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    Quote (Cindy @ Mar. 15 2009,11:29)
    Hi Charity how is everything going for you? Love everything you do.
    Love Irene:D :D :D

    thanks Mrs
    I'm still hoping to find my way around THIS life…smile….got to be on time for the best and main attraction.

    how “ARE YOU” ?


    The Return

    We listened with baited breath
    to the sounds that rumbled in from the east.
    At first we could not understand this sound, it was not a noise, it was like a sound of a trumpet hailing the coming of a king.
    We stopped what we were doing because this sound was so lovely so soothing to the ear that we would just listen and wait for the appearance of a king.
    A bright light was rising the sun was blocked out, the birds would sing.
    We will hear shouts of, ‘the end has come,’ ‘a violent storm is on it’s way grab your belongings,’ ‘aliens, aliens.’
    But we would understand our King has come.



    You, me
    We cannot understand
    The ways of the Lord,
    His way is not our way.

    You, me
    We read His instructions
    We force ourselves to obey,
    Still our thoughts stay in limbo.

    You, me
    Do not have a will for obedience
    Our arrogance lashes out at ourselves,
    We torture ourselves with words of discontent.

    You, me
    Our self promotion will never end,
    So will wars and discontent
    They’ll stay until the end.

    You, me
    Should wait with patience
    With our arrogance and false wisdom,
    Our will for our self-righteousness
    Will be judged; approved or rejected.


    In Answer [Humbleness]

    You, me
    We cannot understand
    The ways of the Lord
    His way is not our way

    You, me
    We read His instructions
    A seed of joy comes to life
    A light of joyess fear is seen.

    You, me
    Do have a will for obedience
    His hope comes to us
    His holy Spirit relieves our discontent.

    You, me
    Our self love does end
    So will wars and discontent
    We will flourish at the end.

    You, me
    Should wait with patience
    With our love and true wisdom
    With our righteousness in our hands.


    The Complexity of Mankind

    ‘How many wives do you posses?’
    ‘Who do you love the most?’
    ‘The youngest, wife number seven.’
    ‘And the least?’
    ‘My first wife, she is like a mother to me.’
    ‘What is your occupation?’
    “I am president of a country.’

    We are born among the rich
    My brother is a tramp
    My sister is a doctor
    I am a priest
    My mother is an alcoholic
    My father is suicidal
    And is an atheist
    The government takes care of us.

    Folk that live in a hut
    Don’t steal nor kill
    They are hounded by the dogs of war
    With guns and pick-ups
    Charities create tent cities
    Cholera explodes
    Prostitution explodes
    The folk starve and beg.

    Nation upon nation
    Are in the grips of strife
    Cheating and stealing is never far away
    Manipulating, conniving
    The human spirit into slavery
    And death.


    Is there a need for a man to work Himself up into such a state,
    dose he considers himself rejected without any future thought?
    rejection bottle up with religion will cause major pressure until the cork pop?
    yes Mam….
    NO Man….
    Is not rejection,

    Male or Female? You might not have known this, but a lot of non-living objects are actually either male or female. Here are some examples:

    FREEZER BAGS: They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

    PHOTOCOPIERS: These are female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again.

    They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong Buttons.

    TIRES: Tires are male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated

    HOT AIR BALLOONS: Also a male object, because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under their butt.

    SPONGES: These are female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.

    Female, because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.

    TRAINS: Definitely male, because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.

    EGG TIMERS: Egg timers are female because, over time, all the weight shifts to the bottom.

    HAMMERS: Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at all, and are occasionally handy to have around.

    THE REMOTE CONTROL: Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but consider this: It easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying



    Your Judgment

    The air is still
    The sky and earth has been pealed away
    Awe-inspiring colors surround us
    Distant stars and planets can be seen
    A white Light shines into the night.

    Our great God sits before us
    His splendor shakes the night sky
    Shooting stars surround His presence
    Metros fall from the sky,
    And His presence will always be with us.

    Are in awe
    Their works are judged
    Their life flashes by
    They are asked, ‘Will you be my servant?’

    His splendor is so great
    The humbled will answer ‘Yes!’
    The arrogant will stand disgraced
    Never to lift their hand again
    And fall away.


    In the Universe

    Stars in the night
    Many times do I wonder at your sight
    Trying to grasp your height
    And why the universe looks down at our plight?

    Your distance is so far
    The vastness where in you travel
    Is so incomprehensible,
    Is there sounds and silence where you are?

    Your mystery is your intrigue
    We create black holes, wormholes and white holes
    So that our understanding
    Can be channeled into human thought.

