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- June 25, 2010 at 11:18 pm#199934
Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (JustAskin @ June 25 2010,18:04) Have you ever considered how a multi-eyed spider can 'process' information from all it's eyes at the same time?
If you could be that spider you may wonder how two eyed creatures managed with 'just two', or, if the spider came across a Cyclops, then how on earth can a one eyed creatures see anything worthwhile…
How does anyone except God know how a spider processes infomation?Can the Spider be in his Web in your backyard and be in your neighbors too?
June 25, 2010 at 11:20 pm#199936Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantHi all
To say God cannot be everywhere at the same time would mean that his creation is bigger than he is.
God is not bound to the physical limitations of “time, matter and space”.
The all seeing eye can see all because he can be everywhere!
June 25, 2010 at 11:23 pm#199938terraricca
ParticipantQuote (WorshippingJesus @ June 26 2010,10:15) Quote (terraricca @ June 25 2010,18:13) Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 26 2010,08:17) Quote (martian @ June 25 2010,15:52) You ask —
Can you dwell in every believer all over the world and be with them to the end of the world?Please stop making yourself look silly by comparing Christ after his resurrection to the Christ I proclaim as my example. They have been given different power and authority. Besides the power to be in all believers is a mission of the Messiah and not for every man. I do not carry the mantle of Messiah. I can only duplicate his walk as a human. I am not expected to duplicate attributes of his messianic ministry.
Omnipresence is an attribute of God.You will never be “Omnipresent will you?
WJhow can God be “Omnipresent ?
How can God be infinite and not be “omnipresent”?WJ
WJthat is not my question;
i would like to know how it works being omnipresent,
i know what the word means but the word does not explain how it is real time and how it works.
June 25, 2010 at 11:26 pm#199939martian
ParticipantRoland Oliver puts it this way,
One of the reasons Jesus came into the world was to give as the example of how a child of God should live. He was a model or pattern. Peter says, ‘Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in His steps’, 1 Pet 2.21. Paul prayed, ‘I am in travail till Christ is fully formed in you.’ Gal 4.19.Christ is our example. Paul says, ‘Imitate me as I imitate Christ.’ [1 Cor 11.1] Or ‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.’ [NIV] Jesus told His disciples, ‘Follow Me.’ We have to walk in His steps. We have to ‘walk as He walked’, 1 John 2.16. It is not something static, we have to ‘walk’. It is more than looking into a mirror; we have to walk in the path of obedience, appropriating His grace, and then we will know what it is to ‘follow Him’ or ‘emulate Him’.
Paul tells Timothy, ‘Be an example.’ 1 Tim 4.12. Paul tells Titus, ‘Be a pattern of good works.’ Christ was a pattern of good works, and His life was the model of a holy and separated life. Though He was ‘in’ the world, and was a ‘Friend of sinners’, yet He was not ‘of’ the world. His was a heavenly, a spiritual walk, but extremely practical.
Jesus said, ‘Learn of Me; I am meek and lowly.’ Matt 11.29. Do we have the lowliness and meekness of Christ? A change has to take place in me, as I am being transformed into His likeness. Others must see the meekness of Christ, the patience of Christ, in me. James says, ‘Take the prophets as an example of suffering and patience.’ Jas 5.10. Paul tells Timothy that his life of long-suffering was a pattern to the believers [1 Tim 1.16].
End quote —We are perfected by what we suffer, just like Christ – Perfected Humanity
Did Christ send his spirit into us or Did God?
• Galatians 4:6.7 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, ” So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.
•I am a child of God; God is spiritually my Father. It is my responsibility to be the best son I can be by following my elder brother who was perfect in his sonship.
•Romans 8:14,15 because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
•Galatians 3:26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus
•John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
What do we get as co-heirs with Christ? Do you know what we will have after our resurrection?
Romans 8:17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
I am part of the Bride of Christ and am making myself ready of Him. Are you? And how do I do that? By becoming like my husband ,Jesus Christ.
