Thanks and Appreciation to T8 the Administrator.

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  • #19102

    T8, I truely want to thank You for allowing the Topics I have posted on your forum.

    Your a lot better Administrator than most that I have come into contact with, and I've only said this to maybe 3 other Administrators before.

    I have only been back on line for about 3 months after being off line for about 5 years, and the post of ” baal gad ” concerning the practice” syncretisim “( which is Idolatry= spiritual adultry) has been removed and flat out rejected by most Administrative religious forums, and I was banned from 2 of them, which those 2 is now shut down also tho.

    I have asked YHWH in Messiah's Name to let those forums that allow this topic and its discussions to remain opporative ( even tho. if they do not adhere) because these Administrators did allow it, and because of others that may later visit these forums to read and make up their own minds.

    However, I'm not ” angry ” as some have twisted my words to imply such toward me.

    I may leave this forum soon , so I want to express my thanks to You, and everyone on here, that has truely taken the time to really read and investigate these matters of spiritual Idolatry or spiritual fornication.

    So, thanks again my friend, and I do reguard you as such( no matter what some may think and say), even tho. what you may decide in your investigation concerning this.

    Shalom, ( Peace)

    Eliyah C.


    I perceive that there is people on here that would rather me to leave the forum.

    I also perceive that I will be tempted by someone as I have been done on other forums too.

    However, if anyone wants me to leave, I will leave as you want.

    Say the word, I will leave as you ask, but please no temptation and trying, I'm so tired of people's temptations and tryings everywhere I go.


    I very much doubt anyone will ask you to leave. I know they won't. But when you first said the pattern for you is: You go on a forum and talk about baal gad and get kicked off, I asked what you would do when no one did kick you off, no matter what you said. I think you may somehow be disappointed that you're not being kicked off.
    What do you mean by “tempted?”


    David, I said that I was banned from 2 forums merely for posting ONLY the ONE “” Baal Gad “” topic, and that those 2 forums were shut down within 24 hours after I received a condemning e-mail from them.

    It's strange concerning the ( Shema Forum) tho. which was one of them, because the owner sent me an e-mail condemning me, and then, he pronounced a “” blessing on me “” in the very NAME of “” YHWH “” that he condemned me for speaking and using.

    I can paste some of that e mail on here, but I will not paste the bad parts, but it is strange because he pronounced a blessing on me similar to “” Baalim “”( Remember he was suppose to curse Israel, but he pronounced a blessing on them instead?) in the old scriptures.

    And no, I'm not “” disappointed “” because I'm not kicked off this forum, I merely perceived that is what some want me to do, is to leave the forum, and I will do so, if that is what people want tho.

    What I meant by tempting, is exactly that, many have tempted and tried me in disbelief of some form or another.


    My being banned from ” the Shema “.

    Note that I had just posted this “” Baal Gad Topic “”only and the following day I was sent this e-mail, and he even had nerve enough to send me ANOTHER second e-mail all within 24 hours.

    First his e-mail from Shema and last my response back in e-mail.

    Shema “”

    SHeMA Bulletin Board Notification
    >> Dear Eliyah,
    >> The site administrators have removed your access rights: Sacred name fanaticism will NOT be allowed on the SHeMA bulletin board. You and your sacred name fanatic friends need to stop PROFANING the character of the Living God through you stony hearted condemnation, self-righteousness, and mindless arguments. ( SKIP SKIP)….You have been suspended pending an explaination of your intent for spamming the bulletin board with your GARBAGE!

    May YHWH bless you and keep you. May His blessing pour out upon you. May His Kingdom come soon in the person of His anointed one, Yeshua the Messiah.

    Unquote of Shema.

    Then my e-mail back .”””

    I was NOT spamming the board, i was merely pointing out certain scriptures that YHWH has spoken through the PROPHETS concerning ” titles ” to His Great Name, and if anyone wanted to discuss it.

    So, I'm suspended from the forum? But, then, you ask that YHWH bless me, and keep me ?

    I need not remind you concerning scriptures that speak of those who DENY His( YHWH'S) Word.

    Ps. Do you think that YHWH'S Words are ” GARBAGE ” from the Prophets, that i merely quoted ?

    Eliyah C.

    Unquote of my e-mail back to Shema.

    Its strange that he pronounced a blessing on me in the VERY NAME YHWH=Yah that he condemned me for speaking and using on his forum board.

    Absolutely amazing isn't it!

    That reminded me of old “” Baalim “” in the Old Scriptures that was to “” curse the Children of Israel “”, but instead he pronounced a blessing on them. REMEMBER?

    Amazing, absolutely amazing, and I even asked about that blessing in my return e-mail.


    So, I'm suspended from the forum? But, then, you ask that YHWH bless me, and keep me ?

    Amazing isn't it!

    Eliyah C.


    It has always been a strange thing to me that when original scriptures explaining the truth is revealed and shown to people, they seem to ignor it, or reject it all together, which is in direct opposition to what the majority have been taught all their lives.

    When I was very young I never had much intrest in the scriptures untill I was about 23 years old, as at that time my first born son who was born with Pneumonia and was put into intensive care at the University of Ky. Hospital which is about 300 miles away.