    We await answers from your mystery
    To where we are going
    To where we are
    God come down from your throne and take us home.


    Home to our Heavenly Father,

    were there is peace evermore,

    no more pain and no more sorrow

    always happiness.

    Jesus has a place prepared for us.

    Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord.

    Peace amd Love to you, Irene


    Quote (charity @ Mar. 15 2009,13:26)

    Quote (Cindy @ Mar. 15 2009,11:29)
    Hi Charity how is everything going for you? Love everything you do.
    Love Irene:D :D :D

    thanks Mrs
    I'm still hoping to find my way around THIS life…smile….got to be on time for the best and main attraction.

    how “ARE YOU” ?

    Charity I do feel better and hope to do more with the Family.
    You be good, love to you always, Irene


    Quote (lineon @ April 15 2009,11:53)
    The Return

    We listened with baited breath
    to the sounds that rumbled in from the east.
    At first we could not understand this sound, it was not a noise, it was like a sound of a trumpet hailing the coming of a king.
    We stopped what we were doing because this sound was so lovely so soothing to the ear that we would just listen and wait for the appearance of a king.
    A bright light was rising the sun was blocked out, the birds would sing.
    We will hear shouts of, ‘the end has come,’ ‘a violent storm is on it’s way grab your belongings,’ ‘aliens, aliens.’
    But we would understand our King has come.

    Oh Yeah?

    “And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL BEAT THEMSELVES IN LAMENTATION, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30 – “Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him, and ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL BEAT THEMSELVES IN GRIEF BECAUSE OF HIM.” YES, Amen.” Revelation 1:7 Texas!


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Oct. 04 2006,11:25)
    Would anyone be interested in a Poetry Thread?

    Good idea! Here's my contribution:

    I'll Pray Out Loud!

    Sometimes when panic strikes my heart in the lonely evening

    hours –

    When nothingness surrounds me like the darkest hovering

    clouds –

    When I realize my hopes and dreams have faded like the fog

    in the early morning Sun –

    I'll lift my voice to heavens throne, and apologize for all the

    wrongs I've done –

    To request my God to lift my heart, and return to me the joys

    I've lost along the way –

    To give me meaning and a life worthwhile to live out every

    day –

    So when trials and troubles encompass me now, I'll lift my

    eyes to the one who cares, for I have learned that when I

    pray out loud, he answers all my heartfelt prayers – Texas


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Oct. 04 2006,11:25)
    Would anyone be interested in a Poetry Thread?

    This following Poem is a Based on the Bible. At one point I had a scripture cited at every line. I have since removed those though. Here it is:

    I'll Try!

    Forced to face just what I am by my analysis of me –

    Facing the truth of what I am and I hate what I now see –

    To change the things that I must change appear to me to

    be –

    A Mountain insurmountable looming high over me –

    Half way along I stopped and clung so desparately –

    The sheer high wall was just too steep, and I fell back to the


    I rose once more to inch along so slowly I did rise –

    I doubted that I'd ever reach, that summit oh so high – and I

    fell –

    I've fallen many times its true, but wearily I try with eyes

    fixed on that summit so high up in the sky –

    I'll fall again, I know that well, and I have so many times –

    But I'll get back up again, and try and try and try –

    Why do I try to climb this Mountain Oh so high? To change

    the things that I now see, that put me down on bended


    Because this ugly reality has always been mine, and it looks

    like a Mountain that I'll never climb- But I'll try- I'll try- I'll try. Texas


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Oct. 04 2006,11:25)
    Would anyone be interested in a Poetry Thread?

    Here's one more of my Poems. It too, is Bible-Based!

    The Ride Of The Four Horsemen!

