Rules For Bible Interpretation–

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    Rules for Bible Interpretation

    (For Nick, and others: This is not an “attack the other person's beliefs” thread, as others are. This is an “attack the way a person comes to those beliefs” thread. Actually, it's more of a way for me to focus the most important methods of Bible interpretation.)

    This forum is evidence that people understand the Bible differently.  I would like to explore what “mechanical methods” people use to understand the Bible.  (I'm not so much talking about the importance of being guided by God's spirit and asking God for understanding.)  I would like others to add to the rules–To comment on which rules are most important, to comment on which rules people tend to disregard the most.  Some of these rules overlap.  They’re not so much rules as good ideas.  I’m probably missing some.  I just typed out some things I consider important.

    1. Examine the Immediate Context.  
    Do not isolate a few words, but consider the verses before and after.  What is being discussed?  

    2. Consider the Larger Context.  
    The Bible Interprets Itself.  What do related scriptures say?
    We must consider all the scriptures on a given subject and weigh them in order to grasp the true meaning.

    3. God’s Word never contradicts itself.  
    So if there is an apparent contradiction, then you are misunderstanding a scripture.  If there are a group of scriptures that state one idea clearly, use those to help you understand the scripture in question.

    4. Start with Clear Scriptures.  
    Never attempt to establish doctrine by unclear scriptures. Isolating only one scripture that can be understood a number of ways and building a belief around that is dangerous.

    5. Use More Than One Scripture.  
    No single scripture can be used to establish doctrine.
    Examine verses throughout the Bible that are related.

    6. Use More Than One Translation.  
    Understand what other translations say.  Look at the margins/footnotes and see how else that verse can be translated.  Some Bibles are almost paraphrases of what the text actually says.  If one Bible translates a certain verse differently than most, understand why it does so.

    7. Find Out What the Bible really says.  
    Many beliefs are common but actually aren’t in the Bible.  (Nowhere does it say Adam ate from an “apple” but it simply says “fruit.”) Many people believe things, but can’t scripturally explain why.  

    Below (from the “Precept upon precept” thread,) I copied Martian's comments.  Martian, I’m sorry for hacking up your comments.  I tried to edit it so it just showed the actual rules:

    1. Scripture must interpret scripture. No one has a private interpretation but all proofs must come from the word itself. A good idea and safety is to use scriptural terms to understand the meaning of a verse. Do not import words that carry with them a doctrinal bias.

    2. Spend a majority of time in clear understandable scripture.  Never base a conclussion on ambiguous scriptures. When one is confronted with dozens of clear scriptures on a subject and a few ambiguous scriptures always fall on the clear ones for truth.

    3. Never except an interpretation based only on a preconceived idea of doctrine. As example – Do not accept a definition of a word (that is different then hundreds of other times it is used in scripture) based on a doctrine you want to prove.

    Use a variesty of translations and sources. Not every Christian can be expected to be a Greek or Hebrew scholar.  Keep your sources current. Much information has been discovered in the last 60 years….Discoveries such as the Dead Sea Writings and other archeological finds have had great impact on understanding the culture and languages of biblical times.

    This is the first (and most often missed) mechanical test for an interpretation. Does your hypothesis fit within the immediate context?
    Does your hypothesis fit in the general context of scripture? For this one might have to study parallel scriptures that speak about the same subject or use the same terms.

    Does you hypothesis contradict the attributes or character of God? For example – God is immortal, does your hypothesis contradict that fact?

    This one can be more difficult, but whenever possible ascertain if the language is figurative or literal.

    It is of great importance since the Hebrew culture in which all of scripture was written is vastly different then any culture living today.  This greatly impacts the language. One must “culturally” get into the mind of the author to really understand what he is writing. Historical and geographical facts surrounding the story might also bring clarity.

    The original text was not separated into chapter and verse. Many times one verse is directly related to, or part of, the verses before or after it. Often they are connected by words such as “for” or “and”. The earliest (and therefore most important) Greek texts were all written in capitol letters with no punctuation marks. These were added at a later time and do not necessarily reflect the intention of the author.

    None of us are perfect in hearing God’s words to us. For this reason God gave us a “more sure word of prophecy”. Seek God’s leading and understanding, but know also that true hearing from God will not contradict His written word. When they do contradict each other always give preference to the written word for your safety.

    What rules do you consider most important?  What guidelines should we use to understand the Bible correctly?



    Hi david,
    Shall we examine the JW teaching that Jesus is Michael according to such rules?


    Go ahead.  But please, do so in another thread Nick.  Did you consider what this thread is about before posting your remarks? (Many of the reasons we believe that, is because of those “rules.” ie: The Bible doesn't contradict itself. We consider the context of some verses others don't. etc. There are several threads already devoted to that. Go there if you like.


