Some things should not be spoken of

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  • #128385

    May all who read this be well in the spirit and truth, Selah.

    If anyone could help me out, I cannot find the scripture that reads something like the topic title, any help in finding this scripture would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for your time and attention in the matter.

    much love


    maybe this passage….?

    Ephesians 5:11-13 (NASB) 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.”



    Thank you Ken, so greatly appreciated.

    for everything that becomes visible is light………not fully taking this part in, will ask for help in understanding.

    much love


    Quote (wild_olive_branch @ April 22 2009,11:57)
    Thank you Ken, so greatly appreciated.

    for everything that becomes visible is light………not fully taking this part in, will ask for help in understanding.

    much love

    this seemed to get at the meaning well…

    “13. But when all these (wicked practices) are exposed by the light they are made visible. Meaning: when, by means of contrast with the conduct of believers as “children of light,” the terrible deeds of wickedness that mark “the sons of disobedience” are thus exposed, these horrible practices are shown up for what they really are. That this is true is shown by the rule expressed in the following statement: for everything that is made visible is light; that is, whatever, whether attitudes, words, practices, etc., is made manifest by having been thus contrasted loses its hidden character, takes on the nature of light, and is seen for what it really is.
    In verses 11-13 the emphasis has been on deeds rather than on the doers. It was the deeds that were exposed. However, it is readily understandable that when wicked men's evil deeds are thus laid bare, the doers are indirectly reproved. They are made to see how great their sins and miseries are; hence, how desperately they need a radical change of life. The transition to the next line is therefore very natural: 14. Therefore he says:

    “Awake, sleeper,
    And arise from the dead,
    And Christ will shine on you.”

    —Baker New Testament Commentary

    and hey… I am so glad to be of any help to you at all… it is truly my honor….



    thank you ken for taking the time

    love and prayers to you and yours


    Hi E,
    Is it wickedness to offer human religious traditions rather than scripture?
    Whatever is not of faith is of sin.

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