Revelations 19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
I am a true worshiper who worships the Father in spirit and in truth., but some insist that God is something other then a spirit being.
John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.June 25, 2010 at 11:35 pm#199945martian
ParticipantQuote (WorshippingJesus @ June 26 2010,10:18) Quote (JustAskin @ June 25 2010,18:04) Have you ever considered how a multi-eyed spider can 'process' information from all it's eyes at the same time?
If you could be that spider you may wonder how two eyed creatures managed with 'just two', or, if the spider came across a Cyclops, then how on earth can a one eyed creatures see anything worthwhile…
How does anyone except God know how a spider processes infomation?Can the Spider be in his Web in your backyard and be in your neighbors too?
You are the one always spouting off about God being able to do anything. Doesn't that include the possibility of giving Christ the human being (after his resurrection) the power to be in all men's hearts. Was it not God who sent the Spirit of Christ into our hearts?
There are many things that Christ has ben given because of his calling as the Messiah that we will never have. There are also things that he has now due to his resurrection that we may have after we are resurrected.However everything pertaining to perfected sonship as a human being that Christ exemplified while on this Earth we are compelled by God to do.
June 25, 2010 at 11:40 pm#199947JustAskin
I keep telling you that you have lost it.
You 'think' you are Godly but you are earthbound, and tnerefore think earthly things while believinbg you are Spiritual.
And by the way, i notice you tried very hard not to be untruthful. Well, you gotta start somewhere, eh?
('So there is a point that even you will not go beyond' Emperor Hann to Robert Wall, Enter the Dragon)
I did not 'limit God'. In fact, i am showing how much higher God is over mankind, who is 'bound' in a limited dimension.
WJ, if you work out mathematically the dimensional degree that i wrote out, you would be amazed, and yet it is not incredible, but completely 'Spiritually possible'. Only our 'single eyed, Cycopic-like thinking' cannot imagine what it would be like to 'be in more than one place at a time', to 'see and process more than one image' at a time, to think of being in all places at the same time.
But WJ, you WANT to think that it is an 'impossible' thing that only God can do so you can say, 'hey, Jesus did that, so it means that he is God (too?)'
WJ, don't you know what you sound like?
June 26, 2010 at 12:04 am#199949martian
ParticipantWe are commanded to follow Christ. What does that really mean?
An internet article with some good info. I do not agree with all on this sight but this portion is particularly good.What does it mean to “follow Christ” or to be “Christ-like”?
First, what is the basic understanding behind the concept of being a “follower” of Messiah?
Contrary to what most people may think, the overwhelming majority of Christians are basically ignorant of what it means to be a “follower” of Messiah. If “following Christ” or being “Christ-like” were truly the understood goal of most Christians and the central agenda of most Christian leaders then Christianity would be immensely different in form and ideology than it is today.
The third edition of the Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament edited by Fredrick William Danker needs no introduction as it is the standard lexicon for Greek New Testament studies. This Lexcion defines the Greek term akoloutheo (ak-ol-oo-theh´-o, Strong's #0190), which is rendered as “follow” in Matthew 10:38 and the gospel parallels of Mark 8:34 and Luke 9:23, as:
1.literally to move behind someone in the same direction, come after
2.to follow or accompany someone who takes the lead, accompany, go along with
3.to follow someone as a disciple, be a disciple, follow
4.to comply with, follow, obey
5.to come after something else in sequence, follow
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament by Joseph Henry Thayer, D.D. defines it as:
•to follow one who precedes, join him as his attendant, accompany him
•to join one as a disciple, become or be his disciple; side with his party … to cleave steadfastly to one, conform wholly to his example, in living and if need be in dying also
The simple common sense meaning behind the concept of “follower” is that “followers” strive to mimic or copy the characteristics and to practice and promote the teachings of the one whom they claim to follow. Therefore, to “follow Christ” is to:
1.Think as he thinks
2.Approve of what he approves of
3.Oppose what he opposes
4.Worship as he worshipped (and WHO he, himself, worshipped as his God – yes, Christ worshipped God as his God as is discussed elsewhere on this site.)
