Similarites between Muslim and Nazi

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    The video itself is propoganda you do understand that the German Nazis had full power and authority over the Jews and the full capability to easily gather and exterminate them, this is not the case with Palestinians who are under complete occupation by the Israel military. The Nazis were also Largely Christian.

    read this
    Christians today find it implausible that their religion could have anything in common with Nazism, but they need to recognize that Christianity — including their own — is always conditioned by the culture around it. For Germans at the beginning of the 20th century, Christianity was often profoundly anti-Semitic and nationalistic. This was the same ground which the Nazis found so fertile for their own ideology — it would have been amazing had the two systems not found much in common and been unable to work together.

    Nazi Christians didn’t abandon basic Christian doctrines, like the divinity of Jesus. Their oddest religious belief was a denial of the Jewishness of Jesus, but even today there are Christians in Germany who object when Jesus’ Jewishness is focused upon. Nazi Christians didn’t follow an idiosyncratic version of Christianity nor was it “infected” with hate and nationalism. Everything about Nazi Christianity already existed in German Christianity before the Nazis came on the scene.

    The actions of Hitler and the Nazis were as “Christian” as those of people during the Crusades or the Inquisition. Some leading Nazis preferred a neo-pagan theistic religion over Christianity, but this was never officially endorsed by the Nazi Party or by Adolf Hitler. Christians may not like seeing Nazism as having anything to do with Christianity, but Germany saw itself as a fundamentally Christian nation and millions of Christians in Germany enthusiastically endorsed Hitler and the Nazi Party, in part because they saw both as embodiments of German and Christian ideals.


    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 30 2011,19:02)

    width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>



    You see what I mean? There are no similarities when you are focused on those who want to do right and those who want to do wrong.

    I don't believe any Christian here feels the way they do in this video


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 01 2011,05:47)
    The Nazis were also Largely Christian

    I can't take you seriously BD with a comment like that.
    The definition of a Christian is not someone who persecutes, murders, or hates his brother or man. Such a man has no eternal life dwelling in him as Christ stated. A person who calls himself a Christian and murders people is simply not a Christian but an imposter.

    People call themselves whatever, but it is how they act that truly defines what a person is. After all, many will say Lord Lord and he will say, “I never knew you”. And often people call themselves Christian for the purpose of trying to get Christians to side with them. The reason is because the population who call themselves Christian is huge.

    If it were as simple as saying you are something and people believed that you truly represented that, then could I become a Muslim and live as an infidel and still be a Muslim? Or if I became an American citizen and then committed mass murder, would that define Americans? I think you need to think deeper about things BD.

    Additionally, the Nazis persecuted Christians and “The Nazi Master Plan” Office of Strategic Services investigators argued that the Nazi regime had a plan to reduce the influence of Christian churches through a campaign of systematic persecutions.

    Like all cunning leaders, they align themselves with what people believe in order to take control of them. This was a strategy of the First Reich and thus not to hard to see the Third Reich copying that.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 01 2011,05:55)
    You see what I mean? There are no similarities when you are focused on those who want to do right and those who want to do wrong.

    I don't believe any Christian here feels the way they do in this video

    OK comparing apples with apples BD, the only conclusion from your statement is that Muslims who persecute, hate, and kill Jews are not Muslims.

    Is this your conclusion?

    Because I agree that Christians who do these things are not true Christians.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 01 2011,07:16)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 01 2011,05:47)
    The Nazis were also Largely Christian

    I can't take you seriously BD with a comment like that.
    The definition of a Christian is not someone who persecutes, murders, or hates his brother or man. Such a man has no eternal life dwelling in him as Christ stated. A person who calls himself a Christian and murders people is simply not a Christian but an imposter.

    People call themselves whatever, but it is how they act that truly defines what a person is. After all, many will say Lord Lord and he will say, “I never knew you”. And often people call themselves Christian for the purpose of trying to get Christians to side with them. The reason is because the population who call themselves Christian is huge.

    If it were as simple as saying you are something and people believed that you truly represented that, then could I become a Muslim and live as an infidel and still be a Muslim? Or if I became an American citizen and then committed mass murder, would that define Americans? I think you need to think deeper about things BD.

    Additionally, the Nazis persecuted Christians and “The Nazi Master Plan” Office of Strategic Services investigators argued that the Nazi regime had a plan to reduce the influence of Christian churches through a campaign of systematic persecutions.

    Like all cunning leaders, they align themselves with what people believe in order to take control of them. This was a strategy of the First Reich and thus not to hard to see the Third Reich copying that.


