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- June 13, 2004 at 12:08 am#4079
ParticipantI would like to startup a discussion based on what people think on what events or technologies may signify the end of this age. I have done this not because I am into Tribulation and disasters, but that I look forward to the next age with anticipation. Of course it is more than possible that my life here may expire before the end of this age, but I would like to hear peoples thoughts or visions on this subject.
I know in scripture that there are many things that signify the end of this age or what the world will be like just before that event. E.g.
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.Mark 13
4″ Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?”
5 Jesus said to them: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 6 Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many.
7 When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.
9 “You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them.I also asked God one day, what would be the signs of the end. He answered me in a series of dreams that same night. They can be read here.
https://heavennet.net/visions/signs-of-the-end.htmAlso, because I am involved in the IT industry, I have a reasonable grasp of todays technology and what technologies might be big tommorrow. I wrote a thesis on how I see the future in a technological sense. That writing also links to other possible future technologies, such as Open Source Software and Grid Computing. These writings were written a few years ago and I am starting to see some of these things coming to pass already. Especially the rise of RFID technology, which may forever change the world of surveillance.
http://www.smartvision.tv/June 15, 2004 at 11:19 pm#4080MrBob
ParticipantHmm, I am not that familiar with scripture concerning the end. I'll try and read some scripture and studies before I start claiming anything. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to read (commentaries, etc.) in order to help me?
June 18, 2004 at 9:36 am#4081mylampisfull
ParticipantHello brothers and sisters,
I am here to find watchers for the Lord. I have been working with Brother Sal Smario for the past year and have spent many hours in study. Brother Sal of CHN Voice In The Wilderness Ministries needs our help to spread the message about the coming Little Horn in the book of Daniel. Brother Sal has identified the position and very possibly the little horn himself. It would not be proper to accuse anybody of being the AntiChrist, but it is possible from studying Daniel to see where this man comes from. Brother Sal's teachings are all free. He has over 3000 pages on his website documenting over 24 years of his research. Stop looking to Europe my friends. The AntiChrist will come from the Selucid portion of the Greek empire. That is right, he is Assyrian. I am here to make you aware, not to argue. Please feel free to take the study and join us in spreading this message. Your help is needed for our numbers are weak. Brother Sal returns all of his phone calls and emails everyday. He is more than happy to take your questions.
Again I must stress that all of the information on this site is free, Sal gives CD's for a donation but all of the information on these CD's is available for free on his website. The Lord would not sell his message, it is free for anybody who will listen. Please join us and help us to share the message to the world.
Feel free to attend CHN's free online Bible College today
For more information visit http://www.chn-net.comfeel free to ask me questions, I have studied this for a long time. I dont have all of the answers, but I understand where we are today in Daniels visions. It has been revealed to those who are looking for it.
This is a large site and even though it might appear that he is trying to sell his CD'd….just click on the CD's and there you will find the information contained on that CD is free. Also visit the teaching and study area at the top of the page. There you will find a wealth of information.
Your brother in Christ
mylampisfullJune 18, 2004 at 9:41 am#4082mylampisfull
ParticipantIt was not a coincidence that the USA invaded Iraq(Babylon). Watch king Abdullah II of Jordan, he is a 42nd generation direct descendant of Muhammed.
July 4, 2004 at 5:16 am#4084NickHassan
ParticipantSome thoughts. No man knows the day nor the hour but that does not prevent us from knowing the year,the month or the week. The Lord is expected on the Feast of Trumpets and the date of that festival could be either of 2 days.Is 24 -26 describes events that seem to include a polar shift,which could explain the stars seeming to fall to earth or the sky scrolling up as in Matt 24 and Rev 6. This is one of the first events of the tribulation.It may have occurred before in Josh 10 when the sun stood still over Israel and a similar situation is described in Hab 3 as part of the final events of earth. Your thoughts?
July 4, 2004 at 6:46 am#4083Proclaimer
ParticipantPolar Shift theory certainly describes how Mammoths were frozen with no decay in the Artic. Inside the stomach of at least one Mammoth was found plants from warmer climes. In other words a sudden change in world-wide temperature, so fast that decay didn't have time to set in.
Other theories include a meteorite, but I wonder if the biblical flood could explain a lot of this. But God has promised to not flood the earth again. We are told in scripture that the days before the coming of the Son of Man will be like the days just before the flood.
