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- January 21, 2012 at 1:28 am#273560
ParticipantThe man of perdition will show up soon.
Watch for this man with all miracles and lying wonders:
The 10 kings, they are here now,but not openly showing them selves, for they work in the dark.
They will agree to give this evil man of satan power to lead.Rev17:13.These have one mind, AND SHALL GIVE THEIR POWER AND STRENGHT UNTO THE BEAST.(2 horned beast;the FP).Verse 17.For God had put it in their hearts to fulfil his will,and to agree and give their kingdom to the beast,(2horned beast)untill the words of God shall be fulfilled.
This man will take over and lead; he will bring new rules and laws,one of them is that every person must have the number,for this will bring peace:(but total control).
Terrorist cant operate,drug dealers cant operate,tax evasion,no more, money laundering,no more.These are just some to mention.there will be peace on earth,but only for one hour(very short time).
and the world will say; at last we have managed to bring peace;Then sudden destruction.1 thess5:3.For when they shall say ,peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.verse14. BUT YE BRETHREN,ARE NOT IN DARKNESS,THAT THAT DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF.
We must stay awake at all times,not getting too busy with our daily lives;back sliding in reading scriptures.For blessed is he that the Lord find him so doing when he comes.
Some will say; but the 10 kings is the past; Not so,for the 10 kings will only be in power for a short time(1hour).rev17:12.
And will be cast into the lake of fire.(the end).rev.19:20.Rev19:20. And the beast was taken(10 horned beast)and with him the false prophet(2 horned beast)that wrought miracles before him(before the 10 horned beast),with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast(the m.chip.)and them that worship his image. THESE BOTH WERE CAST ALIVE INTO A LAKE OF fire BURNING WITH BRIMSTONE(lake of fire.)the end for them.
These kings will be here at the coming.
Now why the 2horns? because this man is a spiritual leader and a secular as well,he is'' THE LEADER''.Rev.13:11.
The world will love his ideas; brilliant thinking,wonderful idea,
Look; we have peace at last.
The sad thing is that the churches will preach that the number is for the good of mankind;for God loves peace.
It is Gods seal; God is love,he wants us to live in peace.They dont want to refuse the number;they will loose all the wealth,the luxuries.
For they have sold their inheritance for a bowl of pottage,like esau did.
Many church goers will get trapped,but there will be also many that will wash their dirty robes,by refusing the mark.
These are the multitudes that come out of great tribulation,rev7:14.A last minute decision for the Lord.
But there will be also many that refuse the mark,but not for the lords sake but for their own reasons;Simply because they dont agree with the new rules of total control.
I can smell the fowl air coming soon,the whiff is here.
stay awake brothers and sisters.God bless you.
They will have their place in the second resurection.
January 21, 2012 at 2:47 am#273574Devolution
ParticipantHi Wakeup,
good post, yes, time is almost up for the empire of Satan/man, evil is matured, the harvest is ripe, the workers are few…
Blessed is he who keepeth his garments…
January 21, 2012 at 4:11 am#273593shimmer
ParticipantYou really believe it's as simple as a Man and a mark which is literal?
I feel that the mark is not literal, and I feel that the False Prophet is a Spirtual Being who influences People, such as in the Churches, to believe a lie which is in 2nd Thess 2.
It is here NOW, not soon to come IMO, so yes, beware.
January 21, 2012 at 4:57 am#273606Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,14:11) You really believe it's as simple as a Man and a mark which is literal? I feel that the mark is not literal, and I feel that the False Prophet is a Spirtual Being who influences People, such as in the Churches, to believe a lie which is in 2nd Thess 2.
It is here NOW, not soon to come IMO, so yes, beware.
Hi shimmer.The false prophet is a person,and the mark is also physical.
Rev19:20.And the beast was taken and with -HIM- the FALSE PROPHET THAT WROUGHT MIRACLES BEFORE -HIM-,with which —HE–DECEIVED THEM THAT HAD THE MARK OF THE BEAST,and them that worship –HIS– image.These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.2Thess 2:4.Who opposeth and exalted –HIMSELF–ABOVE ALL THAT IS CALLED GOD.or that is worshipped; so that–HE–as God sitteth in the temple of God,shewing himself that –HE– is God.
