Proof jesus is god from paul's mouth?

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  • #144533

    If there is 'Only One True God” then what is not of that True God is not true but false! That is not hard to understand is it?

    Well, it's hard to understand because it is false, isn't it.

    I mean, if it wasn't false, you could answer my question. It is because of this exact false believe of yours, that I continue to try to get you to answer that question. But you cannot, for it you did, it would become obvious that your idea's about true/false are incorrect.

    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No, sometimes that word TRUE doesn't mean “the opposite of false.”

    WJ, is your definition of “true”: “the opposite of false.”?


    I have answered the question over and over but you insist I havn't.

    I think you answered it exactly twice on page 16 and 35.

    I asked you a “what does it mean” question and you answered something, but it wasn't my question and that is for sure.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:17)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 05 2009,17:06)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,07:41)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 05 2009,15:36)
    I have no problem believing that Jesus is my great God and Savior and that His great God is His Father and our Father, our Most High God!  You can scream “polytheism” all you want but you really do not understand the unity of the Father and the Son then.  If they were not united in love and purpose then you can complain about polytheism but they are.


    Hi Kathi

    I understand the unity of the Father and the Son more than you!

    For I believe they are the same being. You cannot get any more ONE than that!

    Anyway, if you believe there is more than “One divine being” then scripturally that is Polytheism! Sorry!

    There is “No God but One” not One and another one!


    Can the same “being” have two minds?
    Can the same “being” have two wills?
    Can the same “being” be both human, and not a human?

    {{{shaking head}}}



    You are a tripart being! You are a Spirit that has a soul and lives in a body.

    God is far more complex than we are.

    Does your body want to dictate to you what to do?

    Do you have what scriptures call a a New man and an Old man?



    My spirit does not have a separate will from my mind. I operate as one “being”.

    My fesh does not seek out anything that my soul does't desire. I operate as one “being”.

    However, Jesus did wish things differently from the Father. He is quoted as saying things like, “…not my will, but yours [Father]…”, “…if it were possible for this cup to pass…”, and so on. Clearly demonstrating to us that he had other ideas but was an obedient son/servant.

    Paul discussed the struggle between the spirit and flesh regarding sin, but he was not using that as an example of how we are seperate “beings” within ourselves.



    Mandy, long time….

    I'm wondering if you have been paying any attention to mine and keith's conversation. And, any thoughts?

    Jodi Lee

    Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 05 2009,06:36)

    Quote (Jodi Lee @ Sep. 05 2009,06:01)

    Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 05 2009,05:20)
    Jodi Lee said:

    There exist NO OTHER where power, wisdom and authority ORIGINATES, anyone with such things RECEIVES them from YHWH, and not only that but they use them according to the will and directions of YHWH!!

    And Jesus is YHWH:

    Thus says YHWH, the King of Israel,
         And his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts:

         ‘ I am the First and I am the Last;
         Besides Me there is no God.

    Who was Israel's King and Redeemer?

    Check one:

    1. the Father [ ]
    2. Moses [ ]
    3. Jesus [ ]

    If you choose number one then Israel had two Kings and two Redeemers. Jesus' authority was both derived and innate. His authority was derived because He yielded it up and the Father gave it back to Him. That He yielded it up shows that His authority was also innate. No rocket science degree is needed.


    So you then believe that YHWH is his own son, and Jesus is his own father? :O

    YHWH called Himself the King of Israel and Israel's Redeemer (Isaiah 44:6). I asked you to show me where in the Bible the Father is called the King of Israel and Israel's Redeemer?
    You did not answer me.


    1 Timothy 1:16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise,  be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

    Romans 16:25 Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began 26 but now has been made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures has been made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith– 27 to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen

    The Father is called the King eternal, and He has made Jesus our king as well. Jesus is NOT the God who ALONE is wise, that is his Father. If Jesus alone were wise then he wouldn’t have needed to grow in grace and knowledge, he wouldn’t of had to have been perfected through suffering. As well, he would KNOW the time of his return, and he would certainly be able to give his own revelation, but he can do neither of these things, because he must receive that wisdom from his Father!!

    The Father is our redemer through Jesus.

    Ac 13:23 From this man's seed, according to the promise, God raised up for Israel a Savior–Jesus—

    1 Timothy 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,


    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:27)

    We have no information or insight into Pharaohs head do we?

    I have never asked you what's in Pharaoh's head, although you seem to want to know whether Pharaoh worshiped Moses or not.

