Something that was missing!

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  • #130232

    After I'd finished putting that article on the Board about the Man of Lawlessness, I realized that I'd left out the most important points that would indentify just how this Man takes his seat in God's Temple! Not only that, but they also seat themselves in the seat of the Christ, who does all of the following things for his followers! That thought made me realize that I had been seated myself in those seats for Twent-One years, by doing what I was doing, wthout even being aware of it.

    I was, myself, trying to teach various individuals the Bible, under the direction of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, I understand why all of the work I did accomplished nothing for me. In all that time. I had only two persons who began to attend the meetings. Whether he or his wife were ever baptised or not, I couldn't say! I lost track of both of them because of moving from one Kingdom Hall to another. I should hope now, that they never did!

    I have learned, now, what was missing! The reasons that the Governing Body, and myself could not successfully teach the Bible to anyone, I will now point to! As I said, Something was missing from their teachings, and from my own, that was imperative to teaching the Bible correctly.

    There was fìve things that hampered my teaching of the Bible, that also hamper the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, and all of their followers, as well. Right down until this very day! Those things are, as follows:

    Beginning with the first thing that is absolutly crucial for teaching the Bible: “In reply he said: “To you it is GRANTED TO UNDERSTAND the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those other people IT IS NOT GRANTED.” {Matthew 13: 10,11} So, how far would we get in teaching the Bible, if we was first not 'granted to understand' it ourselves? There would be no use in even trying to teach this Holy Book without that first having been done for us. But, there's still more that we need in addition to that! The Apostle Luke will inform us all of what that is, for he wrote: “Then he OPENED UP THEIR MINDS FULLY to GRASP THE MEANING OF THE SCRIPURES.” {Luke 24:45} Once again, if our minds was not fully opened, what exactly could we teach anyone that would be of any benefit to them?

    Now, for the most important thing that is needed in order to teach the Bible with accuracy. That is focused on by John at 1 John 2:27 where this statement is made: “And as for you, THE ANOINTING THAT YOU RECEIVED from him remains in you, and you DO NOT NEED ANYONE TO BE TEACHING YOU; but, as the ANOINTING FROM HIM IS TEACHING YOU ABOUT ALL THINGS, and is true and is no lie, just as IT HAS TAUGHT YOU, remain in union with him.” Once again, how far would we get in our teaching without first receiving of this anointing? Absolutely nowhere! {JOHN 14:16,17}

    Now, we know that when the Christ walked this earth in the first Century he taught his followers, many, many, things! What happened though, after he ascended to the right hand of his Father? How did they continue to take in knowledge of the Bible? Did they independently teach one another? All that they could teach others in that time period is only what they had learned from the Christ prior to his ascension. Nothing more than that! Being as there was so much more to learn, just how did they progress in the knowledge so necessary for gaining everlasting life?

    The Apostle Paul will inform us, just how that came to be, and this should serve as a real eye-opener! Paul stated: “For I put you on notice, brothers, that the good news which was declared by me as good news IS NOT SOMETHING HUMAN; for neither did I receive it FROM MAN, nor was I taught [it by man] except through REVELATION by CHRIST JESUS.” {Galatians 1:11,12}

    Now, the account in the Revelation by John was also delivered to John in the same fashion, BY A REVELATION from the Christ from the heavenly spirit realm. {Revelation 1:1}

    Now, it should also be remembered what the Apostle John focused on at John 14:26;16:13- We read: “But the helper, the Holy Spirit which the Father will send in my name, that one WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS and bring back to your minds ALL THE THINGS I TOLD YOU.” {John 14:26} — “However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you ALL THE THINGS COMING. ¨John 14:16,17

    Now,reason on this for a moment! Can the Governing Body of the Watctower Society 'bring back to our minds' everything that we have read in the Bible? Can they declare to us 'the things to come?' Can they guide us into all truth? Can they grant us to understand the Holy Writings? Can they fully open our minds, so that we will grasp the meaning of the scriptures? Can they give us this special anointing that the Apostle John spoke about? Not being able to do any of those things, what good is it for them to try and teach us the Bible? All that they really can do, is impart the little knowledge that they may possess, on to us, and no more than that, little!

    Now, just from what source does this organization obtain the little knowledge that they do have? As I remember it, the Writing department puts all of their publications together. From there it is passed on to the Governing Body for scrutinizing! From there, the Governing Body passes it along to their followers, who, in turn, distribute it all throughout this earth. These though are merely the teachings of Men, not the teachings of God, through Christ, who himself is still the one leader and teacher; and does all of his teaching by means of the Holy Spirit, in his hands; and you can believe, that the Christ makes no errors in his teachings. There are no failed predictions or false prophecies done by the Christ, as there has been done with the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society. Their one hundred and thirty year record of failed predictions and false prophecies, is sufficient proof, that they have not been granted to understand the Holy Writings; that they have not had their minds fully opened to grasp the meaning of the scriptures. That they have not received of the anointing that the Apostle John informed us of! That they do not receive additional truths by means of revelations from the invisible heavens. That they are not guided and directed by means of the Holy Spirit!

    By maintaining what they do, that they constitute the Faithful Slave of the Parable in Matthew 24:45, that they are the anointed class, that they are God's Organization. That they are the Mother of all of their followers. That puts them as 'sitting down in the Temple of God!' Moreover, that also puts them in the seat of the Christ; by making claim that they are the teacher of God's word, when it is the Christ alone who is that teacher! The reason for that has been made very clear, in this writing!

    What they are in actuality doing, is treading on very, very, dangerous territory, by making all of the boastful claims that they have made in the past, and still do, today, as well.
    Thus far we have learned that the teachings of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses would benefit no one in these our last days, and it was also foretold that we would turn our attention to it, in the final part of the days: In these words: …”In the final part of the days you people will give your consideration to it with understanding.” {Jeremiah 23:20}

    That is where we are at this present moment in time,' in the final part of the days.' What was it that Jeremiah told us that we would give our consideration to, with understanding? Note, the following!

    UTTERANCE OF JEHOVAH,” {Jeremiah 23: 21,32] texas!

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