The 7th empire.

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    The 7th empire.

    We are now living in the 7th empire since the 6th empire has past.

    What is the 7th empire's duty to satan?
    The 7th empire is to prepare the way for the 8th empire.
    When the way is accomplished,it will display a new empire. A world empire, that will rule this planet earth.

    And the way is also prepared for the son of perdition,the false prophet.
    Once all is prepared ;he will come up and take over and take control with his lying wonders,and great signs,and the killer rfid chip,this is his true power.

    He will make every person to worship him and his image,that is; his laws and his rules,and maybe the new temple in jerusalem also,but for this I am not sure.

    In Daniel ch. 3. was also an image set up by king Nebuchadnezar,for all to worship; but the 3 friends of Daniel refused to worship. And they were given to the flame,but saved by God.

    The eight beast will come out of the bottomless pit(satans mind).
    This is not his first attempt,for he had tried it before, but failed. The beast that WAS: was BABEL. one ruler(Nimrod), one people, one law one religion,one language,one system.

    And satan is doing it again; this time he will succeed,but only for a short time.
    His heart is, to kill all flesh,for he knows that he will be destroyed.This is when GEN.3:15 will be fulfilled.

    The N.W.O. will be established by 10 world leaders; for the son of satan; he will rule,but for a very short time.

    We must never bow down to him,for only one is our Lord,and he is the son of God, of the root of David,the bright morning star.

    Dont be afraid of them that can only kill the flesh,but can not touch the soul.

    Be afraid of him that can kill the flesh and the soul,and cast them in the lake of fire,prepared for the devil and his angels.

    Strong faith is needed to resist the devil,we must stay awake to resist,or the devil will catch us in his trap.
    He will deceive us, with great lying words and his lying wonders.

    Knowledge is our weapon; for with knowledge we can recognise the deception,and see the great lie,and undertand that he is out to get us in his evil trap,to destroy us.

    We must be prepared in our minds,so that we will be ready when it comes,for it is coming very soon.
    Seek and pray,seek and pray for God to give us strenght,
    when that day comes, when we must make a choice.

    Save our our selves from danger by cooperating with the devil; or loose our lives by staying faithful to our creator.

    He who saves his life will loose it,and he who loses his life for my sake will find life.


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 11 2012,14:34)

    The 8th will come out of the b.pit.
    The 8th was before John.
    Islam was not before John; islam came 630 years after John.

    What you say?

    Hi Wakeup,

    Let me explain for you the way I understand your doctrine and you tell me if I got it right, OK?

    The seven empires are:
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo-Persian
    5. Greece
    6. Roman      ……………………………………..John's time
    7. Roman      …8. Roman

    Now, you also say the 8th was before John, who's time was the Roman Empire (NUMBER 6).
    And since I'm a math guy, I can say your doctrine does NOT add up. If you believe that
    this is true, please try to convince me by removing incontinence's I point out to you.

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 16 2012,10:59)

    We must be prepared in our minds,so that we will be ready when it comes,for it is coming very soon.


    Hi Wakeup,

    “They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them:
    and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. Have ye not seen a vain vision,
    and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?” (Ezek 13:6-7)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)





    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 16 2012,10:59)
    The 7th empire.

    We are now living in the 7th empire since the 6th empire has past.

    What is the 7th empire's duty to satan?
    The 7th empire is to prepare the way for the 8th empire.
    When the way is accomplished,it will display a new empire. A world empire, that will rule this planet earth.

    And the way is also prepared for the son of perdition,the false prophet.
    Once all is prepared ;he will come up and take over and take control with his lying wonders,and great signs,and the killer rfid chip,this is his true power.

    He will make every person to worship him and his image,that is;  his laws and his rules,and maybe the new temple in jerusalem also,but for this I am not sure.

    In Daniel ch. 3. was also an image set up by king Nebuchadnezar,for all to worship; but the 3 friends of Daniel refused to worship. And they were given to the flame,but saved by God.