5.Learn and practice his teachings
6.Revere what he revered
7.obey him
Perhaps the best understanding is to “conform wholly to his [Messiah's] example” as previously shown from Thayer's Lexicon. In short, to follow Messiah is to be like him in every way possible in word and deed and to revere, obey, and practice his instructions while following his example. The ultimate goal of a “follower” of Messiah is to perfectly copy Messiah's example. That is what being “Christ-like” means.
So, do most Christian leaders teach this? Do they truly teach that Christians are to “follow Christ”? Furthermore, do most Christians “follow” the Messiah in the common sense way just defined?
Most Christians probably object to my daring to even ask such a question and will present evidence allegedly showing that Christians are taught to follow Christ. Such evidence will likely consist of Christian commentaries or teaching materials. For sure such material does certainly appear to instruct Christians to be Christ-like; however, appearances can be deceiving.June 26, 2010 at 1:03 am#199957martian
ParticipantDa Da da da Dats all folks
Outta here …….June 26, 2010 at 1:32 am#199969barley
ParticipantQuote (WorshippingJesus @ June 26 2010,02:20) Quote (martian @ June 25 2010,09:25) As you agreed Barley, A preexistent Christ raises all kinds of questions about the nature of Christ including his ability to be our example. We can never be certain of how he did anything. Was it a God or a man that did it.
So then all we need is 4 Gospels to base our lives on by following Jesus when he was in the flesh?HMMM, I wonder what the early believers did before the NT was written or those who did not have a Bible?
Whatever happened to the Spirit of truth that would guide us and lead us into all truth?
Carnal religious people follow a mere man and not God!!!
“So then all we need is 4 Gospels to base our lives on by following Jesus when he was in the flesh?”
From where do you get that idea?
“HMMM, I wonder what the early believers did before the NT was written or those who did not have a Bible?”
Well, you will have to go to the scriptures to find that out.
“Whatever happened to the Spirit of truth that would guide us and lead us into all truth?”
How is it that you know about the spirit of truth that would guide to the all truth? Is it from the written word? Yes. That is how anyone in the last 19 centuries or so would know about this. Who did JC speak these truths to? To his twelve and if any other disciples were present with him at that time.
What if the all truth was already given and we simply do not recognize it as such? Would we need that we be guided to the all truth any more? When Jesus spoke those words, were the four gospels written down yet? Was the book of Acts written down yet. Was Paul's epistles written down yet? How about Peter's and John's and Jude's? Hmmmm. Having the complete word of God now, is there any more truth to be had? Or do we have it all now?“Carnal religious people follow a mere man and not God!!!
Interesting comment.
Have you actually considered what you are saying here or is this just a mantra you picked up from your trinitarian friends?
Does Jesus Christ being a man, the son of God, make him mere?
Jesus Christ accomplished a lot of things in his life.
Let's compare his life with yours.
How many blind have you made to see?
How many lame have you made to walk?
How many deaf and dumb have you healed?
How many times has God audibly spoken to you, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased?”
How many people have you raised from the dead?
Of of how many people have you cast out devil spirits?
Do you always speak that which is right in the sight of God?
Are you the way, the truth and the life?
Did you come so that people could live life more than abundantly?
Did God ascend you to the right hand of His throne?
Need I go on?
I will, though.
Have you been tempted in all ways, yet without sin?
Have you fed thousands with one “happy meal”?
Are you the one who will sit in the throne of David forever?
Maybe, some other folk would like to ask of you some questions?
Jesus Christ does not sound like a mere man to me.
Have you done so many wonderful things in your life that there is not room in the entire world for all the books that could be written about you?
Does he sound like a mere man to you, anymore?
Oh, Jesus said that his disciples would do the same works that he did and greater works.
Seems like we have a lot of learning to do, if we are to do the same works, let alone greater works.
Or maybe you have done all these already?
