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- September 5, 2014 at 10:15 am#749580
ParticipantThe Mo’ed of Shofars
Mo’ed – the occasion of celebration for a God appointed time. Lev. 23:1-43, Ezekiel 44:24b
Shofar – a ram’s horn trumpet, blown on any special occasion.
This Appointed Day is Yom Teruah, the Festival of Trumpets. Lev. 23:24, Num.29:1-6 It is also Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, the new moon on the first day of the month of Tishri.
Themes of Yom Teruah:
* This is the Day that the earth was created. Genesis 1:1
* This is a Day to blow the shofar, a Day of warning and alarms.
* This is a Day for judgment. Psalm 81:3
* This is the Day that Israel will be protected, then gathered. Isaiah 27:13
Then ten days later, there is the Mo’ed of Atonement: Yom Kippur.
These are autumn [fall] festivals. Jesus fulfilled the three spring festivals, in their sequence, at His first advent, then Pentecost soon after, therefore we can expect the next prophesied event to be the Day of Shofars as many prophesies indicate:
Joel 2:1&15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a solemn fast, call a sacred assembly.
Zephaniah 1:16 The Day of the Lord is a Day of trumpets and alarms.
Hosea 5:8 Blow the trumpet in the Land, for the Lord has decreed punishment for Israel.
Jer. 25:30-31 The Lord will thunder from His dwelling place, a great sound will be heard by all.
2 Peter 3:10 The Day of the Lord will come unexpectedly…with a great sound…
Isaiah 29:5-6 Suddenly, in an instant, punishment will come from the Lord, with earthquakes, storms, the thunder of great noise and flames of devouring fire. Ezekiel 7:14 The trumpet has sounded, but no one goes to war, as their turmoil has called forth My wrath.
The Great and terrible Day of the Lord; the Sixth Seal, will be a worldwide catastrophe by fire from the sky and is the single literal Day that the Lord will carry out His judgement of the nations. Hab. 3:12. As Jesus said: As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Son of Man comes. Matthew 24:37-39 Then, the Day of the Lord’s punishment came unexpectedly and now the world is once again in a state of apostasy and denial of God’s existence. Jesus’ reference to Himself as the Son of Man coming IN the clouds at this time, Psalm 18:11, Hab. 3:4, Luke 21:25-27, is not the Return when He comes visible to all, ON the clouds, as the Word of God. Rev 19:13 Note: at the Return, His garments are blood-stained from the years earlier Day of wrath. Isaiah 61:2b, Isaiah 63:1-6
So it seems more than probable that the Lord will take action on the Day designated for it. Isaiah 28:21, Isaiah 34:8, 2 Peter 3:10 Note as well; the Day of Trumpets occurs at the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon, so it is not a day that we can know exactly in advance, so it is the Day that will come unexpectedly, like a thief. Rev. 16:15
In order for the prophesies in Rev 6:12, Joel 2:31 and Isaiah 30:26 about the moon shining brightly red on that Day, it is necessary for it to be closer to the sun, as it is during the new moon. The sun shining with seven times its normal strength, must be a Coronal Mass Ejection sunstrike, it will cause the ‘sky to roll up like a scroll’, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis’ and it will literally fulfill all the graphic prophesies about that Day. Isaiah 46:10, Romans 1:18
As a further proof of this judgement happening before the Return, all of the holy Land will be cleared, Ezekiel 30:1-5, and when the Lord’s true righteous people go to live there, Isaiah 66:20, they will elect their own leaders: Jer. 30:21 A ruler will appear, one of their own people….
Deut. 18:15 The Lord will raise up a leader like Moses from amongst the people… Acts 3:22
Hosea 1:11 The people of Judah and Israel will be united and will choose a leader.
It seems most likely that after all that must happen: the visible Return of Jesus in glory, will occur on a Mo’ed of Tabanacles, the last feast to be fulfilled. ‘Tabernacles’ means ‘God with us’. In 2014, the Day of Trumpets falls on September 24th *, but what will trigger the Lord’s action, is the commencement of an attack on Israel by Iran. Bible prophecy tells us that this will happen and we know Iran and her proxies are prepared and ready to ‘wipe Israel off the map’.
