The bible

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  • #41845

    Is the bible the true,everlasting and unchanging word of God,or is the bible simply a book of parables and mythology written by men for men???

    (Is not the parable simply a short story never intendid to be taken literaly???)


    There are many parables in the Bible in which Jesus talks about, and much of it is not.  The Bible I believe , in my opinion, has been somewhat small amountadly changed in transalation.  although at many times i wonder how much, the literal meaning of it is still there.  Like lets say, in the ten commandments, one of them is to not kill.  We all know that thats against the law at most times (unless in war…) too and it just basically makes sence for us not to kill.  The whole Bible couldn't be a parable, thats what a lot of people think and thats when they take it so literal and everything and go way to much into the meaning of it all.  The matter of the fact is, if the whole Bible were all a parable, you would have to say ALL of it, meaning, also the ten commandments, and Jesus's coming (which only a fool would deny that because there is proof that he was here), and all the other things as well.  I mean, this is all just what I think but there are SO many different opinions in that matter.  It's hard, believe me, and you only can make it through by believing, trusting and ONLY with God.


    T8, I've been looking through this site. There are many threads that overlap or are virtually the same. There are at least 10 threads on the Bible and Bible translations, for example. I was wondering if these could be grouped into one section. I think the Bible in itself is an important enough subject to have it's own section, like the “general questions” or “bible teachings” sections. I'm not sure. I just like the idea of being able to find things quickly.



    I agree. but I think some threads are just soooo long that some are either too lazy or just cant handle reading through the whole thread to find an answer to a specific question they have in mind therefore they post a new topic or question.

    You know, how people tend to go on and on and on in one post. It really does get hard on the eyes and the mind and tends to make us go crosseyed or just too tired to carry on.



    T8, I've been looking through this site. There are many threads that overlap or are virtually the same. There are at least 10 threads on the Bible and Bible translations, for example. I was wondering if these could be grouped into one section. I think the Bible in itself is an important enough subject to have it's own section, like the “general questions” or “bible teachings” sections. I'm not sure. I just like the idea of being able to find things quickly.

    And I think that if they were grouped in one section, there is less likelihood that more threads of the exact same topic will be started, as it will be easier to find such threads. Of course, I have no idea really how that would be done, and imagine it would take a lot of work. But now that there are so many threads and a growing number of them, I'm thinking that the “Bible doctrines” “truth or tradition” “general questions” etc might be well to be expanded. For example, maybe in the truth or tradition section, there might be a subsection dealing with all the threads people start that deal specifically with a certain religion, (ie: “Catholicism–is it the way,” “Mormons–are they Christians” etc.)
    Or perhaps you could just expand or cut some of these more general sections out and have sections on: “The Bible” “Sin” “death” “resurrection” “spirit” “hell” “heaven” “kingdom” “soul” and then maybe have a “general questions” section for the things that people aren't sure about where it goes.
    I realize this would probably be an insane amount of work.


    Another bible question..

    How can we be sure that the bible isnt some Roman Church compilation. There are some speculation that the bible was manipulated by them.

    Im somehow in disagreement to that. Even if the Roman Church was corrupted and in control during the early times, who is to say that the Dead Sea Scrolls was manipulated. I dont know much about history but I would very much doubt that the Dead Sea Scrolls were manipulated at all. Am I right?

    Your input please.



    Hi p,
    The Holy Spirit confirms the Word.


    Hi Nick

    LOL well thats comforting.

    Im not trying to mock the HS at all here but imagine telling that to a non believer.

    Mind you Im being reminded of how Jesus was when he was always questioned…. he just said his answer and claimed it was the truth and walked away. As simple as that.

    God bless



    Hi P,
    God is faithful and His words are pure.
    They were written by the Spirit through men and the Spirit can show them to us.
    Man has not looked after some of them very well in the NT.
    There is the occasional bad translation of verses or translation of words that no longer have the same meaning in these days.  
    There are a very few added or adjusted verses. These need to identified and set aside.

    If you say part of the bible is not trustworthy then you must say none of it can be trusted.

    Then you are on your own and every man's opinion is kosher.
    Thus we would have no unity and God wants that unity.


    Shalom oh Judaic one!


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 18 2007,01:17)
    Hi P,
    God is faithful and His words are pure.
    They were written vby the Spirit through men and the Spirit can show them to us.
    Man has not looked after some of them very well in the NT.
    There is the occasional bad translation of verses or translation of words that no longer have the same meaning in these days.  
    There are a very few added or adjusted verses. These need to identified and set aside.