    I AM INTERESTED IN WHAT IT MEANS THAT “Jehovah” “made” “Moses” a “god” to “Pharoah.”


    The key words are “To Pharaoh”, the Polytheist, for Moses was not a God at all or YHWH is contradicting himself.

    Ye [are] my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: “BEFORE ME THERE WAS NO GOD FORMED, NEITHER SHALL THERE BE AFTER ME. Isa 43:10

    What part of “No God formed” before or after YHWH do you not understand David?

    Seriously, are you always this hard headed?



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 05 2009,17:38)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:17)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 05 2009,17:06)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,07:41)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 05 2009,15:36)
    I have no problem believing that Jesus is my great God and Savior and that His great God is His Father and our Father, our Most High God!  You can scream “polytheism” all you want but you really do not understand the unity of the Father and the Son then.  If they were not united in love and purpose then you can complain about polytheism but they are.


    Hi Kathi

    I understand the unity of the Father and the Son more than you!

    For I believe they are the same being. You cannot get any more ONE than that!

    Anyway, if you believe there is more than “One divine being” then scripturally that is Polytheism! Sorry!

    There is “No God but One” not One and another one!


    Can the same “being” have two minds?
    Can the same “being” have two wills?
    Can the same “being” be both human, and not a human?

    {{{shaking head}}}



    You are a tripart being! You are a Spirit that has a soul and lives in a body.

    God is far more complex than we are.

    Does your body want to dictate to you what to do?

    Do you have what scriptures call a a New man and an Old man?



    My spirit does not have a separate will from my mind.  I operate as one “being”.  

    My fesh does not seek out anything that my soul does't desire.  I operate as one “being”.

    However, Jesus did wish things differently from the Father.  He is quoted as saying things like, “…not my will, but yours [Father]…”, “…if it were possible for this cup to pass…”, and so on.  Clearly demonstrating to us that he had other ideas but was an obedient son/servant.

    Paul discussed the struggle between the spirit and flesh regarding sin, but he was not using that as an example of how we are seperate “beings” within ourselves.



    Read romans 7 and see what Paul says about the war in his mind and Spirit!




    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!




    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, is your definition of “true”: “the opposite of false.”?

    My definition of “One True God” is that there are no other true gods!

    My definition of “No God but One” is there are no other gods!

    But you have to have it another way to support your Arianistic faith! Because if this is true then Jesus must be the “One True God”.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 05 2009,03:42)
    And if you replace the word “God” with Father it will break scripture! So what is your point?

    If you replace any word in scriptures with another word then the scriptures are broken!

    Why not just believe the scriptures as they are, all of them?

    Why play silly word games with scriptures?

    Is that all you got to negate the clear scriptures that says Jesus is God?

    No it is not silly word games.

    If the Most High God is the Father, then reading the word God (Most High) and thinking of the Father should be the understanding that you have.

    If you understand God as a Trinity of persons, then when you read the Word God (Most High) means that you are thinking of a Trinity. Yet doing this breaks scripture and if you don't do this, then you do not have enough faith in your own doctrine.

    e.g, when I think of Jesus I think of a man or a being who is visible with bodily form. I think this because that is what scripture shows him to be. When I think of Mary, I think a woman. When I think of a heavenly angel I have a certain description in my mind.

    Now when I think of the Most High God, I know that it is the Father.

    Your God is a Trinity, therefore according to you, the Trinity sent his son into the world. So that makes 4 persons and 2 sons. According to your doctrine, eternal life is that we may know the only true Trinity, and Jesus Christ, whom they have sent.

    Sorry WJ, your doctrine is an absolute and utter failure. It is up to you to admit it to yourself. In any case, many here already know it is a failed doctrine and we are trying to help you. The real enemy here is your own mind. It needs to be renewed by the Word of God.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:51)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!


    WJ, have you ever listened to people speaking? Talking? Having conversations with one another?

    Often, they say things like

    “You are a true man” (meaning, you represent what the essense of a man is; not meaning “all other men are false men.)

    “You are a true friend.”

    If you just do a fast “google” on the word “true” you will come up with:

    “true poker”

    “true love”

    “true wealth”

    “true color”


    You do understand what those phrases mean, I know you do.

    If someone says: “Warren buffet has true wealth” it does not mean that no one else on the planet has wealth or that everyone else on the planet has “FALSE WEALTH.”

    You, WJ, would understand that, as everyone else on the planet, you would understand it to mean, not that everyone else has false wealth, but that…..

    yes, you know it….

