Salvation for everyone

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  • #216759

    Hi SF.

    I have personal questions for you.

    Where are you from?
    How old are you?

    I SF, I amd 75 years old, live in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. Married ro a wonderfull wife for 50 plus years. Have three children, seven grandchildren, and will be a great grandparent in November.

    Thanks for asking, God Bless.



    Quote (chosenone @ Sep. 19 2010,07:03)
    Hi SF.

    I have personal questions for you.

    Where are you from?
    How old are you?

      I SF, I amd 75 years old, live in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.  Married ro a wonderfull wife for 50 plus years.  Have three children, seven grandchildren, and will be a great grandparent in November.

    Thanks for asking, God Bless.


    Hi Jerry,
    And now i understand why we dont understand eachother.
    Im 21 in Houston, Texas.



    Quote (chosenone @ Sep. 19 2010,20:03)
    Hi SF.

    I have personal questions for you.

    Where are you from?
    How old are you?

      I SF, I amd 75 years old, live in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.  Married ro a wonderfull wife for 50 plus years.  Have three children, seven grandchildren, and will be a great grandparent in November.

    Thanks for asking, God Bless.



    i am 70 years old and maried for 46 years to a wonderfull wife

    and live in Edmonton,Alberta Canada.and have 3 children.



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Sep. 19 2010,17:56)

    Quote (chosenone @ Sep. 19 2010,07:03)
    Hi SF.

    I have personal questions for you.

    Where are you from?
    How old are you?

      I SF, I amd 75 years old, live in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.  Married ro a wonderfull wife for 50 plus years.  Have three children, seven grandchildren, and will be a great grandparent in November.

    Thanks for asking, God Bless.


    Hi Jerry,
    And now i understand why we dont understand eachother.
    Im 21 in Houston, Texas.


    Hi SF.
    Yes, time does make a difference. I know that my understanding has changed over the years, and I won't try and change yours, God will guide you in accord of His Will.
    One of my favorite scriptures if Eph. 1:11…in Him in Whom our lot was cast also, being designated beforehand according to the purpose of the One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will,

    God Bless, Jerry.



    what is truth as to do with age?????



    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 20 2010,18:32)

    what is truth as to do with age?????


    its the reason why we dont understand eachother


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Sep. 21 2010,12:57)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 20 2010,18:32)

    what is truth as to do with age?????


    its the reason why we dont understand eachother


    why would truth of God changes in the age bracket???



    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 21 2010,00:12)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Sep. 21 2010,12:57)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 20 2010,18:32)

    what is truth as to do with age?????


    its the reason why we dont understand eachother


    why would truth of God changes in the age bracket???


    its simple,
    We dont understand eachother becuase we are from different times.
    WE cant understand truth from eachother, if we cant simply understand eachother.

    communication is key.

    The Truth doesnt change, the UNDERSTANDING of truth depends on what you have experience with GOD.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Sep. 21 2010,13:30)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 21 2010,00:12)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Sep. 21 2010,12:57)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 20 2010,18:32)

    what is truth as to do with age?????


    its the reason why we dont understand eachother


    why would truth of God changes in the age bracket???


    its simple,
    We dont understand eachother becuase we are from different times.
    WE cant understand truth from eachother, if we cant simply understand eachother.

    communication is key.

    The Truth doesnt change, the UNDERSTANDING of truth depends on what you have experience with GOD.


    this may help;

    Job 32:4 Now Elihu had waited before speaking to Job because they were older than he.
    Job 32:5 But when he saw that the three men had nothing more to say, his anger was aroused.
    Job 32:6 So Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite said:
    “I am young in years,
    and you are old;
    that is why I was fearful,
    not daring to tell you what I know.
    Job 32:7 I thought, ‘Age should speak;
    advanced years should teach wisdom.’
    Job 32:8 But it is the spirit in a man,
    the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.
    Job 32:9 It is not only the old who are wise,
    not only the aged who understand what is right.

    Job 32:10 “Therefore I say: Listen to me;
    I too will tell you what I know.
    Job 32:11 I waited while you spoke,
    I listened to your reasoning;
    while you were searching for words,
    Job 32:12 I gave you my full attention.
    But not one of you has proved Job wrong;
    none of you has answered his arguments.
    Job 32:13 Do not say, ‘We have found wisdom;
    let God refute him, not man.’



    Terra rica,


    Isn't it wonderful to realise that God will save everyone, yes, even a sinner like me.

    God Bless, Jerry.


    Quote (chosenone @ Sep. 24 2010,06:49)
    Isn't it wonderful to realise that God will save everyone, yes, even a sinner like me.

    God Bless,  Jerry.

    Choose none,

    You sound like a false profit. Stating thing that God does not say and saying peace, peace when there is no peace.

    Being a sinner is not necessary the same as being one of the wicked. The wicked gladly chooses to do evil and so does not struggle with it while a sinner may be compelled to do evil by their impure spirit and so struggles with sin.

    As Jesus commanded stop sinning. Thank God that Jesus gave us the power to stop sinning so we no longer struggle who are under him. If you do not have the power to stop sinning then you do not have the Spirit of Christ because there is no sin in him. If you have the power you will learn to overcome all your sins and thus become fully mature in The Anointed for all things are possible with God.



    You say…

    You sound like a false profit. Stating thing that God does not say and saying peace, peace when there is no peace.