Are you not a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you not want to follow him in his love and obedience to his heavenly Father?
I do. I can. I am.
Are you the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world?
Are you the true vine?
Are you the head of the body?
Are you the man that is the mediator between God and men?
Have you healed any one that was oppressed of the devil?
Are you the perfect image of God?
See II Corinthians 5:16, Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh, yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more (according to the flesh)
How is this possible? We now can know him spiritually.
Have a nice day.
June 26, 2010 at 6:10 pm#200137martian
ParticipantQuote (barley @ June 26 2010,12:32) Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 26 2010,02:20) Quote (martian @ June 25 2010,09:25) As you agreed Barley, A preexistent Christ raises all kinds of questions about the nature of Christ including his ability to be our example. We can never be certain of how he did anything. Was it a God or a man that did it.
So then all we need is 4 Gospels to base our lives on by following Jesus when he was in the flesh?HMMM, I wonder what the early believers did before the NT was written or those who did not have a Bible?
Whatever happened to the Spirit of truth that would guide us and lead us into all truth?
Carnal religious people follow a mere man and not God!!!
“So then all we need is 4 Gospels to base our lives on by following Jesus when he was in the flesh?”
From where do you get that idea?
“HMMM, I wonder what the early believers did before the NT was written or those who did not have a Bible?”
Well, you will have to go to the scriptures to find that out.
“Whatever happened to the Spirit of truth that would guide us and lead us into all truth?”
How is it that you know about the spirit of truth that would guide to the all truth? Is it from the written word? Yes. That is how anyone in the last 19 centuries or so would know about this. Who did JC speak these truths to? To his twelve and if any other disciples were present with him at that time.
What if the all truth was already given and we simply do not recognize it as such? Would we need that we be guided to the all truth any more? When Jesus spoke those words, were the four gospels written down yet? Was the book of Acts written down yet. Was Paul's epistles written down yet? How about Peter's and John's and Jude's? Hmmmm. Having the complete word of God now, is there any more truth to be had? Or do we have it all now?“Carnal religious people follow a mere man and not God!!!
Interesting comment.
Have you actually considered what you are saying here or is this just a mantra you picked up from your trinitarian friends?
Does Jesus Christ being a man, the son of God, make him mere?
Jesus Christ accomplished a lot of things in his life.
Let's compare his life with yours.
How many blind have you made to see?
How many lame have you made to walk?
How many deaf and dumb have you healed?
How many times has God audibly spoken to you, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased?”
How many people have you raised from the dead?
Of of how many people have you cast out devil spirits?
Do you always speak that which is right in the sight of God?
Are you the way, the truth and the life?
Did you come so that people could live life more than abundantly?
Did God ascend you to the right hand of His throne?
Need I go on?
I will, though.
Have you been tempted in all ways, yet without sin?
Have you fed thousands with one “happy meal”?
Are you the one who will sit in the throne of David forever?
Maybe, some other folk would like to ask of you some questions?
Jesus Christ does not sound like a mere man to me.
Have you done so many wonderful things in your life that there is not room in the entire world for all the books that could be written about you?
Does he sound like a mere man to you, anymore?
Oh, Jesus said that his disciples would do the same works that he did and greater works.
Seems like we have a lot of learning to do, if we are to do the same works, let alone greater works.
Or maybe you have done all these already?
Are you not a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you not want to follow him in his love and obedience to his heavenly Father?
I do. I can. I am.
Are you the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world?
Are you the true vine?
Are you the head of the body?
Are you the man that is the mediator between God and men?
Have you healed any one that was oppressed of the devil?
Are you the perfect image of God?
See II Corinthians 5:16, Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh, yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more (according to the flesh)
How is this possible? We now can know him spiritually.
Have a nice day.
I am beginning to like you more and more. Keep posting. I like it.
MartianJune 26, 2010 at 7:17 pm#200140Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (barley @ June 25 2010,20:32) Does he sound like a mere man to you, anymore?
