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  • #788990


    A place of abundant fruit

    John 12:23 – 26


    A cave, probably hewn out of solid rock. Its purpose, to hold a deceased person in its midst. On the floor is either a carved long seat out of the rock, or a long stone table placed there to receive the intended person. On this solid platform lies a body. Carefully wrapped in the appropriate burial linen, and the entrance to the cave is closed by a large boulder. Outside, the grave is guarded day and night, and the government’s official seal is placed on the boulder. What could go wrong with that much official attention to one single grave, 2000 yrs ago? These conditions prevailed for 3 days and 2 nights. All was quiet, nothing seemed amiss, the guard slept on his duty , all was as it should be on the outside.


    Somewhere in that 3 days and 2 nights the body began to glow, the power and intensity gathering every second, its force and might pushing from within, This force had seen the light of day only once before and witnessed by 3 people, it was only a small amount of what was being unleashed in this lonely cave. This time the force of the resurrection, the Holy Spirit, would have its full affect on the mortal body now laying there. As it spread throughout the body it regenerates, yet more, turns mortality to immortality!!! The true deity of this man becomes evident, master of all his creation, all atoms and molecules. The power unleashed would only be rivalled by the atomic energy yet to be found in the 20<sup>th</sup> century.


    The boulder, was rolled back by this man’s servants, He had long gone from the lonely cave, The truth of God is not kept under wraps by any earthly government, God will roll it back for humans to see his truth. The lonely cave is empty now, so where does the resurrected person now dwell ? He can dwell where he wishes, or where others wish him room to.

     The boulder was moved so the people could see the empty cave, they have a space in their spirit especially created for the shape of this resurrected man to dwell. This then will become His temple and they his people. A power to be passed on to everlasting generations until He will reign over the earth. This was a power unleashed as never before. Are we one of those who have made room for him to dwell in us? His power and truth are such that he can even foretell and it come to pass,!! To DIE and be raised again, by his OWN words, he must be worthy of our trust!!! He tells his earthly followers “I have power to lay down my life and to take it up again, having received that from my Father that what he says is done.” This he passes to his people, the power of their word to quench the power or to fan its flame of change.

     Of all the natural elements of the earth, air, water, earth and fire. It is fire that changes the structure of the object it envelopes. So to, the power that raised the Son of God is a fire, what a change. This is the change that He gives his people. So to, the change was in private, a place of death. To show to the world the change. This should also be his peoples way. The way of death and then raised to life giving force by the Holy Spirit of the Living God.

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