The Bridesmaids

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  • #307142

    Quote (Marlin1 @ July 26 2012,22:26)


    A person must be born again of the Spirit of God or the person WILL BE DECEIVED…

    I assume that with your comment you have established that I DID NOT HAVE BEEN REBORN IN GODS SPIRIT right ???

    if you say YES please could you tell me what are your bases to come to that conclusion ???

    thank you

    Maybe you should re-read what I said,  I didn't say you…….

    But I would say this,  you correct me if I am wrong.
    Did you not say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost was to believe the word?

    God Bless


    is this that you refer to;

    if you do not believe what scriptures are saying tell me HOW CAN YOU RECIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT  ?

    if so why you did not correct me if I was wrong ???

    No one will ever understand the written word without the Spirit of God in them.
    Some don't believe it is for anyone at this time, They are wrong.
    Some believe they have it, yet they De-neigh the truth of the written word, so they prove they don't have it.
    Some believe that studying the Word is receiving the Holy Ghost, they are deceived.

    A person must be born again of the Spirit of God or the person WILL BE DECEIVED…

    God Bless

    what you quoted me it imply that you have received the holy
    spirit or some one convinced you that you have received it ,

    without doubt you must be A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN ,belonging to that class makes you what a true believer ?? this denomination as preached the end for a long time and in many ways ,

    I know the the holy spirit is not given through a men made organization but comes from God through his son Jesus Christ ,


    (Nick Hassan @ May 21 2012,13:41)
    Hi GB,
    12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.


    John14:9— jesus speakng to his apostles.


    wakeup .

    It doesn't say only the Apostles, in fact the above scripture(12) says HE That BELIEVETH IN HIM.
    Who He is.

    Do you believe?



    The bride is the church. There are so many churches now in this world, which is one the true bride of Jesus Christ?


    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 27 2012,00:39)
    The bride is the church.  There are so many churches now in this world, which is one the true bride of Jesus Christ?

    who's given the seats ???

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 26 2012,22:19)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 27 2012,00:39)
    The bride is the church.  There are so many churches now in this world, which is one the true bride of Jesus Christ?

    who's given the seats ???

    What 'seats'?


    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 27 2012,06:00)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 26 2012,22:19)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 27 2012,00:39)
    The bride is the church.  There are so many churches now in this world, which is one the true bride of Jesus Christ?

    who's given the seats ???

    What 'seats'?

    Is it not God that chooses



    limjunus said,
    The bride is the church.  There are so many churches now in this world, which one is the true bride of Jesus Christ?

              NONE of them

    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 24 2012,11:09)

    Quote (Marlin1 @ July 24 2012,10:01)
    Hi Wakeup,

    Let us take these one at a time and see what the truth might me.


    You obviously believe that Jesus is God in the flesh.
    This alone is contradicting John 1:14. The word was made flesh—not God.

    John 1:1 says the Word was God.  So your so called contradiction in John 1:14 is not at all a contradiction.  A Spirit is not a person and a power is not a person, so Jesus Christ is the ONLY person of the Godhead.  And that is exactly what the scriptures say.


    And you also believe that God died on the cross.
    But when jesus died on the cross,God left him alone,so who really died on the cross?

    I believe the completely sinless Son of God died on the cross.  The fleshly temple made in the likeness of man, that God choose to dwell in died on the cross.


    You also believe that Jesus was born again at his babtism.
    This means that he was not born again before the babtism?

    Jesus was born a man and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the Jordon river.  And this happened before His death.


    Jesus was Gods child before he was babtised,not only after.
    We are not born again after the our babtism,but at the resurrection,with a new spirit body,because we then are born of the spirit,and we will be spirit.

    We are still flesh today,but with a conformed mind:
    we are now begotten of God; not born again yet; till the coming.