    I soon found out that even tho. I could repair and fix about anything that man had created ( Electronics, Automobiles, you name it, i've repaird it of domestic and some commercial use) but I could do NOTHING about my son being in that intensive care unit and his condition.

    Local chu-ch organizations prayed and prayed( and so did I) for my first born son as many of them convinced me to “” believe “” , as at that time I knew very little concerning the scriptures.

    However, that was at that time ONE of the worst times in my life, as my first wife and I had a hard time even getting to go to U.K as it was so far away, and we would sleep in a recliner chair for weeks and months at that Hospital to be with our new born son.

    He had 5 tubes in his little chest through to his lungs, and he stayed there in that intinsive care unit for 9 months, after they had done surgery and removed a part of his left lung.

    As I said tho., during this time all the local chu-ch organizations and their people were praying for our son and so was I, even tho I never quite understood and knew about the Creator at that time except what the local chu-ches had been telling me.

    To make this short without a long terrible ordeal experience explained, our first born son died after 13 months in intensive care.

    I was so badly hurt and discouraged, worn out physically and mentally by that ordeal, and I was very bitter and angry, especially at something or someone that the local ch-rches called “G-d “.

    I was very young at that time, and when I think back now, I was also very foolish too.

    I said to myself then, “” I'm going to dis-prove that there is a Creator, and dis-prove all the chu-ches to be false too.”” Unquote

    This is WHEN I set out on an intense indepth study of the scriptures, the chu-ch Organizations and modern belief and theology.

    I studied the scriptures in depth, and also learned scriptural Hebrew as compared to Modern Hebrew, and the scriptural Greek texts which is far from the Modern language.

    Well, I soon found out the hard way, that I was having trouble dis-proving the scriptures, and especially when compared to the History of the human races on the earth today.

    Well, I could not dis-prove there being a Creator( just the exact opposite) but I did and have dis-proved the chu-ch Organizations of this world according to those same scriptures, in which they claim to believe and follow too.

    I'm almost 47 years old now, I was converted by those same original scriptures, and not by modern men.

    Very soon in my study, I came across the N.T. verse that said…

    “”” That Yah gave His ONLY begotten Son, to die for mankind, that whosoever believed in Him( which also means doing as He did) could have ever lasting life.””

    Now you talking about a man feeling lower than a snake with a high hat on, I was shocked to read that for the first time, and really realize what it meant, which lead to my repentance.

    Here I was before, angry and bitter at the true Creator and blaming Him for losing my first born son, and then I find out that He GAVE His Son up to try and redeem mankind.

    Can you imagine how I felt??

    Well, as I look back at that time and think about the reason WHY my first born son died, I start to realize that IF it were not for my first born son's death, I would have probably never even studied the scriptures in depth, or probably not even at all been even interested in the scriptures, and would never have been converted to follow and obey them.

    So I now look at my firstborn son's death as being a blessing to me in actual reality, I've lost a first born son, and a first wife too, but I still will never give up the true Creator YAH and the true Messiah Yahushua.

    I have studied this truth of scriptures for 24 years, and its a strange thing to me that when original scriptures explaining the truth is revealed and shown to people, they seem to ignor it, or reject it all together, which this was the same situation that I found myself facing years ago.

    Most people don't realize that satan the devil will do everything possible to keep humans from learning the truth inorder to receive SALVATION, and the very first requirment for receiving salvation is KNOWING the true NAMES of the very ONES that can give it.

    Both Peter( Acts 2:21; Acts 4:10-12) and Paul ( Rom.10:13-14) makes this explicitly plain, and satan very well knows that if he can deceive people into calling on the wrong NAMES to receive salvation, he can keep them from receiving it too.

    If thee above is not true, then all the other religions in the world that call on their deity of whether “” Alah , Theos, Dios, Dieu, Gott, God , e.t.c.”” will receive salvation in those title deities too, but is that really true according to thee above scriptures tho. ??

    It is not so strange after all tho., as many times I feel like how Paul described what Isaiah the Prophet wrote.


    ( Rom.10:13-21) 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of Yah shall be saved. ( See Joel 2:32)

    14 How then shall they call on him( Yah) in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him( Yah) of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

    15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
    ( See Isa 52:7 )

    ( But not in the eyes of most.)

    16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Yah( El), who hath believed our report? ( See Isa 53:1 )

    17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of Yah.

    18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. (Psa.19:4)

    19 But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. ( See Deut. 32:21)

    20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. ( See Isa. 65:1 )

    21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient( law transgressing) and gainsaying people. ( See Isa. 65:2 )


    To IS 1:18,

    Please forgive me, your not a ” scuss bucket ” in the derogatory sence that some mean those words, that was not my meaning and intention, for if you , then so am I too.

    I'm no different or better off than anyone else, and I do not claim to be either.



    To IS 1:18,

    Please forgive me, your not a ” scuss bucket ” in the derogatory sence that some mean those words, that was not my meaning and intention, for if you , then so am I too.

    I'm no different or better off than anyone else, and I do not claim to be either.


    Is 1:18

    No problems Eliyah. Be well my friend.

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