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  • #76119

    Hi Tow,
    Who decides?
    Scripture testifies to these matters and the scriptures cannot be broken
    but you are greater than scripture?


    Quote (Towshab @ Dec. 26 2007,10:27)

    Quote (942767 @ Dec. 25 2007,16:00)
    I can say I am right in what I a teaching, and I believe that I am, but when God confirms what I am teaching, it will be Him that is saying that what I teach is correct.  

    How will G-d confirm what you are teaching?

    I have told you that God has spoken to me in an audible voice.  Whether or not you believe me I know that it is a fact.   If He confirms what I am teaching with the same miracles that He did through the ministry of Jesus, then you should know that I am telling you the truth.

    So you will be raising dead people, healing blind men, casting out demons, walking on water, feeding multitudes with just a little food,  calming storms, and turning water into wine? Where do you live, I'd love to witness this.

    Seriously though, what miracles are you speaking of? If you are just talking about getting people to convert to Christianity, I would not consider that to be a miracle.

    I have already answered your questions here.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 25 2007,18:36)
    Hi Tow,
    Who decides?
    Scripture testifies to these matters and the scriptures cannot be broken
    but you are greater than scripture?

    Scripture is words written by men about their relationship with YHVH. Is your relationship with your god perfect?


    Hi Tow,
    My life is hidden in God and He is satisfied with all who are covered with the robe of righteousness of His beloved son.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 26 2007,12:26)
    Hi Tow,
    My life is hidden in God

    Hidden is the clue. You must remain in hiding for fear of being proved false.

    and He is satisfied with all who are covered with the robe of righteousness of His beloved son.

    Since you are not Jewish, how do you personally know His son, Israel? I at least acknowledge that Jews are still G-d's chosen. You think you are among the ones who have replaced them. Good luck with that.


    Hi Tow,
    The Christ, the kingly Son of David fulfilled all of the righteous demands of God and we are reborn into him and now seated with him in the unity of the Spirit on the right hand of God. We inherit in him all that is promised to Israel. The sons who refuse his mission are now unable to fulfill those demands. Gentiles like yourself were never due to inherit the blessings being outside of the Law.


    Unity of spirit? You're kidding right? The only unifying factor in Christianity is that you all believe in Jesus in some form. That is where the unity ends. From there you argue over whether Jesus is YHVH, part of YHVH in a trinity, a manifestation of YHVH in oneness, the angel Michael, an anointed man yet still biological son of G-d, pre-existing, not existing until Mary, and lately you have some thinking Jesus is the son of some other god and YHVH is an evil angel. All of this comes from a unifying spirit?!?!?

    Tanakh has no such problem. Deuteronomy 6:4 states simply and soundly who YHVH is. But the GT mixed in so much paganism to attract people that it could lead to a multitude of different ideas about Jesus himself!

    And that is just Jesus. From there you disagree over who Mary was, whether or not baptism is required for salvation, speaking in tongues, whether or not young children will go to heaven if they die before they understand, the Sabbath, how many days Jesus was in the tomb, the validity of the Torah for Christians, the 10 Commandments, and on and on.

    Unity of spirit?!?!?

    But your post does give more insight into Christian mentality. There are many 'attractions' of Christianity that appeal to the selfish side of man. (1) The desire to go to heaven and avoid hell (2) sharing with what will be inherited by Israel (3) being among the 'elite' in heaven, judging the nations.

    In fact, Christianity, while trying to appear pious and righteous, is all about pleasing the Christian. Some of you say you are serving G-d but your last post was full of what you get out of it, not what your fellow man gets out of it, nor what G-d gets out of it. Everything you said is what YOU inherit. You are appealing to you.

    And all you have to do to join the social club of Christianity with all of the membership perks is 'believe'. Did you know that when you approach a rabbi to convert to Judaism that they will try to change your mind? In fact, most will turn you away at least three times. Why? Because they know that Judaism is demanding but also rewarding. They know it is all about pleasing G-d but that it is a life commitment to follow Torah. Christianity does not do that: its doctrine of 'grace' means you can believe in Jesus and you're in the door. That's it. Some will try to say there is more but that is hogwash because there are too many places in GT where it states all you have to do is believe. Everyone knows John 3:16.

