The apple of his eye!

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    The Apple of his eye! Who are they?

    Recently, I had one of the adherents of Christendom 's great religious system, tell me, that Jehovah views this religious system as the 'Apple of his eye. ' It's true, that most Bible translations, {not all} render Psalms 17:8 and Zechariah 2:8 as Apple. ' However, not all Bible Translations, translate those verses of scripture, in that manner. That, though, is neither, here, nor there, in this matter. The reason being, that is not the way Jehovah views the religions of this world, held in Satans power. I rather favor, the Amplified Bibles rendering of these particular verses of scripture, for note the following renderings:

    Zechariah 2:8 (Amplified Bible)

    8 For thus said the Lord of hosts, after [His] glory had sent me [His messenger] to the nations who plundered you–for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye:

    Psalm 17:8 (Amplified Bible)

    8 Keep and guard me as the pupil of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” As I said: This, is nether here, nor there, because the real truth of the matter, will show, that either of those are correct renderings, and both renderings can be used, to get to the real truth of the matter.

    Let me establish a little ground-work, that will show the difference between those ones the Psalms and Zechariah are actually speaking about, and the ones who are not being spoken about. Note the following verse of scripture in the Revelation account:

    4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among the human race and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. And no lie was found on their lips, they are without blemish. ” {Revelation 14:4,5} {T N I V} Not defiling themselves with Women, actually meant, that they had no association with the Woman seated on the back of the beast, that pictured, the entire empire of false religion that existed in their own day, as well, as in our own day. They shunned that type of religious entity, like the plague! In that sense they did not defile themselves with women. Now, as for following the Lamb, wherever he goes! Would mean, that they knew which side their bread was buttered on. They knew the only way, after the ascension of the Christ, that he was the one with the principle teaching instrument, he was the only one, who was able to reveal further truths to them; because it was only he, who was in control of that principle teaching instrument, the Holy Spirit. Because of having the guidance and direction of said spirit, they knew, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the truth of the Bible. They was able to walk in the truth, to live the truth, and teach only the truth, as Jehovah had revealed it. In being able to do all of that, they could keep all of the religious liars of their time period in check. They fully understood Jehovah ' s word of truth, because of having the following done for them. They was 'granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens. ' {Matthew 13:10,11} They had, had their minds, 'fully opened to grasp the meaning of the scriptures. ' {Luke 24:45} They did not need, any of the religious teachers of their day, to teach them the Bible, just as these ones under discussion now, today, do not. The Apostle John made that crystal-clear in 1 John 2:27. {John 14:26;16:13}
    Paul, too, explained from what source he received his teachings, after the ascension of the Christ. He tells us, this: “For I put you on notice, brothers, that the goods news that was declared by me as good news is NOT SOMETHING HUMAN; for neither did I receive it FROM MAN, nor was I taught it {BY MAN},except through REVELATION BY CHRIST.” {Galatians 1:11,12} Of course this would apply to all of the anointed brothers of the Christ, as well. Yesterday and today!
    They did not teach a doctrine of the Trinity. They did not teach, the immortality of the human soul. They did not teach, torment in a fiery hell for all eternity. They did not teach that all go to heaven when they die. More especially, did they ever dare to take on the high-sounding titles that Christendom ' s Clergymen have endowed themselves with. Titles such as, Father, Most Holy Father, Reverend, right Reverend. How many more, I'm hard-pressed to remember, at this time. Let the reader fill in the blanks, that I have missed,for themselves. Jesus himself mentioned these high-sounding titles, in these words:
    ” Do not be called called Rabbi; for ONE IS YOUR TEACHER and you ARE ALL BROTHERS. Do not call ANYONE ON EARTH YOUR FATHER; for ONE IS YOUR FATHER THE HEAVENLY ONE.” {Matthew 23:8,9}

