Question for Towshab

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  • #78687

    Hi tow,
    Some of his listeners still live though they died.
    They are in the mansions of Christ.


    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 15 2008,09:32)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 15 2008,08:50)
    That's another thing –

    It does appear that God “changes his mind” on occassion. He was grieved that he had made man and then wiped them all out in the flood. He decided to not wipe out the whole city of Sodem and saved Lot due to the begging of Abe, but he originally was going to wipe out everyone…..and the list goes on.

    That wasn't the Most High.

    That was the angel who gave the Law.

    Which law the Sabbath that Jesus kept? What of the other nine?


    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 14 2008,19:34)
    The devil is in the OT. The Book of Genesis with the temptation of Adam and Eve, Tow.

    Seriously? Show me? No snake references please because they cannot be connected.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 14 2008,19:51)
    Hi tow,
    Some of his listeners still live though they died.
    They are in the mansions of Christ.

    So all it takes is for someone to write it down? You are easily duped.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,09:02)
    If He did not change His mind about the fate of man He would not have sent the Christ

    Some would say though that God is all-knowing, and that Christ was “with” him in the beginning. Even you believe this, right? So, did he change his mind about the fate of man, or was it planned from the beginning (that is, that Christ would come)?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 15 2008,15:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,09:02)
    If He did not change His mind about the fate of man He would not have sent the Christ

    Some would say though that God is all-knowing, and that Christ was “with” him in the beginning. Even you believe this, right? So, did he change his mind about the fate of man, or was it planned from the beginning (that is, that Christ would come)?

    Wow! A question that is a plant for an already answer. Sad!

    Not everyone is blind! :laugh:


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 15 2008,15:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,09:02)
    If He did not change His mind about the fate of man He would not have sent the Christ

    Some would say though that God is all-knowing, and that Christ was “with” him in the beginning.  Even you believe this, right?  So, did he change his mind about the fate of man, or was it planned from the beginning (that is, that Christ would come)?

    Hi mandy,
    I do not really know the plan of God.
    But God never meant to wipe out all men.
    He came close at the time of the flood but saved a remnant.
    he chose a people and then only some of them pleased Him.
    Of those obeying Moses many died in the desert.1Cor 10]
    He chose a small number through His son.
    Faith in the Son became the only way back to Him
    Now the number is still small that follow the anointed Son.
    Again all are welcome but it is too hard a choice for most.
    He sends rain on the wicked and the just.
    So men can be complacent till the day.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,19:49)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 15 2008,15:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,09:02)
    If He did not change His mind about the fate of man He would not have sent the Christ

    Some would say though that God is all-knowing, and that Christ was “with” him in the beginning.  Even you believe this, right?  So, did he change his mind about the fate of man, or was it planned from the beginning (that is, that Christ would come)?

    Hi mandy,
    I do not really know the plan of God.
    But God never meant to wipe out all men.
    He came close at the time of the flood but saved a remnant.
    he chose a people and then only some of them pleased Him.  
    Of those obeying Moses many died in the desert.1Cor 10]
    He chose a small number through His son.
    Faith in the Son became the only way back to Him
    Now the number is still small that follow the anointed Son.
    Again all are welcome but it is too hard a choice for most.
    He sends rain on the wicked and the just.
    So men can be complacent till the day.

    …and given what 'rain' would seem to be a euphemism for, these are reasons he should be brought to justice for crimes against humanity.



    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 15 2008,00:47)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 15 2008,15:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,09:02)
    If He did not change His mind about the fate of man He would not have sent the Christ

    Some would say though that God is all-knowing, and that Christ was “with” him in the beginning. Even you believe this, right? So, did he change his mind about the fate of man, or was it planned from the beginning (that is, that Christ would come)?

    Wow! A question that is a plant for an already answer. Sad!

    Not everyone is blind! :laugh:

    Since you have the “sight” show us using Tanakh (your OT) where G-d told His people of Jesus.


    Numbers 21: 6,8

    John 3: 14,15



    Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 15 2008,23:21)

    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 15 2008,00:47)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 15 2008,15:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2008,09:02)
    If He did not change His mind about the fate of man He would not have sent the Christ

    Some would say though that God is all-knowing, and that Christ was “with” him in the beginning. Even you believe this, right? So, did he change his mind about the fate of man, or was it planned from the beginning (that is, that Christ would come)?

    Wow! A question that is a plant for an already answer. Sad!

    Not everyone is blind! :laugh:

    Since you have the “sight” show us using Tanakh (your OT) where G-d told His people of Jesus.

    Just your response tells me I was right! :laugh:


    Yeah you beleive in fanatasy so it makes sense you'd think you were right.


    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 14 2008,19:34)
    The devil is in the OT. The Book of Genesis with the temptation of Adam and Eve, Tow.

    No devil there, just a serpent.


    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 16 2008,02:36)
    Numbers 21: 6,8

    John 3: 14,15


    Hi Tow,

    I know your statement was directed toward kenrch but I was wondering if you could explain the meaning of these verses because you claim that God never told his people of Jesus in the Old Testament.

    Numbers 21:6-8 is a foreshadowing of Jesus.



    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 15 2008,09:36)
    Numbers 21: 6,8

    John 3: 14,15




    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 15 2008,11:01)

    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 16 2008,02:36)
    Numbers 21: 6,8

    John 3: 14,15


    Hi Tow,

    I know your question was directed toward kenrch but I was wondering if you could explain the meaning of these verses because you claim that God never told his people of Jesus in the Old Testament.

    Numbers 21:6,8 is a foreshadowing of Jesus.


    Num 21:6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
    Num 21:7 Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
    Num 21:8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

    And you see Jesus where in this? Are we to look at Jesus to protect us from snake bites?


    I meant Numbers 21:8-9.

    8 The LORD said to Moses, “Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.” 9 So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived.

    Sounds like a foreshadowing to me. Can you explain the significance of these two verses?


    This is the significance:

    Num 21:5 And the people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food.”


    Wait! You could be partly wrong because it could have been a foreshadowing, also.

    John 3:14

    14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,

    15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.


    Read the passage in Numbers and take off the Jesus glasses. Would you have seen a foreshadowing of the King Messiah in that passage?

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