He is a man alright.
The mark:
Rev 13:16. And –HE– causeth all,both small and great,rich and poor,free and bond,to receive a MARK –IN– THEIR RIGHT HAND,OR –IN–THEIR FOREHEADS:Vers 17. And that no man might — BUY OR SELL,save he had the MARK,or the name of the beast,or the number of his
name.( his name is incoded in the mark.)This mark is not only for christians,but all people;muslims krishnas,budhist, the lot.
No gas,no rent payments,youll be an out cast to this world left to die.But we will die in the Lord.wakeup.
January 21, 2012 at 8:11 am#273625shimmer
ParticipantWakeup, the Governments of the World are not that stupid! They KNOW that the Christians will not take a mark or a microchip. Do the Worlds Governments really want to lose all of the majority of the Christians due to starvation, etc? (Not to mention their losses in the Workplace and the Markets). Of course not. This will never happen. The Battle is spiritual. The mark is spiritual, I believe.
January 21, 2012 at 8:14 am#273626shimmer
ParticipantI believe that 2nd Thess 2 is talking about the man of sin being in our own body. Because it talks about the Temple of God. Wakeup, the Temple of God is no longer a Temple of stone, it is – our Body!
January 21, 2012 at 8:32 am#273628journey42
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,18:11) Wakeup, the Governments of the World are not that stupid! They KNOW that the Christians will not take a mark or a microchip. Do the Worlds Governments really want to lose all of the majority of the Christians due to starvation, etc? (Not to mention their losses in the Workplace and the Markets). Of course not. This will never happen. The Battle is spiritual. The mark is spiritual, I believe.
Shimmer, they don't careJanuary 21, 2012 at 9:56 am#273636shimmer
ParticipantQuote (journey42 @ Jan. 21 2012,20:32) Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,18:11) Wakeup, the Governments of the World are not that stupid! They KNOW that the Christians will not take a mark or a microchip. Do the Worlds Governments really want to lose all of the majority of the Christians due to starvation, etc? (Not to mention their losses in the Workplace and the Markets). Of course not. This will never happen. The Battle is spiritual. The mark is spiritual, I believe.
Shimmer, they don't care
Journey, what do you mean 'they don't care?' I have not followed ANY of this Micro-Chipping News.So what's happening? Please tell me.
January 21, 2012 at 6:34 pm#273693Pastry
ParticipantDo any of you really believe that in today's society some one could come on the scene and make people believe he is God? The whole world? ?
There are over a Billion Catholics all over the world that believe their pope is god, or at least god like; do you think any one could persuade them to believe in another?
You are all just repeating what you hear ministers preach; you have to ask yourselves, does it make sense what they are saying?
Look at the history of the catholic church;
Does not the pope claim he is the “VICAR OF CHRIST”?
Why is it that he is the ONLY ruler that has a “triple crown”? it is to show that he is ruler over “heaven, earth, and hell.”
Was it not the pope that forbade any one to read the Bible, under penalty of death?
That was, what no one could “BUY” or “SELL”.And what is the “MARK”?
Does it not say; “the mark of the BEAST”? so, what beast are we talking about.
The Bible tells us that a beast is a kingdom, a government.
So again, what beast are we talking about, and what was its mark?
If you can't answer that, how can you know what his mark is; or who the “IMAGE” of the beast is?
Doesn't any one care to find out?
January 22, 2012 at 12:05 am#273760Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,18:14) I believe that 2nd Thess 2 is talking about the man of sin being in our own body. Because it talks about the Temple of God. Wakeup, the Temple of God is no longer a Temple of stone, it is – our Body!
Shimmer.The temple of God is indeed all the TRUE BELIEVERS AND DOERS.
But we are speaking about israelites here;not christians.
Israel wanted the temple of solomon rebuild for a long time now,but they cant,because of the dome is in the way.The man of sin is he that calleth HIMSELF GOD,sitting in the temple of God(Gods position)
Rev 13:11. beast coming out of the earth with 2 horns(is this just a spiritual thing?)
verse13. And -HE- does great wonders,so that -HE- maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth
IN THE SIGHT OF MEN.(is this just a spiritual thing?)The son of perdition is the son of satan; and he is a person;not just a spiritual thing;an abstract thing.
