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  • #113601

    Hi MK,
    Yes but we are urged to seek entry into the seventh day rest[millenium=1 day = 1000yrs]



    To whom much is given more is required, if you reject what you have been given you open yourself up to adverse judgement.

    To those that are not given a lot and they use the little that they have been given wisely – they are judged on their fruit and deeds.


    Hi MK,
    Acceptable is enough

    1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

    2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    Doubling the investment is enough[Mt25]



    My goal is not to be “elect” or get rewards, crowns I am trying to make sense of life and find truth – JMHO  what I see in “christianity” is a fear of being left out of the “elect” class and it being cloaked in a Jesus says to be good so we will be good.

    There is a mindset that believers are good people obviously and unbelievers MUST be wicked because the bible tells us that, so of course they need to be eternelly tormented because they send themselves there.


    Hi MK,
    None are good.
    Righteousness is ever of obedient faith and not works.
    To believe and not act on that belief in obedience to God's righteous demands is to be as demons.[jas]
    The only life that is relevant is the new life of the Spirit that transcends natural life and brings the approval of God in Christ.


    I agree with what you say there, and also believe the scriptures that say that all have sinned and (in adam) all die, and (in Christ) all will be made alive.

    God is not running an exclusive club. He will reward everyone for what THEY have sown.


    Hi mk,
    Are all now sons of the resurrection?
    Are all now reborn sons of God?
    Are all forgiven despite all having sinned?
    Was the work of Jesus magic for all men?
    Have any passed over from death to life?
    Is there only one resurrection?
    Are none found to be goats.


    Hi MK,
    Yes some will be saved by works[mt 25] but only certain works unto the brothers of Jesus.

    Relying on works to save us is to miss out on the first resurrection and the millenium and only hope we are found worthy.

    There is a better way-the way of Jesus Christ of Nazareth


    There is only one way ………….


    Hi MK,
    Do you exclude the mercy of God?

    Did those of Mt 25 expect to be saved or were they surprised?
    Should we be surprised or know our name is written in the book of life??


    Works will not save, but all will be judged on their works ………… Jesus is the only way for salvation …. It is ALL God's mercy


    Hi mk,
    No it is the works Jesus does through us that will count, not our own, if we are in him.

    Our works cannot save us unless God shows mercy to the merciful as He says He will.

    But aiming to be saved by works of mercy is not a wise choice.


    Quote (dirtyknections @ Dec. 11 2008,03:30)
    :) ..Ok my friends…I have been doing a lot of soul searching and I have a very serious question for the family…
    Alright here goes….(takes deep breath)

    How do you know that the bible is REALLY God's word?

    Now before you answer the question let me clarify…I for one do not doubt that “GOD” exists….I have my reasons for believing…but I would like clarification on why people believe the GOD of the “bible” whose name is “YHWH” and has a son named “Yeshua” is the one true GOD of the universe…

    Simply put, Why do you believe in the GOD of the bible?

    Why is someone's belief in Allah, Buddha, Vishu, Nature…not right? (aka…false worship)


    Ah….another veil is being lifted!

    Press on, bro!
    Keep asking the questions that no one wants you to ask.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Dec. 12 2008,09:39)
    Ah….another veil is being lifted!

    Press on, bro!
    Keep asking the questions that no one wants you to ask.

    Yes!!  I know that feeling


    Welcome Meerkat (cute name)!

    It sounds like you have many interesting things to share. I'll have to come back some other time and read up on YOU. :;):

    Keep wondering…..



    Hi Mandy,

    Would be nice if you stuck around  :) ….. however I know what you mean when you said,  tit for tat is wearying   ………. and the spoon and leaven  ……..

    The answer to one question leads to many more questions to ask and a lot of people have no idea why you are asking the questions ………….


    Hi MK,
    Scripture disturbs people.
    It questions their foundations and causes insecurity.

    Then they often go after the messenger.


    That sounds like a generalisation, for some if the scripture quoted is not relevant and not in context it could be disturbing and I guess some could be as you describe however, each has their own journey to travel, ……..maybe, before we remove the mote from our bro/sis eye we need to remove the log from our own ……..


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Dec. 12 2008,09:39)

    Quote (dirtyknections @ Dec. 11 2008,03:30)
    :) ..Ok my friends…I have been doing a lot of soul searching and I have a very serious question for the family…
    Alright here goes….(takes deep breath)

    How do you know that the bible is REALLY God's word?

    Now before you answer the question let me clarify…I for one do not doubt that “GOD” exists….I have my reasons for believing…but I would like clarification on why people believe the GOD of the “bible” whose name is “YHWH” and has a son named “Yeshua” is the one true GOD of the universe…

    Simply put, Why do you believe in the GOD of the bible?

    Why is someone's belief in Allah, Buddha, Vishu, Nature…not right? (aka…false worship)


    Ah….another veil is being lifted!

    Press on, bro!
    Keep asking the questions that no one wants you to ask.


    Hi Mandy

    But is it another veil being lifted or is it another veil being placed over the eyes? ???

    Remember, Jesus believed in and quoted the scriptures and taught men to do so.

    Peter a witness and personal follower of Jesus claimed that Paul’s written word was scripture….