BarleyThanks, that is exactly what I am trying to say, that Jesus is not a mere man, and he is not like us in every way, because he is the Only Monogenes (only of its kind) Son of God, which means that no other will be like him in every way.
The Arians contend that he was like sinful man in every way.
You forgot to mention that Only Jesus can live in the hearts of every believer world wide and hear their prayers and speak to them all at once. A spider can't do that JA!
Only God can live in men and not a mere man.
Have a nice day also and thanks for listening!
June 26, 2010 at 7:25 pm#200141Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (martian @ June 25 2010,18:35) You are the one always spouting off about God being able to do anything. Doesn't that include the possibility of giving Christ the human being (after his resurrection) the power to be in all men's hearts.
MartianIf you believe that God made a man God, then I could see how you would believe that possiblility.
Our bodies are the Temples of God, yet the Spirit of Christ which is the Spirit of God lives in us!
No rocket science needed here. True believers have “One Spirit” dwelling in them. 2 Cor 13:5
June 26, 2010 at 7:27 pm#200142Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (JustAskin @ June 25 2010,18:40) WJ, I keep telling you that you have lost it.
You 'think' you are Godly but you are earthbound, and tnerefore think earthly things while believinbg you are Spiritual.
And by the way, i notice you tried very hard not to be untruthful. Well, you gotta start somewhere, eh?
('So there is a point that even you will not go beyond' Emperor Hann to Robert Wall, Enter the Dragon)
I did not 'limit God'. In fact, i am showing how much higher God is over mankind, who is 'bound' in a limited dimension.
WJ, if you work out mathematically the dimensional degree that i wrote out, you would be amazed, and yet it is not incredible, but completely 'Spiritually possible'. Only our 'single eyed, Cycopic-like thinking' cannot imagine what it would be like to 'be in more than one place at a time', to 'see and process more than one image' at a time, to think of being in all places at the same time.
But WJ, you WANT to think that it is an 'impossible' thing that only God can do so you can say, 'hey, Jesus did that, so it means that he is God (too?)'
WJ, don't you know what you sound like?
The ad hominem expert at work again!WJ
June 26, 2010 at 8:25 pm#200145JustAskin
I see that you are both observant and astute when it comes to your favourite word (ad hominem). Did you just learn that and can't figure out any other way of saying whatever 'ad hominem' means… What does it mean, anyway?Pity for you then, that your astuteness doesn't extend to Scriptural knowledge or even simple analogy.
(Spider can't be like God!! Measure for measure. An analogy is an analogy. You don't swap half of an anology into the reality…oh, you do when you can't refute the analogy try and thwart your opponent. It is quite evident that the spider with many eyes is being compared to s Cyclops with one eye in terms of multiple processing in a similar analogical way to a multidimensional entity 'processing' its invocation at many places at the same time)
If you can't refute the claim, why not just keep quiet rather than respond with irresponsible and irrational comebacks.
Funnyman, you just exposing deliberate ignorance, pretentions
.. and …
'God hates a pretender.'June 26, 2010 at 8:46 pm#200151Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (JustAskin @ June 26 2010,15:25) WJ,
I see that you are both observant and astute when it comes to your favourite word (ad hominem). Did you just learn that and can't figure out any other way of saying whatever 'ad hominem' means… What does it mean, anyway?Pity for you then, that your astuteness doesn't extend to Scriptural knowledge or even simple analogy.
(Spider can't be like God!! Measure for measure. An analogy is an analogy. You don't swap half of an anology into the reality…oh, you do when you can't refute the analogy try and thwart your opponent. It is quite evident that the spider with many eyes is being compared to s Cyclops with one eye in terms of multiple processing in a similar analogical way to a multidimensional entity 'processing' its invocation at many places at the same time)
If you can't refute the claim, why not just keep quiet rather than respond with irresponsible and irrational comebacks.
Funnyman, you just exposing deliberate ignorance, pretentions
.. and …
'God hates a pretender.'
