Praise God!

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  • #10310

    Hello brothers and sisters.. i found this site yesterday and am looking forward to fellowship with all of you… i am currently reading the book of Enoch and it is amazing me more and more each day… this is a test post but i wanted to praise the Lord and thank Him for all His wonderful blessings and teachings… Amen



    Welcome AbbazGirl.


    Since we have washed our robes in the blood of the lamb. Are we to do the commandments? Rev. 22:14


    Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 04 2006,15:24)
    Since we have washed our robes in the blood of the lamb.  Are we to do the commandments? Rev. 22:14

    Think I'll go back to black. I'm half color blind anyway :D


    This site seems to be slow. Every other site is fine.
    Let me try to post this.


    Seems to be working fine right now?! ???


    My poor lambs. How I weep at your slaughter. He has blinded you all.



    Crocodile tears Semjaza.

    Scripture Seeker

    Quote (Semjâzâ @ June 06 2006,06:40)
    My poor lambs. How I weep at your slaughter. He has blinded you all.


    Hi Semjaza,

    Do you believe the word is truth?

    If so please show me Gods truth! I believe the word is truth!

    If not where do you receive your authority from?

    Who is Jesus to you! He is my saviour my lord and God, he is not the Father but one with the Father. Do you dare to separate the only beloved Son from the only Father of all?

    Interested to know where you think your enlightenment comes from.


    Is 1:18

    Who is Jesus to you! He is my saviour my lord and God

    Amen Scripture Seeker!….you, me and Thomas! (and not a lot of others here, it seems).



    Is 1:18,

    There you go again. Agreeing with anyone that disagrees with us.

    You teach that the son and the Father are the same being if you teach the Trinity.

    Such teaching is lies.

    You are to be pitied.


    Only God gives the growth not the comprehension of our minds but the work of the Spirit on our soil.
    God never gave up on Paul even tough his actions were the most destructive and antichrist opposing the spread of the gospel of Jesus. But Paul loved God and His love and study of scripture gave him deep insights on the OT.  
    God used the knowledge gained through the study at the feet of Gamaliel that led him to his early behaviours to make him into the most ardent and effective of the apostles such that he was used to rebuke Peter. He knew the minds of the Pharisees. He knew the teachings of the Sadducees. He was well known to the leaders of the Synagogues and by the Jews and all these were eventually great assets in his service of God. He was able to link the OT with the gospel.

    In my view 1.18 is still sincerely addressing the bible and honestly expressing his understandings and I have no doubt that at some stage that rain constantly falling on his soil will bring forth great fruit. I am sure God has a place for him in the kingdom.

    Be blessed brothers.

    Is 1:18

    Quote (t8 @ June 08 2006,03:42)
    Is 1:18,

    There you go again. Agreeing with anyone that disagrees with us.

    You teach that the son and the Father are the same being if you teach the Trinity.

    Such teaching is lies.

    You are to be pitied.

    Try to be nice t8, even better try to love your neighbour…..(1 John 4:7)


    Is 1:18,

    Why is a rebuke interpreted as a lack of love.
    Jesus even rebuked Peter for good reason.

    Jesus rebuked the Pharisees too. They were hypocrites and blocked the way fo the Kingdom to those who would enter in.

    If you were on a learning curve then that would be fine. Instead you do nothing but oppose the good that God is doing here. You then align yourself with others (even dubious ones) who oppose us.

    You are not searching, nor asking. You are more interested in projecting yourself as 'wise and intelligent' rather than being humble like a child. You are teaching falsely despite the light (scripture) that has be shown you. That is why I pity you.

    False teaching is a sin because it can lead people astray. You are accountable for what you teach. This is not a game. Life and death is in the tongue.

    When you teach you are suppose to help people understand that which God longs for us to know. When you teach falsely, you are meddling with real people who are extremely precious to God. False teaching can have all kinds of adverse effects on people and that really upsets God.

    Mark 9:42
    “And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.

    1 Timothy 1:3
    As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer

    2 Peter 2:1
    But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

    Is 1:18

    Quote (t8 @ June 08 2006,11:55)
    Is 1:18,

    Why is a rebuke interpreted as a lack of love.
    Jesus even rebuked Peter for good reason.

    I don't know what gives you the impression that I take into account what you think of me. I don't. If you want to “rebuke” me I would appreciate it if we stick strictly to matters of biblical interpretation. Your comments to me are becoming far to personal, and this is deplorable behaviour for an administrator/moderator of a message board.

    Jesus rebuked the Pharisees too. They were hypocrites and blocked the way fo the Kingdom to those who would enter in.

    You are not Jesus t8. It's amazing to me how often you use yourself analogously this way….