July 6, 2004 at 8:49 pm#4085NickHassan
ParticipantI suggest start with the compressed sequence of Matt 24 and the other gospels. Then search for the Day of the Lord in the Old Testament. Go to the Psalms 18,7,11,118 97,77,46.and all the Prophetic books from then on in the OT esp Isaiah which is a goldmine.Also good Joel,Zech,Zeph,Hab,Nahum. Lastly approach Revelation . The Rapture and Resurrections of 1 Thess 4 and John 5. The 1000 year reign of Rev 21 between the resurrections of the saved and unsaved and then the Judgement and eternity.It is all there but who can put it all together?
July 20, 2004 at 8:00 pm#4086NickHassan
ParticipantHere is something I found in another site.
The seven thunders are sealed in Rev 10. But if you look at Ps 29 they are specified.
August 4, 2004 at 8:05 am#4087Proclaimer
I'll check it out.
December 30, 2004 at 8:04 am#5107Surgeon83
ParticipantWith the recent earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the tsunami killing thousands I think we need to realize that the end times aren't too far off. There are wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, the Gospel is being preached around the world, and (in case no one noticed) it's open season on Christians in the public forum. Jesus is now truly becoming a rock of offense. When would you ever think that in America its become p.c. not to reference or mention Christmas during Christmas. This past Christmas (2004) I was shocked while shopping; at many of the registers the customers would say “Merry Christmas” to the clerk while leaving. I watched as one woman caught herself saying it only to have this frightened look on her face afterwards as if she had said someting truly offensive. She excalimed “Oh I'm sorry I think I'm not supposed to say that”. Also Look at the many other prophecies both in the old and new testaments; they are being fulfilled.
Watch out for Syria; in Bible prophesy Damascus will one day be utterly destroyed. This one I believe has never happened. I have heard talk on radio and television programs of interests in invading Syria since alot of the terrorist cells and training camps are based there; not to mention the proposal that much of Saddam's weaponry and the infamous WMD's may be found there in caves. Just keep a watch out for it in the news.December 30, 2004 at 7:00 pm#5108NickHassan
ParticipantHi s83,
Welcome back,
Any insights into the endtimes are very welcome. We are meant to be ready and excited to see the signs.A check of Is 24 should tell us more dramatic events are coming yet we should experience the protection of the Passover lamb.Would it disturb your faith if Christmas and Easter were not celebrated?
Who initiated these things? Are they of God or the world?
Do most of those who celebrate the birth, death and Resurrection of Jesus partake in those benefits?
If not what do they have to celebrate except their own death?
The angels celebrate when one sinner repents-perhaps that is more important?
What do you and others think?December 31, 2004 at 8:27 pm#5117NickHassan
There is no mention of these things anywhere in the bible and certainly not in Revelation. They do nat appear to have any part of the plan of God.March 31, 2005 at 12:13 pm#5994Anonymous
GuestIn answer to Nick's question – definately not of God.
It would seem we have a lot to thank Constantine (of the council of Nicea fame) for. After studying both celebrations, Christmas and Easter are of pagan origin and only became part of the “Christian” belief after Constantine decided to fuse pagan Rome with the already straying early christian faith.On the subject at hand though – the time of the end – Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13 in the gospels all give detailed descriptions of the “sign of the last days” Jesus spoke of. Revelation chapters 16 thru 20 really spell out in detail what is to come, and what order these events will happen.
The wars, famines, natural disasters, attitudes of people towards each other and God, and the great upheavals in society are all being played out in our time.
Despite the worsening world conditions – these are exciting times we are living in. Jesus said in Luke 21 : 28 ” When all this begins to happen, stand upright and hold your heads high, because your liberation is near”Question – at the start of this topic Matthew 24:14 is quoted, the very first scripture listed among signs of the end…
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come
What is this preaching in all nations? Is it literal? Is it symbolic?
Any thoughts?April 1, 2005 at 1:46 am#6011NickHassan
ParticipantHi N,
I agree with your post. The way that scripture is written it sounds like an event rather than a process does it not? But if it was a process then only God would know when it is complete. Preaching is preaching I would say as I can't see how it could be symbolic. And, after all, Jesus told his followers to take the message to the ends of the earth.February 8, 2007 at 9:35 pm#39531NickHassan
Could comet McNaught relate?February 15, 2007 at 7:12 am#40383Phoenix
ParticipantHi everyone
Im new here. Anyway, about the christmas/easter subject Nick spoke about… I thought Easter was part of the Passover or something to do with Jesus' resurrection or somehow evolved from that. Am I right? Also, christmas being of Jesus' birth. I guess, (and this is from a learner of the bible) celebrating the birth and rebirth of Jesus, my question is why not do this?
