The amorality of atheism

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  • #872551

    Tom Holland explains why he was wrong about Christianity. “It took me a long time to realise my morals are not Greek or Roman, but thoroughly, and proudly, Christian.

    “While studying the ancient world, Holland writes, he realized something. Simply, the ancients were cruel, and their values utterly foreign to him. The Spartans routinely murdered “imperfect” children. The bodies of slaves were treated like outlets for the physical pleasure of those with power. Infanticide was common. The poor and the weak had no rights. How did we get from there to here? It was Christianity, Holland writes. Christianity revolutionized sex and marriage, demanding that men control themselves and prohibiting all forms of rape. Christianity confined sexuality within monogamy. (It is ironic, Holland notes, that these are now the very standards for which Christianity is derided.) Christianity elevated women. In short, Christianity utterly transformed the world.”



    uhm….so which era of christianity do you think he is referring 2?


    What does it matter.

    We all know that marriage is a Christian institution whether you believe in it or not.

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