Socialist united states

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  • #232916

    M. Soltysik, one of the leaders of SPUSA (Socialist Party of the USA), was recently interviewed by M. Bonanno, as reported in an OpEdNews article:….02.html

    After briefly commenting on that interview, I wrote my own PoEdNews article:….50.html

    What follows is a summary of my article.

    1) M.S. wants us to discuss socialism without linking it with the USSR, the first socialist country in the world. I objected to this. I think Stalinism must be studied in order to avoid  Soviet mistakes and Soviet crimes.

    2) Referring to capitalists, M.S. said “fat cats have had fun at the expense of the working class for way too long.” What should be done with them? Are all fat cats parasitic? Was Henry Ford parasitic? Is Bill Gates parasitic? What fraction of “his” billions is invested in “our” economy, rather than consumed? What fraction is used in scientific research? I suspect that private consumption is below 1%, including luxury homes, private jets, etc.

    Why was the Soviet agricultural system, based on collective farms, much much less productive than our own system?   What should be done with American agricultural capitalists? Should they be treated as kulaks were in the Soviet Union? Who will run our airline companies, our  TV stations, our restaurants and our barber shops? Why is the SPUSA program silent on this? Do you agree that the Soviet experience should not be ignored in answering such questions?

    3) The program of SPUSA, at , displays the party emblem. It calls for unity of proletarians of the world. I know this slogan very well; it was always displayed on the first page of the main Stalinist newspaper, Prawda, till 1942. What is wrong in my suspecting that the SPUSA is a Marxist-Leninist party in disguise?

    4) The party program contains this statement: “The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system." How can anyone dislike such proclamations? The question is how to proceed without creating something that is much worse than what we already have in America. Similar promises were made by Lenin, in 1917, and we know what happened. How to avoid similar disasters?

    5) The program also states that “socialists struggle for the full freedom of women and men to control their own bodies and reproductive systems and to determine their own sexual orientation." That is good. Will this struggle be easier under socialism? Those who oppose abortions will still exist. Yes, I am thinking about “freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion” mentioned in point 4 above.

    6) What do the SPUSA leaders mean by “democratic revolution”? Speculating about the future, and trying to turn dreams into reality, are attractive but sooner or later, as before, idealists will be pushed aside, by revolutionary leaders, due to “practical necessity.” Soldiers do not win wars by discussing orders; they win by obeying orders. In my opinion evolutionary social reforms are more desirable than revolutions. Do you agree? I do not wish anyone to experience another proletarian dictatorship.

    7) Socialism as a vision of paradise on earth? Yes indeed. But not via proletarian dictatorship! My father was a communist. But he died in Kolyma, the worst corner of GULAG, at the age of 36, about two years after being arrested in Moscow. His two letters from Kolyma, to my mother and me, are in this free ON-LINE autobiography (the link should appear below the signature).

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)


    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Dan 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

    The ten toes represent all the nations united under one government; the iron, and clay, show that they wont stick together, it wont work.



    Amen George


    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 19 2011,16:28)
    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Dan 2:41   And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.  

    The ten toes represent all the nations united under one government; the iron, and clay, show that they wont stick together, it wont work.


    Greetings Georg……the word that is before us does not have to be our fate…We could change the circumstance through repentance…..What do you think???



    Yes, because it has happened before, as we read in the book of Jonah.
    Those people believed God, and in fact did repent; do you think America will do that?
    We, believers in the “truth”, can only pray for God's protection.

    Zep 2:3   Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger.  

    Because God “will” destroy the wicked.

    Isa 13:9   Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.  

    Isa 13:11   And I will punish “””the world””” for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.  

    Isa 24:6   Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned (destroyed), and “”few men left””.  

    God has in the past punished his people, the Israeli's, very severely, and he will punish them yet one more time; should we think he will not punish the world for “their” evil?

    Jer 25:29   For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name (Jerusalem), and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the LORD of hosts.  



