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- December 23, 2008 at 1:31 am#115320
ParticipantNot too many years ago the Lord gave me a sort of vision that I will try to relate here.
As my spiritual apprehension began to open up I began to see, (of all things!) a happy group of angels running in some sort of a friendly foot race competition. I saw a large, open field of lush, very green grass with a number of what appeared to be arched, masonry monuments dotting the field here and there, and also some kind of a track that led irregularly between these masonry arches. The idea seemed to be that the angels ran their course being careful to pass through every arch in a certain given order, and when they did so, the arches gave out some sort of a sound to signify that a competitor had successfully passed through that particular point. (!!!) They all galloped just like young, healthy, white clad stallions and everyone seemed to be wearing a big smile on their face. It all looked like great fun.
Then the scene changed from a joyous and recreational activity to a more studious or instructive occupation. I take it that what I was seeing represented the race of the angels before they fell, and the vision only served to confirm the sobering truth that neglect of God given duty and the consequent sin that will result can ruin the best of worlds. As I looked out, to my surprise I beheld yet another architectural oddity: A gigantic, bell shaped structure with angels walking aroung it's perimeter along an inclined or spiral ramp set right onto the outsides of this enormous bell. It was quite big in daimeter and height, I'm thinking greater than 50 ft. tall and less than 100 ft. tall, (just for a guess,) as my visions are normally less distinct as to physical details but much clearer as to the moral lessons or truths involved. Here's how this towering “bell” worked: It was a colossal learning exhibit! The angels approached this bell from the outer base and then entered upon an inclined ramp, which ramp wound spirally around the bell's outer perimeter in one direction only until it eventually placed them at the very top of the bell, which was opened in a smaller circle where the spiral ramp then entered into the inner perimeter of the bell and likewise wound down the insides of that same bell until they were then at the bottom of the bell, only on the inside now. It was highly interesting and showed that the Lord had spared nothing in order to instuct these magnificent creatures in the knowledge of Himself and I will now show you just why.
As the angels walked around the outside spiral ramp, they stopped regularly at certain points all the way to the top. At each of these points or stations there seemed to be a large, colored glass window which one couldn't really see that well due to an abscence of light, but just beneath this large, square glass insert was set a message in cast, raised type which told a certain part of the story about who the Creator was and how He had framed the very world that they were now living in. What a classroom indeed! They read, one by one by one, all of the lessons that were set in the cast type, but were held in gathering suspense as it was as to what the windows manifested! As they progressed in the readings, one can only imagine the growing urge to finally arrive at the top and then descend into the bell's interior to find out just what the windows were all about.
Well, when they did reach the top, the ramp was then level of course and circular also as it then encompassed an open circular space that they could look down into and all the way to the bottom. Something like a cone with it's widest diameter beneath and it's top cut off a little at the tip and pointing up. I also noticed that this bell had a portion of it's lower large, outer diameter open from one side and the prevailing winds would enter at this lower access point and whip up the insides only to gush out at the top and right into the angel's delightful faces! This upper circular ramp had only two breaks in it: One that led from the outside and up where they had just come from, and a second that now led down into the bell's inside interior and to the bottom. OK…Down they all went one by one, and as they did so they then got to properly visualize these windows, which colored glass windows could then easily be studied as they were all now back-lighted by the natural illumination that was around the bell and yet not dominately within it! Each window appeared to be a pictorial illustration of what had previously been taught in the written portions on the outside, so they all now got to see in a beautiful picture form what they had already been instucted by in a written form. When they were finished with this “lesson”, they all exited the bell from the inner, lower diameter where the wind could also enter and opposite the side from which they had initially began at.
They all walked out and onto a large, large open court that overlooked a beautiful ocean view where all of them could sit down and either privately comtemplate what they had just learned, or discuss among each other what had been gleaned by the lesson. At this point my vision again took a different direction. I looked and saw one of the angels leaving this open court overlooking a sprawling sea, and walking quietly down another route that led where I didn't then know. He just walked along quietly, solemnly, peacefully and seemingly in great thought. Eventually I saw him approach what I gathered was his residence! It was very beautiful indeed. The closest thing that I can compare it with is to a multi-million dollar, single level, Mediterranean style mansion in San Bernadino California. He walked through a covered, outer connecting breezeway, paused there and looked downward across the lush and descending landscape. The ocean breezes would whip up the hillside carrying with them all of the scents of the blossoming foilages and flowers that lavishly covered this hillside and right into his appreciative nose! As he stood there though solemnly contemplating what he was now viewing relative to what he had just been instructed in, a vital truth then opened to him. The Creator had place him in this delightful environment for his pleasure, but not for his pleasure alone. He had been intelligently made by a limitless, unfathomable and mighty Creator not only for his own personal benefit, but for the benefit of that Creator as well. All that he then saw was for him…Yes…but not just for him. He walked on into this impressive residence and I saw him no more for the present.
The final scene in this vision is hard to describe, but as I looked, I saw a huge, vast gathering of angels in what appeared to be some kind of an important, public meeting. It was at this “meeting” that Lucifer announced his intention to rebel against the Creator and he then and there called for all angels present to join with him in this aggressive and daring proposition. Some of the angels seemed to gather closer to Lucifer while others only stood there with what I would describe as a lowered, dubious and dejecting impression that this rebellious proposition of Lucifer had left them with. These suspicious angels also began to gather together in their group now set in opposition to those favoring their daring and reckless leader. The vision is closing very fast at this point, but somewhere and at some time, the very heavens above opened up to all and the Lord God Almighty Himself appeared and offered rebuke to this new suggestion of Lucifer. That's when something terrible and awful happened: Those angels who favored Lucifer began to laugh at the Lord, an incalculable and supreme mistake of folly that even eternity itself cannot comprehend. They should have taken their lessons more seriously. Our reverential and thoughtful angel though grouped together with the faithful angels and all of them were suddenly caught up into the vast aperture in the heavenlies that the Lord had appeared from. As the aperture closed the sky around began to gro
w dark and gloomy and that's when I'm sure that the rebels must have wondered if they had just made a terrible mistake. All I could then see and hear was fire and screaming everywhere. This is my imperfect and sketchy vision of the world of the angels and how some still survive in their original integrity to this day, while others are forever condemned unto the eternal chains of darkness and despair. Donot take your bible lessons lightly brethren. - AuthorPosts
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