    If you were on a learning curve then that would be fine. Instead you do nothing but oppose the good that God is doing here. You then align yourself with others (even dubious ones) who oppose us.

    Dubious in whose opinion – yours or Gods? I am on a biblical learning curve, its just not heading in the direction of your theology (thankfully!!).

    Let me be clear about this:

  • To the same degree my Christology is replusive to you – yours is to me.
  • To the same degree my Christology is biblically untenable to you – yours is to me.
  • To the same degree you feel I have wandered down a path of destruction – I feel this of you.

    You do not default to a higher theological plateau by disassociating yourself from a mainstream doctrine, t8….your theology will be judged on merit, same as everyone elses.
    I have assessed you theology and found it inconsistent and erroneous. I'm sure you have with mine too. The difference is, I can easily defend my belief that Jesus is God. Your belief that Jesus is “a god” is indefensible. The Bible strongly refutes it.

    You are not searching, nor asking.

    This is a lie. One of many you have written of me.

    This is the fruit that I judge you by t8.

    You are more interested in projecting yourself as 'wise and intelligent' rather than being humble like a child. You are teaching falsely despite the light (scripture) that has be shown you. That is why I pity you.

    Hmmm….I wonder if you would level the same acusation at Paul. When he went and “reasoned” with the Jews in the temples, do you think he used intelligent or unintelligent arguments? Were his writings intelligent or unintelligent? God chose one of the sharpest and best trained intellects available on planet Earth to write about two thirds of the NT….

    BTW I don't see a lot of child-like humbleness in your posts to me…..

    False teaching is a sin because it can lead people astray. You are accountable for what you teach. This is not a game. Life and death is in the tongue.

    I'm not playing a game. Do you think I come here for fun? I have a busy job and a young family, I would not come here to play games…..

    When you teach you are suppose to help people understand that which God longs for us to know. When you teach falsely, you are meddling with real people who are extremely precious to God.

    T8, when you teach falsely, you are meddling with real people who are extremely precious to God…..

    False teaching can have all kinds of adverse effects on people and that really upsets God.

    And you speaking for God on this matter? Has He personally informed you that He is upset with me?

    Mark 9:42
    “And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.

    1 Timothy 1:3
    As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer

    2 Peter 2:1
    But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

    Oh I see now…..I'm supposed to teach people to be bondservants of a big God and a little god….that makes sense. I should have been teaching polytheism all along….



Time out, guys.


To Is 1:18,

Quote (Is 1:18 @ June 09 2006,21:46)

Quote (t8 @ June 08 2006,11:55)
Is 1:18,

Why is a rebuke interpreted as a lack of love.
Jesus even rebuked Peter for good reason.

I don't know what gives you the impression that I take into account what you think of me. I don't. If you want to “rebuke” me I would appreciate it if we stick strictly to matters of biblical interpretation. Your comments to me are becoming far to personal, and this is deplorable behaviour for an administrator/moderator of a message board.

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees too. They were hypocrites and blocked the way fo the Kingdom to those who would enter in.

You are not Jesus t8. It's amazing to me how often you use yourself analogously this way….

If you were on a learning curve then that would be fine. Instead you do nothing but oppose the good that God is doing here. You then align yourself with others (even dubious ones) who oppose us.

Dubious in whose opinion – yours or Gods? I am on a biblical learning curve, its just not heading in the direction of your theology (thankfully!!).

Let me be clear about this:

  • To the same degree my Christology is replusive to you – yours is to me.
  • To the same degree my Christology is biblically untenable to you – yours is to me.
  • To the same degree you feel I have wandered down a path of destruction – I feel this of you.

    You do not default to a higher theological plateau by disassociating yourself from a mainstream doctrine, t8….your theology will be judged on merit, same as everyone elses.
    I have assessed you theology and found it inconsistent and erroneous. I'm sure you have with mine too. The difference is, I can easily defend my belief that Jesus is God. Your belief that Jesus is “a god” is indefensible. The Bible strongly refutes it.

    You are not searching, nor asking.

    This is a lie. One of many you have written of me.

    This is the fruit that I judge you by t8.

    You are more interested in projecting yourself as 'wise and intelligent' rather than being humble like a child. You are teaching falsely despite the light (scripture) that has be shown you. That is why I pity you.

    Hmmm….I wonder if you would level the same acusation at Paul. When he went and “reasoned” with the Jews in the temples, do you think he used intelligent or unintelligent arguments? Were his writings intelligent or unintelligent? God chose one of the sharpest and best trained intellects available on planet Earth to write about two thirds of the NT….

    BTW I don't see a lot of child-like humbleness in your posts to me…..