    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 23 2011,15:55)

    Yes, because it has happened before, as we read in the book of Jonah.
    Those people believed God, and in fact did repent; do you think America will do that?
    We, believers in the “truth”, can only pray for God's protection.

    Zep 2:3   Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger.  

    Because God “will” destroy the wicked.

    Isa 13:9   Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.  

    Isa 13:11   And I will punish “””the world””” for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.  

    Isa 24:6   Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned (destroyed), and “”few men left””.  

    God has in the past punished his people, the Israeli's, very severely, and he will punish them yet one more time; should we think he will not punish the world for “their” evil?

    Jer 25:29   For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name (Jerusalem), and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the LORD of hosts.  


    Greetings Georg…..The truth be told…my feeling is that this nation will be brought low as a result of our national sins….Judgement is iminent…Lets take a look at what this great blessed nation has become…We are the largest purveyors of pornography in the world,boasting of an industry that is bigger than baseball,basketball and football combines.We murder the innocent and claim it is a choice.We celebrate pervercity and teach our children that it is an alternative lifestyle. We have wrecked the family with divorce.We are self indulged in drug use being the largest consumers in the world.We have removed God from the public square and any mention of himis not welcomed.These are national sins that the voting population has permitted be through willfull consent or apathy…We have a welfare system that rewards the theif and liar and takes from the hardworking productive member of society….Gods judgeemnt on this nation can be avoided all it takes is for Good people to stop being silent…


    Amen Theo. How though? It's illeagal. Then when you try to get even the religious together, alot are so self rightious they won't participate together. When I was in high school, our community had a interfaith worship service at Thanksgiving. The Baptist and the Church of Christ would not participate, even though the service was non-doctrinal. Today not much has changed.  Sadly, history has shown that disaster does turn people to God somewhat. Remember 9-11? the whole country was praying it seemed. There were buisnesses and schools praying around flagpoles. Special prayer services. Family and friends reaching out to God. Things got better. Bush did what we were wanting to do, send the muslims a message. Then we stopped praying so much. Soldiers did shameful things in front of the whole world. It's been downhill ever since, yet noone has the discernment to realize “God Answers Prayers”. Now, Mr Obamanation has bowed down to the muslim world, and displayed that religion is not very high at all on his list of prioritys. The rest of the country is complacent. The world is starting to turn on us because of our hypocracy.

    You are right, we do not have to do this. But, sadly, we problibly will, because the unstable ground set up by the impious founding fathers which are esteemed as great men, yet excluded our God from our Government. We are becomming the whore on the scarlet beast.You know what happens after that…………. Peace-Mark


    By the way, do you know that God is not mentioned ONCE in the constitution? The only thing that comes even close to it is in the signitatory section for the date “The year of our Lord” The body doesn't have one word about God and morality from God. THATS why we are problibly done, unless Theo an I an you  and you …………………… get together and vote God in, and get to prayin before it's too late. Once King Mannaseh? did those vile acts in Jerusalem, God pronounced Judgement. Even when Josiah re-introduced the law(which he found favor from God for), God told him that he would be spared, but he was still going to clean house for the wickedness already committed. Hmmmmmmm, last week, besides the tens of millions of babys murdered by abortion, some sick b—–d was convicted of murder because he would birth the babys alive and murder them with sissors.   Obama as senator voted for partial birth abortion. This is how God feels about that  :angry:  Like I said before in another post. Love like you never loved before, it  can't be much longer, or pray that if it is, you get the strength to make it. Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Jan. 26 2011,03:52)
    Amen Theo. How though? It's illeagal. Then when you try to get even the religious together, alot are so self rightious they won't participate together. When I was in high school, our community had a interfaith worship service at Thanksgiving. The Baptist and the Church of Christ would not participate, even though the service was non-doctrinal. Today not much has changed.  Sadly, history has shown that disaster does turn people to God somewhat. Remember 9-11? the whole country was praying it seemed. There were buisnesses and schools praying around flagpoles. Special prayer services. Family and friends reaching out to God. Things got better. Bush did what we were wanting to do, send the muslims a message. Then we stopped praying so much. Soldiers did shameful things in front of the whole world. It's been downhill ever since, yet noone has the discernment to realize “God Answers Prayers”. Now, Mr Obamanation has bowed down to the muslim world, and displayed that religion is not very high at all on his list of prioritys. The rest of the country is complacent. The world is starting to turn on us because of our hypocracy.