    That Warren Buffet has wealth to a greater degree.

    This doesn't mean everyone else has “false wealth” does it?


    WJ, your English is very good. It is your first langauge, I assume.



    The key words are “To Pharaoh”, the Polytheist, for Moses was not a God at all or YHWH is contradicting himself.

    WJ, if you refuse to answer my question, can I change the question a little.

    YOU continue to say that “Moses was not a god at all.”
    The Bible however has JEHOVAH saying: “I have made you God to Pharaoh,”

    So, in some sense, (unless Jehovah was wrong, and you are right) Moses was “god to Pharoah.”

    All I'm asking is: What does that mean?

    You keep telling me it's wrong.

    Jodi Lee

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 05 2009,11:57)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 05 2009,06:58)
    “Hi Jodi

    Jodi wrote:

    Could you direct me to the scripture in Corinthians you are speaking of?

    For he “has put everything under his feet.”* Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ When he has done this, “**then** the Son himself will be made subject to him” who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.. 1 Cor 15:27, 27

    Read the context and you will see that Jesus has all Authority and Power not that it is just available to him!

    All Judgment has been committed to him!


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Hmmmm.  Keith, I think you hilighted the wrong section.

    Not so, for the section highlighted part says that Jesus is not subject to the Father!

    Do you understand what that means?

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    “….who put everything under Christ….”  WHO was that who did that?

    And when did this take place? After he had left everything and received back the Glory he shared with the Father before the foundation of the world!

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Jesus would have nothing under him if it wasn't for the Father!!

    Then how is he accredited for anything? You give Jesus no credit for nothing when Jesus by his own words stated that he could do what he saw the Father do, and that he had overcome the world, the Father didn't do that!

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Jesus may be in charge now…..but he will relinquish that control and give it to the true owner in due time.  Jesus is a fill-in; a representative of that power, the son of the one in charge.

    Where do the scriptures say he will relinquish his control? Scriptures tell us in Revelation that Jesus will be on the throne forever and the Spirit of God proceeding from him and the Father!

    For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,*” Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. “OF THE INCREASE OF HIS GOVERNMENT AND PEACE THERE WILL BE NO END”. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Isa 9:6, 7

    His government and peace will be his forever! The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as One God shall be all in all!


    1 Corinthians 15:24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. 27 For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. 28 Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.

    This is showing exactly my point. The work of Jesus destroying all enemies is EXCEPTED, excepted by the Father, because Jesus is following the Father's will and doing the Father's work. When Jesus has put all things under his feet, he delievers the kingdom to his Father, that is when the Father comes down to dwell and then on earth Jesus himself will have someone who he is subjected to.

    The passage clearly shows that there is a hierarchy of power and rulership.

    What part of “he delivers the Kingdom to the Father, and is made subject to the Father,”do you have a hard time understanding? The FACT that it doesn't fit with your theology?

    You clearly deny scripture WJ, the bible never says for us there exist ONE God, made up of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    1Co 8:6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.

    Eph 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.


    Quote (t8 @ Sep. 05 2009,18:00)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 05 2009,03:42)
    And if you replace the word “God” with Father it will break scripture! So what is your point?

    If you replace any word in scriptures with another word then the scriptures are broken!

    Why not just believe the scriptures as they are, all of them?

    Why play silly word games with scriptures?

    Is that all you got to negate the clear scriptures that says Jesus is God?

    No it is not silly word games.

    If the Most High God is the Father, then reading the word God (Most High) and thinking of the Father should be the understanding that you have.

    If you understand God as a Trinity of persons, then when you read the Word God (Most High) means that you are thinking of a Trinity. Yet doing this breaks scripture and if you don't do this, then you do not have enough faith in your own doctrine.

    e.g, when I think of Jesus I think of a man or a being who is visible with bodily form. I think this because that is what scripture shows him to be. When I think of Mary,  I think a woman. When I think of a heavenly angel I have a certain description in my mind.

    Now when I think of the Most High God, I know that it is the Father.

    Your God is a Trinity, therefore according to you, the Trinity sent his son into the world. So that makes 4 persons and 2 sons. According to your doctrine, eternal life is that we may know the only true Trinity, and Jesus Christ, whom they have sent.

    Sorry WJ, your doctrine is an absolute and utter failure. It is up to you to admit it to yourself. In any case, many here already know it is a failed doctrine and we are trying to help you. The real enemy here is your own mind. It needs to be renewed by the Word of God.