Isaiah 21:2b…Advance Elam; up Media, do not hesitate! [Elam and Media: modern Iran]
Isaiah 22:6 Elam took up the quiver, Aram and Kir prepare for war. [Aram and Kir: Arab peoples]
* Note that NASA calculates the new Moon sighting on the 25th September.
September 5, 2014 at 2:24 pm#749954Wakeup
After the two prophets are killed; the world will celebrate.
Then they will be taken up: the same hour an earthquake,7000 in israel died.
Then quickly the 7th trumpet will sound;the coming.(armageddon).
Babylon is no more.
I am sure that the celebration will fall on december/january.
What jewish feast will be in these months?
Could this be the feast of Tebeth? What is the feast of Tebeth?
This feast was mentioned in Jer.51:39.(that they may rejoice, and be drunken, and sleep a PERPETUAL SLEEP).Revelation 11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
Revelation 11:11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
Revelation 11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
Revelation 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Revelation 11:14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
Revelation 11:16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
Revelation 11:17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
Revelation 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
September 5, 2014 at 8:20 pm#750323keras
ParticipantAs usual, Wakeup replies with events that will happen years after what I am talking about.
Can you not see that the Sixth Seal is BEFORE the Great tribulation and the two prophets?
Never heard of Tebeth.
September 6, 2014 at 1:38 am#750752Wakeup
Why are you going to the seals?(rev. 6).
The 6th seal (is just) revealing the signs before the 7th trumpet .(the signs of the coming).
The signs before the coming; just signs,that’s all:
(the coming = the 7th trumpet = the 3rd woe = the end of babylon = great millstone cast into the sea = babylon no more).
The (7th seal) tells us about the 7 trumpets.
Rev.11 tells us about the:
(6th)Trumpet, and the (7th)Trumpet
Christ’s coming.(the 7th trumpet).
Rev.11 is about the (2nd) woe; and the (3rd) woe.
1. Israel trodden by the gentiles for 3/half years; and the two witnesses; witnessing for 3/half years.
2. Two witnesses killed after the 3/half yrs, their dead bodies left out for 3/half days,then taken up;
3. Same hour a great earthquake 7000 died. (2nd woe).
4. Then quickly; the coming.(3rd woe).
5. Like a great millstone was cast into the sea:
and babylon shall be found no more.(rev 18:21). (end of babylon).
4. All the rejoicing; because of the death of the two witnesses, will be drunken, and never wake.(jer.51:29).
Because of the coming. (perpetrual sleep)( sleep for ever).
6. Babylon replaced by the kingdom. ( the kingdom set up).
September 6, 2014 at 10:20 am#751962keras
ParticipantTo think that the Sixth Seal is merely a sign, is wrong.
Rev. 6:12-17 is the EVENT. Verse 17 says it IS the Day of the Lord’s wrath upon all the earth. This is confirmed by many other prophesies describing the Day. The last seven years, that include the Great Tribulation, come later.
Luke 21:34-36 tells us to be alert and prepared for the Day that will come upon everyone. Are you?
September 6, 2014 at 3:12 pm#752135Wakeup
The seals:
1. The white horse is conquering,and to conquer.
2. Peace taken away from the earth.(wars).
3. Spiritual darkness; no solutions to the many problems.
4. Famine ; death and food shortages; high prices.
5. Showing the saints that died in the past; seeking for God’s revenge.
6. Showing the signs of the wrath of God before armageddon;which is the war against the Lamb.
7. The 7 trumpets(wrath): leading to that war; the last trumpet,is that war. (the last trumpet will last one day).
Babylon will fall in one day: The day of armageddon..
Before armageddon,there is the war of men against men.(the 3rdww).
No flesh shall be saved,if not shortened.(this war will be made short).
The king of the North(the beast of rev. 13). Against the king of the Medes(iran) and allies.(this is the 3rdww).
