Prayer for Others

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  • #193314

    Beloved Prayer Partners:
    I would like to praise God and hi Son Jesus for comforting Kathi's Dad. Betty F. has been blessed with renewed strength and healings. Praise God ! Tim P. is doing much better these days, with his battle with cancer. He is getting around and went fishing with the family. Praise God ! and least of all I am doing much better because of the prayers of the faithful and that God answered them ; Glory to God and His Son Jesus for my healing……..


    Beloved Prayer partners:
    We're asked by my nephew ;
    Please pray for my former student who is now 11 years old. She was in a very bad car accident late Monday night and is in critical condition as she was in the front seat without wearing a seatbelt…ejected from the van on US 19.



    Prayers and blessings to her and the ones surronding her at this time.


    Quote (thehappyman @ June 03 2010,23:11)
    Beloved Prayer partners:
          We're asked by my nephew ;
    Please pray for my former student who is now 11 years old. She was in a very bad car accident late Monday night and is in critical condition as she was in the front seat without wearing a seatbelt…ejected from the van on US 19.

    May the LORD be with all who are suffering, Your will be done for all!!!! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen


    Again I need to ask for prayers for our Daughter. She is having a real bad time, in fact She told me that if it were not for Her Son, She would put an end to all. She has lost Her will to live. I am real concerned about Her… Please pray for Her, thank you and may God richly bless you, in Jesus name Amen….Irene


    Beloved Prayer Partners:
    Let us bind together for healing and spiritual renewing.

    Our Beloved Father , Almighty that you are , please address this situation with Irene 's daughter and son. May their be a renewing of faith and healing from your anointing this day that you have made. In the name of Jesus we pray…..Amen


    Quote (thehappyman @ June 09 2010,18:14)
    Beloved Prayer Partners:
                Let us bind together for healing and spiritual renewing.
    Our Beloved Father , Almighty that you are , please address this situation with Irene 's daughter and son. May their be a renewing of faith and healing from your anointing this day that you have made. In the name of Jesus we pray…..Amen

    Thank you so much for your prayers it is very much appreciated…. She is feeling somewhat better, but not 100%. We have put Her in God's hands and there She will stay, in Jesus name, Amen


    Hi Irene,
    My heart goes out to your daughter. May God shine upon her and be gracious to her and lift her countenances up. He is the lifter of our head.


    Please pray again for my Dad…I can't even talk about it. Thanks!


    Beloved Prayer Partners :

    Our Father Almighty and True; we thank you for the days You have given. Many of these days have been awesome and yet Beloved Father we ask that You may comfort Kathie's Dad and bless her soul and her loved ones. We thank you for the plan of salvation and the path which leads to glory. In Jesus precious name we pray, amen .


    Quote (Lightenup @ June 10 2010,16:51)
    Please pray again for my Dad…I can't even talk about it.  Thanks!

    Hi Kathi! I have prayed for your Dad every night, I hope knowing makes you feel at ease. May God be with you and your Father. Keep Him in God's Hands, and bless Him and you…. I pray in Jesus name always, Irene


    Thanks so much Irene and Happyman,
    My dad is seriously thinking of quitting kidney dialysis and that means certain death within a few weeks or so. It is all weighing heavily on the family. I'm heading up there again for another 10 hour trip later this week.


    Quote (Lightenup @ June 12 2010,12:58)
    Thanks so much Irene and Happyman,
    My dad is seriously thinking of quitting kidney dialysis and that means certain death within a few weeks or so.  It is all weighing heavily on the family.  I'm heading up there again for another 10 hour trip later this week.

    Kathi! I am so sorry to hear that your Dad has lost His will to life. Please be assured that I am still praying for Him. Praying for His will to change to live…..May God all of you bless, you and keep you in Hos Love….Irene


    Dear Prayer Partners:
    Please pray for young Ryan C. , he has children diabetes and he has to take insulin
    three times a day. Also remember Sister Kathi as she travels to see her Dad. And Lord keep your hand upon Irene's daughter and son …. in the name of Jesus …. amen


    Beloved Prayer Partners:
    Ben P. ; this young boy lost his toe to an lawn mower, They found it and has reattached
    the toe. Please ask our Lord to heal his wounds and to have no infection.
    Betty S. is going to have an colostomy done this month and have about 12″ of her intestine removed. Please ask our Lord to keep her safe and infection free.
    Earl Y. has to back for more treatment for his cancer growths.
    Sharon B. breast cancer for the second time, she is emotionally stressed.
    Kim M. has double pneumonia, she needs a healing.
    Jock S. has the shingles, he hopes that he will recover by the weeks end , he prays; let us join him in prayer.
    Lillen J. cancer ; …. Rev. S. Guyer needs a healing…
    Brian M. unspoken may our Lord be with him always.
    Chad M. unspoken …..
    Carolyn M. unspoken ….

    Blessed Holy Father we seek with an humble heart filled with your grace and mercies to bless all mentioned and those whom have needs with ; such as Kathi 's Dad and Irene's kin ; and every beloved called unto Your salvation. In Jesus name we pray ….. Amen


    Hi Irene and Happyman,
    Keep praying. I'm here at my parent's home and we had a visit from a friend who is a Hospice nurse tonight and we all took communion as a family with the pastor that was here. My dad is strongly considering going off dialysis…I'm not sure this should happen, his mind is still great! Pray for other options to help his life be better.

    Happyman, I will lift up your prayer requests before our Lord.

    Thanks so much, Kathi


    Hi Kathi!  Please don't take this the wrong way what I am about to say!!!  Somehow I understand your Father.  I think He has probably suffered a lot  and wanting to put an end to that suffering.  I can understand since I too have suffered with my sicknesses.  The idea that we one day will suffer no more is looking good to your Father…. If I had a choice, I too would choose the same way… Please don't misunderstand me, I would rather live, but what kind of life would it be to suffer more and more.  Would it not be a release for some that have suffered so much??? I know you love your Father and so does your Family and it would be hard for all of you, I know that….Will be praying for all concerned… with all of my love Irene


    Thanks Irene, I know what you are saying and my dad knows that we all support his decision. He made his decision tonight and will be going off of dialysis probably next week and I feel kinda yuck.

    Bless you,


    Quote (Lightenup @ June 19 2010,14:30)
    Thanks Irene, I know what you are saying and my dad knows that we all support his decision.  He made his decision tonight and will be going off of dialysis probably next week and I feel kinda yuck.

    Bless you,

    Will be praying for all of You, to except whatever will happen. We know that He is in God's Hands and He wants what is best for your Dad. May the LORD keep you, my the LORD bless you, may His light shine upon You and give you peace. In Jesus name we pray….Amen


    PLease pray for Kathy (Lightenup) Her Father is going to die, because He did turn off the kindney dialysis. She is with Her Dad 24 hrs. and She is not in to good of Spirits right now. So please keep Her and Her Dad and Family in your Prayers……,..Irene

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