    This is your conjecture, what you have been taught and it just isn't true.  The Spirit is still calling, and all those that will put down church doctrine and believe God's Word, will be sealed with His Spirit until they are changed.
    EPHESIANS 4:30 † And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

    God Bless


    And the word was God,the same was in the beginning WITH GOD.
    first; God had no beginning: can you address this?
    And the word was WITH GOD,can you clarify this?
    second: Jesus said: I proceeded OUT OF THE FATHER. Can you understand this?

    Jesus created all: he is the word of God; pslms ch.33:6.By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them,by the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH.(his word).
    Are you going to contradict this?

    Was Jesus not clear enough when he said: When you are born of the FLESH you are FLESH.
    When you are born of the SPIRIT you are SPIRIT.
    Are you going to contradict this statement,with what you have been taught?

    Born again means that you will be born 2 times,no more.
    Zion will give birth to a nation in one day; can you understand this?

    Isiah 66:7. Before she travailed,she brought forth; before her pain came,  she was delivered for a man child.(this is jesus birth).by the will of the Father.

    66:8. Who had heard such a thing? Who had seen such  things? SHALL THE EARTH BE MADE TO BRING FORTH IN ONE DAY? OR SHALL A NATION BE BORN AT ONCE? For as soon as Zion travailed,she brought forth HER CHILDREN. (the resurrected ones).Born again in a new spirit body.

    Nothing to do with babtism.Go by the scriptures,not by mans teachings.


    Hi Wakeup,  (Link)

    You make the assumption that “The Word” (according to you)
    is Jesus rather than being the “HolySpirit”; an incorrect assumption.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 27 2012,03:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 27 2012,06:00)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 26 2012,22:19)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 27 2012,00:39)
    The bride is the church.  There are so many churches now in this world, which is one the true bride of Jesus Christ?

    who's given the seats ???

    What 'seats'?

    Is it not God that chooses

    What 'seats'?



    And the word was God,the same was in the beginning WITH GOD.
    first; God had no beginning: can you address this?
    And the word was WITH GOD,can you clarify this?
    second: Jesus said: I proceeded OUT OF THE FATHER. Can you understand this?

    Jesus created all: he is the word of God; pslms ch.33:6.By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them,by the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH.(his word).
    Are you going to contradict this?

    Was Jesus not clear enough when he said: When you are born of the FLESH you are FLESH.
    When you are born of the SPIRIT you are SPIRIT.
    Are you going to contradict this statement,with what you have been taught?

    Born again means that you will be born 2 times,no more.
    Zion will give birth to a nation in one day; can you understand this?

    Isiah 66:7. Before she travailed,she brought forth; before her pain came,  she was delivered for a man child.(this is jesus birth).by the will of the Father.

    66:8. Who had heard such a thing? Who had seen such  things? SHALL THE EARTH BE MADE TO BRING FORTH IN ONE DAY? OR SHALL A NATION BE BORN AT ONCE? For as soon as Zion travailed,she brought forth HER CHILDREN. (the resurrected ones).Born again in a new spirit body.

    Nothing to do with babtism.Go by the scriptures,not by mans teachings.


    Brother Wakeup,

    The word is God, not Jesus the man, but God, PERIOD.  The Word did create everything.

    Do you really think that Jesus wasn't born 2000 years ago.  Use that logic of yours and tell me how Jesus created everything, after He was born.
    Of course He came out of God,  so did you, if you are eternal. For all things eternal, could of never had a beginning, nor will they have an end.
    Jesus was God from the very beginning, He has always been God and He will always be God.

    Just like you were in your father, long before you came forth as a person.  The Son of God was in His Father from the beginning.

    Is scripture not good enough for me. What about you?  Unless you be born again you will NEVER understand.  JOHN 3:3, 7, I PETER 1:23….  Three witnesses, you must be born again now.
    ACTS 2:38,  Unless you are baptized in the Name of God, you will NOT receive the HOLY GHOST, PERIOD.

    And if you think the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Name of God.
    JOHN 12:28, JOHN 17:11, MAT 28:19, ACTS 2:38

    Now, you can take the scripture and eat it and let it become part of you, or you can toss out those parts you don't understand or like.