The appearing in the clouds of the Lord and His armies of heaven,will be for a certain time period,
until both sides(the armies of the world) manages to come together in the place called Megiddo; to make war with the Lamb.
(the three frog like expressions going through the earth, to gather them to the one place to make war with the Lamb).
This war against the Lamb will only take one day.
This will happen soon after the two witnesses are taken up; and the great earthquake in israel.(rev.11).
And before this; the rejoicing of the world because of the death of the two witnesses.(verse.10).
Lets pray for christians not to join that celebration; or they will sleep a perpetual sleep.
They need to be informed.
September 6, 2014 at 4:03 pm#752136keras
ParticipantHere is the end time sequence supported by scripture. The first five seals have already been opened, as Zechariah 1&6 says.
End times sequence:
Soon to happen: The great and terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, a CME sunstrike. Isaiah 30:26, Malachi 4:1 It is the Sixth seal event. Worldwide devastation and the Middle East is cleared and cleansed, Ezekiel 30:1-5 It will be the fulfilment of Psalm 83, Isaiah 2:12-21, 2 Peter 3:7 A small Jewish remnant will survive in Jerusalem. Isaiah 4:3 Many will die around the world: Isaiah 51:6, Jer.9:22, but most will survive and eventually re-establish the infrastructure.
The Seventh seal is ‘about’ a 20 year time gap until the Return of Jesus.
In a short while: Isaiah 29:17, all the holy Land will be regenerated and the Lord’s people, righteous Israel, be they true descendants of Jacob or grafted in, will gather in the new country of Beulah. Isaiah 62:4 They will live in peace and security and 144,000 missionaries are selected from them, to go out to all peoples and proclaim the coming Kingdom of Jesus. Revelation 7 & 14, Isaiah 66:19
The rest of the nations will form a One World Government, led by ten Presidents. Daniel 7:24 Before long, three will be taken over and the other seven will confer their power onto another strong leader. Daniel 11:21, Revelation 13:1-8
After a few years: a Northern confederation, led by a person referred to as Gog, will be motivated to attack Beulah – an unprotected land, of great wealth. They will be totally wiped out and it takes seven years to bury them and clean the land. Ezekiel 38 & 39, Joel 2:20
Some time later, the strong leader of the World Government, will make a seven year treaty with Beulah. This marks the commencement of the seventieth ‘week’ [seven years] of Daniel. There is a 3½ year period of calm and peace in the world. Daniel 9:27
After that: the world dictator comes to Jerusalem in force and declares himself to be god in the new Temple. This starts the Great Tribulation, the trumpet and bowl judgements. The ‘Woman’- righteous Israel, are taken to a place of safety for 1260 days. Zechariah 14:2, Revelation 12:14
Then comes the Glorious Return of Jesus: The battle of Armageddon, Jesus destroys the army of the Anti-Christ by the Sword of His Word.
The regathering of Israel and all those who have kept faithful.
The 1000 year Millennium reign of King Jesus and His resurrected saints.
The final attack against the holy city and the armies are instantly cremated. Satan is cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 16:13-16, Revelation 19:17-21
The Great White Throne judgement, a New Heaven and a New Earth. Daniel 7:9-10, Revelation chapter 21
September 20, 2014 at 7:04 am#770898keras
ParticipantHere are vivid descriptions of the sunstrike the Lord will send very soon:
2 Esdras 15&16 These are the words of the Lord: I shall show sinners no pity, My punishment will not spare those murderers who stain the ground with innocent blood. The Lord’s anger will burst out in flame, scorching the earth to its foundations and consuming sinners like burning straw. Woe to sinners who flout My commands, I shall show them no mercy. I well know all who offend against Me, I consign them to death and destruction.
See the clouds – full of fury and tempest, their appearance is hideous. They will let loose a vast storm over the land. There will be terror and trembling throughout the world, people will shudder, stricken with panic. Huge clouds will pile up and ravage the whole land and its inhabitants and a terrible storm will sweep over all that is high and exalted, with fire and hail and flying swords.