Hi allThe following is an example of the ad hominems which JA makes in this one post He can't stop himsself, I guess that is his nature, but it isn't from the Spirit of God.
Ad Hominems
- Pity for you then, that your astuteness doesn't extend to Scriptural knowledge or even simple analogy.
- Funnyman, you just exposing deliberate ignorance, pretentions
.. and …What are you saying JA?
That a spider is a good analogy of Jesus dwelling in millions of believers all over the world hearing their prayers and speaking to them at once, and not only that he is upholding all things with the word of his power at the same time?
Is this what you have to descend to in proving a Biblical concept?
Is there any analogy that you can compare to an infinite being?
How about this, every thing in the infinite universe is basically energy, yet Jesus has full control of all of that energy because he upholds all things by the word of his power and by him all things consist.
This again means Jesus is God.
June 26, 2010 at 9:12 pm#200152JustAskin
You have sunk to the very depths.
You can go no lower except for the ultimate 'perdition'.
I warned you many times this would happen. What i'm saying is not new to you.
Ad hominem
Ad hominem
Ad hominemDoes anyone know what this means?
I asked you but you didn't respond. Is it because you don't know? You just like the sound of it…poor you!
Did someone say you are a Pastor, written book(s) and other things, maybe? Did you sell any books? Whats the book(s) called.
Of course, people can't 'criticise' a book so whatever you wrote in it remains. People can analize the content but you are under no obligations to respond so you are quite 'safe' from exposure.
However in this forum, you are exposed to immediate criticism and your ideology is immediately scrutinised and you cannot hide.This is why you fail, WJ. You thought you had it safe here but you forgot that one day your match would meet you, your doppleganger…that's me, Wj, snd you can't get away…I know you, i know your ways…
WJ, you can run, but you can't hide… Every futile nonesense you utter comes back to rip back into you.WJ, do you know how to getaway? Speak the truth, then i will disappear…i told you already, did you not believe me….oh, did i forget…you must 'continue' speaking truth!
Now, WJ, give it a try? Just try it?
Try it now.
Say something in the Holy Spirit.
Say something from the Holy Spirit.Say something 'in truth' concerning your belief in God. WJ, do you 'worship Jesus'…straight answer..nothing hidden, nothing secret…do you worship Jesus?
Do you worship the Holy Spirit?
Do you wirship the father?Individual answers please, WJ.
Remember, you are under oath to the Holy Spirit as of this moment.
WJ, this is SERIOUS.
WJ, do you understand how serious that is?
June 26, 2010 at 9:15 pm#200153KangarooJack
ParticipantJuatAskin asked:
Quote WJ, do you 'worship Jesus'…straight answer..nothing hidden, nothing secret…do you worship Jesus?
Duh…. He goes by the name “WorshippingJesus” doesn't he?KJ
June 26, 2010 at 9:34 pm#200155martian
ParticipantQuote (WorshippingJesus @ June 27 2010,06:17) Quote (barley @ June 25 2010,20:32) Does he sound like a mere man to you, anymore?
BarleyThanks, that is exactly what I am trying to say, that Jesus is not a mere man, and he is not like us in every way, because he is the Only Monogenes (only of its kind) Son of God, which means that no other will be like him in every way.
The Arians contend that he was like sinful man in every way.
You forgot to mention that Only Jesus can live in the hearts of every believer world wide and hear their prayers and speak to them all at once. A spider can't do that JA!
Only God can live in men and not a mere man.
Have a nice day also and thanks for listening!
How many times, How mny times. do you know what powers Jesus was given after his resurrection?
And it was God that put Jesus in the hearts of men. Obviously it was something that God did and not something Jesus could do on his own.Since when is man sinfull. do you believe in that blasted catholic dogma of original sin?
You kow WJ the more you post the more you draw away from real Christianity.
You believe that YHWH has a corporal body. You downgrade or deny Chrst as our example. And you give Christ abilities during his Earthly life that are shown no where in scripture till after his resurrection.June 26, 2010 at 9:37 pm#200157Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (JustAskin @ June 26 2010,16:12) WJ, You have sunk to the very depths.