    My spirituality is not that selfish. I know I am not among G-d's chosen, the ones who desire to live a life dedicated to pleasing G-d and being an example. I don't think I will sit next to G-d, judging the nations. I don't think I will inherit the promises that belong to G-d's chosen like Christians do, robbing Jews of their special relationship. Yet I know if I do indeed honor G-d in my treatment of others, that if I do not place any god or idol before Him, and respect and accept the priesthood of the Jewish people as guardians and teachers of Torah that I am still pleasing to G-d. That is all I desire. I do not look forward to all of the rewards because I enjoy the rewards of this life.


    The teachings and members of the harlot are many. Most don't know they are IN Her, Rev. 18:4.

    Their is only a remnant of the true church, Rev. 12:17. You seem to only be seeing the harlot and her teachings.

    The remnant of the true church keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

    The testimony of Jesus is that HE is the Lamb of God that gave us forgiveness of sin that the Jewish faith will never have unless they accept God's sacrifice.

    The Jews reject you because you have NO Jew blood! That's what the Jewish faith is about. Still in part one of God's plan to save all men who come to Him not just those of Jewish decent.

    Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of “many nations” have I made thee.

    Gen 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and “all the nations of the earth” shall be blessed in him?

    Are all nations of the earth of Israel and Judah?

    This is what part two of God's plan is about and you reject. Unless you repent and open your heart you will never know GOD but only OF God. Most “Christians” only know OF Jesus but don't KNOW Jesus. These are those who is being called out.

    “Come out of her MY People” is the call. First they are Christians
    because they are called His People. Secondly they are in the harlot ~false Christianity~keeping the doctrines and commandments of men rather than the commandments of God.

    Thirdly their are saints and their are SAINTS. Most will be flesh and inherit the earth.

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    We are to run the race to win! That is to do our best. Serve Him with all that we are. For most that means they will be immortal flesh and some Spirit beings as the Father and Son and will be above Angels.

    Forgive Tow Father for he does not KNOW what he does. But if he loves the Father as he says then I believe he will be ~when it is time~to come to know the sacrifice you have made.

    I wonder how long did Paul condemn the disciples before “it was his time'”?


    Quote (kenrch @ Dec. 27 2007,09:08)
    The teachings and members of the harlot are many. Most don't know they are IN Her, Rev. 18:4.

    Their is only a remnant of the true church, Rev. 12:17. You seem to only be seeing the harlot and her teachings.

    The remnant of the true church keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

    Following the teachings of Jesus is not a bad thing, although Paul is a much different story. Jesus never said Gentiles would share inheritance with Israel, Paul made this up to make the Gentiles feel that they were every bit as 'chosen' as Israel.

    Also, other than John which came well after Christianity had established a base among Gentiles, Jesus never said to believe in him for eternal life. You will not find such in the synoptics because he said (to Jews not Gentiles!) to keep the commandments. Jesus in John is a different Jesus than you will find in the synoptics, and has more paganism inserted in his life in John.

    The testimony of Jesus is that HE is the Lamb of God that gave us forgiveness of sin that the Jewish faith will never have unless they accept God's sacrifice.

    Again, that is a believe only put forward in the gospel of John. The synoptics do not speak of Jesus being the 'lamb of G-d'. A shame too because he was not offered at all in the proper manner to be an atonement or even symbolic of the paschal lamb.

    The Jews reject you because you have NO Jew blood! That's what the Jewish faith is about. Still in part one of God's plan to save all men who come to Him not just those of Jewish decent.

    Too bad that is statement made in total ignorance. If I so desired, I could seek conversion and I would then be accepted as a Jew. Even still, they would more readily accept me as a Righteous Gentile as I am. They will even accept Christians as such so long as you do not place Jesus before or even along side of G-d in any form of equality. That would be idol worship.

    It is only Christianity that is so bigoted and selfish to think their way is the only true way.

    Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of “many nations” have I made thee.