Strong is the arm that bends the bow and sharp the arrows that He shoots. Once they are on their way, nothing will stop them until they reach the ends of the earth. Calamities are let loose and will not turn back. The fire is lighted and will not be put out. When the scorching heat bears down upon you, your strength and splendour will wither like a flower. When Y’hovah sends calamities, who can avert them? When His anger bursts into flame, who can extinguish it? When the lightning flashes and it thunders, who will not quake with dread?
The Wisdom Of Solomon 5:17-23 The Lord will array Himself from head to foot with the clothing of His wrath and will make His creation the weapon against His enemies. He will take holiness for His invincible shield and sharpen His relentless anger for a sword. The bolts of His lightning will fly straight to their mark and the artillery of His resentment will let fly a fury of hail. A great tempest will rise against them and scatter them like chaff before a whirlwind. So lawlessness will make the whole world desolate.
But the just will live forever, their reward is in the Lord’s keeping. Therefore royal splendour will be theirs and a crown from the Lord Himself. He will protect His people with His Right Hand and shield them with His arm.
The Wisdom of Solomon 16:15-16 From the Lord’s Hand there is no escape, the godless who refused to acknowledge You are scourged by Your mighty arm and pursued by storms of hail in relentless torrents and are utterly destroyed by fire. Ref: Revised English Bible Apocrypha
The Otot haMashiah [the sign of the Messiah, written circa 12th century]
The Holy One, blessed be He, will bring to the world heat from the sun, that will kill a thousand times thousands of all the nations and all the wicked of Israel will also die. Everyone will say: Woe is us, where can we escape to? They will dig holes and hide in caves to cool themselves. If you ask: How will the righteous be saved from the heat of the sun? The Holy One, blessed be He, will give them a remedy in that heat.
The Qibbutz Galuyot [the ingathering of the Exiles]
Ever since the destruction of the Temple, in 70AD, the Jews have prayed daily for the rejoining and the restoration of all the twelve tribes of Israel. To make this complete, there has to be redemption of the Lord’s people to Himself. Therefore, all the tribes of Israel must return to their ancestral Land and also the Shekinah Glory must return with them.
Happy are those who live in those days, to see the good fortune of Israel which God will bring to pass. For the ingathering of Israel, may God hasten His mercy to His people.
September 24, 2014 at 8:36 am#775064keras
ParticipantThe fire is alight, nothing will stop it coming to earth 2 Esdras 16:15 [Bible Apocrypha]
The following 116 Bible verses describe the coronal mass ejection that the Lord will use to carry out His prophesied Day of vengeance and wrath against His enemies, the godless peoples and nations that attack the State of Israel. The entire world will be badly affected:
1/ LIGHT -The initial light flash arrives from the sun within 8 minutes.
Isaiah 30:26a The sun will shine with seven times its normal strength.
Habakkuk 3:3-4 His brightness is like the dawn, His radiance covers the sky.
Psalm 144:6 Send lightning bolts to scatter Your enemies.
Psalm 18:14 He hurled lightning shafts far and wide.
Ezekiel 21:10 My deadly sword is sharpened, it will flash like lightning for the slaughter.
2/ HEAT – Seven times hotter, ambient temperature say, 15c X 7 = could be 120c, 250f
Malachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace.
Psalm 18:8 Smoke and fire come from the Lord, with glowing coals and searing heat.
Isaiah 64:1-2 When You tear apart the sky, fires blaze and water boils.
Jeremiah 17:8…when the heat comes, trust in the Lord for protection.
Jeremiah 6:29 The fiery bellows of judgement burn fiercely to refine My people.
Isaiah 25:4 You give refuge to the poor and needy, shelter from the tempest and shade from the heat.
3/ DARKNESS – Caused by ash from volcanic eruptions, plus smoke from forest and city fires.
Isaiah 50:3 I can clothe the sky in darkness, cover it with sackcloth.
Amos 5:20 The Day of the Lord is indeed a Day of deep darkness.
Isaiah 13:10 The sun, moon and stars will give no light.
Ezekiel 32:7-8 I will veil the sky with clouds and bring darkness over the land.