    Now, I've had this discussion before, when others will point to what is said of faithful Abraham, that he was called Father. That is simply not true though, because those who believe that, are completely missing the point about what, and why, that was actually stated. Lets look at that account right now and put together what was actually meant by what was said in that account. It did, though, have to with Abrahams faithful life course, as we will see.
    Genesis 17:4-9 {King James Version}
     4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
     5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham for a father of many nations have I made thee.
     6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
     7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and THY SEED after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to THY SEED after thee.
     8 And I will give unto thee, and to THY SEED after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
     9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and THY SEED after thee in their generations. “In YOUR SEED all of the Nations will be blessed because you have OBEYED MY VOICE.” {Genesis 22:18} Notice here, when Jehovah changed Abrams name to Abraham,he did not tell Abraham, that his name now was Father Abraham. He simply told him that it was Abraham. He, of course, would omit the Title Father, because he, himself was the Father of all of us. So, I don't believe that Jehovah would pass on a title to a mere human, that solely belonged to him alone. You should not believe that either!

    Now, did Jehovah keep his promise to Abraham to bless all of the Nations by mens of his seed? Anyone who wishes to trace the line of Abrahams descendents, they will see that Jehovah kept his promise to Abraham, because Paul had this to say about this matter at Galatians 3:16-18 where we read this: “Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. It says, not: in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: and to your seed, who is Christ. Further. I say this: As to the covenant previously validated by God, the law that has come into being four hundred and thirty years later does not invalidate it, so as to abolish the promise. For if the inheritance is due to law, it is no longer due to the promise; whereas God has kindly given it to Abraham through the promise.” {Galatians 3:16-18}

    So, now, we all well know that Jehovah kept his promise to Abraham, in sending his Son to this earth to bless all of the Nations, through that promise that he made to faithful Abraham, because Abraham had listened to the voice of Jehovah and obeyed him faithfully all of his life. That is the reason Abraham was called the Father of many Nations. Not a worshipful title, because Abraham would have know much better than to take on a title such as Father in a worshipful way. As would any of the worshippers of Jehovah would have known; as they know that right now, at this present moment in time. All one really has to do is trace the genealogy of Ab
    rahams family line, right down to the seed of the woman, and should clearly understand why Abraham was called, the Father of many Nations, because, in that sense he is the Father of all of those on the earth now, who will benefit from the sacrifice of the promised seed. He is the Father of all of us today who will benefit from what the Christ has done for all mankind; if, that is, they are willing to accept him, as that promised seed.

    Just how was it, that these ones referred to in Palms 17:8 and Zechariah 2:8 came into being in the first place? John 17: 1-11 will explain this for just how they all came into being:
    John 17:1-11 (New American Standard Bible)

    The High Priestly Prayer
     1 Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You,
     2 even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to ALL WHOM YOU HAVE GIVEN HIM, He may give eternal life.
     3 “This is eternal life, that THEY may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
     4 “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.
     5 “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
     6 “I have manifested Your name TO THE MEN YOU GAVE ME OUT OF THE WORLD; they were Yours and YOU GAVE THEM TO ME, and THEY HAVE KEPT YOUR WORD, 7 “Now they have come to know that everything You have given Me is from You;  8 for the words which You gave Me I HAVE GIVEN TO THEM; and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me.
     9 “I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but OF THOSE WHOM YOU HAVE GIVEN ME; for they are Yours;
     10 and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them.
     11 “I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are.

    So, then, these men was all hand-picked by Jehovah God himself! Now, does anyone really believe that Jehovah would pick these self-exalted lying religious teachers to fill the positions given only to those ones he himself had chosen out of this World?

    So, who are the ones that was the Apple, or pupil of Jehovah 's eye?

    Only those ones, that Jehovah himself has chosen to give to his Son. None other, need apply! Thank you very much! Texas!



    You didn't answer your own question; who are the people referred to as the apple of God's eye?

    The ISRAELITES, you didn't know that, did you?



    Quote (Cindy @ May 23 2009,10:24)

    You didn't answer your own question; who are the people referred to as the apple of God's eye?