    Gen 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and “all the nations of the earth” shall be blessed in him?

    Are all nations of the earth of Israel and Judah?

    No, that is the promise made. What seems to be your issue is that you think this is talking about Christianity when all you have to support such an idea is your GT. There is no such support found in Tanakh.

    This is what part two of God's plan is about and you reject. Unless you repent and open your heart you will never know GOD but only OF God. Most “Christians” only know OF Jesus but don't KNOW Jesus. These are those who is being called out.

    I know G-d, and He is not the father of Jesus any more than He is father of all of us. YHVH is not a pagan myth god who has sex with humans to produce demigod offspring.

    “Come out of her MY People” is the call. First they are Christians
    because they are called His People. Secondly they are in the harlot ~false Christianity~keeping the doctrines and commandments of men rather than the commandments of God.

    Thirdly their are saints and their are SAINTS. Most will be flesh and inherit the earth.

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    You think this is you but you have no support whatsoever for this beyond your false belief and the thievery job by Paul the apostate.

    We are to run the race to win! That is to do our best. Serve Him with all that we are. For most that means they will be immortal flesh and some Spirit beings as the Father and Son and will be above Angels.

    No support for this in Tanakh. Only G-d is on His throne.

    Forgive Tow Father for he does not KNOW what he does. But if he loves the Father as he says then I believe he will be ~when it is time~to come to know the sacrifice you have made.

    Oh, I know what I am doing: revealing the fallaciousness of the claim that Jesus is the King Messiah. Since he did not meet a single qualification beyond being a Jewish male, there is no chance for him.

    I wonder how long did Paul condemn the disciples before “it was his time'”?

    I wonder how long Paul waited before he decided to try to turn a dead man into something he wasn't?


    Hi Tow,
    We tire of self appointed judges of the men God has chosen and anointed and used in His work.
    Paul and John will be standing with the King but your fate as a rebellious gentile is far less certain.


    Here is your fate Nick:

    Zec 8:23 Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'”


    Hi Tow,
    Where will you be with your tattered and incomplete bible?
    You should rather already be with Christ.


    Then I would have a tattered incomplete bible with a fiction section in the back.


    Towshab you have the choice to deny the messiah.

    John 3:19
    This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

    John 12:46
    I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

    If you have ears and cannot hear, then that is not anyone's problem but yours.

    You steer your own ship.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 27 2007,16:20)
    Towshab you have the choice to deny the messiah.

    John 3:19
    This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

    John 12:46
    I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

    If you have ears and cannot hear, then that is not anyone's problem but yours.

    You steer your own ship.

    I cannot deny the King Messiah because he has not come yet. When he comes, none will be able to deny him anyway, because the world will be very different and all of the messianic prophecies will be fulfilled.

    If you are speaking of Jesus, then he can not be denied as King Messiah because he never fit a single qualification outside of being a Jewish male. He is like a baseball player trying out for a hockey team: he didn't have what it takes.


    Quote (Towshab @ Dec. 28 2007,09:05)
    Then I would have a tattered incomplete bible with a fiction section in the back.

    Hi Tow,
    Tearing pages and deleting paragraphs makes you the lord of your beliefs.
    You would never recognise or respect Messiah any way.



    That's funny. One of the major signs of the messianic age is peace. Is that not also the major sign of the antichrist in your religion? No, it will be Christians who will not recognize the true King Messiah. They will think he is the antichrist!!!


    Hi Tow,
    The peace I give is not the peace the world gives.
    God's peace will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 28 2007,04:39)
    Hi Tow,
    The peace I give is not the peace the world gives.
    God's peace will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.

    The peace YOU give? Are you a god too?


    Quote (Towshab @ Dec. 28 2007,04:30)

    Quote (kenrch @ Dec. 27 2007,09:08)
    The teachings and members of the harlot are many. Most don't know they are IN Her, Rev. 18:4.

    Their is only a remnant of the true church, Rev. 12:17. You seem to only be seeing the harlot and her teachings.