    Hi david,
    So the bible does not say it once.
    So comparing verses is not very helpful in this case.
    No statement in scripture that Jesus is any sort of angel so again no use looking for the bible for support.
    Supposed INFERENCE alone seems to be the basis.


    Nick, I've asked you once politely.  Now, I'm done.  Be considerate.  There are 5 other threads where you can do whatever it is you are doing.  

    1.  You haven't read what this thread is about.
    2.  You are inconsiderate.

    (I will gladly discuss “other topics” with you elsewhere.  Nick, you are a moderator.  Do your job and ask yourself to leave this thread, until you come back with something related.)

    Nick, this forum has only 3 rules.  One of them is:

    “3. No pushing doctrines that are not related to the topic. (Pushing them in an appropriate topic is OK.)”

    I've asked you to push your ideas in an appropriate topic, and there are many.


    Hi David,
    So will you be hypocritical or examine this teaching according to your rules?
    It fails every test


    T8, why is Nick a moderator? Should he not set some kind of example? Why does he constantly repay good with bad?

    T8, can you go over/explain this rule of your forum to Nick:

    “3. No pushing doctrines that are not related to the topic. (Pushing them in an appropriate topic is OK.)”

    Thankyou t8.


    I wanted a thread that was useful.  Now, I have to create a new one, ask T8 if it's possible for Nick not to comment in it.  Is that allowed?  We're allowed to have “only believers” threads, etc.  Can we have a “no Nick” thread?

    T8, is that allowed?  Nick is atrocious at staying on topic.  I'm not perfect, but I would think a moderator should at least grasp the concept, especially when I point out his error and ask that he desist.

    T8, can you talk to Nick?
    It's not possible to delete the last 7 posts is it?


    Hi david,
    I think your ideas here have merit.
    But you do not want them put to a useful purpose but just set on the mantelpiece and admired?


    I agree with your list but would add that we should listen to others and then give it an honest evaluation against scriptures. I believe God has revealed lost truths to some who then end up adding a lot of their own opinions (as we all do to varying extents) this makes it hard to accept the truth within. But for my part I believe this to be what was meant by rightly dividing truth, it is the whole of scripture that reveals if an interpretation of any single scripture is correct.

    As to your problem with others not respecting the guidelines you've requested I sympathize I tried it once and had the same problem.



    I would like to ask if others wonder in what ways they are deceived? By the nature of deception we are blind to it. Of course I could argue that I'm backed by scripture, but so would most here. I believe our only hope lies in having a love for truth, to be willing to forsake dearly held beliefs when encountering an interpretation better supported by the whole of scripture.



    Hi david,
    I think your ideas here have merit.
    But you do not want them put to a useful purpose but just set on the mantelpiece and admired?

    if you read my first post Nick, you would know what I want from this thread:

    I would like to explore what “mechanical methods” people use to understand the Bible. . . .What rules do you consider most important? What guidelines should we use to understand the Bible correctly?


    Hi David,
    I think you have originated an interesting topic for a thread. In my opinion, if I may, I find a few scriptures that over the years I have come to believe are the most important in understanding Gods ways, and must not be compromised.
    The first is “All is of God” (Ro.11:36 …36 seeing that out of Him and through Him and for Him is all: to Him be the glory for the eons! Amen!). Also the following, I'll just quote the scriptures, they say basically the same: 1Cor.11:12, 1Cor.8:5-7, 2Cor.5:18.

    These are very difficult to comprehend, just what can the meaning be? If “all” is of God, how can we do anything that God does have His hand in?

    This is the second one, Eph.1:11 …11 in Him (God) in Whom our lot was cast also, being designated beforehand according to the purpose of the One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will,
    This agrees with the first scripure I quoted, it says that “God is operating ALL in accord with the councel of HIS WILL”.

    Can any other scriptures contradict these two? I believe many will say that we have a part that we must do for salvation. But this disagrees with what these two scriptures say.

    In my opinion, I believe that scripture says, when looked at in context with ALL scriptures, that God has predestined everthing. Creation is in His complete control, likened to a play, written and directed by Him (God). This is why prophesy is possible, because He (God) has and will complete His creation in accord with His Will. This is done by His power, through His Son, Christ Jesus. When at the “consummation” He (God) will be “All in all' (1Cor.15:28) …Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)

    This may not be the best way to explain it, but is the best I can do for now.

    Now I understand, that I am not infallible, prone to error as is anyone, but enjoy learning about “what God is doing”.

    God Bless, Jerry.


    As to your problem with others not respecting the guidelines you've requested I sympathize I tried it once and had the same problem.


    Was it Nick?

    I agree with your list but would add that we should listen to others and then give it an honest evaluation against scriptures. . . . it is the whole of scripture that reveals if an interpretation of any single scripture is correct.

    Seeking, how do you deal with someone who has an entire belief wrapped around one single scripture?
    Seeking, what would we call your “open evaluation against scriptures” idea.
    Would that be like not clinging to a bias?