    The ISRAELITES, you didn't know that, did you?


    Oh! But I did answer my own question! You was not paying attention to what I wrote. You're wrong about them being the Israelites. Obviously you havn't read Hebrews 12:18-24 as yet. Where too, is the Christ seen to be standing at Revelation 14:1? On heavenly Mount Zion Georg! Heavenly NEW Jerusalem! Don't you get it,yet? It would appear to me, that there is much that you don't know! Texas!


    Texas You are telling my Husband that He does not know much? You are so wrong, maybe He does not always explain to others they way you might like, but let me tell you, He studies 4 hours in the row. He has read every Book of the Bible. You owe Him an apology. I dislike people like you, who think they know it all. Do you think you could be wrong? You are always assuming a lot.


    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,02:49)
    Texas  You are telling my Husband that He does not know much?  You are so wrong, maybe He does not always explain to others they way you might like, but let me tell you, He studies 4 hours in the row. He has read every Book of the Bible. You owe Him an apology. I dislike people like you, who think they know it all. Do you think you could be wrong? You are always assuming a lot.

    Well Irene! I tell him that because he doesn't know as much as YOU THINK he knows. Or as much as HE THINKS he knows!

    As far as studying the Bible! I have been at that, for over thirty-five years now. Can he top that record? Can YOU? Besides, it's not me telling him, that he knows very little; his own comments prove that he knows very little. As well, the Bible itself tells him that! So, why come at me in this fashion?

    I'm not exactly in love with people like you either! So, we stand on equal ground, now don't we? It's always nice to know, just who we stand on equal-ground with, isn't it?

    I owe him absolutely nothing, and certainly not any apologies. If he, or you, is waiting for that, don't be holding your breath until you get it. You'll get all red in the face while waiting for that apology. That wouldn't be good for you, now would it?

    Audi – vide – Tace – Texas!


    :D :D :D You sure are funny, you really think that I care and get red in my face? We know how arragant you are. I am 70 and no man can do that to me.
    Have a nice day, I let my Husband take care of this later.
    Irene :D :D :D


    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,06:58)
    :D :D :D You sure are funny, you really think that I care and get red in my face?  We know  how arragant you are. I am 70 and no man can do that to me.
    Have a nice day, I let my Husband take care of this later.
    Irene :D :D :D

    Judging from your comment here, arrogance is no stranger to you either, now, is it? What difference does it make that you are seventy? Who could be funnier than You, speaking about being funny? From what I know of your husband, thus far, he couldn't even take care of himself, much less, handle himself in a scriptural debate with me. Nor can you!
    What we'll do now, is, for my part: Spes-Mea-In- Deo-Est- you can do exactly the same, if you are able to, that is! So long Irene! Texas


    Quote (Texas @ May 24 2009,11:12)

    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,06:58)
    :D :D :D You sure are funny, you really think that I care and get red in my face?  We know  how arragant you are. I am 70 and no man can do that to me.
    Have a nice day, I let my Husband take care of this later.
    Irene :D :D :D

    Judging from your comment here, arrogance is no stranger to you either, now, is it? What difference does it make that you are seventy? Who could be funnier than You, speaking about being funny? From what I know of your husband, thus far, he couldn't even take care of himself, much less, handle himself in a scriptural debate with me. Nor can you!
    What we'll do now, is, for my part: Spes-Mea-In- Deo-Est- you can do exactly the same, if you are able to, that is! So long Irene! Texas


    I've been sitting here thinking about this long running Spiritual Gun-Fight that we have been involving ourselves in. Realizing that neither, you two, or I will ever get anywhere, I've decided to leave you both with one final thought from the Bible, found at Numbers 6:24-26 which I will now cite from the New Worlds Translation Bible. Now, I'm fully aware, that most do not favor this Bible Translation. I use it because it is presented in clear modern English. When it is used, there leaves no doubt in the readers mind, what exactly has been stated. For example, these final, last words to both of you, so easy to understand: “May Jehovah bless you and keep you. May Jehovah make his face shine toward you, and may he favor you. May Jehovah lift up his face toward you and assign peace to you.” Nothing there so difficult to understand now is there? Texas!