    You are right, we do not have to do this. But, sadly, we problibly will, because the unstable ground set up by the impious founding fathers which are esteemed as great men, yet excluded our God from our Government. We are becomming the whore on the scarlet beast.You know what happens after that…………. Peace-Mark

    Greetings Mike….Religious people scare me!!I remember 911 only to well,every time I look at a dishwasher my wife had to have, I thank God…If she didn't have that installed on 9/11 We both would have been on a business appointment at 111 Broadway which was a half block from tower 2 at eight oclock in the morning…The american people have short memories…I reflect on prophesy and see a clear connection between Lev:25s Blessings and Curses,when God said he would break the pride of our power….Think of the symbolism attached to THE WORLD TRADE CENTER,and it would not be hard to figure out why the sons of Ishmael chose this target….In genesis God tells us that these people will be at our throats…911 was the beginning of the judgements that are being mercifully meated out in hopes that we as a nation return to him who has blessed us so….The Arogance of the American people to think WE won the wars,We created the prosperity and the peace that once filled this land…God is not blessing America…We can say that but that does not make it so… I pray for my country and that the hearts and minds of its people return to God and the peace and common sense knowing him brings..


    Quote (mikeangel @ Jan. 26 2011,04:19)
    By the way, do you know that God is not mentioned ONCE in the constitution? The only thing that comes even close to it is in the signitatory section for the date “The year of our Lord” The body doesn't have one word about God and morality from God. THATS why we are problibly done, unless Theo an I an you  and you …………………… get together and vote God in, and get to prayin before it's too late. Once King Mannaseh? did those vile acts in Jerusalem, God pronounced Judgement. Even when Josiah re-introduced the law(which he found favor from God for), God told him that he would be spared, but he was still going to clean house for the wickedness already committed. Hmmmmmmm, last week, besides the tens of millions of babys murdered by abortion, some sick b—–d was convicted of murder because he would birth the babys alive and murder them with sissors.   Obama as senator voted for partial birth abortion. This is how God feels about that  :angry:  Like I said before in another post. Love like you never loved before, it  can't be much longer, or pray that if it is, you get the strength to make it. Peace-Mark

    Greetings Mike…It is the declaration of independence that defines the founders and their God fearing nature,however the constitution speaks to the state not being involved in the establishing or sanctioning any religion…it is on this issue that much confusion has been allowed to stand because of a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote regarding the standing seperation of Church and State…The clever manipulation of words and the willingness of those in authority to tear down a well established rule of law….has brought us such distastefull rulings from our SUPREME court as school prayer and abortion….The sitting judges have an opportunity right some of the wrongs unfortunately they fail to see…


    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Jan. 26 2011,03:52)
    Amen Theo. How though? It's illeagal. Then when you try to get even the religious together, alot are so self rightious they won't participate together. When I was in high school, our community had a interfaith worship service at Thanksgiving. The Baptist and the Church of Christ would not participate, even though the service was non-doctrinal. Today not much has changed.  Sadly, history has shown that disaster does turn people to God somewhat. Remember 9-11? the whole country was praying it seemed. There were buisnesses and schools praying around flagpoles. Special prayer services. Family and friends reaching out to God. Things got better. Bush did what we were wanting to do, send the muslims a message. Then we stopped praying so much. Soldiers did shameful things in front of the whole world. It's been downhill ever since, yet noone has the discernment to realize “God Answers Prayers”. Now, Mr Obamanation has bowed down to the muslim world, and displayed that religion is not very high at all on his list of prioritys. The rest of the country is complacent. The world is starting to turn on us because of our hypocracy.