    You placed a propoganda film in the thread and stirred a pot. The fact is there are over a billion Muslims in the world or maybe even a couple of billion and if they were against Jews as a whole it would be widely understood the fact is you are pointing at a small slice and calling it the whole pie and the slice you are pointing at is being kicked out of their homes, rocks thrown at their kids and they are being treated just like blacks were treating whites here in America. I can show you videos of little Palestenian children being hit with stones and sticks simply for passing through a Jewish settlement just like the KKK

    Most germans during the time of hitler were Christian 2/3 Protestant and 1/3 Catholic but I repeat that doesn't mean it was Christian behaviour because America also a primarily Christian country at the time fought the Christian Nazis


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 01 2011,07:18)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 01 2011,05:55)
    You see what I mean? There are no similarities when you are focused on those who want to do right and those who want to do wrong.

    I don't believe any Christian here feels the way they do in this video

    OK comparing apples with apples BD, the only conclusion from your statement is that Muslims who persecute, hate, and kill Jews are not Muslims.

    Is this your conclusion?

    Because I agree that Christians who do these things are not true Christians.

    Then we agree! It is not good to place videos up randomly without any explanation about your own view of it.

    Not to mention Jews don't want Christians in Israel either


    OK, that is good enough for me.

    Jsut to confirm. You are saying that all those Muslims who hate Jews and want them eradicated are wrong and are not true Muslims.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 01 2011,10:47)
    OK, that is good enough for me.

    Jsut to confirm. You are saying that all those Muslims who hate Jews and want them eradicated are wrong and are not true Muslims.

    Either that or the Jews that may be opressing them are not real Jews

    Traditional Jews Are Not Zionists

    Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also many who are totally unaware of the history of Zionism and its contradiction to the beliefs of Torah-True Jews.

    The “Man Behind the Anti-Shariah Movement” Does Not Speak for Jews

    The New York Times
    Aug 8, 2011

    On July 30, 2011, the New York Times published an article by Andrea Elliott entitled “The Man Behind the Anti-Shariah Movement” which points to a ” little-known lawyer, David Yerushalmi, a 56-year-old Hasidic Jew, with a history of controversial statements about race, immigration and Islam”, as that man; thus giving the impression to thousands of readers of that publication that this individual, who is in fact acting on his own beliefs, represents the position of the Jewish Community. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    To give the impression that the Jewish community has taken a position to support or to oppose Shariah is misleading, damages relations between Jews and Muslims and is an outright fallacy. Authentic Jews respect the laws of their country as established by lawmakers for the good of all people.

    One of our most oft-asked questions is “what is Zionism?”

    Theodor Herzl
    Zionism is a movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.

    The name of “Zionism” comes from the hill Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was situated.

    Supporters of this movement are called “Zionists”.

    The purpose of this website is to explain why traditional Jews do not support Zionism (the return to the land called “Israel”) and why the Zionist idealogy is totally contrary to traditional Jewish law and beliefs and the teachings of the Holy Torah.….deo.cfm


    1. IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:

    a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and

    b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and

    c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.
    2. IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

    3. IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:

    a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.

    b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a “Jewish State” at the end of the war.

    c) No ransom will be paid
    4. IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

    5. IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved.

    6. IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).

    7. IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war, 270 Members of the British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany.

    8. IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist leaders with the observation “Only to Palestine!”

    9. IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The “Jewish Agency” leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.

    10. IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, the first “Jewish statesman” stated: “The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important”. Weitzman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe”.

    There are additional similar questions to be asked of these atheist degenerates known as “Jewish statesmen”, but for the time being let them respond to the ten questions.


    A look into history reveals that this very same type of “statesmen” opposed the call of Jeremiah the prophet to yield to the minions of Nebuchadnezzar at the destruction of the first Temple. Five centuries later, Rabbi Yochonon Ben Zakai appealed to the people to surrender to Titus the Roman to avoid bloodshed. The “statesmen” rejected this appeal, and the second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. — And now for the past fifty years, the Zionist “statesmen” rebuff the leadership of our Sages; and continue in their policy of fomenting anti-Semitism. When will they stop?? Must every Jew in America also suffer?? – Even the Nazi monsters had more sense, and gave up their war before all Germany was destroyed. The Zionist “statesmen” ridicule the sacred oath which the Creator placed upon the Jews in the Diaspora. Our Torah, in Tractate Ksubos, folio 111, specifies that the Creator, blessed be He, swore the Jews not to occupy the Holy Land by force, even if it appears that they have the force to do so; and not rebel against the Nations. And the Creator warned that if His oath be desecrated, Jewish flesh would be “open property”, like the animals in the forest!! These are words of our Torah; and these concepts have been cited in Maimonides' “Igeres Teimon”, “Be'er HaGola”, “Ahavas Yehonosson”, and in “Toras Moshe” of the Chasam Sofer.