    Where have I ever stated “Stating thing that God does not say and saying peace, peace when there is no peace”.
    I don't mind debating with you, but please do not lie about what I said. Please show a post of mine that I supposedly said what you claim.

    Thank God that Jesus gave us the power to stop sinning so we no longer struggle who are under him. If you do not have the power to stop sinning then you do not have the Spirit of Christ because there is no sin in him. If you have the power you will learn to overcome all your sins and thus become fully mature in The Anointed for all things are possible with God.

    You confuse me, where in scripture does it say “Thank God that Jesus gave us the power to stop sinning so we no longer struggle who are under him”?

    If you have the power you will learn to overcome all your sins

    Again, where in scripture does it say this? Please quote scripture.

    You must have quite an imagination in the way you understand Gods doing with mankind, read the following scripture…

    Eph.2:8-10 …8 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,
    9 not of works, lest anyone should be boasting.
    10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them.
    Especially notice “and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,”

    If you think you can accomplish this by your “works”, then you are sadly misinformed. It is God, and Him alone, that saves us, scripture plainly says so as in the scripure I just copied… “For His achievement are we”.
    To trust in yourself is taking away the glory that belongs to God.

    Keep this scripture before you always “For His achievement are we”. Don't let your pride overcome what is NOT of you.

    God Bless, Jerry.


    John 17: 3And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

    Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;


    Philippians 3:20-21… 20 For our realm is inherent in the heavens, out of which we are awaiting a Saviour also, the Lord, Jesus Christ,
    21 Who will transfigure the body of our humiliation, to conform it to the body of His glory, in accord with the operation which enables Him even to subject all to Himself.


    Quote (chosenone @ Sep. 25 2010,14:20)
      You say…

    You sound like a false profit.  Stating thing that God does not say and saying peace, peace when there is no peace.

      Where have I ever stated “Stating thing that God does not say and saying peace, peace when there is no peace”.
      I don't mind debating with you, but please do not lie about what I said.  Please show a post of mine that I supposedly said what you claim.

    Thank God that Jesus gave us the power to stop sinning so we no longer struggle who are under him.  If you do not have the power to stop sinning then you do not have the Spirit of Christ because there is no sin in him.  If you have the power you will learn to overcome all your sins and thus become fully mature in The Anointed for all things are possible with God.

      You confuse me, where in scripture does it say “Thank God that Jesus gave us the power to stop sinning so we no longer struggle who are under him”?

    If you have the power you will learn to overcome all your sins

    Again, where in scripture does it say this?  Please quote scripture.

      You must have quite an imagination in the way you understand Gods doing with mankind, read the following scripture…
    Eph.2:8-10  …8 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,
    9 not of works, lest anyone should be boasting.
    10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them.
     Especially notice “and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,”

      If you think you can accomplish this by your “works”, then you are sadly misinformed.  It is God, and Him alone, that saves us, scripture plainly says so as in the scripure I just copied… “For His achievement are we”.
      To trust in yourself is taking away the glory that belongs to God.

      Keep this scripture before you always “For His achievement are we”.   Don't let your pride overcome what is NOT of you.

    God Bless, Jerry.


    Ro 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    2Pe 2:20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning

    1Jn 2:14 I write to you, fathers,
    because you have known him who is from the beginning.
    I write to you, young men,
    because you are strong,
    and the word of God lives in you,
    and you have overcome the evil one.
    1Jn 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
    1Jn 5:4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

    this is only a few



    Eph.2:8 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,
    9 not of works, lest anyone should be boasting.
    10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them.

    “All is of God” Ro.11:36, 1Cor.8:5-7, 1Cor.11:12, 2Cor.5:18.

    Mk.13:20… And, except the Lord discounts the days, no flesh at all would be saved. But because of the chosen, whom He chooses, He discounts the days.

    Ro.8:33… Who will be indicting God's chosen ones? God, the Justifier?

    Ro.9:11… For, not as yet being born, nor putting into practice anything good or bad, that the purpose of God may be remaining as a choice, not out of acts, but of Him Who is calling,

    Ro.11:7… What then? What Israel is seeking for, this she did not encounter, yet the chosen encountered it. Now the rest were calloused,

    Col.3:12… Put on, then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, pitiful compassions, kindness, humility, meekness, patience,

    2Tim.2:10… Therefore I am enduring all because of those who are chosen, that they also may be happening upon the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with glory eonian.

    1Peter 5:13… Greeting you is the ecclesia in Babylon, chosen together with you, and Mark, my son.

    We do not choose God, He chooses us!



    Here is another Question:

    There are Parables about the wheat growing with the Fruit, yet they are gathered up by the (angels) according to Jesus and than tossed into a fire, and that the day of the harvest is the day of judgement.

    What say you?
    what is your explaination honestly asking



    Your post of Sep. 24 2010,17:41 above is excellent.

    You are approved in that by JA.


    Choose one,

    Perhaps you are truly ignorant of what English words means but when you state “God will save everyone” you are paraphrasing the false prophets of old.  

    You also seem to misunderstand that all have sinned and fallen short of the grace of God and thus their are two types of sinners. One type is those that believe what God states and thus are credited with righteousness and the other type love the sin the do and so do not believe what God states.

    The first type will know peace while the second type will not.

    As one sows so do they reap.

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