    You are right, we do not have to do this. But, sadly, we problibly will, because the unstable ground set up by the impious founding fathers which are esteemed as great men, yet excluded our God from our Government. We are becomming the whore on the scarlet beast.You know what happens after that…………. Peace-Mark

    Greetings Mike…..If God is to have mercy on this nation he will raise up a leader who defers to him in the public forum and will unite the rightous them being of a character,knowing the difference between right from wrong and choosing to do what is right….As a nation we need to go before God in prayer and change our ways…If we do this he will hear our prayers and save our nation…He did this Nineveh..


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Jan. 28 2011,02:32)
    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Greetings Jack……There was laughter and ridicule through the years that was directed at Noah while he was building a large boat(Ark) on dry land….I think you know the rest of the story….


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Jan. 28 2011,02:32)
    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Even though you don't no much about the Bible, I like your funny characters.
    Keep up the funny characters, I enjoy them; how do you put them on?


    Ed J

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 29 2011,14:16)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Jan. 28 2011,02:32)
    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Even though you don't no much about the Bible, I like your funny characters.
    Keep up the funny characters, I enjoy them; how do you put them on?


    Hi Georg,

    He got that one from here…

    You copy the website img, and paste it in your Post.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 30 2011,05:07)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 29 2011,14:16)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Jan. 28 2011,02:32)
    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Even though you don't no much about the Bible, I like your funny characters.
    Keep up the funny characters, I enjoy them; how do you put them on?


    Hi Georg,

    He got that one from here…

    You copy the website img, and paste it in your Post.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Georg,

    I meant “FORUM” img, not website img. How's this one?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 30 2011,05:07)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 29 2011,14:16)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Jan. 28 2011,02:32)
    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Even though you don't no much about the Bible, I like your funny characters.
    Keep up the funny characters, I enjoy them; how do you put them on?


    Hi Georg,

    He got that one from here…

    You copy the website img, and paste it in your Post.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Thank you Ed

    I also found his tree of knowledge.


    Ed J

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 31 2011,07:30)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 30 2011,05:07)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 29 2011,14:16)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Jan. 28 2011,02:32)
    Georg said:

    What the world is coming to, is prophesied in the book of Daniel, ” One World Government”.

    Even though you don't no much about the Bible, I like your funny characters.
    Keep up the funny characters, I enjoy them; how do you put them on?


    Hi Georg,

    He got that one from here…

    You copy the website img, and paste it in your Post.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Thank you Ed

    I also found his tree of knowledge.





    Is anybody aware or does anybody even care that the “United States” is a “federal corporation” and is apart from, these united States of America! These united States of America are a formed republic with a democratically established government to rule, signified with a Red,White and Blue flag, representing our Republic under the American Constitution!

    What we have is Maritime Law/Admiralty Jurisdiction supporting Martial Law represented by a four color military flag in each states courtroom along with the White House. Red, White and Blue and Gold! Try going into a courtroom with a true American Flag. Wrong jurisdiction, won't let you in! They will sit and listen to previously established, Article 3, Supreme Court, constitutional cases but they are not governed by them. I'm not sure there are any Article 3, common law courtrooms left, anywhere. We have been under a form of martial law since the thirties. The 1040 income tax was originally an income tax to “Federal Citizens” living on federal territories but a voluntary tax by American Citizens, to help rebuild after the war. We are not “United States”, “U.S.” Citizens. We are union state citizens born in a union state of America and by birthright we are citizens of these united States of America. American Citizens. The man created corporation called the Federal Government has usurped its fake authority over the true American citizens. One way in banking is by compelling all borrowers to sign in as “U.S. Citizens”. School registrations, voting registrations, license's, zip codes referring to “Federal Zones”. The only true Federal Zones are Military Bases, federal territories for maintaining armed forces etc.! Even money is corrupted having left the gold standard and signified as $ one line instead of the true dollar sign with two lines! There is more but what good is it?

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