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    The great challenge for the garden designer is not to make the garden look natural,
    but to make the garden so that the people in it will feel natural.
    – Lawrence Halprin

    Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add,
    but when there is nothing left to take away.
    – Antoine de Saint Exupery


    Quote (charity @ May 01 2008,23:20)
    Hi Lineon

    I like this quote of yours
    You say poetry is about beauty
    Then you would agree
    Poetry is about uglyness
    Poetry is about nursery rhyms
    Poetry is about the blues
    Poetry is about life
    Then poetry is reality


    Reality Prince BY GOLDEN HEART

    I'm sure every girl dreamed of their Prince Charming already,
    But I give a word of advice
    Wait for your reality prince instead
    And you won't get hurt
    Don't get carried away with some
    dream in a balloon
    Because anyone with half a mind knows
    Balloons burst, pop, poof!
    A man that loves you
    deserves a place in your heart
    Because he will be willing to give his away to you
    No matter is he's not so handsome
    Or quite the knight in armor
    He really is if he cares about your soul
    Jump on this love and don't wait for Prince Charming
    THat guy might just fall off his horse
    Don't stop wishing
    but get back into your shoes
    And take a glimpse of your reality prince

    Golden Heart

    Hi Charity

    Your rite
    There are so many realities
    In this World of ours.

    Every thought
    Every action is part of reality
    That's why if a person goes terriblly wrong
    Stray's from the straight and narrow
    It takes that person a double effort to get back
    It becomes just worse and worse
    The more that person stray's.

    But of course miricles also happen.

    [your avatar seems to be missing]



    :laugh: I hear you lineon, all true
    hmmm doctor needs a DOCTOR

    yet Define what line they strayed so far from?
    Yes to far is not healthy, according to each individual authority
    Men in chariots heading for heaven?
    Jesus knocking at the door if you should open?
    Reality, reality
    boarding the flight to insanity,
    refined defined, evolving life



    Hi Charity

    My line is Jesus Christ.

    If you board that flight to insanity
    Can you touch down to normality
    Land on that line that defines
    Normality and insanity?

    Difficult difficult



    Hi Lineon

    Also so easy within in your own knowledge
    But when it falls away,
    In short you’ve only began to discover who he was
    So MANY cults,
    Difficult differ cult
    O so hard to teach a child
    With every word of a lie, moulded and sealed full of gully

    Love God Love People
    Desire to lift his Name higher
    By believing,
    The reality is
    Time has taken his Image, and marred it beyond recognizing

    – Charity


    Colour me blue and hope I come true

    Blues roses
    Are they on GODS LIST?
    Perhaps reserved in time, waiting to arrive?
    Just guessing
    Are there blue rose seeds in the ground somewhere?
    Waiting for rain?
    Wanting to grow?
    Like Animals to Name as scientist find them?
    Naming the Animals as God brings them into us?

    They really don’t exist, yet Man dreamed up and created a meaning for something God hasn’t made? -charity

    The meaning of blue roses is mystery.
    The rose is an absolutely amazing flower. Whatever its color the flower itself is a vision of absolute fragility and delicate grace. The rose is also an extraordinary flower in that it has so many shades, some natural, and some man made. But each shade has a meaning of its own. Have you ever wondered what the meaning of blue roses could be?
    The blue rose does not occur in nature, at least not the absolute blue rose. Blue roses were at first created by dyeing white roses. Some people mistake lavender roses for blue ones. So, the closest we can get to blue roses are the lilac to almost black category. Roses lack the pigment that produces blue color. The blue rose has been painstakingly created and imbued with a special meaning.
    Much like its mysterious origin, the blue rose means mystery. An appreciation for the enigmatic, the inexplicable is expressed by the blue rose. A tantalizing vision that cannot be totally pinned down, a mystery that cannot be fully unraveled is the blue rose. A person who receives the blue rose is the subject of much speculation and thought. A complex personality that does not allow easy interpretation is what the blue rose indicates.
    Another meaning of the blue rose is that it symbolizes the impossible, or the unattainable. Since the blue rose itself is a rarity in nature, it stands for something that is hardly within one's grasp, an object that seems too difficult to be achieved. Thus the blue rose is admired and revered as an unrealizable dream.


    Hi Charity

    Your thoughts
    Your own
    You will easily disown
    But faith and grace
    Keep you in place
    What belief can stand up
    To your thoughts meshed with faith.

    Worship Him with your thoughts
    Lift up His name
    Know that reality is vain
    All things are twisted
    So that they fall in line.