    The remnant of the true church keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

    Following the teachings of Jesus is not a bad thing, although Paul is a much different story. Jesus never said Gentiles would share inheritance with Israel, Paul made this up to make the Gentiles feel that they were every bit as 'chosen' as Israel.

    Also, other than John which came well after Christianity had established a base among Gentiles, Jesus never said to believe in him for eternal life. You will not find such in the synoptics because he said (to Jews not Gentiles!) to keep the commandments. Jesus in John is a different Jesus than you will find in the synoptics, and has more paganism inserted in his life in John.

    The testimony of Jesus is that HE is the Lamb of God that gave us forgiveness of sin that the Jewish faith will never have unless they accept God's sacrifice.

    Again, that is a believe only put forward in the gospel of John. The synoptics do not speak of Jesus being the 'lamb of G-d'. A shame too because he was not offered at all in the proper manner to be an atonement or even symbolic of the paschal lamb.

    The Jews reject you because you have NO Jew blood! That's what the Jewish faith is about. Still in part one of God's plan to save all men who come to Him not just those of Jewish decent.

    Too bad that is statement made in total ignorance. If I so desired, I could seek conversion and I would then be accepted as a Jew. Even still, they would more readily accept me as a Righteous Gentile as I am. They will even accept Christians as such so long as you do not place Jesus before or even along side of G-d in any form of equality. That would be idol worship.

    It is only Christianity that is so bigoted and selfish to think their way is the only true way.

    Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of “many nations” have I made thee.

    Gen 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and “all the nations of the earth” shall be blessed in him?

    Are all nations of the earth of Israel and Judah?

    No, that is the promise made. What seems to be your issue is that you think this is talking about Christianity when all you have to support such an idea is your GT. There is no such support found in Tanakh.

    This is what part two of God's plan is about and you reject. Unless you repent and open your heart you will never know GOD but only OF God. Most “Christians” only know OF Jesus but don't KNOW Jesus. These are those who is being called out.

    I know G-d, and He is not the father of Jesus any more than He is father of all of us. YHVH is not a pagan myth god who has sex with humans to produce demigod offspring.

    “Come out of her MY People” is the call. First they are Christians
    because they are called His People. Secondly they are in the harlot ~false Christianity~keeping the doctrines and commandments of men rather than the commandments of God.

    Thirdly their are saints and their are SAINTS. Most will be flesh and inherit the earth.

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    You think this is you but you have no support whatsoever for this beyond your false belief and the thievery job by Paul the apostate.

    We are to run the race to win! That is to do our best. Serve Him with all that we are. For most that means they will be immortal flesh and some Spirit beings as the Father and Son and will be above Angels.

    No support for this in Tanakh. Only G-d is on His throne.

    Forgive Tow Father for he does not KNOW what he does. But if he loves the Father as he says then I believe he will be ~when it is time~to come to know the sacrifice you have made.

    Oh, I know what I am doing: revealing the fallaciousness of the claim that Jesus is the King Messiah. Since he did not meet a single qualification beyond being a Jewish male, there is no chance for him.

    I wonder how long did Paul condemn the disciples before “it was his time'”?

    I wonder how long Paul waited before he decided to try to turn a dead man into something he wasn't?

    Tow you should not condemn your mentor ~Paul~ you are exactly as he WAS! Before it was his time! If your love for God is as you say then you WILL come around just as Paul did. :)

    Truth is you will never have the blood of a Jew. Isn't that right?

    The “blue blood” Jew will always be far above you. It's not then heart with the Jews it's the blood line.

    The new covenant is Spiritual and NOT physical.

    I have no doubt that you will be called and born again just as Paul the very person you condemn. Those who died by Paul's hand will be surprised to see Paul in the New Kingdom. Just as some will be VERY surprised to see you! :D

    You just as Paul never tasted the powers of the Spirit and so upon repentance you will be forgiven~ when it's your time~!

    Of course I could be wrong and you choose to
    serve the other guy. Who would be so foolish after confessing their love for the Father.

    No Tow you see the Harlot and her daughters then judge but you forget the remnant, Rev 12:17.

    Tow you just don't know! But I believe at the end you will just as Paul did! :D

    God bless you,


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