    Four Hoursemen ride with one a righteous King –

    Upon his head a Golden Crown and Bow for Conquering –

    And by his side astride a fiery mount the rider in his hand

    A glittering sword drenched in blood with full authority

    To slaughter all those on the earth, the slave as well as free

    Another too, as Black as night the scales in his hand

    and as he rides the famine spreads throughout the dry

    parched land –

    One last pale Horse upon his back mans life long enemy

    death –

    With Hades [the grave] not far behind to claim those robbed

    of breath –

    Granted these to kill with sword with famine and with plague –

    A forth of all those on the earth will fill the common grave –

    And onward they ride –

    The writing on the wall is there for all to see, for Nations are

    in conflict

    In fear, anxiety – with anxious care the daily bread is

    measured out to some, while others stare with hungry eys,

    their faces thin and gaunt – and daily bury dead loved ones,

    for them there's simply none –

    A distant rumbling and then a roar and men with sickening

    dread –

    The cry, “earthquake” upon their lips, then a Million of them,

    dead –

    As towering buildings swayed and cracked under heaving

    twisting earth –

    Mid screams and cries as mighty structures are torn from

    their berth's –

    And then the moment of deadly silence as fire dust and

    smoke mix to form a deadly pall, to sear and blind and choke –

    And everywhere the stench of death, the flesh of bodies

    seared, and then the realization a Mighty City's disappeared –

    and the rumblings continue as onward they ride –

    And hands which once would friendly greet in violent combat

    lock –

    In a struggle to the very death, to break the power bloc –

    spurred on by greedy selfish men, full circle collars white, an

    air of righteous piety, their blessing on the fight, while

    widows with their Fatherless Child are told, “they died for

    right” – Left to spend their lonely hour's crying in the night-

    and there's an ocean of tears –

    And as they ride on, violence, crime, and rioting sweep our

    earthly sphere-

    And doors are locked, sealed tightly shut, while those inside

    in terror dwell in anguish and in fear –

    And now the thundering hooves grow loud as their journey

    nears its end –

    And laboring-panting-gasping they approach the final bend

    “what does it mean?” you ask, “the rider's horsemen four?”

    What will it mean for we of earth who hear this deafening


    An answer to the model prayer: “Let your Kingdom come,”

    upon the earth “peace to men as his will is done” –

    Yes! It's true, a righteous King is seated on his throne, upon

    his head a golden crown and bow for conquering –

    A war to wage to end all Wars, the outcome of which will be-

    complete and total failure for one, for the other victory –

    At last the Father of the lie [satan] with all his demon horde-

    Along with his Beast with seven heads, of which he was

    overlord –

    His ruling dynasty of kings from Egypt until now, this Beast is

    seven ruling powers in their entirety, have killed, and horned

    and gored disciples of the King [Jesus] – for they refused to

    bow in worship to this liar's authority –

    Now let the World Powers be in fear, the ruling authorities –

    For Jehovah's day of fight and War is dangerously near-

    For removal of this system make way the approaching dawn —

    In the War of God, the Almighty and its name is Armageddon! Texas


    New World

    Gog and Magog lay behind as I journeyed towards The City of Light.
    I had come out of Gog with the help of God’s servants who were hated in Gog and Magog because they taught against the dEvil that existed in those dark countries. Not many of us chose the way of peace because violence is the way of life in Gog.
    With Gog at my back, I travelled light; I was given an ‘air-bike’. Because here, not like Gog, all goods and produce was given away. Here on ‘The Outside’, as it was known in Gog, the people loved to work they lacked nothing, everything was given to them. There were no terms or conditions; you had to find your own happiness.
    The influence of The City of Light on individuals was enormous and yet you had to make up your own mind in accepting Jesus Christ as your personnel King.
    All the people I spoke to accepted Christ as their King, but as their personnel King, they said they had to work on it.
    The closer I got to The City of Light the more worshipful the people became and caring for one another. This was in complete contrast to Gog where there were liars and those who are corruptible and are influenced by darkness.
    The country that I travelled through was the new country for the old was made new. I heard this from God’s servants who told me our Great God caused an earthquake to flatten all the mountains to make a peaceful country with no tiresome obstacles in the way. Trees grew and produced their fruit in season. The river of life flowed from the City; he/she who drank from this water did not thirst again.

    to be continued


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Oct. 04 2006,11:25)
    Would anyone be interested in a Poetry Thread?

    The Demon's Seed!

    He planted some seeds in the Prime of his youth, but only a

    few really flourished and bloomed, as for the others, the Bible

    says they're all doomed. [to the “second Death.”] [Revelation 21:8]

    They all follow the lead of one twisted soul, for he has them

    all brainwashed, in a trance – Like tightly strung Puppets on

    strings they do dance – at his call, making them all sit-up

    and prance.

    They wiggle and twist as his melody croons, and their

    dancing feet make them all, look like loons, rolling and

    gyrating in their private rooms-

    You'll laugh at this ditty, but don't, you should heed, for

    these Sons of the devils, are a pure demon Seed!

    One is their leader, Satan, by name, one other called Lawless

    one, plays the same game – following closely, the dancers by

    rote,is old Babylons followers, all sing the same note – a sad

    lot, its true,but they're all tied together with the same iron-

    like – glue – Some last ones, is the ones in close screen, and

    the name of this demon seed is satan his demons the

    ones never seen – [2 Timothy 3:5] [Matthew 7:22,23]

    Don't look for these if you find you're in need, for what can

    be gained from the true demon seed?