    Chosenone, I respond to predestination here:….y160455

    Can any other scriptures contradict these two? I believe many will say that we have a part that we must do for salvation. But this disagrees with what these two scriptures say.

    Does it? If so, how? Here are the scriptures you mention:

    ROMANS 11:36
    “Because from him and by him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen.”
    [Salvation comes “from him” and “by [means of] him.” Other scriptures show that our actions have a bearing on God's undeserved gift of everlasting life.]

    1 CORINTHIANS 11:12
    “For just as the woman is out of the man, so also the man is through the woman; but all things are out of God.”
    [Does coming from God or being “out of God” mean that there is nothing we can do or not do that will have an effect on our salvation?]

    1 CORINTHIANS 8:5-7
    “For even though there are those who are called “gods,” whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him. Nevertheless, there is not this knowledge in all persons; but some, being accustomed until now to the idol, eat food as something sacrificed to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.”
    [Again, this scripture doesn't speak of salvation, but says we come from God. I don't know how this proves what you state.]

    2 CORINTHIANS 5:18
    “But all things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of the reconciliation,”
    [True, all things, including salvation is from God. It is his gift to whom he wants to give. But will he want to give this gift to those who don't love him? So, action is required on our part.]

    EPHESIANS 1:11
    “in union with whom we were also assigned as heirs, in that we were foreordained according to the purpose of him who operates all things according to the way his will counsels,”

    [Verse 1 states that this is written to the “holy ones.” In the book of Daniel and relelation, the “holy ones” are those who are given the kingdom. They have a special purpose and as A GROUP, they have been foreordained. But this doesn't mean all individuals are foreordained, for this would conflict with free will.


    You quote Rom11
    36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

    And you say
    ” The first is “All is of God” (Ro.11:36 …36 seeing that out of Him and through Him and for Him is all: to Him be the glory for the eons! Amen!). Also the following, I'll just quote the scriptures, they say basically the same: 1Cor.11:12, 1Cor.8:5-7, 2Cor.5:18.

    These are very difficult to comprehend, just what can the meaning be? If “all” is of God, how can we do anything that God does have His hand in?”

    Very profound.
    God Has created and enlivened all things
    So the fact that God is the Creator somehow alters the role of his creation in history?



    This is the second one, Eph.1:11 …11 in Him (God) in Whom our lot was cast also, being designated beforehand according to the purpose of the One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will,
    This agrees with the first scripure I quoted, it says that “God is operating ALL in accord with the councel of HIS WILL”.

    Nothing happens outside of the will of God.
    And in context written to the saved the WE is the portion of mankind who have gained that inheritance.

    ” 9Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

    10That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

    11In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”


    Again in context written to the saved
    the ALL is the remnant saved
    “When at the “consummation” He (God) will be “All in all' (1Cor.15:28) …Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)”

    So you should not take teachings to the saved out of context to support a false idea that all will be saved.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 13 2009,12:39)

    As to your problem with others not respecting the guidelines you've requested I sympathize I tried it once and had the same problem.


    Was it Nick?

    I agree with your list but would add that we should listen to others and then give it an honest evaluation against scriptures. . . . it is the whole of scripture that reveals if an interpretation of any single scripture is correct.

    Seeking, how do you deal with someone who has an entire belief wrapped around one single scripture?
    Seeking, what would we call your “open evaluation against scriptures” idea.
    Would that be like not clinging to a bias?

    It has been my experience that some may cling to a belief because it's what they want to believe, but for most it truly requires a paradigm shift, it takes time and effort to break through that proverbial glass ceiling and embrace new truths.

    In my case I had heard certain truths for years but my understanding at the time did not allow for me accept that what I thought was truth was indeed a deception. Then at various points in my life God would give me small revelations and having read through the scriptures many times I realized that these new revelations brought more harmony to scripture and eliminated some of more lengthy explanations of “well this is what it really means” to cover up discrepancies caused by the misinterpretations. My position is; state the truth as best you can, if they remain open minded continue to provide scriptures but once they close up I don't believe there is much we can do except leave it to God and pray for them. (it's what I do for you and hope you do for me)

    Seeking, what would we call your “open evaluation against scriptures” idea.

    I would say that one had “received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul (or whoever) said was true.”


    You answered my post with this: [Verse 1 states that this is written to the “holy ones.” In the book of Daniel and relelation, the “holy ones” are those who are given the kingdom. They have a special purpose and as A GROUP, they have been foreordained. But this doesn't mean all individuals are foreordained, for this would conflict with free will.

    I do not believe we have “free will”. In Eph.1:11, it states that “God is operating ALL in accord with the counsel of HIS WILL. If we have “free will”, and it opposes Gods' will, whose will will prevail? I think the answer is clear.


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