Dont be deceived for the mark is coming soon;and dont let them tell you that it is not the mark of the son of satan(the beast) but the mark of God. B-E-W-A-R-E.
January 22, 2012 at 12:22 am#273761Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,18:11) Wakeup, the Governments of the World are not that stupid! They KNOW that the Christians will not take a mark or a microchip. Do the Worlds Governments really want to lose all of the majority of the Christians due to starvation, etc? (Not to mention their losses in the Workplace and the Markets). Of course not. This will never happen. The Battle is spiritual. The mark is spiritual, I believe.
Shimmer.The christians are not stupid,this is right,but when their lives are at stake; they will take the mark to save their lives.
HE WHO SAVES HIS LIFE WILL LOOSE IT; AND HE WHO LOSES HIS LIVE FOR MY SAKE WILL GAIN LIFE EVERLASTING.When their riches is at stake,and when their children are getting no food to eat; because NO MICRO CHIP, NO FOOD.
This is the final test for those lukewarm christians.
If one past the test, and gets killed by the false prophets men(police) he will be given white robes,and will be part of the first resurection.wakeup.
January 22, 2012 at 12:32 am#273763Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,19:56) Quote (journey42 @ Jan. 21 2012,20:32) Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,18:11) Wakeup, the Governments of the World are not that stupid! They KNOW that the Christians will not take a mark or a microchip. Do the Worlds Governments really want to lose all of the majority of the Christians due to starvation, etc? (Not to mention their losses in the Workplace and the Markets). Of course not. This will never happen. The Battle is spiritual. The mark is spiritual, I believe.
Shimmer, they don't care
Journey, what do you mean 'they don't care?' I have not followed ANY of this Micro-Chipping News.So what's happening? Please tell me.
Shimmer.Dont you know that the micro chip is here already? Dont you know that a few have already taken the chip,because they think its an excellent idea;Children lost, will be easily found; In that chip is all your medical history,and your history.
Soon the u. s. armie must all be chipped; and all airport employee,must have a chip.then all people must have a chip or can not find work,cant have a bank account,etc etc.stay awake brother.
January 22, 2012 at 4:45 am#273796journey42
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,19:56) Quote (journey42 @ Jan. 21 2012,20:32) Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 21 2012,18:11) Wakeup, the Governments of the World are not that stupid! They KNOW that the Christians will not take a mark or a microchip. Do the Worlds Governments really want to lose all of the majority of the Christians due to starvation, etc? (Not to mention their losses in the Workplace and the Markets). Of course not. This will never happen. The Battle is spiritual. The mark is spiritual, I believe.
Shimmer, they don't care
Journey, what do you mean 'they don't care?' I have not followed ANY of this Micro-Chipping News.So what's happening? Please tell me.
Hi ShimmerSorry if this answer seems like a long speech, but I can't give one line answers. Explanations are needed. This is my answer to you. What I know. Not someone else's answer, for we must be ready to answer every question ourselves.
The battle is spiritual, that is correct. Remember in Revelations Chapter 12, it says that the dragon goes after the woman's seed, and sends a flood after her (children of God)
But the Word says that we wrestle not against flesh & blood.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So for us, it is a spiritual battle, but for them, flesh and blood, as they have the power to kill our flesh, but not our spirit.
Christ and his apostles were murdered during this “spiritual battle”. Their flesh was killed.
Well that happened then, during the days of Jesus, and straight after for a little while, but somehow, Satan became more cunning, and captured the christians in a different way. Not by death, but by deceit. He has infiltrated the churches and corrupted the truth. Very cunning indeed. The Christians who are not feeding on the flesh of Christ, are the ones he has in prison. He's already got them.
…but the christians with the truth, who cannot be deceived by his lies & false doctrines need to be eliminated physically. They are dangerous to him, for he can't hold them hostage, and these ones help break a few of his captives out of prison.
So, Satan comes up with a plan. He tries to corner them now. He knows they will refuse the mark, and he thinks he's won by killing them. What he doesn't know is that by doing this, these will be raised again, and given their reward. They will have even more power over him as they will be changed to spirit. Same as him, but they can never die again,
….and he can never touch them again.So many christians know about this mark, and it is looking like a micro chip for now, as they have introduced this idea for some time, and already experimenting on animals, children and people. It has a GPS tracking system and contains so much information about that individual.
