Quantum Mechanics

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    Is our understanding of the universe sound? Saying that the universe came from the big bang is like saying John F. Kennedy’s assassination came from a loud pop. I do think there is something behind both bullets. Quantum theory is telling us some strange things, but the most exciting is the notion that our existence is a result or at least a possibility because of an outside observer. Many know the shrodinger’s cat hypothetical experiment by which the cat exists in two realms; that of the living and the dead. It is only when an observer opens the box that either alternative is chosen. The details can be found through any search engine. Essentially what the theory tells us is that if the universe was in a total static state, nothing could change that from being dynamic or static unless an observer was present. First of all the 2nd law of thermodynamics states that the entropy(disorder) of the universe is increasing. This is a slap in the face to a spontaneous explosion creating ordered galaxies and stars. I think that as our understanding of science increases so does our notions of God. It is when we become arrogant in our understanding that our true ignorace is shown. I hope others have some more viewpoints as well.


    It may be a simple analogy, but if I were to believe that this web site came about by forces within cyberspace and chance, then anyone would know that I was deceived. This web site like any other is really just code and that code all boils back to the original binary code.

    So if cyberspace has all the ingredients of an artificial but much more limited space, then what about real space?

    Cyberspace has binary and real space has quantum. When we look at real space, we see logical processes which we call laws and yet it all physically boils down to postive and negative protons, just as binary boils down to 0s & 1s, or the on & off state.

    Anyway it is obvious that Cyberspace was created and yet real space being much more complex in concept is suppose to be different to the minds of many.

    Surely real space has a creator who programmed/created all things to exist in order of the laws. Both spaces have code. Why is it hard for some to believe that real space was created.

    Cyberspace is created by man and real space by God. Perhaps reality to us is God's cyberspace. Even Galileo said that God created the world with mathematics. At least he was enlightened enough to acknowledge the creator of the universe.

    Just as a side note, it may be interesting to note that the idea of Quantum Computing came from Quantum Physics. In Binary 0s are always 0s and 1s are always 1s. But in Quantum, 0s can become 1s and 1s can change into 0s. In other words a positive proton can change into a negative one and vice versa. This is true, but a set of 2 protons will always be in opposites. So 2 connected protons one positive and the other negative will always be opposite to each other as if some form of communication were connecting them.

    This complexity allows real space to contain better and more complex models and is the reason why Quantum Computing can offer better computing. It also shows us that the code maker of real space is far better than the codemaker/s of cyberspace.

    So who could believe that nothing did a better job than so-called intelligence (humans).

    Humans create cameras, so did nothing create a better camera, namely the human eye?

    Does intelligence have an advantage over nothing. E.g Intelligence can arrange 20 oranges into a perfect circle. What chance does nothing have of doing that.

    I hope that all can see that there truly is a creator of all things.

    Hebrews 3:4
    For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.


    There is an emerging science of “String Theory” that is attempting to extrapolate Einstein's Theories of Time / Space Continuum and Relativity to the entire universe. These strings are suspiciously like DNA strands.

    Is it possible that the universe, just like us, is made up of its own version of DNA?

    Is it possible that when God decided to create the universe, He MAY have chosen to create it through an enormous explosion (Big Bang)? Why do so many fail to see that God, who created science, may just use scientific principle to accomplish His desires?

    Isn't it of interest that God, who created all, from the largest to the smallest, knew (and knows) exactly what He was doing?


    Yes I agree that the Big Bang could certainly be the way God created the universe. Of course looking at creation from a higher dimension may show something different, but from our point of view, it looks as though all things started off as a singularity and expanded and continues to expand to make all things. This of course is how we see it in the dimension of time, outside that dimension it's hard to explain how it may look.

    Your point about 'String Theory' and 'DNA' is very interesting. I have often thought that the universal shape is a spiral and wrote a theory called 'Spiral Theory'. Waves are possibly spirals, but they spiral into the next dimension, so we view them as waves. E.g. If I drew a 3D spiral on a 2D surface, it may appear from the 2D perspective to be a wave. Hence a wave in our 3D space may actually be a spiral in a 4D space. Perhaps light, sound, radio, gamma, xrays etc are all spirals in a higher dimension. Just a thought.

    Regarding the 'Big Bang', there is evidence that the expansion is speeding up and if this is correct, perhaps the universe will expand faster than the speed of light at some point. If so, the state of the universe could change and may explain some of the phenominom we read in the scriptures such as the sky rolling away like a scroll and the stars falling from heaven and every mountain moving out of it's place or the universe being destroyed by fire.

    Perhaps the universe is expanding toward God, in time and space and the universe is really heading toward the day of judgement.

    There goes my imagination again, but I don't see any harm in that.

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