    Quote (Texas @ May 24 2009,03:22)

    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,02:49)
    Texas  You are telling my Husband that He does not know much?  You are so wrong, maybe He does not always explain to others they way you might like, but let me tell you, He studies 4 hours in the row. He has read every Book of the Bible. You owe Him an apology. I dislike people like you, who think they know it all. Do you think you could be wrong? You are always assuming a lot.

    Well Irene! I tell him that because he doesn't know as much as YOU THINK he knows. Or as much as HE THINKS he knows!

    As far as studying the Bible! I have been at that, for over thirty-five years now. Can he top that record? Can YOU? Besides, it's not me telling him, that he knows very little; his own comments prove that he knows very little. As well, the Bible itself tells him that! So, why come at me in this fashion?

    I'm not exactly in love with people like you either! So, we stand on equal ground, now don't we? It's always nice to know, just who we stand on equal-ground with, isn't it?

    I owe him absolutely nothing, and certainly not any apologies. If he, or you, is waiting for that, don't be holding your breath until you get it. You'll get all red in the face while waiting for that apology. That wouldn't be good for you, now would it?

    Audi – vide – Tace – Texas!

    Hi Texas,
    The length of time one studies does not necessarily lead to useful knowledge.

    You need to hear the teacher.



    First let me explain to you, my wife things for her self, and she speaks for her self; at times she things she has to defend me because she loves me, but she is not my counselor, I speak for my self.

    The scriptures below are my reply to another of your posts. They are prove you are wrong with your assessment on that post, as well as with this claim.
    I realise that JWs don't recognize scriptures that disproves their claim, but most of us on this forum still go by the word of God.

    Quote (Texas @ May 17 2009,06:11)
    Acient Israel, now, has nothing more to do with anything, as can be plainly seen.



    This little sentence shows how little you understand of the word of God.
    That is exactly what the JWs are teaching; and you tell us you have left them?

    Eze 36:8 But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come.  
    Eze 36:10 And I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, even all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded:  
    Eze 36:11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and will do better [unto you] than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.  
    Eze 36:17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.  
    Eze 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:  
    Eze 36:19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.  
    Eze 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.  
    Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not [this] for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.  
    Eze 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.  
    Eze 36:27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.  
    Eze 36:28 And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.  

    Is this page missing in your bible?



    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,14:18)

    First let me explain to you, my wife things for her self, and she speaks for her self; at times she things she has to defend me because she loves me, but she is not my counselor, I speak for my self.

    The scriptures below are my reply to another of your posts. They are prove you are wrong with your assessment on that post, as well as with this claim.
    I realise that JWs don't recognize scriptures that disproves their claim, but most of us on this forum still go by the word of God.

    Quote (Texas @ May 17 2009,06:11)
    Acient Israel, now, has nothing more to do with anything, as can be plainly seen.



    This little sentence shows how little you understand of the word of God.
    That is exactly what the JWs are teaching; and you tell us you have left them?

    Eze 36:8 But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come.  
    Eze 36:10 And I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, even all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded:  
    Eze 36:11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and will do better [unto you] than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.  
    Eze 36:17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.  
    Eze 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:  
    Eze 36:19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.  
    Eze 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.  
    Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not [this] for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.  
    Eze 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.  
    Eze 36:27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.  
    Eze 36:28 And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.  

    Is this page missing in your bible?


