The elevator

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    At birth we are put into an elevator called belief. God wants us to go to the top floor and he has put this desire in our conscience. But on the way up, we are tempted with all manner of doctrine. Each floor the elevator stops at, there are people who are inviting us to come out for they all say that they have the truth and that it is good at this level. One level is called non-belief in God. They shout about how free they are and how they are the masters of their own destiny. But each person here is really lonely, but they know no better.

    Each doctrine is capitalized by one or more denomination, organisation or movement. One is called Catholicism and another Atheism. There is Communism, Racism, Fascism and Capitalism. There are those who make money their God and others who serve the image that they would like to make themselves into. There is worldly wisdom, self promotion, vanity and denominations based on the wisdom of man. In the lower floors the levels there do not encompass belief in God at all, but the higher you get the more cunning the deception, as Satan poses as an angel of light to those who have a form of godliness.

    Those who have decided to stay in the elevator and not get out at the non-belief levels still have many deceptions waiting for them. Even those who have not partaken of popular things such as Evolution, the Trinity Doctrine or New Age, can still get out at floors called Unification, Unitarian and the Watchtower, with many more too. For Satan has a supermarket of deception and caters for all manner of taste and weakness. This supermarket is called 'Mystery Babylon'.

    But how many are just willing to stay in the elevator and get out at the top floor, without succumbing to each temptation at each new level? For surely it is those who are led by their carnal nature that accept such temptation. If only we would stay in the elevator and wait for the top floor, but many are enticed because they have wickedness in their heart.

    True faith is as easy as staying in the elevator, even a child could do that. But the pride and intellect of man can be so easily deceived. It is those who are like little children that know how to not succumb to such things. They can be told to wait for the top floor and not be tempted by each level knowing that the destination is the city of God, the city not built by human hands.

    It is not about aiming for perfection and just missing it. It is about dying to ourselves that perfection can live through us. In this we will find our lives. We only need to stay on the path and not stray from it. If we can stay till the last floor, we not only fulfill the high calling of our God, but we set a precedent for others to follow. We show them the way as demonstrated by our faith.

    At the top floor the Lord is waiting for us. He wants to say to us “Well done my good and faithful servant”. Only those who desire with all their heart to hear those words will reach the top floor.


    When we are born again we are like a farmer in an isolated area when electric power finally comes to the front gate.You are safer as the road is now lit so burglars are deterred and you are less likely to get lost and you have a lampo in your living room.
    Is that all you want? If it is that is all you will get. Would it not be better to put lights in every room? Perhaps hot water and heaters and an electric stove?Would a telephone and tv not help you keep in touch?
    Jesus said seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened and ask and you will receive. The Door to the Father's storehouse is open again and all is available to you and I .Hebrews 10.19 f confirms this..Paul said in 1 Cor 14 to “set your hearts on spiritual gifts” The church needs them to function as a body.
    Jesus worked in the power of the Spirit. He healed ,freed from demons,raised the dead and taught but he said in Jn 14.12
    “I solemnly assure you the man who has faith in me will do the works I do, and greater far than these. Why? Because I go to the Father and whatever you ask in my name I will do”
    Peter and Paul and the apostles showed the truth of this scripture and nothing has changed. So can we if we simply use the faith he has given us.


    I can't agree more with the statement made by Hassan. Faith, blended with love I would say, is the key to spiritual growth and the fulfilling of God's promises that we find in the Scriptures. Nothing has changed indeed since the time of the apostles as far as the work of the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit of God worked thru Jesus, the same way wants to work thru as, Christians. Today we don't really see or hear of healings, exorcisms, wonders, supernatural manifestations of the spiritual gifts thru believers as something normal, rather as something unusual, rare and looked upon with skepticism, irony, smiles of unbelief or many simply dismissing such manifestations today. Why? As it was pointed, because of lack of faith. As “t8” pointed, faith as of a child will see us thru all temptations and get us into that sweet communion with God. I have my own story of how God opened my eyes to many spiritual truths that -as a Christian- I was totally ignorant of or simply deceived. I could share more if I see any feedback or further interest in my message. God bless and thank you to the author of this site for giving an opportunity to share and learn from scriptures and our own lives.


    Quote (adiriza @ Mar. 24 2006,20:35)
    I can't agree more with the statement made by Hassan. Faith, blended with love I would say, is the key to spiritual growth and the fulfilling of God's promises that we find in the Scriptures. Nothing has changed indeed since the time of the apostles as far as the work of the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit of God worked thru Jesus, the same way wants to work thru as, Christians. Today we don't really see or hear of healings, exorcisms, wonders, supernatural manifestations of the spiritual gifts thru believers as something normal, rather as something unusual, rare and looked upon with skepticism, irony, smiles of unbelief or many simply dismissing such manifestations today. Why? As it was pointed, because of lack of faith. As “t8” pointed, faith as of a child will see us thru all temptations and get us into that sweet communion with God. I have my own story of how God opened my eyes to many spiritual truths that -as a Christian- I was totally ignorant of or simply deceived. I could share more if I see any feedback or further interest in my message. God bless and thank you to the author of this site for giving an opportunity to share and learn from scriptures and our own lives.

    The Lord brought this to my attention just recently. So yeah! I'd like to here more. If no one else does please e-mail me.

    I'm always willing to learn truth!



    Oh how beautiful and wonderful of a Groom waiting for his bride. All the angels will be singing and all the sainst will be rejoicing. No hinderences or unbelief or temptations or worry. All people whom believe shall receive their just rewards. Just think of it; your surroundings shall be at peace and your new life is just that; new.
    All your labors through temptations and errors and repentances chastising us in life and by the blood of the Lamb , removing all sin of us. Yes , T8 and the others has made a statement that we all should examine ourselves to show us approved by our King. That we, the Bride, would be ready for the call. This is such a good awakening topic. Thank you………… :D

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