    The Word has been restored, (revealed), to this age, by God's only provided way. Amos 3:7

    God Bless
    bro Marlin


    Quote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 07 2012,20:39)


    And the word was God,the same was in the beginning WITH GOD.
    first; God had no beginning: can you address this?
    And the word was WITH GOD,can you clarify this?
    second: Jesus said: I proceeded OUT OF THE FATHER. Can you understand this?

    Jesus created all: he is the word of God; pslms ch.33:6.By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them,by the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH.(his word).
    Are you going to contradict this?

    Was Jesus not clear enough when he said: When you are born of the FLESH you are FLESH.
    When you are born of the SPIRIT you are SPIRIT.
    Are you going to contradict this statement,with what you have been taught?

    Born again means that you will be born 2 times,no more.
    Zion will give birth to a nation in one day; can you understand this?

    Isiah 66:7. Before she travailed,she brought forth; before her pain came,  she was delivered for a man child.(this is jesus birth).by the will of the Father.

    66:8. Who had heard such a thing? Who had seen such  things? SHALL THE EARTH BE MADE TO BRING FORTH IN ONE DAY? OR SHALL A NATION BE BORN AT ONCE? For as soon as Zion travailed,she brought forth HER CHILDREN. (the resurrected ones).Born again in a new spirit body.

    Nothing to do with babtism.Go by the scriptures,not by mans teachings.


    Brother Wakeup,

    The word is God, not Jesus the man, but God, PERIOD.  The Word did create everything.

    Do you really think that Jesus wasn't born 2000 years ago.  Use that logic of yours and tell me how Jesus created everything, after He was born.
    Of course He came out of God,  so did you, if you are eternal. For all things eternal, could of never had a beginning, nor will they have an end.
    Jesus was God from the very beginning, He has always been God and He will always be God.

    Just like you were in your father, long before you came forth as a person.  The Son of God was in His Father from the beginning.

    Is scripture not good enough for me. What about you?  Unless you be born again you will NEVER understand.  JOHN 3:3, 7, I PETER 1:23….  Three witnesses, you must be born again now.
    ACTS 2:38,  Unless you are baptized in the Name of God, you will NOT receive the HOLY GHOST, PERIOD.

    And if you think the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Name of God.
    JOHN 12:28, JOHN 17:11, MAT 28:19, ACTS 2:38

    Now, you can take the scripture and eat it and let it become part of you, or you can toss out those parts you don't understand or like.

    The Word has been restored, (revealed), to this age, by God's only provided way. Amos 3:7

    God Bless
    bro Marlin


    So much talk but no scriptures,and so the father is the son of witch he is the father of,And the son his the father of witch he his the son of, so you are saying the truth and the bible can go to the garbage right ,if so this make you the true god did you ever think on that ??? This is an advancement in you carriere and on your resume, :D

    How can you be so deceive???


    Brother Pierre,

    Be born again and then you will understand, for until then you can not separate FLESH from SPIRIT.

    bro. Marlin


    Quote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 08 2012,20:16)
    Brother Pierre,

    Be born again and then you will understand, for until then you can not separate FLESH from SPIRIT.

    bro. Marlin


    if you were born again I would see it and you would show it ,but both of us are missing the needs .one to possess and one to give


    If the church is the bride who are the bridesmaids?


    Surely they are designated attendants to the bridegroom.
    Are they angels or prophets?

    God chooses words very carefully


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 06 2014,11:08)
    If the church is the bride who are the bridesmaids?

    John 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom:
    **but the friend of the bridegroom**,
    **which standeth and heareth him**,
    rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.



    Revelation 21:9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, ***Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife**.

    Revelation 21:10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, ***the holy Jerusalem***, descending out of heaven from God,



    Hi WU,
    Good work.
    The first quote was about John the Baptist


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 06 2014,12:15)
    Hi WU,
    Good work.
    The first quote was about John the Baptist




    I suggest the bridesmaids may be the angels of the churches as in Rev 1-3

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