    Allow me to ask you a few questions! Have you forgotten about the NEW COVENANT established on the precious Blood of the Christ? Now that Covenant was not alone for the Jewish Nation, but all mankind could come in under that Coventant, if they so desired. Remember Georg, the sacrifice of the Christ was to 'take away the sin of the World,' not just the Jewish Nation! {John 1:29}

    One more question for you Georg! Where is the Jewish Temple where the Jews carried on their worship of Jehovah, now? It's completely gone now, isn't it Georg? Why is it completely gone, now Georg? Why did Jesus foretell the destruction of that Temple? {Matthew 24:1,2} {Matthew 23:36–39} Let me answer that question for you! Those Jews, Jesus said: “Did not want it.” He further told them, “Look! Your house is abandoned to you.” What happened to that Temple when General Titus, leading the Roman Army, arrived in 70 ce Georg? When he was finished, there, was, not, “A stone left upon a stone,” just as Jesus had predicted. The fact that Jehovah did not defend that City at that time, was because, he now, had rejected those murdering Jews, who put his Son to death. The Prophet Jeremiah foretold that complete rejection of that Nation at Jeremiah 3:8 from that we learn that Jehovah gave that Nation 'a certficate of FULL DIVORCE!' Did that mean that, that Nation was completely lost now? No! It didn't, did it Georg? That was the purpose of John the Baptists Baptism, for that Nation. {John 1:31}
    It was their last opportunity to redeem themselves. That Nation, as a whole refused to recognize the true Messiah, they rejected him, and had him put to death. For that reason, Jehovah rejected them. The Apostle Peter will explain that, much better than I, at Acts 2: 29-42 You see, that even after having the Son of God put to death, opportunity was offered for foregiveness of even that murder.

    So, No! Georg! you are using scripture that really has no bearing anymore. As far as Jehovah is concerned, that entire Nation has been cast off. Now, we are dealing with the “Israel of God!” Spiritual Israel Georg, Spiritual Israel! The new covenant Georg, the NEW COVENANT! Galatians 6:16 It is no longer earthly Mount Zion, but heavenly Mount Zion. It is no longer earthly Jerusalem, but heavenly NEW JERUSALEM. {Revelation 3:12;14:1} Let Paul explain this: “For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside, upon the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and NOT BY THE WRITTEN CODE. The praise of that one comes, not from men, but from God.” {Hebrews 12:18–24}

    So, now, since Jesus had many followers, just where did they gather to worship at that time? Two scriptures will thoroughly explain that to you Georg. As follows: {1 Corinthians 3:16,19} {Ephesians :19–22} So, you see Georg, as a body, they all tegether, themselves constituted the Temple of God.

    Now, Georg! Was the Apostles of Christ, ministers of the old law covenant? Now, if the scripture you used to support your argument, was valid reasoning, then why did Paul tell us the following? “Not that we ourselves are adequately qualified to reckon anything as issuing from ourselves, but our being adequately qualified issues from God, who has indeed adequately qualified us to be MINISTERS OF A NEW COVENANT, NOT OF A WRITTEN CODE, but of SPIRIT; for the written code condemns to death, but the SPIRIT MAKES ALIVE.” {2Corinthians 3:5,6}

    So, Georg! You like to play around with what is said under the old law covenant? Just remember this: Paul has clearly told you that that old law condemned to death. Was I to be you, I'd back away from using scriptures of the like of which you did, to support your arguments, because quite clearly you haven't a clue as to what you are talking about. You accuse me of missing a page in the Bible! That's a riot,because you, yourself, haven't just missed one page, but very probably every page in the Bible!

    It is, as I told Irene your wife, I believe; you and her only THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL! In reality, both of you together, don't know Jack-squat about the Bible!

    In all seriousness Georg! Have you ever considered the reason behind your lack of knowledge of the Bible? Georg, there isn't a Man, Woman, or Child on this earth now, that will understand this Holy Book while lacking the true teaching instrument. That teaching instrument, is the HOLY SPIRIT in the hands of the Christ.

    He, is very particular on just whom receives of that Spirit, for, not just anyone can receive of that Holy Spirit. There is a way to receive it though, and unless you learn what that way is, you, nor your wife, will ever get the Knowledge, so necessary for everlasting life. So, give, that, Georg, some very seriou
    s thought. That is something that you cannot demand the Christ to pour out on you. You must qualify to receive of that said, Spirit. Try, and find out what exactly those qualifications are Georg. Try and find out! For your own good Georg, for your Wifes own good! Texas!


