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  • #149377

    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ Oct. 09 2009,06:21)
    the catholic church I believe is in rev 17  who's with me?

    I soundly refuted this here:….;t=2662

    Will you read my opening post on this link?


    Hi CA,
    Are you the best one to assess the soundness of your refutations?
    WHO, not WHAT, is your God?


    nick what dio you say about rev 17?


    some people look for signs when they need to look on Jesus but there are signs evrywhere and we can see them


    what signs are every were ,just name but a few for me,will you ?


    family will be aginst family, natral disasters are ever increasing


    what do you see?


    can you tell me some signs now?


    as long they can point at someone els its ok,so you dont look at them.
    rev17;anyone can tell me why is this beast in that color? why she as blasfemy written all over?and why and who is that women drunk of??
    and who long is her period of drunkness last????? just to name a few


    hi JnFJ
    if you look in history ,you could feel the end signs could be there,but the signs of the return of christ,are a multi sign display,
    and this is more situated in our live time ,2 wwars,atomic aira,talk pease but make war,earth quake ,floods,tornados,signs in the sun,men live in fear ot tomorow,decied is as comon as it could be,world troubles like financial+political+religeous+health+future mention but a few


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 13 2009,05:02)
    as long they can point at someone els its ok,so you dont look at them.
    rev17;anyone can tell me why is this beast in that color? why she as blasfemy written all over?and why and who is that women drunk of??
    and who long is her period of drunkness last????? just to name a few


    First let me explain to you the beast, Rev.17:2
    The beast symbolises all the kingdoms of the world, of which Satan is the ruler.
    The color red symbolises, sin, violence, and blood.

    Isa 1:18 ¶ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

    The seven heads are the seven empires of the bible.
    the woman (symbolic for church), sitting on the beast, shows, all worldly kingdoms have been influenced by “a” religion. I say influenced because, the woman (church) is only “sitting” on the beast, not riding it, which shows, she was not in control of the beast/kingdom.
    The wine of her fornication are her false doctrines.
    Full of names of blaspheme, come from the false doctrine she is teaching.
    The greater emphasis of this woman is given to the Catholic Church, verse 4,5.
    She will influence people all over the world, until Jesus will begin to reign.

    Rev 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.



    amen banana


    is there signs of the end times here?

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