    False teaching is a sin because it can lead people astray. You are accountable for what you teach. This is not a game. Life and death is in the tongue.

    I'm not playing a game. Do you think I come here for fun? I have a busy job and a young family, I would not come here to play games…..

    When you teach you are suppose to help people understand that which God longs for us to know. When you teach falsely, you are meddling with real people who are extremely precious to God.

    T8, when you teach falsely, you are meddling with real people who are extremely precious to God…..

    False teaching can have all kinds of adverse effects on people and that really upsets God.

    And you speaking for God on this matter? Has He personally informed you that He is upset with me?

    Mark 9:42
    “And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.

    1 Timothy 1:3
    As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer

    2 Peter 2:1
    But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

    Oh I see now…..I'm supposed to teach people to be bondservants of a big God and a little god….that makes sense. I should have been teaching polytheism all along….


  • You mention that I am not Jesus and I totally agree with you on that. But pretty much everything else that comes from you I have difficulty accepting.

    I rebuke you not because that makes me feel good or because I feel some how superior, I do it for the following reasons:

    Titus 2:15
    These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.

    James 3:1
    Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

    You have been here long enough and in all that time you haven't moved off base 1, ie., challenging us with our belief that there is one God the Father. If there was some substance to what you were saying then I would be all ears, but you have been here long enough to prove your belief that there is in addition to 'One God the Father”, 'one God the Son' also. So I doubt that in the future you will come up with any substance regarding your teachings.

    So I leave you with it and hope that others are not taken in with your teachings. So far I see no evidence of it thankfully.

    Before I exit reading your posts altogether, I would like to answer your statement “You do not default to a higher theological plateau by disassociating yourself from a mainstream doctrine”. In response
    to that I say that I disassociate myself with many theological and scientific manstream doctrines. Some include:

  • Penance – I believe that salvation is a gift of God.
  • Mary the 'Mother of God' – Most christians believe this too.
  • Evolution – Perhaps the majority of the scientific world believes this.

    Like my disassociation of the Trinity doctrine and the doctrines above, I do not feel superior or somehow holier than thou. I disassociate myself with them because they are error. It's that simple. There is no other motive.

    I get the feeling that your confidence in the Trinity doctrine is based more on it being mainstream that scriptural. But I remind you that mainstream only means that most believe it at this time.

    History shows us that many, maybe even most mainstream doctrines and theories have been proven wrong over time. But history also shows us that often new suggestions like 'the earth revolves around the sun', are often persecuted to start with. Then once they are accepted, the old institutions and people that persecuted them have been left with egg on their faces, but sometimes change in order to appear as modern.

    May I also remind you that the whole world is under the sway of the evil one. So it comes as no surprise to me that mainstream is often error. Certainly one can feel a sense of security when they are in the majority.

    Most who call themselves Christian are of the Roman Catholic denomination. They too probably feel quite secure in their doctrines regarding Mary, penance, exclusivity, the Pope, etc, because they number over 1 billion I think.

    I once saw a documentary about Mecca. A young moslem man commented on how many moslems were there due to a pilgrimage to that city. He mentioned how comforting it was to be there with millions of other moslems and how this made him know for sure that Islam was the true religion.

    Anyway I have said my bit and I am certainly not going to recant what I have said and I still believe that my rebuke to you was in order.

    I think no good is going to come of me reading your posts any longer. But I hope for your sake that you are able to change and humble yourself to the point where you are able to move on and let God change you.

  • #15017

    I agree with Cubes! Lets settle down and get back to GOD! WHO IS LOVE AND HIS SON TAUGH TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK! OK?


    Rebuke has its place. Look it up in scripture.

    Regarding false teachers we are told to not let such people even into our homes.

    Turning the other cheek is what we do when we are persecuted by the world. I am afraid that those who teach and preach falsely are to be rebuked if they persist.

    BTW, there is a big difference between believing something false and teaching it. One is a deception that a person is under, (that happens to all of us at some stage). The other is a promulgation of deception. In the second case Jesus and the apostles rebuked in order to stop others from being deceived.

    2 John 1:9-11
    9 Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.
    10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting;
    11 for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds.

    2 Corinthians 11:4
    For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

    1 Timothy 1:3
    As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer

    2 Peter 2:1
    But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

    Does anyone care enough to rebuke?


    We believe the WORD is TRUTH because HE WHO IS THE WORD SAID THAT WE WOULD BELIEVE WORD IS TRUTH< OTHERWISE…….you did nothing of merit ever, you blatant apostocyists…thinking you are better than those who have not yet seen… naive persons, wear not your cloak of salvation as thou thou art worthy because you are a stench unto my FAther's nostrils if thou would sayest so!

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