
    The sons of God rejoiced when the foundations of earth were laid.

    No puny man was present to witness it

    Hi Nick:

    Adam and Eve were created by God. Eve was the mother of all living mankind. We were talking about Job.


    Hi 94,
    Were you there when the foundations of earth were laid.
    The sons of God were.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,14:08)
    Hi 94,
    Were you there when the foundations of earth were laid.
    The sons of God were.

    Hi Nick:

    The sons of God refer to the angels, and in the scripture relative to Job's testing it says that they presented themselves, and that is all.

    You always give advice to others about sticking to scriptures, and so, it should also apply to you and I.

    There is no mention of a lie that the serpent told before he lied to Eve, and so, why can't you accept the scripture?


    Hi 94,
    So were the foundations of earth laid before Genesis?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,14:17)
    Hi 94,
    So were the foundations of earth laid before Genesis?

    Hi Nick:

    The name “Genesis” means the book of beginnings, and it tells us “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. And so, what do you think? Were the foundations of the earth laid before Genesis?

    I do know that Job was not there when he laid the foundations of the earth, because God's asks him where he was when He did this.


    Hi 94,
    God had no beginning.
    His angels preceded Genesis.
    We should not think it was all about puny old us.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,15:00)
    Hi 94,
    God had no beginning.
    His angels preceded Genesis.
    We should not think it was all about puny old us.

    Hi Nick:

    He does not tells us when He created the angels from what I can see, but I do believe that it was about “puny old us”. God created all things that he created for his heir, Jesus, and we are joint heirs with him.


    Hi 94,
    We should not be so vain.
    God sent His son in the likeness of sinful flesh to shame the greater angels who had sinned.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2009,15:52)
    Hi 94,
    We should not be so vain.
    God sent His son in the likeness of sinful flesh to shame the greater angels who had sinned.

    Hi Nick:

    Do you have scripture to support your statement?

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