    Now, think not for one moment that Jehovah fathered this

    breed, because these are the Devil's, a true Demon Seed! [John 8:44]


    New World continued

    Many times did I drink from this river and my thirst for Christ became my life, I want to
    worship and please my Lord forever.
    I travelled on the main highway; it was broad with many travellers, going to seek wisdom and favour with our Lord.
    On either side of the highway were trees and as far as the eye could see more trees. In other parts of the country, the countryside was open until the horizon and further. Houses and towns came and went as I travelled towards the City.
    I loved this tranquillity and peace in the air, no watching your back, I could stop anywhere I liked and there was always a smile and a greeting. The highway was busy.
    I was still hundreds of miles away and I could feel and see The City of Light. God’s glory was shining forth no sun was needed in the City and the surrounding area. A huge column of light stood in front of me, it was endless. This light was absolutely magnificent; I was told that this light is the glory of God it would be there forever and ever to give hope and strength to the weak and lonely.
    I was awe struck by this magnificence of it, it certainly gave me hope and strength. I was told that our God was living in The City of Light and it was his presence that gave off this light.
    Most of sojourners felt like me, awe struck at the sight of the city, but then there where those that weren’t impressed at this sight. I wondered about them.
    At Gog and Magog, at the furthest part of the earth, seasons of winter to summer were set in place. Day and night comes and goes and the only hope that those citizens have to come to the understanding of God is threw the servants of God who would enter these nations at a personnel cost.
    They would advocate for Christ and doing so they would open them selves up for spiritual abuse by the followers of dEvil. The abuse would influence their thought pattern so that they could not stay their for days on end. They had to leave or be crushed by evil. Again they would return to win souls.



    The City of Glory

    I had wandered a long way looking for the new life that was promised me. I had traveled for thousands of miles to claim my promise.
    All the deep vallies and high mountains ranges had been taken away by mighty earth quacks. This happened nearly a thousand years ago, I was told. Now the holy men are predicting the end of this age has come. We must make our self ready for the coming of dEvil and war.
    At the start of my journey, which was at Magog, the land was bare with not much vegetation. The further south west I journeyed, the more the vegetation there was. Farms, vineyards became plentiful and the people smiled and laughed a lot. There was peace in this land.
    In Magog, my country by birth the vibe between people was completely different. In Magog we had to work for our life, to earn our living space and to buy food.
    Away from Magog this was not so, people loved to work. People farmed and gave their crops away, they freely gave and freely received. These people lacked nothing they received food, transportation, luxuries all for free. The only thing they had to do is to become a better person, to accept who they are and receive Jesus Christ as their King.
    The people of Magog who lived on to the borders of The Outside did not have farmland so instead of receiving their food from Magog itself they received their vegetables from ‘The Outside’ as we called this place where I was journeying.
    We were never encouraged to leave Magog it was a closed society.
    To my astonishment and amazement I learned that Magog received their raw food from The Outside at no cost at all. The strange thing is that we had to pay for the goods and the business person received the goods at no cost at all from The Outside.

    to be continued


    City of Glory cont.

    That is the difference between Magog and the The Outside, our system was capitalism here theirs is freedom and the love of work.
    The Outside produced all types of goods in industry, all the produced goods were given away to all the citizens of The Outside and to Magog and to her sister country Gog that other great nation.
    I was given a biodegradable transportation for my journey to The City of Glory.
    The people were astounded that I come from Magog, ‘nobody leaves Magog.’ It is understood that nothing good comes out of Magog and Gog. They are the nations where dEvil will flee to and amass his army.
    Many of the citizens wanted me to stay with them. “Here,” they said, “you will have all you want, stay with us.”
    I asked them, “Have they accepted Jesus Christ as their personnel King?”
    “As our personnel King? No He is our King.” They say.
    I asked them, “Do you not know the end of this age of peace is soon to be?”
    They smile and say, “That is still far off.”
    “No it is soon to be .” I tell them. “I must go to The City of Glory to see my King.”

    The End


    In His Presence

    I am a life time away,
    My Lord calls me into His presence
    There is no laughter
    There are no parties
    I worship Him,
    His Glory is awesome
    I cannot but worship Him
    He surrounds Himself with pure Light
    My Lords colors are indescribable
    New colors flash from His presence
    His majesty is honored by all
    Who stand in His presence.

    In His presence
    I see no shapes
    I can only feel His thoughts
    They humble me for I cannot think like Him,
    ‘Come sit beside me.’ I hear Him say
    My reactions are slow
    I cannot speak
    My Lords words are new and perfect to me,
    Tears well up in my eyes
    I know I cannot heed His words
    I am still a human
    I have many faults.

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