Prayer for Others

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  • #97601

    Thanks Adam,
    It is good to be missed and good to be back. I had good quiet time with scripture while I was away.


    Hi Kathi, Welcome back, have missed you. Happy for you that all went good. So did you put your Deer into the Carrossel now?
    Love Irene :D :D


    Quote (Irene @ July 15 2008,16:18)
    Hi Kathi, Welcome back, have missed you. Happy for you that all went good. So did you put your Deer into the Carrossel now?
    Love Irene :D :D

    Hi Irene,
    Thanks for your prayers. Yes, finally my deer is on the carousel. I haven't seen it there yet, maybe today. My hubbie saw it yesterday and tried it out. All is good. I am so thankful to have it done. Maybe I will send you a picture.


    Hi Prayer Partners:
    I would like everyone to know the victory Christ Jesus has done through your prayers.
    Catie had her surgery and is doing great ! Praise God
    My wife Mary , 4 heart attacts and God has healed thus this far.
    Sheila M . God exposed her problem and now she is doing really great.
    2 yrs Zachary is now running on his stumps better than some with two feet, lol, Praise God
    Amanda C. is growing and being blessed everyday and is now 4 yrs old , Glory to God
    God is love ! :laugh:


    Hi Prayer Partners:
    They came to ask us to pray. I said so be it, we shall.
    Winchester,Va prayer partners have (39 Emails) with numerous request . Each one is as important as the other.
    We have some that came to us in person to have the elders pray for them after their repentance's.
    Christine with family matters to be addressed by God in leadership.
    David R. , for encouragement in the ministry God gave him.
    Carolyn's husband passed to glory and she needs help with her youngins and herself to trust more in Jesus.
    Sister Betty H. came to receive an healing and confidence in Jesus.
    Kevin is being attacked by spiritual darkness. Confusion , depression , losing self esteem.
    Sister Mayclaff is having blood clots.
    Mark S is having need for salvation to be more than just a word, but a way of life.
    Vicki broke her ankle
    Ralph P. ministering in the jails ask for a greater anointing and to see the souls in prison saved in the name of Jesus.
    Sister Emogene Y. has fallen and was unable to be in service, yet, we prayed for her. please pray for her too.
    Ava H has cancer and we're ask to pray for her and her husband .
    Hubert C. asked for his family to receive salvation before it becomes to late. Please pray for his family.

    Victory report for Adam , he had brain surgery and is doing great , Praise to the Lord.!


    Hello happyman Good to see you. We will pray for all.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Happyman,
    I praise our Mighty God who has done all wonders in the lives of our brothers and sisters.
    May God continue to bless you and your family.


    We are needing some prayer again. My oldest two boys are sick and have been for a week or two. One probably has walking pneumonia and the other probably has mono. The son with the walking pneumonia is living alone at college. Please pray that the right meds/treatment will be given and followed.

    Thank you!


    Hi Kathi! Sorry your Son's are sick and I will pray for them.
    I also want to pray for unity on this website. We all need to respect our Brothers and Sisters in Peace and Love. Getting upset with others because of Sriptures is not wise, is it? You do agree? It is hard to disagree with someone in a loving way, I do realize that. Amd sometimes it sounds harsh, even tho it is only showing truth.
    When the J.W. came to our House and told us about that Jesus was created, I too told the Guy that He was crazy.
    So we all need to be patient with each other. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Irene,
    Thank you for your prayers for my sons. My oldest found out that he didn't have walking pneumonia, thank God and my other son is feeling better.

    As far as unity on this website, there is some. Several of us are united in truth. Others aren't. It is a shame.
    If I sound harsh well, so did Jesus. He called people a “brood of vipers.” I believe that I have shown much patience and gentleness on here and at times I may sound harsh, I am sure, but it is because I believe that some are misleading many readers or continually enabling others to not grow. This is not a happy hour that we come to enjoy. I do enjoy my fellowship that I have with you and I thank you for that.
    Love, Kathi


    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 15 2008,08:17)
    We all need to respect our Brothers and Sisters in Peace and Love. Getting upset with others because of Sriptures is not wise, is it? You do agree? It is hard to disagree with someone in a loving way, I do realize that.

    Sis Irene,

    Thank you for this post! It is not our jobs to call the children of God. It's not even our job to help them understand the scriptures. Wisdom comes from heaven to those that ask, and God draws us by his holy Spirit.

    However we are instructed to be kind and loving and forgiving. I suppose this is the most difficult to do – that is why all the commandments hang on the two commandments that include LOVE. Love God and love people. It takes practice, I guess. Heavenet is a good place to practice! :) For many this is not just a place to come to debate scripture, it is fellowship and place where they receive caring of their souls. We should all be sensitive to that fact.

    How is Georg after his surgery? How are you both doing lately? You both are still on my prayer list….



    Quote (Lightenup @ Aug. 17 2008,00:52)
    This is not a happy hour that we come to enjoy.

    I enjoy every moment that I am here. If you are find that you are not enjoying it, you may want to revisit why you come here?

    Unity in the Spirit can be for all, even if we do not agree on the interpretation of scripture. What binds us together is love. We bear one another's burden's regardless of our denominational preference or scriptural interpretaions – this brings unity! Praise God!