Many christians think it will be a tattoo, so they will be expecting that.
Many christians think it's just a spiritual mark, representing who we worship, so they will be deceived as well.
Many christians will be told by their churches that the mark is ok, and God wouldn't want us to suffer.
There will be so much deceit during this time, and most won't even recognise the mark when it comes, as they have been taught it's something different. Most won't even be able to identify the false prophet who gives the mark. This is the great delusion. Anyone not feeding on the truth will be deceived. Non christians and many “christians” included.2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
And this plan of microchipping everybody is already here. Waiting to be enforced on EVERYBODY. And the one who will force this will be the FALSE PROPHET, with the beast backing him up and carrying out the persecutions/executions. This beast (10 kings) is the false prophets MAN POWER.
This new system which is to come doesn't care who knows. Nothing can stop them with their plans. The scriptures say it will happen, and it will. “Who is able to make war with the beast”rev 13:4
So they don't care. It will be carried out regardless. Satan wants these christians dead, and so do they.
Satan's aim. To kill off the seed of the woman,
and the beast's aim: to reduce the worlds population so that they can have more control. They have even built underground cities, and have mass disposable coffins stored up in the Fema Camps. They are not hiding it. It's ready to go. Only God allows the timing.May God fill you with all spiritual knowledge and wisdom, to prepare you… for a great storm is coming.
God blessJanuary 22, 2012 at 5:21 am#273800shimmer
ParticipantHey Wakeup and Journey, I like the Spirit in you both.
I need to look into what you are saying a bit more though.
Thanks.June 21, 2012 at 11:03 pm#303497NickHassan
False prophets will arise and perform miracles.
Their fruits identify them.June 22, 2012 at 2:25 pm#303635Devolution
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ Jan. 22 2012,04:34) Do any of you really believe that in today's society some one could come on the scene and make people believe he is God? The whole world? ? There are over a Billion Catholics all over the world that believe their pope is god, or at least god like; do you think any one could persuade them to believe in another?
You are all just repeating what you hear ministers preach; you have to ask yourselves, does it make sense what they are saying?
Look at the history of the catholic church;
Does not the pope claim he is the “VICAR OF CHRIST”?
Why is it that he is the ONLY ruler that has a “triple crown”? it is to show that he is ruler over “heaven, earth, and hell.”
Was it not the pope that forbade any one to read the Bible, under penalty of death?
That was, what no one could “BUY” or “SELL”.And what is the “MARK”?
Does it not say; “the mark of the BEAST”? so, what beast are we talking about.
The Bible tells us that a beast is a kingdom, a government.
So again, what beast are we talking about, and what was its mark?
If you can't answer that, how can you know what his mark is; or who the “IMAGE” of the beast is?
Doesn't any one care to find out?
Quote Do any of you really believe that in today's society some one could come on the scene and make people believe he is God? The whole world? Do you really believe that millions and millions of people would flock and pray to a statue that cries tears after so many exposed fakes?
Do you really believe that so many people cry when a president is elected and believe he will actually keep his promises?
Do you really believe that Israel will get peace by giving even more land away?
Yep, it aint so hard to believe what God declares, especially when the one He speaks of is going to perform miracles far greater than the weeping statues, promise promises greater than any president before…bring “peace” to a world that knows not what real peace actually is nor from Whom it can only come from…
Nope, Gods written word is very easy to believe.Quote There are over a Billion Catholics all over the world that believe their pope is god, or at least god like; do you think any one could persuade them to believe in another?
The popes/catholics are expecting a Messiah to come too, the Catholic institution loves its power and wealth…if they identify a man as the promised Messiah, then most of those very same billion Catholics will likely agree…so again, quite easy to believe Gods written word over yours.Quote You are all just repeating what you hear ministers preach; you have to ask yourselves, does it make sense what they are saying?
I have never been to a church, nor care for their interpretations, nor use any of their interpretations…i read for myself…Wakeup has declared no church….J42 also…so your accusation is baseless.Quote Look at the history of the catholic church; Does not the pope claim he is the “VICAR OF CHRIST”?