    And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to THE WISDOM GIVEN UNTO HIM hath written unto you; “As also in ALL HIS EPISTLES, speaking in them of these things; in which are SOME THINGS HARD TO BE UNDERSTOOD“, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also “THE OTHER SCRIPTURES“, unto their own destruction. 3:15, 16

    To take the road of doubting the written scriptures will only lead to not believing that Jesus is the Messiah and eventually not believing YHWH is God, IMO.

    Do you remember this conversation with kejonn….?

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 24 2007,16:01)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 24 2007,13:25)

    Quote (kejonn @ Oct. 24 2007,13:02)
    Very interesting thing I heard today…and it rang so true in my soul. Israel was given the Sabbath and Christians moved away from it to Sunday. Muslims moved their day to Friday. Both use the Jewish scriptures as the basis of their religion. But the speaker said that he is certain it was definitely an act of God to move Christianity and Islam away from His Sabbath because neither religion keeps to His Torah. Therefore, the Sabbath is between Him and His chosen people, Israel, who still honor His Torah, His eternal covenant.


    So Christianity is a religion now seperate from the Torah?

    Christianity is in bed with the Muslims because they keep a Spiritual Sabbath under a New Covenant and not a physical one?

    I hope brother you are not moving away from the NT or New Covenant to follow the Old Covenant and maybe become a Jew, litteraly!

    I hope that some day I dont hear you say that the Messiah has not come yet for the Christian Messiah is not the Messiah of the Torah.

    I am not being critical. But truly concerned my brother!


    I agree with WJ.

    The last post I read of yours, Kevin, I wondered if you were looking into becoming Jewish.  I forget what made me think that, but reading WJ's post just now I was reminded that I was worried about that as well.

    Remember that seeking and knowledge can lead you down the road to insanity (it's happened to more than one person).  I'm not descrouraging you from seeking, far be it from me, I'm only saying that no matter where you turn you are going to find something written……  Trust in God's spirit instead of man's sermons/books/dictionaries/podcasts and so on.  Most importantly brother – never deny Christ.  Know that you know, that you know he is risen!

    Found here.

    Where is kejonn's faith in Jesus now? ???

    Blessings WJ


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 12 2008,11:35)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Dec. 12 2008,09:39)

    Quote (dirtyknections @ Dec. 11 2008,03:30)
    :) ..Ok my friends…I have been doing a lot of soul searching and I have a very serious question for the family…
    Alright here goes….(takes deep breath)

    How do you know that the bible is REALLY God's word?

    Now before you answer the question let me clarify…I for one do not doubt that “GOD” exists….I have my reasons for believing…but I would like clarification on why people believe the GOD of the “bible” whose name is “YHWH” and has a son named “Yeshua” is the one true GOD of the universe…

    Simply put, Why do you believe in the GOD of the bible?

    Why is someone's belief in Allah, Buddha, Vishu, Nature…not right? (aka…false worship)


    Ah….another veil is being lifted!

    Press on, bro!
    Keep asking the questions that no one wants you to ask.


    Hi Mandy

    But is it another veil being lifted or is it another veil being placed over the eyes? ???

    Remember, Jesus believed in and quoted the scriptures and taught men to do so.

    Peter a witness and personal follower of Jesus claimed that Paul’s written word was scripture….

    And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to THE WISDOM GIVEN UNTO HIM hath written unto you; “As also in ALL HIS EPISTLES, speaking in them of these things; in which are SOME THINGS HARD TO BE UNDERSTOOD“, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also “THE OTHER SCRIPTURES“, unto their own destruction. 3:15, 16

    To take the road of doubting the written scriptures will only lead to not believing that Jesus is the Messiah and eventually not believing YHWH is God, IMO.

    Do you remember this conversation with kejonn….?

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 24 2007,16:01)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 24 2007,13:25)

    Quote (kejonn @ Oct. 24 2007,13:02)
    Very interesting thing I heard today…and it rang so true in my soul. Israel was given the Sabbath and Christians moved away from it to Sunday. Muslims moved their day to Friday. Both use the Jewish scriptures as the basis of their religion. But the speaker said that he is certain it was definitely an act of God to move Christianity and Islam away from His Sabbath because neither religion keeps to His Torah. Therefore, the Sabbath is between Him and His chosen people, Israel, who still honor His Torah, His eternal covenant.


    So Christianity is a religion now seperate from the Torah?

    Christianity is in bed with the Muslims because they keep a Spiritual Sabbath under a New Covenant and not a physical one?

    I hope brother you are not moving away from the NT or New Covenant to follow the Old Covenant and maybe become a Jew, litteraly!

    I hope that some day I dont hear you say that the Messiah has not come yet for the Christian Messiah is not the Messiah of the Torah.

    I am not being critical. But truly concerned my brother!


    I agree with WJ.

    The last post I read of yours, Kevin, I wondered if you were looking into becoming Jewish.  I forget what made me think that, but reading WJ's post just now I was reminded that I was worried about that as well.

    Remember that seeking and knowledge can lead you down the road to insanity (it's happened to more than one person).  I'm not descrouraging you from seeking, far be it from me, I'm only saying that no matter where you turn you are going to find something written……  Trust in God's spirit instead of man's sermons/books/dictionaries/podcasts and so on.  Most importantly brother – never deny Christ.  Know that you know, that you know he is risen!

    Found here.

    Where is kejonn's faith in Jesus now? ???

    Blessings WJ

    Yes I question the same thing. Doubt is no good. Then along comes a person that's been there and that is it. You lost it. It is either the Bible or another man's teaching.
    Peace and Love Irene

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