    Hello! Irene & Georg!
    To take what I told you before, a step further. Let me ask, you both: Do you actually know, by scripture, what it is that you have to do, in order to receive of the Holy Spirit?

    Now, I conclude from your replies to me, that you believe that your knowledge of the Bible, is far superior to mine. In as much as you try to refute most of what I tell you. If it really is, then, that is a good thing, isn't it?

    Now, there are certain steps that need to be taken, in gaining the Holy Spirit, that enables all of us to gain the accurate knowledge of the Bible. I say accurate, because Jehovah's word, on whatever Bible subject under discussion, cannot be argued, is, in, point of fact, highly accurate. After-all, who among us, knows more than Jehovah does? None of us do! Everything he states through the Bible writers, is dead-on, the Bulls-eye! Is that, not correct? So, as long as we support everything we say, using scriptures to do it, without try to deliberately twist the scriptures, then we will be dead-on the Bulls-eye too! Correct?

    So, feeling as you do, that your knowledge of the Bible, is highly advanced over mine, then you two, will know the answer to the question I will now put to you both.

    Exactly what are the steps, that need to be taken, to gain the Holy Spirit, so that, at some point in time, you will come to have a comprehensive knowledge, of Jehovah's word of truth? So, that no one, will be able to refute what you teach? Not, that they will not try, though, because there are those who are too proud to admit to error in their teaching. They will never bow, or bend, to someone who knows more than they do. To them, that could never be the case. Even though they lack that essential engredient, the Holy Spirit, some will fight you to the death to prove you are wrong, even though it is those ones who are in error. Very difficult to deal with those ones, I know that from my own personal experiences.

    Now the Bible does supply the answer to this question! If one really does have the knowledge of the Bible, it will be an easy matter,for them, to answer this question. So, go ahead, Irene Georg, answer the question, for me, will you? What are the steps necessary for gaining accurate knowledge of the Bible? For gaining the Holy Spirit?

    I feel it fairly certain to say, that there must be others on the Board that would enjoy your answer to these quetions, if, in fact, you can answer them at all. They would benefit from your answer to this question, as we all would. So, have at it, Georg, Irene, have at it! Texas!


    Texas I am not going to answer a question like if we have been Baptized or not. First of all it is none of your business, it is God's. Nobody said that our knowledge of the Bible is Superior then yours. I was defending my Husband to your post, where you say that He knows nothing. I am not going to say anything else. If my Husband will it is up to Him. Most here on Heaven know us, since we have been around since 2007.
    Have a nice day, Irene


    Hi Texas,
    But you do not yet have comprehensive knowledge.

    You still say things that Jesus did not say.
    He never said he was an angel called Michael but you do.



    I will answer you second post first.
    The first thing any one has to do is, stop calling God a liar; who is calling God a liar? any one that says what God says is not so, for instant.
    Many scriptures clearly say, God is one; man says, he is three in one.
    Scripture says, we are a soul; man says, we have a soul.
    Scripture says, the soul that sins it shall die; man says, it will suffer for eternity in hellfire.
    Dec. 25. is not Christs birthday; man says, lets celebrate it anyway.
    The resurrection of Jesus was not commanded by Jesus to be remembered; man says, lets do it anyway.
    Just to mention a few, there are many more.
    Once you have overcome this, than you have to do this.

    Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
    Pro 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    Pro 3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

    I have always followed James advise.

    Jam 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    And trusted in the promise of Jesus.

    Luk 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

    There is something else I had to learn, patience, waiting on God does not come easy, as we always want the answers NOW.
    Not only have I always relied on these scriptures, I still do.
    I think it is good advise, even for you.



