Sit at my right hand!

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    Some today, will argue that when Hebrews 1:13 is used to back up the idea, that Jehovah used one of his Angels to 'sit at his right hand. ' They will use the scripture at Hebrews 2:5-7 to support what they say. They will tell us that Jehovah never made that statement to any of the Angels. However, what they are doing, while saying that is, copying the Clergy of Christendom who are want to quote scripture OUT OF CONTEXT to support their lies.

    The scripture that they use to water down the real truth of the matter, says: “For he did not subject to Angels the World to come, concerning which we are speaking.” Now, that is where they leave off quoting this scripture, because OUT OF CONTEXT it would appear that they they are correct. However, reading that scripture IN CONTEXT, shows that they are quite wrong! We might now, just read that entire scripture right through from beginning to end. Reading now, IN CONTEXT, and we will learn the real truth of the matter. Citing now this entire scripture, we find these words: “For he did not subject to Angels the World to come, concerning which we are speaking. “But one has testified somewhere, saying, “What is man, that you remember him? Or the Son of Man, that you are concerned about him? “You have made him For {A LITTLE WHILE} LOWER THAN THE ANGELS; YOU HAVE CROWNED HIM WITH GLORY AND HONER, AND APPOINTED HIM OVER THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS.” Now, what did the Bible Writer mean, when he said: “He did not subject the Angels to the World to Come? ”

    Certainly it was not any of the Angels that would have the 'World to come in subjection to them. The reason being, it was Jehovah God who would finally be the one who held this new world to come in subjection. Consider the fact, that when Jehovah first put the Man, {Adam and his Wife} into the Garden of Eden, they was two perfect righteous individuals, with the opportunity to live forever in a beautiful paradise-like park. Before the Man Adam fell into sin, everything was in complete subjection to him. Adam, by his sinful course lost all of that perfection. He lost the opportunity for everlasting life. He lost those beautiful Paradise-like-Park conditions. He lost the righteousness that he would have passed on to succeeding generations of his kind. He lost the World that would have been, had he remained faithful to his God, Jehovah, in complete subjection to Jehovah God. Now all of that had to be restored.

    Now,since Jehovahs purposes could never be thwarted, he had to arrange to replace everything that satan had caused the pair to lose. That is where his heavenly son came into play. This one {Christ Jesus} would eventually restore everything that the first Man had lost. He would, first, by his perfect human sacrifice 'take away the sin of the world. ' When his work would finally reach completion, this World would be the beautiful paradise Jehovah intended. Filled with perfect righteous humans, living forever. So, in the restoration of all things, the Christ, who had everything in subjection to him, would turn all of that subjection back over to his Father, Jehovah God. Then , at that time Jehovah would once again become all things to all people. Everything then would be in complete subjection to him.

    Now, keeping in mind, that the subjection that the Christ held, was not the subjection of the World to come; we might now look at other scriptural references that speak of this subjection, that the Christ held. How it was that he could hold it, and why it was that he held it in the first place.

    Showing how it was that he held that subjection, we read at Matthew 11:27 these words: ALL THINGS have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the son, and anyone to whom the son wills to reveal him.” {Luke 10: 22} “The Father loves the son and has given ALL THINGS into his hand.” {John 3:35;13:3} “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given ALL THINGS into his hands, and that he had come forth from God and was going back to God.” {John 13:3} ” and ALL THINGS that are mine are yours, and YOURS ARE MINE; and I have been glorified in them.” {John 17:10}

    To continue: “And he put ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET and gave him as head OVER ALL THINGS to the Church.” {Ephesians 1:22} “You have put ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION under his feet” For in subjecting ALL THINGS to him, He left NOTHING THAT IS NOT SUBJECT TO HIM. But NOW we do not yet see all things subjected to him.” {Hebrews 2:8} {New American Standard Bible}

    Showing just how all encompassing this subjection that the Christ holds Paul focuses on in Hebrews 1:6 where we learn this: “And when he again brings the firstborn into the World, he says, “And let all the Angels of God Worship him.” {Hebrews 1:6} Now, quite obviously this subjection that the Christ holds, would have to be handed back to his Father, at some point in time, because, lets face it Jehovah is the Sovereign ruler of the universe, not Christ Jesus. Now, what did Paul mean, when he said: “We do not yet see all things subjected to him”? ” Because satan the devil is still the god of this World, and he will be until the Christ wipes this entire system of things out of existence.

    Now, before I proceed any further with this writing, I would like to focus attention on the Words of Jesus at Matthew 28:18, where he stated this: “ALL AUTHORITY has been given to me, IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH.” In harmony with that, Peter tells us: “Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you — not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience — through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the at right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after Angels and authorities and powers had been SUBJECTED TO HIM.” {1 Peter 3:21–23} So, this tells us that it was Jesus who was the Angel in question in the words of Paul at Hebrews 1:13. Which words was: “To which one of the Angels has he ever said: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet? This very clearly tells us, that, that Angel was none other than Christ Jesus! That settles that argument, once and for all! Now, just at what point in time does the Christ relinquish this subjection he holds over everything? We learn that will be during the restoration of all things! Paul will further explain this to us: “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that TIMES OF REFRESHING may come from the presence of the LORD; and that he may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom HEAVEN MUST RECEIVE UNTIL THE PERIOD OF RESTORATION of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of his Holy Prophets from ancient time.” Now,just what occurs during this period of restoration?

    Paul will answer that question for us: “When all things are subjected to him, then the Son {JESUS} himself also will be subjected TO THE ONE WHO SUBJECTED ALL THINGS TO HIM, SO THAT GOD {JEHOVAH} MAY BE ALL IN All.” {1 Corinthians 15:28} With that, The Son of God, will have completed and accomplished his mission to bring all things back into full harmony with Jehovahs clearly stated words in the Genesis account of creation: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.” With perfect righteous people, all in complete obedience to their wonderful God Jehovah. All living in a beautiful paradise earth, as Jehovah originally intended it to be! All with the opportunity once again to live forever on this beautifully new cleansed earth.

    We can all be assured that everything that Jehovah has purposed for this earth will come to be. That assurance can be seen in the words of Isaiah the Prophet, who wrote: “For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that GOES FORTH FROM MY MOUTH WILL PROVE TO BE. IT WILL NOT RETURN TO ME WITHOUT RE
    According to those very words, we have much to look forward to, do we not? , I now leave you all! Goodbye! Texas!


    Hi texas,
    You say
    “. Consider the fact, that when Jehovah first put the Man, {Adam and his Wife} into the Garden of Eden, they was two perfect righteous “

    Those are not facts.

    God said His creation was very good and not perfect-check Genesis.
    Neither is any man righteous in the eyes of God.


    Hi texas,
    You say
    “Peter tells us: “Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you — not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience — through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the at right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after Angels and authorities and powers had been SUBJECTED TO HIM.” {1 Peter 3:21–23} So, this tells us that it was Jesus who was the Angel in question in the words of Paul at Hebrews 1:13.”

    If Jesus was an angel would he not be subject to himself by your logic?


    Hi texas.

    You said
    'Now, what did the Bible Writer mean, when he said: “He did not subject the Angels to the World to Come? ”


    5For He did not subject to angels the world to come, concerning which we are speaking.

    You seem a bit muddled

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