    The eight beast will come out of the bottomless pit(satans mind).
    This is not his first attempt,for he had tried it before, but failed. The beast that WAS: was BABEL. one ruler(Nimrod), one people, one law one religion,one language,one system.

    And satan is doing it again; this time he will succeed,but only for a short time.
    His heart is, to kill all flesh,for he knows that he will be destroyed.This is when GEN.3:15 will be fulfilled.

    The N.W.O. will be established by 10 world leaders; for the son of satan; he will rule,but for a very short time.

    We must never bow down to him,for only one is our Lord,and he is the son of God, of the root of David,the bright morning star.

    Dont be afraid of them that can only kill the flesh,but can not touch the soul.

    Be afraid of him that can kill the flesh and the soul,and cast them in the lake of fire,prepared for the devil and his angels.

    Strong faith is needed to resist the devil,we must stay awake to resist,or the devil will catch us in his trap.
    He will deceive us, with great lying words and his lying wonders.

    Knowledge is our weapon; for with knowledge we can recognise the deception,and see the great lie,and undertand that he is out to get us in his evil trap,to destroy us.

    We must be prepared in our minds,so that we will be ready when it comes,for it is coming very soon.
    Seek and pray,seek and pray for God to give us strenght,
    when that day comes, when we must make a choice.

    Save our our selves from danger by cooperating with the devil; or loose our lives by staying faithful to our creator.

    He who saves his life will loose it,and he who loses his life for my sake will find life.


    Great britain,the 7th empire.

    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 16 2012,22:44)


    Hi Wakeup,

    Are you still having trouble posting videos?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    HI EdJ.

    I start with share; then embed; the I choose the size; then I copy the blue box; then past it into my post.

    Where did I go wrong.


    Ed J

    Hi Wakeup,

    The Embed code looks like this (like white print on blue carbon paper)…

    objet width=”480″ height=”360″param name=movie” value=”;rel=0″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”<./param<.embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess=always" allowfullscreen=rue"embed/object

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 17 2012,09:58)
    HI EdJ.

    I start with share; then embed; the I choose the size; then I copy the blue box; then past it into my post.

    Where did I go wrong.


    That is correct. But you also need to choose “Use old embed code” and you are there.


    Thank you buddies.


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 17 2012,11:26)
    Thank you buddies.




    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 17 2012,12:00)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 17 2012,11:26)
    Thank you buddies.



    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 18 2012,02:07)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 17 2012,12:00)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 17 2012,11:26)
    Thank you buddies.



    Hi Wakeup,

    Still having trouble?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I'll try again.

    2. embed
    3.choose size,click on it.
    4. click V in box.(old embeded code).
    5.copy square white on blue letterings.
    please make correction.


    Ed J

    Hi Wakeup,

    I think I see what your problem is. When I clicked on your link,
    and followed the steps – it did NOT give the 'old embed code'.

    So what I did was put the title in the you tube search box.
    “The Bloodline Of The Illuminati Who's Who And How part 10”
    Clicked back on the exact same video, and 'old embed code' was then there.      …you might want to try this; OK?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)




    what I did was: share; embed; choose size; I did not click on old embeded box, because its ticked already.(V).

    I copy blue square.


    Ed J

    Hi Wakeup,

    Looks like you got it now.
    If the 'old embed code' is ever not there,
    then try the technique I described (in my last post).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 18 2012,03:09)
    Hi Wakeup,

    Looks like you got it now.
    If the 'old embed code' is ever not there,
    then try the technique I described (in my last post).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Thank you old boy, will give it another go later.



    Quote (Wakeup @ Oct. 18 2012,03:23)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 18 2012,03:09)
    Hi Wakeup,

    Looks like you got it now.
    If the 'old embed code' is ever not there,
    then try the technique I described (in my last post).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Thank you old boy, will give it another go later.


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