Pray for the United States

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    Today is the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attack against the United States of America. The terror of this attack was not just felt in the United States, but throughout all the world. For the most mighty nation on the earth was shown just how vulnerable she really was.

    This nation which use to stand for righteousness and uphold that which is of God has turned her back to the ways of the Lord and has become a land of lawlessness. This nation aborts millions of babies. It promotes homosexuality. And her churches no longer preach the Word of God, but the word of men. God has removed the protective hedge that once protected this once great nation and the proof is the attack of 9/11.

    Other warnings have been sent and are continuing to be sent in the forms of natural catastrophies, but they are ignored.

    Will this nation wake up before she is completely destroyed?

    I don't believe so. And the reason why is how quickly the people of this nation forgot about the attack on their nation and went back to life as they knew it. Their life of sin. Even though at the time, there was an increase of people going to church at the time of the attacks, it did not last long before the numbers faded away. I blame it mostly on the dead churches.

    It is for this reason I ask all to pray for the United States and also that God sent life back into the churches so that the churches will leave the doctrines of men and once again stand on the Word of God.

    For if this nation does not repent, her punishment will be greater then any nation has ever received. For to know the truth and deny it is worse then to never of known the truth at all.


    Hi H,

    You said
    ” Even though at the time, there was an increase of people going to church at the time of the attacks, it did not last long before the numbers faded away. I blame it mostly on the dead churches.”

    Does going to church, any church, really restore us in our relationship with God, or does it just give us false sense of security? Surely we should seek first the kingdom?

    Acts 4
    ” 10Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

    11This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

    12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

    Is there salvation in the name of churches?


    It is for this reason I ask all to pray for the United States and also that God sent life back into the churches so that the churches will leave the doctrines of men and once again stand on the Word of God.

    Why not pray for God's kingdom and not those of man?

    DANIEL 2:44
    ““And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;”

    “Now we speak wisdom among those who are mature, but not the wisdom of this system of things nor that of the rulers of this system of things, who are to come to nothing.”

    1 CORINTHIANS 15:24
    “Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.”

    I'm not saying anything against the people of the U.S. I'm saying Jesus didn't tell us to pray for human governments. He said to pray for his Father's kingdom. (Mat 6:9,10)

    As for the churches, in ancient Babylon’s heyday, the abundant waters of the Euphrates were a major part of her defense system.
    But those waters dried up when they were diverted from their course by the Persian leader Cyrus. Thus, the way was open for Cyrus the Persian and Darius the Mede, the kings from “the rising of the sun” (that is, the east), to enter Babylon and conquer it. In the hour of crisis, the river Euphrates failed in the defense of that great city. (Isaiah 44:27–45:7; Jeremiah 51:36)

    Something similar is due to happen to modern Babylon, the worldwide system of false religion.

    Babylon the Great “sits on many waters.”
    According to Revelation 17:1, 15, these symbolize “peoples and crowds and nations and tongues”—hordes of adherents that she has regarded as a protection. But the “waters” are drying up.

    We should not pray for Babylon the Great. God has fortold it's destruction. Why pray against God's will?


    David, do you live in the United States?


    I do not live in the U.S. I do visit it's Land of Disney from time to time.
    Two weeks after the attack, I was in New York and then Washington. I just happened to be going on a tour at the time and it was schedualed for that time. The experience was surreal. The people and the state they were in was surreal. The shock and smell in the air, surreal. The heightened sense of fear, ungripping. The only think I could compare it to was found in Washington, at the Holocaust museum. Unthinkable things. Sad things.

    I think it far more appropriate to pray that individuals draw close to God, as opposed to praying for one nation. To do so would seem to make a person a part of the world. Yes, people are dying, all over the world. Yes, there is suffering, all over the world. Yes, there is fear, all over the world. I believe a Christian should be politacally neutral and to stand for God's kingdom. The inability of human governments to solve mankinds problems and bring about peace and an end to suffering and wickedness and sin and death only highlights the need for God's Kingdom.

    Heiscoming, what do you think?


    In New Zealand we were asleep when it happened.

    I got a call from my brother at about 5.00am I think. He told me that America had been attacked and to turn on the TV.

    The first thing I saw were the twin towers on fire and repeats of vide footage of the planes that slammed into them. After taking that in, I turned the channel to another news broadcaster and their coverage was better as they also had the shots and the story of the Pentagon.

    When I went to work, I remember that everybody knew what happened but no one talked about it till later on.

    A few days later, we had a BBQ and invited my friend who was an English teacher and he invited some of his foreign students. Most were from China. I was a little shocked at their reaction to the events. They were pretty much in agreement that America deserved it and they appeared to be satisfied, especially since one of their embassies had been accidentally bombed by the Americans.

    New Zealand is so far from anywhere that you feel that the rest of the world is on another planet sometimes. But those few days made me feel it was right on our doorstep.


    New Zealand is an ally of the United States as well as Australia. And because of that, they are considered targets as well by the moslems. Any nation that stands on the ten commandments and christianity are the enemies of Islam. I think the ones to watch will be Europe. Many moslem comprise the population of Europe and according the Revelations, ten nations will be in control in the end of days. And it will be the Revised Roman Empire who will be the antichrist and the moslems, along with all of the world will believe he is the salvation of the world.

    The day of the attack on the towers, my mother called me weeping. She told me that a plane had flown into one of the towers. I had the television on and was watching for about the space of thirty minutes when the other plane struck the other tower. It was then I know it was a deliberate attack. As the days events unfolded, all my fears were verified.

    When the other plane hit the second tower, I called my mother and told her the building would fall. She would not believe me, but I couldn't see how they would stand. Now, if I knew this and I was watching TV, I am sure those who tried to save lives knew it in their hearts as well, and that did not stop them. Anyway, allot of tears were shed that day. And of those who did not, it just lets you know who is of God and who is not. I still feel like crying just thinking of the awful day.

    One thing is for certain, there is more to come if America does not change her ways. Yet, that should not stop those who are of Christ from praying for her revival. For even though it is believed that the U.S. is Babylon, does not make it so. It is possible is may just be only a city.


    Will this country wake up? NO! Why? Because we are in the VERY last days and things like these are suppose to happen. Just the other day there was an Earth Quake off the coast of Louisiana! There are no fault lines in or around Louisiana. Louisiana is floating mud! EarthQuakes in different places!

    Mat 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places.

    Just the beginning:
    Mat 24:8 But all these things are the beginning of travail.


    Just as in the days of Noah. They ate and drank, refusing to believe that catastropy was coming upon them. The same it happening today. Many are scared, but their love for sin is so strong, they will not turn to God and most will perish.

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