    Quote (Cindy @ May 25 2009,06:45)
    Texas  I am not going to answer a question like if we have been Baptized or not.  First of all it is none of your business, it is God's. Nobody said that our knowledge of the Bible is Superior then yours. I was defending my Husband to your post, where you say that He knows nothing. I am not going to say anything else. If my Husband will it is up to Him. Most here on Heaven know us, since we have been around since 2007.
    Have a nice day, Irene

    That was not the question I asked you! First of all, when one makes claim to being Christian, well, then, the only conclusion that can be drawn, is that you are Baptized! Plain and simple. However, that is not the question that I asked you, in the first place. Have you forgotten already, what that question was, or are you simply playing for time, because you don't know the answer to the question that I did ask you? I suspect the reason is, you don't know the answer, and its too embarrassing to admit, that you don't know.

    Doesn't matter now anyway. I put an article together, and answered the question for you myself. I'll put it on the Board later on, for you both to read. Of course after you read it, you'll try to convince everyone that you knew the answer yourselves, already. Ha! Ha! Ha! Boy! I've really got your number, haven't I? Texas! {Have a nicer day}



    Now lets see who knows what. You know, every time you come back like a tidalwave, you drown yourself, you really should learn how to swim.

    The covenant Jesus established was the covenant by faith and sacrifice for those who were serious of following him, the saints.

    Psa 50:5 Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.
    Psa 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

    Yes, it was the sacrifice by which all men will be saved, that want to be saved.
    Christs sacrifice did away with the old covenant sacrifices, the Law of Moses. The Jews, not believing Jesus was the Messiah, continued with the old covenant sacrifices, until their temple was destroyed in 70 AD, never to be rebuild again.
    When Jesus said, “your house is left unto you desolate”, he was referring to their nation, it ceased to exist after the destruction in 70 AD. But this was not the total destruction of that nation, it was just a punishment.

    Jer 46:28 Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the LORD: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.

    This destruction was prophesied by Ezekiel while they were in their Babylonian captivity, Ez. 21:27.
    The covenant God made with Abraham, was an unconditional, everlasting covenant.

    Gen 22:15 And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,
    Gen 22:16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
    Gen 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
    Gen 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

    Israel lost the physical blessings because of their disobedience, and are still being punished to this very day, but God never broke his covenant with Abraham. Paul so much assures that.

    Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
    Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
    Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
    Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
    Rom 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

    Their rejection to attend the wedding feast, has opened the door for the rest of the world to have a part in that wedding, but it has never changed the covenant God made with Abraham.

    Texas, you have a lot of unlearning to do.



    Quote (Texas @ May 25 2009,11:14)

    Quote (Cindy @ May 25 2009,06:45)
    Texas  I am not going to answer a question like if we have been Baptized or not.  First of all it is none of your business, it is God's. Nobody said that our knowledge of the Bible is Superior then yours. I was defending my Husband to your post, where you say that He knows nothing. I am not going to say anything else. If my Husband will it is up to Him. Most here on Heaven know us, since we have been around since 2007.
    Have a nice day, Irene

    That was not the question I asked you! First of all, when one makes claim to being Christian, well, then, the only conclusion that can be drawn, is that you are Baptized! Plain and simple. However, that is not the question that I asked you, in the first place. Have you forgotten already, what that question was, or are you simply playing for time, because you don't know the answer to the question that I did ask you? I suspect the reason is, you don't know the answer, and its too embarrassing to admit, that you don't know.

    Doesn't matter now anyway. I put an article together, and answered the question for you myself. I'll put it on the Board later on, for you both to read. Of course after you read it, you'll try to convince everyone that you knew the answer yourselves, already. Ha! Ha! Ha!  Boy! I've really got your number, haven't I? Texas! {Have a nicer day}


    You are by far the biggest JERK yet.
    That is not a compliment.
    This is so uncalled for, I think you should get another warning for it.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 25 2009,07:27)
    Hi Texas,
    But you do not yet have comprehensive knowledge.

    You still say things that Jesus did not say.
    He never said he was an angel called Michael but you do.