    Hi t8

    Close your eyes and put your feet together and tap your heels together 3 times and say “Jesus is not God” “Jesus is not God” “Jesus is not God” and see if those scriptures that says he is will go away/

    If not then just get the white out and blot them out.

    Men are blinded from who God is because they cannot see that Jesus who is the “Image of the invisible God” is the visible image of God!

    Your faith is to small t8, for you do not believe that God can take on different forms and even take on the form of a servant as Jesus the Word that was with God and was God did!

    What the invisible God is and what he looks like is visibly seen in Jesus and to see him as less than God is to have a false image of God!

    Open your eyes t8 and stop being so stuborn and let the Spirit of God show you who Jesus really is!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:51)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!


    WJ, I'm afraid you are simply wrong, and by yourself.

    I just googled “true arian.”

    In none of those sites, it in no way meant that the arian was “true” in that other arains were “false.”

    In ALL CASES, it meant “true arian” in that they exemplified that quality.

    So again, the entire internet and all of human language is on my side. I know you yourself have spoken like this. I almost feel like spending 500 hours and going through your posts, and finding where you did this, because I know you have. We all speak like this….humans, that is.


    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,18:04)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:51)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!


    WJ, have you ever listened to people speaking?  Talking?  Having conversations with one another?

    Often, they say things like

    “You are a true man” (meaning, you represent what the essense of a man is; not meaning “all other men are false men.)

    “You are a true friend.”

    If you just do a fast “google” on the word “true” you will come up with:

    “true poker”

    “true love”

    “true wealth”

    “true color”


    You do understand what those phrases mean, I know you do.

    If someone says: “Warren buffet has true wealth” it does not mean that no one else on the planet has wealth or that everyone else on the planet has “FALSE WEALTH.”

    You, WJ, would understand that, as everyone else on the planet, you would understand it to mean, not that everyone else has false wealth, but that…..

    yes, you know it….

    That Warren Buffet has wealth to a greater degree.

    This doesn't mean everyone else has “false wealth” does it?


    WJ, your English is very good.  It is your first langauge, I assume.



    Dont you understand the difference in “a true man” and “the only true man”?

    I think you are just being argumentive!



    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,18:13)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:51)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!


    WJ, I'm afraid you are simply wrong, and by yourself.

    I just googled “true arian.”

    In none of those sites, it in no way meant that the arian was “true” in that other arains were “false.”

    In ALL CASES, it meant “true arian” in that they exemplified that quality.

    So again, the entire internet and all of human language is on my side.  I know you yourself have spoken like this.  I almost feel like spending 500 hours and going through your posts, and finding where you did this, because I know you have.  We all speak like this….humans, that is.

    I said the “Only One True Arian” didnt I?


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,10:14)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,18:04)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:51)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!


    WJ, have you ever listened to people speaking?  Talking?  Having conversations with one another?

    Often, they say things like

    “You are a true man” (meaning, you represent what the essense of a man is; not meaning “all other men are false men.)

    “You are a true friend.”

    If you just do a fast “google” on the word “true” you will come up with:

    “true poker”

    “true love”

    “true wealth”

    “true color”


    You do understand what those phrases mean, I know you do.

    If someone says: “Warren buffet has true wealth” it does not mean that no one else on the planet has wealth or that everyone else on the planet has “FALSE WEALTH.”

    You, WJ, would understand that, as everyone else on the planet, you would understand it to mean, not that everyone else has false wealth, but that…..

    yes, you know it….

    That Warren Buffet has wealth to a greater degree.

    This doesn't mean everyone else has “false wealth” does it?


    WJ, your English is very good.  It is your first langauge, I assume.



    Dont you understand the difference in “a true man” and “the only true man”?

    I think you are just being argumentive!


    Sure, and when people say: “Warren Buffet is the only true 'buy and hold' investor” they don't mean that all the other millions of 'buy and hold' investors are “false” investors.

    DO THEY?

    They mean he buys and holds something forever.  They mean, he is the ultimate in that respect.

    Similarly, Jehovah God (mighty one) is the ultimate in mightiness, (almighty in fact) and hence it can easily be said of him that He is the only true God.


    If you check your dictionary, you'll find that “true” does not mean: 'the opposite of false.'


    Quote (Jodi Lee @ Sep. 05 2009,18:10)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 05 2009,11:57)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 05 2009,06:58)
    “Hi Jodi

    Jodi wrote:

    Could you direct me to the scripture in Corinthians you are speaking of?

