Proof jesus is god from paul's mouth?

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    Phillipians 2

    5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:


    Thanks Bye


    The KJV. Ya.


    Hi R,
    So being in the form of God really means being God?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 30 2009,09:20)
    Hi R,
    So being in the form of God really means being God?



    Quote (RokkaMan @ Aug. 30 2009,09:24)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 30 2009,09:20)
    Hi R,
    So being in the form of God really means being God?


    Does having “divine nature” mean you're God?

    (2 Pet 1:4)


    The context of the surrounding verses (3-5, 7, 8, Dy) makes it clear how verse 6 is to be understood. The Philippians were urged: “In humility, let each esteem others better than themselves.” Then Paul uses Christ as the outstanding example of this attitude: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” What “mind”? To ‘think it not robbery to be equal with God’? No, that would be just the opposite of the point being made! Rather, Jesus, who ‘esteemed God as better than himself,’ would never ‘grasp for equality with God,’ but instead he “humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death.”


    Can Jesus be God because HE shares the nature of His Father who is the Most High God. A son of man is man because he shares the nature of man. In the same reasoning, a son of God is God because He shares the nature of God. He would not be the God who always existed though. Therefore, He would not be the Most High God. He would be the ONLY begotten God. That would make one Most High God and one begotten God. Think about it.


    In the same reasoning, a son of God is God because He shares the nature of God.

    So, many people will become God?

    Does having “divine nature” mean you're God?

    (2 Pet 1:4)


    Quote (david @ Aug. 30 2009,09:31)
    The context of the surrounding verses (3-5, 7, 8, Dy) makes it clear how verse 6 is to be understood. The Philippians were urged: “In humility, let each esteem others better than themselves.” Then Paul uses Christ as the outstanding example of this attitude: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” What “mind”? To ‘think it not robbery to be equal with God’? No, that would be just the opposite of the point being made! Rather, Jesus, who ‘esteemed God as better than himself,’ would never ‘grasp for equality with God,’ but instead he “humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death.”

    Wow i've never seen someone twist scripture as bad as you did…you dind't even address the scripture, you just copied it then added your own interpretation…

    Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God…means exactly what it says.

    He didn't think it was Robbery to be equal with God

    And as it was ok to be equal with God, even on that notion of equality…

    made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

    8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

    So the scripture is saying BE LIKE MINDED….

    If you are going to be a deacon or preacher in the House of GOD. Be a humbled one, as Jesus was.

    So yes it goes perfectly with the surrounding text.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Aug. 30 2009,09:39)
    Can Jesus be God because HE shares the nature of His Father who is the Most High God.  A son of man is man because he shares the nature of man.  In the same reasoning, a son of God is God because He shares the nature of God.  He would not be the God who always existed though.  Therefore, He would not be the Most High God.  He would be the ONLY begotten God.  That would make one Most High God and one begotten God.  Think about it.

    I agree with you but with a little twist…

    Jesus cannot be a God of his own. He has to be the same God that made him.

    That doesn't mean he is GOD THE FATHER…what it means is that he COMES FROM GOD THE FATHER…therefore he is equally God.

    He is rather GOD THE SON. Who is The Father's word.

    So Jesus isn't God The Father himself, he is God The Son who is The Word of God The Father.

    So he is God in essence, less than the father in authority.


    Quote (david @ Aug. 30 2009,09:40)

    In the same reasoning, a son of God is God because He shares the nature of God.

    So, many people will become God?

    Does having “divine nature” mean you're God?

    (2 Pet 1:4)

    David, Jesus was the only begotten Son…we are his Adopted Sons and Daughters…

    So no we will not become God.

    Only begotten means, only birthed, or spawned…Jesus Came Forth from the father's spirit.

    So he is YHWH's biological son.


    Quote (david @ Aug. 29 2009,17:40)

    In the same reasoning, a son of God is God because He shares the nature of God.

    So, many people will become God?

    Does having “divine nature” mean you're God?

    (2 Pet 1:4)

    Hi David

    True, and what would be the difference in any of the rest of us who are “born again” and share the Divine nature of God?

    For we are also “Born Sons”!  :)



    Going to repost this, because if I don't…the famous Anti-Trinnies on this board will make comments to the comments and not the original post (completely ignoring it).