    Yidden – merciful sons of merciful fathers – how much longer must holy Jewish blood continue to be shed??

    The only solution is:

    The Jewish people must reject, outright, a “Jewish State”.

    The Jewish people should accept the US compromise.

    We must depose the atheist-Zionist “statesmen” from their role as Jewish leaders, and return to the faithful leadership of our sages.

    We beseech the Nations to open all doors to immigration – not only the doors of Palestine.

    Peaceful, non-Zionist religious personalities in Palestine, (particularly from the native population) and their counterparts in the Diaspora, should engage in responsible, face-to face negotiations on behalf of the Jewish people, with the British and the Arabs; with an aim of amicable settlement of the Palestine issue.

    Every Jew is obliged to pray to the Blessed creator, for in Him lies all our strength. Let us bear in mind that our prayers be forthright. One should not entreat the Creator to provide a banquet on Yom Kippur, and one can not perform a ritual ablution with a dead bug in his hand. Similarly, we should avoid the untenable position of the robber who prays for Divine help in carrying out his crime. We should pray that Zionism and its fruits vanish from the Earth, and that we be redeemed by the Messiah with dispatch.

    A prisoner is released only when he has served his time, or if he is pardoned by the President for good behavior. If he attempts escape and is apprehended, his term is lengthened, besides the beating he receives when he is caught.

    Faithful Jews- for over three and one-half thousand years, in all parts of the world, through all trials, our grandfathers and grandmothers marched through seas of blood and tears in order to keep the Faith of the Torah unswervingly. If we have compassion for ourselves, for our women and children, and for the Jewish people, we will maintain our golden legacy today. We have been sentenced to exile by the King of Kings because of our sins. The eternal blessed be He, has decreed that we accept the exile with humble gratitude until the time comes, or until we merit His pardon through repentance if we seek to end the exile with force, G-d will catch us, as our sages have forewarned, and our sentence becomes longer and more difficult.

    Many times in the past have segments of our people been defrauded by false messiahs – but none of the false messiahs has been as fallacious and delusory as the lie of Zionism. With our historical experience as our guide, no retribution has been or will be greater than the retribution for giving credence to Zionism. If we wish our exile-sentence commuted, we must appeal through repentance; and through total physical and spiritual observance of the Sabbath, laws of family purity, and study of Torah.

    Let it be clearly understood that never in Jewish history (even in the time of Jeroboam or Achav) have such hostile atheists stood at the helm of the Jewish people as today.

    How can we plead to the Almighty for mercy while we tolerate these vile, “wicked” leaders as spokesmen! Beloved brothers – let us cleanse our ranks and cleanse our midst; let us entreat the Almighty through prayer, repentance, and fulfillment of mitzvos that He alone redeem us, immediately.


    OK, so you are not against Jews per se, but you are against the idea of Israel, in spite of the bible saying otherwise.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 01 2011,14:01)
    OK, so you are not against Jews per se, but you are against the idea of Israel, in spite of the bible saying otherwise.

    The orthodox Jews are against the state of Israel because they say it was not the divine will of God.

    True Torah Jews Against Zionism – Our Mission
    The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology. This struggle is rooted in two convictions:
    1. Zionism, by advocating a political and military end to the Jewish exile, denies the very essence of our Diaspora existence. We are in exile by Divine Decree and may emerge from exile solely via Divine Redemption. All human efforts to alter a metaphysical reality are doomed to end in failure and bloodshed. History has clearly borne out this teaching.
    2.Zionism has not only denied our fundamental belief in Heavenly Redemption it has also created a pseudo-Judaism which views the essence of our identity to be a secular nationalism. Accordingly, Zionism and the Israeli state have consistently endeavored, via persuasion and coercion, to replace a Divine and Torah centered understanding of our people hood with an armed materialism.

    True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that all Jews do not support the ideology of the Zionist state called “Israel” which is diametrically opposite to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

    We are concerned that the widespread misconception that all Jews support the zionist state and its actions endangers Jews worldwide.

    We are NOT politically motivated. We are motivated by our concern for the peace and safety of all people throughout the world including those living in the Zionist state. We support and pray for peace for the people of the Zionist state but have no interest in and do not support the Zionist government.

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