    For he “has put everything under his feet.”* Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ When he has done this, “**then** the Son himself will be made subject to him” who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.. 1 Cor 15:27, 27

    Read the context and you will see that Jesus has all Authority and Power not that it is just available to him!

    All Judgment has been committed to him!


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Hmmmm.  Keith, I think you hilighted the wrong section.

    Not so, for the section highlighted part says that Jesus is not subject to the Father!

    Do you understand what that means?

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    “….who put everything under Christ….”  WHO was that who did that?

    And when did this take place? After he had left everything and received back the Glory he shared with the Father before the foundation of the world!

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Jesus would have nothing under him if it wasn't for the Father!!

    Then how is he accredited for anything? You give Jesus no credit for nothing when Jesus by his own words stated that he could do what he saw the Father do, and that he had overcome the world, the Father didn't do that!

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 04 2009,19:32)

    Jesus may be in charge now…..but he will relinquish that control and give it to the true owner in due time.  Jesus is a fill-in; a representative of that power, the son of the one in charge.

    Where do the scriptures say he will relinquish his control? Scriptures tell us in Revelation that Jesus will be on the throne forever and the Spirit of God proceeding from him and the Father!

    For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,*” Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. “OF THE INCREASE OF HIS GOVERNMENT AND PEACE THERE WILL BE NO END”. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Isa 9:6, 7

    His government and peace will be his forever! The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as One God shall be all in all!


    1 Corinthians 15:24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. 27 For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. 28 Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.

    This is showing exactly my point. The work of Jesus destroying all enemies is EXCEPTED, excepted by the Father, because Jesus is following the Father's will and doing the Father's work. When Jesus has put all things under his feet, he delievers the kingdom to his Father, that is when the Father comes down to dwell and then on earth Jesus himself will have someone who he is subjected to.

    The passage clearly shows that there is a hierarchy of power and rulership.

    What part of “he delivers the Kingdom to the Father, and is made subject to the Father,”do you have a hard time understanding? The FACT that it doesn't fit with your theology?

    You clearly deny scripture WJ, the bible never says for us there exist ONE God, made up of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    1Co 8:6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.

    Eph 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

    Hi Jodi

    Quote (Jodi Lee @ Sep. 05 2009,18:10)
    What part of “he delivers the Kingdom to the Father, and is made subject to the Father,”do you have a hard time understanding? The FACT that it doesn't fit with your theology?

    What part of he hasn't yet delivered the Kingdom to the Father and he hasn't yet subjected himself to the Father because not all things are yet under his feet, do you not understand?




    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,18:18)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,10:14)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,18:04)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 06 2009,09:51)

    Quote (david @ Sep. 05 2009,17:31)
    WJ, “you are a true trinitarian.”
    That doesn't mean everyone else on here who believes in the trinity are “false trinitarians,” does it?

    No but if I said…

    There is only “One True Arian” and you are it”. Then that would mean all other Arians are false or so-called Arians or not Arians at all!


    WJ, have you ever listened to people speaking?  Talking?  Having conversations with one another?

    Often, they say things like

    “You are a true man” (meaning, you represent what the essense of a man is; not meaning “all other men are false men.)

    “You are a true friend.”

    If you just do a fast “google” on the word “true” you will come up with:

    “true poker”

    “true love”

    “true wealth”

    “true color”


    You do understand what those phrases mean, I know you do.

    If someone says: “Warren buffet has true wealth” it does not mean that no one else on the planet has wealth or that everyone else on the planet has “FALSE WEALTH.”

    You, WJ, would understand that, as everyone else on the planet, you would understand it to mean, not that everyone else has false wealth, but that…..

    yes, you know it….

    That Warren Buffet has wealth to a greater degree.

    This doesn't mean everyone else has “false wealth” does it?


    WJ, your English is very good.  It is your first langauge, I assume.



    Dont you understand the difference in “a true man” and “the only true man”?

    I think you are just being argumentive!


    Sure, and when people say: “Warren Buffet is the only true 'buy and hold' investor” they don't mean that all the other millions of 'buy and hold' investors are “false” investors.

    DO THEY?

    They mean he buys and holds something forever.  They mean, he is the ultimate in that respect.

    Similarly, Jehovah God (mighty one) is the ultimate in mightiness, (almighty in fact) and hence it can easily be said of him that He is the only true God.


    If you check your dictionary, you'll find that “true” does not mean: 'the opposite of false.'


    But what does false mean.

    It means it is not true!


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