    For instance, Keith and I do not agree on a lot of things scripturally but he sure has been a great brother to me!! He has picked me up and prayed for me, he has encouraged me when I was so down that I nearly gave up. We have unity in the gracious Spirit of God with Christ. We are family, yet he is a “trinitarian” and I guess I would be deemed a “unitarian”. But we are both Christians and we are bound together with our love for God, and our dear Lord Jesus.

    That's unity, baby! Oh, ya! :)



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Aug. 17 2008,04:32)

    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 15 2008,08:17)
    We all need to respect our Brothers and Sisters in Peace and Love. Getting upset with others because of Sriptures is not wise, is it? You do agree? It is hard to disagree with someone in a loving way, I do realize that.

    Sis Irene,

    Thank you for this post!  It is not our jobs to call the children of God.  It's not even our job to help them understand the scriptures.  Wisdom comes from heaven to those that ask, and God draws us by his holy Spirit.

    However we are instructed to be kind and loving and forgiving.  I suppose this is the most difficult to do – that is why all the commandments hang on the two commandments that include LOVE.  Love God and love people.  It takes practice, I guess.  Heavenet is a good place to practice!  :)  For many this is not just a place to come to debate scripture, it is fellowship and place where they receive caring of their souls.  We should all be sensitive to that fact.  

    How is Georg after his surgery?  How are you both doing lately?  You both are still on my prayer list….


    Mandy! Georg did not have to have Surgery, thank God. He just has to have a Biopsy done every 3 Months. It is Cancer but a very slow kind and a very small tumor at this time. No Surgery since He is over 70 years old. He is very cool about all and we don't worry about it. We are both in God,s hands.
    I would like to ask all to pray however for me, the last two weeks I was not able to walk on my feet. my right foot has an infection in it and is all swollen. Have been in bed most of these two weeks. My Doctor thinks it is Tendonitis. I also have Nerve Damage in both feet from my Diabetes's. That makes it feel like I have no feet at all. Weird feeling.
    oh, well Jesus will come soon, I hope.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Thanks for the update, Irene. I'm sorry to hear about your feet – that must be so maddening sometimes. I know that when I sprained my ankle last year I was very impatient with the slow healing. I had to hop everywhere (and no running for me which is like a slow death). Anyway, take care of you and Georg.

    Love to you both,


    Jah, just another pain to get use to. You know what, with God's help all is possible. Sometimes just sitting on the deck surrounded by Tree's and my Impatience, I look up into into the Sun and let the Sun make me warm all over. Then I think of God and His Love how He made all this beauty for us, and I feel very small, yet important, cause He must have loved us to do all of it for us. Jesus tells us that His Father is working. HMMMMMMMMMMMM What kind of work does it take to keep the Universe alive.
    But then again I think does God even have to do this?
    I look up into the Atmosphere and see how void and with out life all other planets are. Will we one day make these Planets beautiful? Just day dreaming in the middle of the night. Got nothing better to do but to talk to God about all of you too. I like to just talk to God and tell Him all what is in my Heart.
    How much I have appreciated this Website. To come here and just talk about God. You just can't do that in any Church. I always have found that kind of odd, to go to Church and all are talking about what they did last week. I am thinking is that fellowship? I thought we should talk about God here, Hello.
    O.K. I am finished now, Good morning all, have a nice day.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 17 2008,22:11)
    Just day dreaming in the middle of the night.

    I love the above quote! It should be on a card or something.

    I feel like you do, Irene. Heavennet means more to me than just a website that we come to do debating. I've learned a lot here that encompasses more than just scripture. For a lot of people this website has become a sort of “family”. I agree wholeheartedly! :)



    Please pray for the people of Florida. I have a friend in Sebring, Florida and my Husbands Brother lives in Tampa.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hello all! Unfortunate Georg has to have Radiation Treatments. He has to go every day for 8 weeks, except on Saturdays and Sundays. It is rather interesting how they are going to take a small needle and shoot Radiation into His Pancreas. One good thing it is painless.
    So please pry for Him, thank you.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Guest @ Aug. 26 2008,13:21)
    Hello all! Unfortunate Georg has to have Radiation Treatments. He has to go every day for 8 weeks, except on Saturdays and Sundays. It is rather interesting how they are going to take a small needle and shoot Radiation into His Pancreas. One good thing it is painless.
    So please pry for Him, thank you.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene:

    Praying that God will heal your husband.

    God Bless


    Quote (Guest @ Aug. 26 2008,13:21)
    Hello all! Unfortunate Georg has to have Radiation Treatments. He has to go every day for 8 weeks, except on Saturdays and Sundays. It is rather interesting how they are going to take a small needle and shoot Radiation into His Pancreas. One good thing it is painless.
    So please pry for Him, thank you.
    Peace and Love Irene


    A couple things concern me, first of all is Georg, of course.  Does he have pancreatic cancer?  I thought it was something else that he had?  And second it looks like you are a “Guest” now and have unregistered?  Are you having trouble with your account again?

    I was thinking about you today and wondered if you had been posting here recently?  I'm unsure nowadays who is here and who is not as I visit here and there.


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