Zephaniah 1:15 The Day of the Lord’s anger will be a Day of destruction, of darkness and gloom.
Amos 8:9 On that Day, the sun will darken at noon.
Revelation 6:12…the sun turned black as a funeral pall and the whole moon blood red.
Psalm 18:11 He made thick darkness His covering, dense vapour His canopy.
Jeremiah 4:23 The earth was in chaos and the sky was in darkness.
4/ FIRE – A huge mass of superheated cosmic particles envelopes the earth.
Isaiah 66:15 The Lord is coming in fire like a whirlwind with the flaming fire of His rebuke.
Luke 3:16 He will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire, the chaff will burn forever.
Ezekiel 20:47 I am about to light a fire, its fiery flame cannot be put out.
1 Corinthians 3:13…for that Day dawns in fire and fire will test every persons worth.
Psalm 21:9 The anger of the Lord will engulf His enemies in a fiery furnace and consume them.
Hebrews 10:27 For the godless, there is only the terrifying expectation of a fierce fire that will consume God’s enemies.
2 Peter 3:10 On that Day the earth will be enveloped in flames and all that is in it will be brought to judgement.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 ..when the Lord Jesus comes forth with His mighty host in blazing fire, he will punish all the godless and apostate people.
Psalm 97:2-5 Cloud enfolds Him, fire goes ahead and consumes His enemies.
Isaiah 4:4b The Lord will cleanse Jerusalem, with His judgement burning like fire.
Isaiah 33:12 The nations will be burned to ashes, like thorn bushes set on fire.
Ezekiel 30:16 I shall set Egypt on fire. Amos 1:1-15 Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan burned.
5/ EARTHQUAKES – The electromagnetic microwave effect will cause volcanoes & earthquakes.
Haggai 2:6 In a little while, I shall shake the sky, the earth and break the power of the godless.
Psalm 144:5 Lord, part the sky and come down, touch the mountains, so they pour forth smoke.
Isaiah 24:18-19 ..the windows of the sky above are opened, the earths foundations shake, it is convulsed and reels wildly.
Amos 8:8-9 On that day the earth will quake like ocean waves.
Revelation 6:12-14 There was a violent earthquake…every mountain and island was moved.
Psalm 18:7 The earth shook and quaked, the mountains trembled because of His anger.
Jeremiah 4:24 The mountains were reeling and the hills rocked to and fro.
Habakkuk 3:6 The Lord shakes the earth, the mountains are flattened.
6/ EARTH MOVED–The earth’s orbit may be speeded up by this event, resulting in a 360 day year, that will make sense out the time periods given to us in Revelation and Daniel.
Isaiah 13:13…and the earth will be moved out of her place.
7/ COSMC PARTICLES – This CME will hit with a great pressure wave. Previous CME’s have pushed satellites into lower orbits, this one will make them crash back to earth. This cannot refer to real stars, as the nearest one is 4¼ light years away and they are of enormous size.
Isaiah 28:2 The Lord will beat down violently upon the earth, as a destroying tempest.
Revelation 6:13 The starry host will fall to the earth, like fruit blown of a tree in a gale.
Isaiah 34:4 The host of the heavens will fall like ripe fruit.
Jeremiah 6:25 Do not go outside, for the sword of the Lord spreads terror all around.
8/ ELECTRICAL EFFECTS – The supercharged particles will cause extreme voltage in both the electric power supply system, telephone wires and pipelines. Transformers and switchgear will be destroyed. Any appliances connected to the grid, even if switched off, will burn out. All telephone and radio communications out of action for a long time. Most vehicles, aircraft and ships will be inoperable.
9/ SKY EFFECTS – The earth magnetosphere and atmosphere are badly affected. This may cause a pole shift and huge storms will encircle the globe.
Isaiah 13:13 I shall make the heavens shudder…on the day of the Lord’s blazing anger.
Isaiah 51:6 The sky will be dispersed like smoke.
2 Peter 3:10 …the heavens will disappear with a great rushing sound.
Revelation 6:14 The sky vanished like a scroll being rolled up.
Isaiah 34:4 The sky will crumble into nothing and will be rolled up like a scroll.