Why is it that he is the ONLY ruler that has a “triple crown”? it is to show that he is ruler over “heaven, earth, and hell.”
You come from a hypocritical position here. You accuse others of just repeating what ministers have said….but you actually are the one doing this.
We have all heard of this doctrine way before we heard it come out of your mouth let me assure you…do you think we've never heard other people say this years and years and years ago even before the internet came along???
YOU did not come up with this and we all know it. So therefore, you are just repeating what others before you have said….all you have done is added a little of your own ingredients for a more personalized taste…and anyone can do that.Quote Was it not the pope that forbade any one to read the Bible, under penalty of death?
That was, what no one could “BUY” or “SELL”.Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark etc….You got it back to front i'm afraid, if your doctrine were true, then the people would have HAD TO HAVE POSSESSED BIBLES to buy and sell…not to “not have” bibles.
Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark etc….And what of all the peoples who were buying and selling that were not Catholic nations? That had no bibles? No link to the Catholic influence? It does say that this mark is WORLD WIDE for EVERY MAN….that means every human being on the planet unless you didn't know?
No, your interpretation is just that…your interpretation.Quote Does it not say; “the mark of the BEAST”? so, what beast are we talking about. The Bible tells us that a beast is a kingdom, a government.
So again, what beast are we talking about, and what was its mark?
If you can't answer that, how can you know what his mark is; or who the “IMAGE” of the beast is?
As shown above, it is clear that you have made obvious errors that do not match scripture but instead attempt to bend scripture to your own will…i could never accept your doctrine over the bible, the mistakes are too obvious.
Quote Doesn't any one care to find out? That is what we are doing, except, we are not listening to men or you for the answer, we are looking to the bible.
Thanks for the offer to show us, but no thanks, too many contradictions.August 18, 2012 at 4:34 am#309653terraricca
Participantyes the beast that is name is a number ,is coming out of the earth not out of the sea,and so his in power along one of the seven head beast ,and we know that he made an image of the sixth head of the seven head beast ,but we are now in the power of the seventh head ,and it seems that the beast still here with and all along with the seventh head ,so who his that beast
666,image of the sixth head,???
August 18, 2012 at 4:59 am#309659Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Aug. 18 2012,15:34) yes the beast that is name is a number ,is coming out of the earth not out of the sea,and so his in power along one of the seven head beast ,and we know that he made an image of the sixth head of the seven head beast ,but we are now in the power of the seventh head ,and it seems that the beast still here with and all along with the seventh head ,so who his that beast 666,image of the sixth head,???
Terra.We are in the 7th head now,today.
The 8th is coming when there will be only 10 kings.
today there are 27 kings in the EU.This will shrink to only 10 kings; then another king will come up; and he is the little horn with eyes and a mouth.
He will take control; and uproot 3 kings as he comes up.
He will be chief of the spiritual and the secular.(2 horns).wakeup.
August 18, 2012 at 5:10 am#309661journey42
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Aug. 18 2012,15:34) yes the beast that is name is a number ,is coming out of the earth not out of the sea,and so his in power along one of the seven head beast ,and we know that he made an image of the sixth head of the seven head beast ,but we are now in the power of the seventh head ,and it seems that the beast still here with and all along with the seventh head ,so who his that beast 666,image of the sixth head,???
PierreQuote we know that he made an image of the sixth head of the seven head beast How do we know he made an image of the sixth head? Scripture please.
The beast that comes out of the earth is the false prophet. The leader of the 10 horned beast.
He is the one doing all the miracles.
He is the one leading, telling us to follow the first beast that he is in charge of.
The image is the mark. People will worship this image. This mark speaks. It's his image. His new system.
It's hooked up to big brother.
It tells them who you are.
It tells them how much money you have in your bank.
It tells them where you are,
where you shop,
where you live,
if you have unpaid fines,
and what brand undies you even buy.
It tells them everything about you.
It speaks.
Men will worship this image, because without it they will go hungry
men will trade their birthright for a bowl of soup.
Men will love their lives even till death.August 18, 2012 at 4:12 pm#309705terraricca
Quote How do we know he made an image of the sixth head? Scripture please. Rev 13:14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
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