    If you say part of the bible is not trustworthy then you must say none of it can be trusted.

    Then you are on your own and every man's opinion is kosher.
    Thus we would have no unity and God wants that unity.

    Hi Nick,

    “There are a very few added or adjusted verses. These need to identified and set aside.”

    You just said that part of the bible is not trustworthy.

    Does that mean that you feel that none of it can be trusted?

    Who knows what other, untrustworthy, parts will come to light in years to come?



    Hi Tim,
    There was only one original set of manuscripts of the NT but now bibles differ because of choices made from those manuscripts. All need to earnestly seek the Spirit to help us in these matters.


    Yeah I would have to agree with Nick because there are soooo many speculations of how valid and true the bible actually is. And now Im hearing about the Gospel of Judas producing more speculation of the bible and his time with Jesus. I cant honestly tell you how many times I have been discouraged about the truth of the bible.

    So I guess the Holy Spirit is all we can really rely on right now till more light is shared on the matters that involve the truth.

    My opinion though.



    Hi P,
    No matter how battered and bruised it is
    it is still the closest most will ever get
    to hearing God speak to them


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 18 2007,17:54)
    Hi Tim,
    There was only one original set of manuscripts of the NT but now bibles differ because of choices made from those manuscripts. All need to earnestly seek the Spirit to help us in these matters.

    Hi Nick,

    There may have been one original manuscript for the Torah,
    but wasn't the rest of our bible put together from many different writings? The new testament was compiled from
    many different letters and stories told purportedly by people
    who lived with and knew Jesus.

    These may very well have been inspired by God. But did God also inspire those that canonized the bible?

    Did God inspire those that translated the words to other languages?

    Did God inspire those that printed the Bible?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then answer why there were literally thousands of errors found and subsequently corrected in the KJV over the years.

    If the original innerant bible was so perfect, why have fourteen entire books been removed from the latest protestant version?

    I study the bible because it is the closest thing that I have to God's word. But I do not foolishly believe that every word in it was really given by God. As far as I know, the only time that God did that for us was on a couple of pieces of stone.

    By the way, I agree that all need to earnestly seek the Spirit to help us understand His word. I do each time I study.



    Hi Tim,
    The KJV is not the perfect bible.
    It is translated from manuscripts chosen by men.
    There was only one original letter for each book penned by men under the influence of the Spirit.
    Then copies and translations were made and errors introduced without malice but because men are human
    The manuscripts chosen for the KJV happen to be the most common but also the more modern so they can in no way be used to correct earlier manuscripts which may be even more reliable.


    Various versions of the Bible are not really translations but are interpetations,  I believe the best translation is one published by the “Concordant Publishing Concern”.  A better understanding of the principles used in making this translation, and also much more information regarding scripture, can be viewed on their website “”.  Please have a look at this and see what you think about it.  Thanks


    Hi Kupchuk,
    The grey is a little better than white, but these old eyes still have to strain to see what you have written.
    I am really anxious to see what you have to say. If you could make the print darker it would help me.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ Mar. 09 2007,12:58)
    Hi Kupchuk,
    The grey is a little better than white, but these old eyes still have to strain to see what you have written.
    I am really anxious to see what you have to say. If you could make the print darker it would help me.


    Hi Tim, I think I have it now.  I thought the colour was for the background, thats why I first had it white, then I changed to grey.  But now I understand the colour is for the printing, not the background, so I changed it to black.  Let me know if thats better.  Us oldtimers find it tough to keep up with this new technology, I barely figured out the typewriter yet, let alone computers.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 19 2007,18:29)
    Hi Tim,
    The KJV is not the perfect bible.
    It is translated from manuscripts chosen by men.
    There was only one original letter for each book penned by men under the influence of the Spirit.
    Then copies and translations were made and errors introduced without malice but because men are human
    The manuscripts chosen for the KJV happen to be the most common but also the more modern so they can in no way be used to correct earlier manuscripts which may be even more reliable.

    May I express my opinion?  I believe that the “Concordant Literal New Testament” is the best translation.  Please look at their website '' for a look at their translation principles and scripural teachings.  Please let me know what you think, this is my opinion only and would appreciate your opinions.
        Thanks,  Jerry.

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