The ethnicity of the messiah

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  • #149864

    Ok people lets be Adult about this

    Alright there has for a long time been the argument about the color of The Messiah

    Jesus family line was spoke of in the Bible

    I do not want to continue this argument

    Those the question I pose to all those reading this is that

    Does it matter?

    Yes we have been taught about false doctrines, false teachers etc…

    Though Jesus is God

    He has done A LOT for people

    Changing lives everyday

    Setting people free

    Giving them Countless testimonies

    He is Our Creator, Our God,

    So If you were to see Jesus would you actually care what about the color of his skin.

    I know I wont

    Peace and God bless you all


    Why would I care about his color? I have always like Polish people.


    Hi foj,
    If Jesus is God who is the Son of God?


    Thats easy Jesus

    I think what you speak of is the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity

    God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit

    Though Seperate they are one and the same

    for Example God the Father is God the Son and God the Son is God the Father

    God the Holy Spirit is God the Father and God the Father is God the Holy Spirit

    Father, Son, Holy Spirit

    Jehovah, Jesus, Holy Spirit

    God, God, God

    Always in agreement and one and the same

    though they may have distinguishing roles

    Such as Jesus is the Messiah

    Jesus was the Crucified, A Sacrifice to take all sins upon himself

    Though not only did he take upon himself the sins of the world but Faced the Wrath of God

    For Sin MUST be punished

    And Jesus was punished on our (humanity) behalf

    So God became man, Jesus was born of Mary

    all to the point when God died for our sins

    And was ressurected

    Having conquerd Death and set those in captivity free

    The Holy Spirit

    Helps us teaches us

    When we are born again dwells within us

    His poer flows within us

    Though he is still God the Father and God the Son

    “it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me”

    The Father


    I see the Father as the Law maker

    Though the role of the Father can not be owerlooked for

    Jesus Said when before he went back up to Heaven that he loves the Father and does whatever he tells him

    The Father Sent the Son
    The Father sent the Holy Spirit in the name of the Son

    The Holy Trinity is really a fascinating topic

    For often they are seen as 3 different existences

    But they Are one and the Same they are God

    Though Jesus Is God. God the Son
    Also he is the Son of God

    Gods one and only Son
    Holy Spirit is His Spirit

    “to all those who believe he gave them the right to be called sons of God”

    Through the Sacrifice Jesus made

    We can Call his Father Our Father

    The Son of God is Jesus

    He reconciliated Man to God

    The Bible tells us how we can be made right with God. Through his Son Jesus Christ

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