Psalm 83:15 Pursue Your enemies with Your tempest, terrify them with Your stormwinds.
Jeremiah 30:23See what a scorching wind goes out, it rages down upon the heads of the wicked.
Jeremiah 4:11 & 20 A scorching wind will sweep down upon My people, the whole Land is ruined.
10/ A GREAT NOISE – The CME strike will be heard all around the earth.
Jeremiah 25:30-31 The Lord roars from on high, the great noise reaches the ends of the earth, for He judges the nations and has handed over the wicked for destruction.
Isaiah 29:6 Judgement will come from the Lord with thunder, earthquakes, loud noise and consuming flames of fire.
Jeremiah 51:54-55 The Lord is ready to destroy the godless nations, the advancing wave booms and roars as it despoils them.
11/ DEATHS WORLDWIDE – Many millions will die, but for those who stay in shelter, it will be survivable, it is only a one day event. More will die from fighting and famine afterward.
Deuteronomy 32:41 When I set My hand to judgement, My sword will devour flesh.
Isaiah 28:21-22 The Lord will arise and storm with rage, destruction is decreed upon the earth.
Isaiah 66:16 He will judge with fire, many will be slain by Him.
Isaiah 34:5 For My sword is prepared, it descends in judgement on those doomed for death.
Isaiah 51:6 The sky will be dispersed like smoke and the people will die like flies.
Jeremiah 25:33 Those that the Lord kills on that Day will lie scattered from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or buried, they will be as dung on the ground.
Isaiah 63:1-6 The Lord comes from the nations, His garments splashed with blood, His Day of vengeance had come and He tramped on them and spilled out their blood.
Psalm 37:20 Evil people will die, they will be incinerated and go up in smoke.
Isaiah 13:12 Humans will become scarce, more rare that fine gold.
Ezekiel 30:4-5 Egypt will suffer anguish…her slain will fall along with all the Arab lands.
Zephaniah 1:3 & 11 I shall destroy humans and animals, I shall bring the godless to their knees. Dire distress will come to sinful peoples, their blood and guts will spill on the ground.
Jeremiah 9:22 Corpses will lie like dung in the fields with no one to gather them.
Ezekiel 21:3 My sword of judgement will kill both the righteous and wicked alike, from the Negev, Northward.
Jeremiah 11:16 Once you were My people, now with a great noise, you will be burned & consumed.
Isaiah 5:25 His anger is roused against His people and as He strikes them down the mountains shake. Their bodies lie like refuse in the streets.
Ezekiel 32:6 I shall drench the land with blood, the villages will be filled with it.
12/ THE LAND BURNED – The fireball will make forests and wooden houses catch fire, even concrete buildings mostly have tarred roofs, which will burn, as will tar sealed roads.
2 Peter 3:12 Look forward to the coming Day of the Lord and work to hasten it on, that Day will set the sky ablaze and will melt the elements in fervent heat.
Isaiah 9:19 The land is scorched and the people are fuel for the fire.
Jeremiah 4:26 The fertile land becomes a wilderness before the fierce anger of the Lord.
Isaiah 42:15 I shall lay waste to all the land and dry up the rivers and lakes.
Ezekiel 15:8 I will make the land a waste because they have broken faith.
Joel 1:11 & 19-20 Despair you farmers for your harvest is lost, the ground is dry and scorched. To You, Lord I cry out for fire has consumed the pastures and trees of the land.
Jeremiah 9:10-12 …...the land is scorched and untrodden, not even birds or beasts remain. Jerusalem and the towns of Judah are ruined and uninhabited. The Land is a dead place, burned and laid waste.
Isaiah 10:18-19 Suddenly, His trees and meadows will be destroyed, what remains will be so few that a child may count them.
13/ CITIES DESERTED – The fires and destruction will drive people out and there will be no power, water or communications, plus no food deliveries, survival must be out in the country.
Isaiah 17:9 On the Day of Retribution, cities will be deserted.
Isaiah 6:11-12 How long, Lord? Until the Land is desolate and cities are deserted, houses vacant.
