Signs in the heavens

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  • #100862

    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 10 2008,06:30)
    That's what I said, is calling the pope the Antichrist giving him glory?
    When you say, “should we?”, who are you referring too?
    You seem to forget that the Roman Catholic Church is the mother of all other “christian” churches, with the pope as their emperor. Where does the basic teaching of all the many denomination come from?


    The RCC is in my opinion the mother of all cults.

    If the Pope is the head, then he represents the mother of all cults. There maybe some glory in the minds of some for such a thing, but I think it is an accurate description.

    Satan is called the god of this age. That could be considered to be a glorious title to some too, but it is a true title.

    In eternity such things of the world will pass away so there is no eternal glory with such.


    I couldn't agree with you more, t8.



    What about this Planet X thats headed this way?

    They are saying it will be here some time between now and around 2012.

    That it is going to cause some Biblical type damage to us here on the earth.


    Quote (Samuel @ Aug. 11 2008,14:38)
    What about this Planet X thats headed this way?  

    They are saying it will be here some time between now and around 2012.

    That it is going to cause some Biblical type damage to us here on the earth.

    Greetings Samuel…..Planet X has been heading for earth for quite some time now as a matter fact there have been several planet Xs over the years…..This asteroid may be on a collision course with earth now but it will change….This is nothing more than part of the support system for the Myan calander theorists….In the final days of Gods plan many catastrophic events will unfold,killing many,but we still have the promise of the milenium reighn of Gods Government…The stars falling in Rev.could very well be some of our terrestrial satallites,The darkening of the sun could very well be a result of volcanic activity or nuclear war…the moon turning red could also be a result of same….To fear Gods impending judgement would be wise and to watch dilingently for signs which will revealed to those who pray…


    Its more than just the mayans bro.

    The Chinese I-Ching

    And the Samarians.

    This is not an astroid they think it is either part of another solar system that is overlapping ours, or another sun, that has a 3600 year orbit around our sun.

    And they are saying some time with in the next few years.
    Which it may not be on “Dec 21, 2012” However…it will be close enough even if its a couple years off.

    Kinda like a A-Bomb…close enough for government work.


    Quote (Samuel @ Aug. 11 2008,23:36)
    Its more than just the mayans bro.

    The Chinese I-Ching

    And the Samarians.

    This is not an astroid they think it is either part of another solar system that is overlapping ours, or another sun, that has a 3600 year orbit around our sun.

    And they are saying some time with in the next few years.
    Which it may not be on “Dec 21, 2012”   However…it will be close enough  even if its a couple years off.

    Kinda like a A-Bomb…close enough for government work.

    Greetings Sam….This may be the case….when you look at I Ching,The Mayans and any other prophet of doom you can not ignore the fact that they are attempting to fortell the future and in doing so they are either speaking with God and have an inside track on Gods plans or they are attemting to prophesise without his authority…My feeling is that only God can destroy this earth,we may try,and he will step in,in a mighty way…I have no doubt that we are in perilous times and that catastrophic events are iminent,but I hardly think the chinese or the mayans are the appointed ones to warn the world….


    In the Mayans and the Samarians case…its not something that they dreamed up and said cause they wanted to predict the future.

    Its the result of scientific study, the Mayans would dig hole 20 or 30 feet deep and drop someone down in them just to study the stars.

    The Chinese I-Ching might be some prophesy I don't know much about it I just looked into it briefly.

    At the same time the world is in turmoil, the governments are growing week, here in the US the economy is plummeting, They are working on Unions that are working toward a one world government, the North American Union, the European Union, the Asian Union…the next step is the Global Union. They are trying to get everyone on the same currency and using Chips or some other method that we may not even have any knowledge about to monitor all sales, money, and trades.

    The world is at the verge of countless wars. That are going to start breaking out…esp if the GOP stays in power…which in some way I believe that in will. They will do what ever it takes to win this next election. They might even start another war in order to post pone the election this year.

    A lot of the things that were said in the Bible would come to pass …have.

    And, this thing is getting ready to kick off soon I believe…of course I am not a prophet and I can't give you dates on things. Or, even tell you what will happen exactly how and when…but I know what the Bible says…that it will.

    And, judging from whats going on and from some science thats going on and that has been going on that matches up with the Bible…I'd guess that its getting ready to happen real soon.

    May GOD be with us all.


    This is topical.
    It is my view that the star of bethlehem is far more likely to have been a comet.
    I say this because it was new to the sky, it moved and nobody seems to know where it is today.

    If that was the case is a comet also the SIGN of the son of man that is seen all around the world.

    Could it have been Comet McNaught?


    For seeking.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 29 2009,00:19)
    For seeking.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 06 2008,12:57)
    This is topical.
    It is my view that the star of bethlehem is far more likely to have been a comet.
    I say this because it was new to the sky, it moved and nobody seems to know where it is today.

    If that was the case is a comet also the SIGN of the son of man that is seen all around the world.

    Could it have been Comet McNaught?

    More likely comet McNick.