    Phillipians 2

    5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:


    Thanks Bye



    Read the context.

    We're being told we should be humble like Jesus who, you say: “didn't think it was Robbery to be equal with God.”


    That is exactly wrong.

    “ye be likeminded, . . . . in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. . . .Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:”

    Have the same mind, the same lowliness of mind (what we'd call “humility”) as Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God.

    Something doesn't match.  

    So the scripture is saying BE LIKE MINDED….

    If you are going to be a deacon or preacher in the House of GOD. Be a humbled one, as Jesus was.

    We agree here, so let's start here:  the scripture is saying to be humble like Jesus.

    So, beginning there, Phil 2:5 councels Christians to imitate Christ in the matter here being discussed.  

    Could they be urged to consider it “not robbery,” but their right, “to be equal with God”? Surely not!

    The Expositor’s Greek Testament says: “We cannot find any passage where [har·pa′zo] or any of its derivatives [including har·pag·mon′] has the sense of ‘holding in possession,’ ‘retaining’. It seems invariably to mean ‘seize,’ ‘snatch violently’. Thus it is not permissible to glide from the true sense ‘grasp at’ into one which is totally different, ‘hold fast.’”—(Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1967), edited by W. Robertson Nicoll, Vol. III, pp. 436, 437.


    Quote (RokkaMan @ Aug. 29 2009,17:48)

    Quote (david @ Aug. 30 2009,09:40)

    In the same reasoning, a son of God is God because He shares the nature of God.

    So, many people will become God?

    Does having “divine nature” mean you're God?

    (2 Pet 1:4)

    David, Jesus was the only begotten Son…we are his Adopted Sons and Daughters…

    So no we will not become God.

    Only begotten means, only birthed, or spawned…Jesus Came Forth from the father's spirit.

    So he is YHWH's biological son.

    Hi RokkaMan

    For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 1 Peter 1:23

    Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3:7

    We are born also, and yet we are adopted!



    Phil 2:6,

    “Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.”

    “who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, “ (NASB)

    “who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, “ (ASV)

    NW, RS, NE, TEV, NAB etc convey the same thought.

    And, their translations don't conflict with the CONTEXT.


    So no we will not become God.

    But I thought you said if you shared the nature with God, you are God. maybe you didn't say that. Did you?


    Quote (david @ Aug. 30 2009,10:01)

    So no we will not become God.

    But I thought you said if you shared the nature with God, you are God.  maybe you didn't say that.  Did you?

    I saw we will not become God the Father, nor God The Son, nor God The Holy Spirit….

    We may obtain the nature of God, and be in his likeness, but we will not become HIM.

    Jesus always had and is The Nature of God…remember he is the Express Image, which means manifested image of God.

    That is what trinitarianism is all about.

    We do not think Jesus is God The Father…we see him as a manifested image as God The Son….all the qualities that make God, God….Jesus possesses.

    But he cannot be a God of his own, for him to be true, he must be OF YHWH in which he is.

    This is why I do not like the NIV

    “Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.”

    It paints the picture like Jesus is A GOD, but a seperate one from YHWH.

    If that is the case then it makes God a liar when he said…thou shall not have no God before me.

    The only way Jesus could be a God, is if he was the same YHWH manifested as The Son.

    Just like H20 can manifest as water, ice, or vapor…

    It is not too farfetch'd to think YHWH can manifest as The Son and Holy Spirit.

    Same being, different manifestation.


    We may obtain the nature of God, and be in his likeness, but we will not become HIM.

    So, Rokka, having divine nature or the “nature of God” does not necessarily mean we are God.

    That's all I wanted you to say. Thankyou.


    Quote (david @ Aug. 30 2009,10:16)

    We may obtain the nature of God, and be in his likeness, but we will not become HIM.

    So, Rokka, having divine nature or the “nature of God” does not necessarily mean we are God.

    That's all I wanted you to say.  Thankyou.

    Yes but it's a difference to BE the nature of God, and having the nature of God.

    The verse said Jesus was in the form, or in the nature of God…didn't say he possessed it…it said HE WAS IT.

    Being born again we posses the nature of God…if we became the nature of God we would not sin…it'd be blasphemy to think we could be transformed into the nature of God, yet sin.

    But yea I appreciate your imput and debate, even tho you didn't win lol

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