You can go no lower except for the ultimate 'perdition'.
I warned you many times this would happen. What i'm saying is not new to you.
Ad hominem
Ad hominem
Ad hominemDoes anyone know what this means?
I asked you but you didn't respond. Is it because you don't know? You just like the sound of it…poor you!
Did someone say you are a Pastor, written book(s) and other things, maybe? Did you sell any books? Whats the book(s) called.
Of course, people can't 'criticise' a book so whatever you wrote in it remains. People can analize the content but you are under no obligations to respond so you are quite 'safe' from exposure.
However in this forum, you are exposed to immediate criticism and your ideology is immediately scrutinised and you cannot hide.This is why you fail, WJ. You thought you had it safe here but you forgot that one day your match would meet you, your doppleganger…that's me, Wj, snd you can't get away…I know you, i know your ways…
WJ, you can run, but you can't hide… Every futile nonesense you utter comes back to rip back into you.WJ, do you know how to getaway? Speak the truth, then i will disappear…i told you already, did you not believe me….oh, did i forget…you must 'continue' speaking truth!
Now, WJ, give it a try? Just try it?
Try it now.
Say something in the Holy Spirit.
Say something from the Holy Spirit.Say something 'in truth' concerning your belief in God. WJ, do you 'worship Jesus'…straight answer..nothing hidden, nothing secret…do you worship Jesus?
Do you worship the Holy Spirit?
Do you wirship the father?Individual answers please, WJ.
Remember, you are under oath to the Holy Spirit as of this moment.
WJ, this is SERIOUS.
WJ, do you understand how serious that is?
JAIs your chair broken from standing on it and jumping up and down on it in your rage?
Is your keyboard broken from banging on it to hard?
Is your chest sore from beating it?
These little fits of yours only prove what you are, and your conduct is not of the Holy Spirit.
Why in the world are you a moderator anyway?
Why in the world are you asking me what ad hominems are?
A good student would look it up. But I guess I will do it for you!
Ad Hominem
Compact Oxford English Dictionary…
- (of an argument) personal rather than objective.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language…
- Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason:
Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary…
- appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
- abusive usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent, but can also involve pointing out factual but ostensible character flaws or actions which are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and even true negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions.
Does the above fit your post to a tee?
June 26, 2010 at 9:44 pm#200158KangarooJack
ParticipantQuote (martian @ June 27 2010,08:34) Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 27 2010,06:17) Quote (barley @ June 25 2010,20:32) Does he sound like a mere man to you, anymore?
BarleyThanks, that is exactly what I am trying to say, that Jesus is not a mere man, and he is not like us in every way, because he is the Only Monogenes (only of its kind) Son of God, which means that no other will be like him in every way.
The Arians contend that he was like sinful man in every way.
You forgot to mention that Only Jesus can live in the hearts of every believer world wide and hear their prayers and speak to them all at once. A spider can't do that JA!
Only God can live in men and not a mere man.
Have a nice day also and thanks for listening!
How many times, How mny times. do you know what powers Jesus was given after his resurrection?
And it was God that put Jesus in the hearts of men. Obviously it was something that God did and not something Jesus could do on his own.Since when is man sinfull. do you believe in that blasted catholic dogma of original sin?
You kow WJ the more you post the more you draw away from real Christianity.
You believe that YHWH has a corporal body. You downgrade or deny Chrst as our example. And you give Christ abilities during his Earthly life that are shown no where in scripture till after his resurrection.
Martian,How many times how many times? At the resurrection the Father gave back to Jesus all that which He gave up in the first place.
You deny Christ's preexistence. But Paul said, “Though He was rich, yet He became poor for your sakes.”
Jesus was never rich at any time of His earthly life. Therefore, He was rich in His preincarnate condition and He gave it up for our sakes. It was given back to Him at His resurrection.
Read the Bible once in a while.
the Roo
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