Jeremiah 4:7 The Destroyer comes, cities will lay waste and empty.
Hosea 8:14 You have forgotten your Maker, I shall send fire to burn your cities.
Micah 5:10-11 On that Day, I will devastate your cities.
Jeremiah 9:21-22 Death has come to our towns, corpses lie like dung in the streets.
Jeremiah 4:26 Your Holy cities are ruined, Jerusalem is burned by fire, all that we treasured has been destroyed.
Isaiah 27:10 The fortified city is left solitary, stripped bare and forsaken like a wilderness.
14/ THE MILITARY DESTROYED – The powerful electromagnetic pulse will disable ships, tanks and aircraft. It will also cause explosive devices to either explode or be neutralized.
Jer. 50:22-23 The noise of battle is heard, see how the hammer of the whole world is broken.
Hosea 2:18 …I shall break the bow and all weapons of war and sweep them off the earth.
Micah 5:5-11 On that Day, I will destroy your military fortifications.
Zephaniah 1:16 A Day of battle cries against the fortified cities and towns.
Isaiah 30:25b On the Day of massacre, when fortresses fall.
Amos 5:9 Destruction will flash forth onto the mighty, against their strongholds.
Jeremiah 50:27 Put all warriors to the sword, lead them to slaughter, for their time has come.
15/ AN UNEXPECTED EVENT – This sudden and shocking event, is not the Return of Jesus, as when the Anti Christ desecrates the new Temple, Jesus will come exactly 1260 days after that.
2 Peter 3:10 The great and terrible Day of the Lord will come like a thief, unexpectedly.
Isaiah 29:5-6 Suddenly, in an instant, your enemies will be punished with earthquakes, storms and flames of devouring fire.
Isaiah 10:17-19 In 1 Day, the Lord will burn up His enemies, sudden as someone falling into a fit.
Jeremiah 6:26…for in an instant the Despoiler will be upon us.
16/ A ONE DAY EVENT – A CME strikes the earth at a speed of 1 – 5 million miles per hour. It causes terrible effects, but then continues on past, leaving us to recover.
Zephaniah 3:8 Wait for the Day when I accuse the nations and pour out My burning anger upon the whole world.
Ezekiel 30:2-3 Alas for the Day, a day is near, the Day of the Lord is near, a Day of reckoning for the nations.
Isaiah 13:9 The Day of the Lord is coming, a cruel Day of wrath and fierce anger.
Joel 1:15 The Day is near, it comes, a mighty destruction from the Lord.
Isaiah 2:20-21 On the Day the Lord will arise and strike the world with terror.
Zechariah 3:9 In a single Day, I will wipe away the guilt of this Land.
Isaiah 63:4-6 I resolved on a Day of vengeance, I shattered nations in My fury.
Joel 2:11 The Lord thunders as He leads the host, great and terrible is the Day, who can endure it?
Zephaniah 2:4-5 Land of the Philistines, at midday, I shall crush you and lay you in ruins, bereft of inhabitants.
Joel 2:30-31 On that great and terrible Day of the Lord, the sky and the earth will show blood, fire and smoke.
17/ HIS PEOPLE – Joel 2:32 Then all who call on the Lord’s Name will be saved.
Isaiah 30:26 The sun will shine 7 times stronger, on the Day the Lord saves and heals His people
Habakkuk 3:12-13 Furiously You traverse the earth, in anger You trample down the nations. You go forth to save Your people.
Joel 3:16 The Lord roars from Zion, the heavens and the earth shudder but He is a refuge for His people and a defence for Israel.
Psalm 68:1-3 God springs into action! His enemies scatter like smoke, as wax melts before a fire, so the godless are destroyed before Him. The righteous are happy and praise God.
Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through rivers, they will not overwhelm you. Walk through fire and flames and not be burned or scorched. I am the Lord, your God and your Deliverer.
1 Peter 1:5 Because you put your faith in God, you are under the protection of His power until the salvation now in readiness is revealed at the end of time.
Reference: Revised English Bible. Some verses abridged.
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