    Tim Kraft

    The wrath of God is over! Romans 5:1, we have peace with God–Romans 5:9 saved from wrath–the law brought about wrath, Romans 13:4–We are delivered from wrath 1Thes 1:10–Isaiah 51:22 Never again wrath—You have your timing wrong. Today is the day of peace with God. All things written about Jesus are fulfilled,Luke 18;31–Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, Matt 3:13—Jesus fulfilled the Law,Matt 5:17—THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS were until John,Luke 16;16—All things written in the Law, Prophets and Psalms were fulfilled in Jesus,Luke 24:25—Search the scriptures, they testify of the coming of Jesus,John 5:35, The Law led us up to Christ,Gal 3;24–The fullness of time came with Jesus. The total work of Jesus is finished. It is over, complete, nothing left to do. Jesus is trying to rule love through each and every one of us, peace, joy, kindness, lonsuffering, the fruits of the Spirit. This is the Good news. This is the Truth of God. Teaching the time for wrath and destruction is pure anti-christ! This is the day of rest and peace with God, as long as it is called Today. Well, it will always be Today. Lets build up and edify one another with the Love of God and peace on earth. Do you really think God, the purest form of unconditional love and Jesus the prince of peace are going to come to earth or whatever and kill and destroy. Its misguided man that would believe a lie of destruction and teach it to others to try to cause destruction, not God. We don't fight or war against flesh and blood or mankind. We have a mental war to believe the Truth (peace) and effect that in this world. Peace & Love, Tim


    What is the millennium to you?
    Has it already began, or is it already over?


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 11 2009,21:47)
    The wrath of God is over! Romans 5:1, we have peace with God–Romans 5:9 saved from wrath–the law brought about wrath, Romans 13:4–We are delivered from wrath 1Thes 1:10–Isaiah 51:22 Never again wrath—You have your timing wrong. Today is the day of peace with God. All things written about Jesus are fulfilled,Luke 18;31–Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, Matt 3:13—Jesus fulfilled the Law,Matt 5:17—THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS were until John,Luke 16;16—All things written in the Law, Prophets and Psalms were fulfilled in Jesus,Luke 24:25—Search the scriptures, they testify of the coming of Jesus,John 5:35, The Law led us up to Christ,Gal 3;24–The fullness of time came with Jesus. The total work of Jesus is finished. It is over, complete, nothing left to do. Jesus is trying to rule love through each and every one of us, peace, joy, kindness, lonsuffering, the fruits of the Spirit. This is the Good news. This is the Truth of God. Teaching the time for wrath and destruction is pure anti-christ! This is the day of rest and peace with God, as long as it is called Today. Well, it will always be Today. Lets build up and edify one another with the Love of God and peace on earth. Do you really think God, the purest form of unconditional love and Jesus the prince of peace are going to come to earth or whatever and kill and destroy. Its misguided man that would believe a lie of destruction and teach it to others to try to cause destruction, not God. We don't fight or war against flesh and blood or mankind. We have a mental war to believe the Truth (peace) and effect that in this world. Peace & Love, Tim

    Hi TK,
    Do you think God magically saved all men?
    Is Jesus living in all men trying to teach them?
    No need to be reborn from above in your doctrines?


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 11 2009,21:47)
    The wrath of God is over! Romans 5:1, we have peace with God–Romans 5:9 saved from wrath–the law brought about wrath, Romans 13:4–We are delivered from wrath 1Thes 1:10–Isaiah 51:22 Never again wrath—You have your timing wrong. Today is the day of peace with God. All things written about Jesus are fulfilled,Luke 18;31–Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, Matt 3:13—Jesus fulfilled the Law,Matt 5:17—THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS were until John,Luke 16;16—All things written in the Law, Prophets and Psalms were fulfilled in Jesus,Luke 24:25—Search the scriptures, they testify of the coming of Jesus,John 5:35, The Law led us up to Christ,Gal 3;24–The fullness of time came with Jesus. The total work of Jesus is finished. It is over, complete, nothing left to do. Jesus is trying to rule love through each and every one of us, peace, joy, kindness, lonsuffering, the fruits of the Spirit. This is the Good news. This is the Truth of God. Teaching the time for wrath and destruction is pure anti-christ! This is the day of rest and peace with God, as long as it is called Today. Well, it will always be Today. Lets build up and edify one another with the Love of God and peace on earth. Do you really think God, the purest form of unconditional love and Jesus the prince of peace are going to come to earth or whatever and kill and destroy. Its misguided man that would believe a lie of destruction and teach it to others to try to cause destruction, not God. We don't fight or war against flesh and blood or mankind. We have a mental war to believe the Truth (peace) and effect that in this world. Peace & Love, Tim

    I call that an anti-biblical teaching.



    For Jodi


    No, for TK


    The early birth pangs are well through.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2014,05:24)
    The early birth pangs are well through.

    It has started.
    The great tribulation/birth pangs is to come.
    Then the signs of the coming.
    Then the coming.
    Then the birth.



    Hi Gene
    You said this in Aug 08
    “To All……Jesus tells us in Luke that the powers of the heavens shall be shaken (the powers of the heavens are the gravitational pulls the planets have on each other and it is going to effect our oceans), the seas a roaring and mens Hearts failing them on account of those things coming on the earth, It appears to be a heavenly event of some kind, and the whole world will think its the end of the earths existence, It may be a asteroid or meteor or even another planet passing through our solar system or even the switching of the magnetic poles they say will happen in 2014, either way if show the earth will be realign to cause the seas to do what it says and evidently people around the world will know about it coming on. “

    Do you still believe this will happen this year
    cf Is 24

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