Would it disturb my faith? Um well the passover is important. Were we not told to keep this covenant? correct me plz if I am wrong. But yes it would disturb me if God told us to keep the agreement of the passover. However, nowadays, Easter is seen differently and is not treated the same way as was the passover.
As for Christmas, I dont think it would bother me if it was removed.
Forgive me if i have confused anyone to what i am trying to say. I am not literate on the bible but am proud that I have a fair bit of knowledge of it. Considering I was not raised with it.
GBUA (God Bless You All)
February 15, 2007 at 7:20 am#40384Phoenix
ParticipantAs for the discussion of the 'End Times'. i am very interested in hearing everyones views of this. I cant really answer this one because 1) I havent read Revelations yet and when I did start reading it I got totally confused so thought I would leave it for someone to explain it to me. 2) I have been trying to keep up with the news especially since Saddams death wondering if a retaliation is going to happen or whatever. And I am also concerned for Bushs plans. The global warming, even though I dont know much about this, I believe is a possible warning for the end times too.
There are heaps of speculations etc on signs of the end times but I must admit that it really gets interesting yet scary.
The one thing I keep imagining is seeing Jesus sprinting out of the sky with a weapon or something wiping evil away from earth lol.
But anyway that is my 2 cents lol
February 15, 2007 at 9:39 am#40387Debra
ParticipantQuote (Phoenix @ Feb. 15 2007,07:20) As for the discussion of the 'End Times'. i am very interested in hearing everyones views of this. I cant really answer this one because 1) I havent read Revelations yet and when I did start reading it I got totally confused so thought I would leave it for someone to explain it to me. 2) I have been trying to keep up with the news especially since Saddams death wondering if a retaliation is going to happen or whatever. And I am also concerned for Bushs plans. The global warming, even though I dont know much about this, I believe is a possible warning for the end times too. There are heaps of speculations etc on signs of the end times but I must admit that it really gets interesting yet scary.
The one thing I keep imagining is seeing Jesus sprinting out of the sky with a weapon or something wiping evil away from earth lol.
But anyway that is my 2 cents lol
This is from David Wilkerson's latest news letter….
Politicians recently announced
that they plan to introduce
a bill in congress to establish a
Department of Peace and Safety.We are to beware any talk of peace and prosperity
when a fearful storm is coming into view. It is then when peace and prosperity become the main pursuit.Jesus drew an analogy between the days of Noah and Lot, and the day of His own coming. He said that in both instances, people are eating, drinking, marrying buying and selling. In other words everyday activities go on as always, with involvement in things that are not inherently wicked.
According to Jesus, the same thing will happen in the last hour, just prior to sudden destruction. The whole world will be given over to seeking security and prosperity, a preoccupation that will grip many, even in the church. Peoples entire focus will be on the things of this world, and they will forsake their steadfastness in faith.
When Christ comes will he will find His church in the grip of false prophets who preach a false peace, success, riches, good times?
(me now)… I see this happening all around me NOW, does anybody else?
What of World Peace Day”…
any thoughts?February 15, 2007 at 6:25 pm#40398NickHassan
Participantamen debra.
Rejoice and look up to see the Saviour near, whose coming should not surprise us.February 15, 2007 at 6:31 pm#40399Phoenix
ParticipantHmmm i know it was weird how i came to the bible. I was watching the news about Saddam about to be hanged. And for some reason I felt sad within me. Not sad for Saddam but I felt scared or something for the American people I thought that Iraq would retaliate. So i came online to do a search on signs of Saddam seeing if anyone prophesised about his death or something like that lol. So somehow i came across Nostradamus then I eventually ended up in BibleGateway.com website. And voila! I read the bible most of it anyway and havent turned away since. I am still learning. So Debra, what you said above
Quote The whole world will be given over to seeking security and prosperity, a preoccupation that will grip many, even in the church. Peoples entire focus will be on the things of this world, and they will forsake their steadfastness in faith. Could very well be happening
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