    Maybe he himself didn't Nick, but his Apostles most certainly did! You just have to have the Holy Spirit on you,in order to see, that they did. Quite clearly, you are lacking that Holy Spirit, that's why you don't understand the Bible. If you remain in that condition, you never will, either.

    Nick! I have forgotten more about the Bible, than you are ever going to learn!
    Texas! :D :D :D


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 25 2009,07:27)
    Hi Texas,
    But you do not yet have comprehensive knowledge.

    You still say things that Jesus did not say.
    He never said he was an angel called Michael but you do.

    I feel, it's about time, for you to learn something very important to you. Pay close attention to this Nick! Listen very carefully, to what Jesus, the Son of God, is about to explain to you, and perhaps too many others on this Board, as well.

    In part: … ” and I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the Truth, WHICH THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, because it neither beholds it nor knows it. You know it because it remains with you and is in you.” {John 14:16,17} Now Nick! What exactly does this Holy Spirit accomplish on the ones that Jesus said, it was in? It accopmplishes this Nick: “But the helper, the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS AND BRING BACK TO YOUR MINDS ALL THE THINGS I TOLD YOU.” {John 14:26} Keeping in mind Nick, this is NOT TALKING ABOUT THE WORLD IN GENERAL, but only to Jesus faithful followers who was 'no part of this World,' just as he was 'no part of this World!' Again, in John 16:13, he tells you this: “However, when that one arrives {The Holy Spirit} the Spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the Truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you, the things coming.” Get it Nick? The Holy Spirit, is the main principle teaching instrument, and lacking this Holy Spirit, you WILL NOT understand a word in the Bible, not one single word, even though you may think that you do. That is by no means all, there's yet more to come!

    Look at what the Apostle John will tell you in 1 John 2:27- “And as for you, {Those not a part of this world} the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do need ANYONE TO BE TEACHING YOU; but as the anointing from him is teaching you ABOUT ALL THINGS, and is true, and is no lie, and just as it HAS TAUGHT YOU, remain in union with him.”

    Now, Nick, because you are lacking this Holy Spirit, is really the main reason why you don't understand that Jesus, even though he didn't directly state it himself, was an angel, prior to his coming to this earth. Now, since he himself, said, “I am from the realms above, you are from the realms below, I am NOT FROM THIS WORLD, but you are from this World.” Now, Nick, reasonably, if Jesus was, as he said, from the realms above, not from this World, just what do you think he was, while in the realms above? Do, you really believe that a man of flesh and blood could reside in the Spirit realm? Further to that Nick, consider something else stated by the Christ, that shows he was from the Spirit realm. Note now, his own words: “Now you Father glorify me alongside yourself, with the glory I HAD ALONGSIDE YOU BEFORE THE WORLD WAS.” Now, Nick! His Father, as you know, was a very powerful Spirit being, and Jesus was alongside him. What's that make Jesus Nick, prior to his coming to this earth? It makes him an angel, doesn't it Nick? {John 8:23} So, he really doesn't have to directly state that himself, because the scriptural information is there to show you that he was an angel. {John 17:5}

    I have shown you Nick, that the Holy Spirit is Jehovah's main principle teaching instrument, that lacking that Holy Spirit as this World does, because Jesus told us the World cannot receive it; this World only thinks it understands the Bible. I have shown you, that, that, is impossible. They could never in a thousand lifetimes, properly understand a word in the Bible while lacking that Holy Spirit; and Jesus clearly told us that this World cannot receive it.

    As if all of that, isn't enough, there's yet, still more, that's needed to understand the Bible.

    One first, has be 'granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens.'' Next, he has to have his mind fully opened to grasp the meaning of the scripures.' {Matthew 13:120,11} {Luke 24:45}

    When everything that I have set forth here is done for any individual, then, and only then, will accurate knowledge of the Bible, through intense study, will be theirs. So, work hard Nick! Study, Study, Study! Texas!

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