    Sacrifice hurt the most
    Sacrifice made me what I am
    Sacrifice cost me my best years
    Reward is yet to be seen

    I’ve learned that a car don’t drive itself
    No matter how much faith we have in us.
    I’ve learned that love “isn’t Love” when it’s not even
    Love loves, when it’s loved, even
    Sacrifice binds the soul to waste. Away
    Love even flourishes with power to move mountains.



    Hi Charity

    God is sacrifice
    Marriage is sacrifice
    Your love is sacrifice
    Reward is not to be seen.

    Car is life
    Without grace and faith
    The car is in freefall
    Anything goes.

    Sacrifice binds the soul to love
    Hope will flourish with the power to move mountains
    God is Love
    My love is faith.

    Life is so big
    Life is so real – now
    Life is not love
    Life will lead the way.



    Everlasting Love can not be transformed
    into a quest that has an end?
    Neither compared, east to west?
    Can’t be both of these places
    Is Everlasting behind us, or in front?
    One Mans gain is another Mans lose
    Primitive can not comprehend
    Unveiled in lyric
    the mystrey, thirsty for a friend
    If some one got you from behind
    You gotta keep evolving with an open mind!
    :D Life will lead us Naturally



    Hi Charity!

    God is my hope
    God is my end
    God is now
    And then
    Are stars and planets understood?
    Solar systems and the universe?
    God is my hope
    God is my end.

    Friends are far and few
    Evolving is tireing
    Be the same on your own
    Find your way
    In these alleyies
    Find the passage with the lite
    No doors only the lite.



    You know you’re Miles apart
    while sharing the same moment on different dates
    the spring arrives in May while my winter’s only on its way
    so blessed at the sound of birds singing in trees-charity


    Holy cow (can I say that here?)…..

    Lin and Charity, reading your posts almost sounds like you are one continuous voice. Amazing. Pretty neat. I wish poetry came that easily for me!

    Love to you both,


    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 07 2008,08:16)
    Holy cow (can I say that here?)…..

    Lin and Charity, reading your posts almost sounds like you are one continuous voice.  Amazing.  Pretty neat.  I wish poetry came that easily for me!

    Love to you both,

    Thank You for your kind words Mandy!



    My train of thought has fallen apart
    Your verse is sweet
    Your verse is straight
    No questions
    No anguish
    Only nature in flight.

    I want to praise and praise our God forever
    There is no thought like Him
    Words are near impossible to find.

    I look at the stars
    I see the planets
    Awe is in my mind.
    Explosions and sounds
    Creations of planets is being seen
    No wonder our God is a Mystery.



    Psalm 1

    Blessed are you, all of you
    Who do not heed the wicked
    Let sinners go their way
    Leave mockers on their own.
    We love the Law of the Lord
    And meditate on the Law
    Night and day.
    Like a tree, we are planted next to the water
    We bear fruit in season
    And the leaves are always green.
    Our life is not empty.

    But with the lost it is diffrent!
    They are blown into the wind
    Further away, further away.
    On judgement day
    They will be no more,
    Nor will sinners stand with the rightous.

    God cares about His sevants ways,
    But Lucifers servants will perish.


    O how great thou art
    Shall be as a tree planted by many waters
    The higher a monkey climbs the more he explores
    Discovery stretches for as many shores
    Sweet communications
    As the landing on wings of the flying eagle
    Magnificent to the eye
    Fullness in every view
    Excitement yet peaceful within
    Totally captivated with no returns
    The heights as adrenalin rushs



    Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful Mom's out there in Heaven Net land…

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never tripped over toys
    or forgot words to a lullaby.
    I didn't worry whether or not
    my plants were poisonous.
    I never thought about immunizations.
    Before I was a Mom,
    I had never been puked on.
    Pooped on.
    Chewed on.
    Peed on.
    I had complete control of my mind
    and my thoughts.
    I slept all night.
    Before I was a Mom,
    I never held down a screaming child
    so doctors could do tests.
    Or give shots.
    I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
    I never got gloriously happy over a sim ple grin.
    I never sat up late hours at night
    watching a baby sleep.
    Before I was a Mom,
    I never held a sleeping baby just because
    I didn't want to put her down.
    I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
    when I couldn't stop the hurt.
    I never knew that something so small
    could affect my life so much.
    I never knew that I could love someone so much.
    I never knew I would love being a Mom.
    Before I was a Mom,
    I didn't know the feeling of
    having my heart outside my body.
    I didn't know how special it could feel
    to feed a hungry baby.
    I didn't know that bond
    between a mother and her child.
    I didn't know that something so small
    could make me feel so important and happy.
    Before I was a Mom,
    I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
    every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
    I had never known the warmth,
    the joy,
    the love,
    the heartache,
    the wonderment
    or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
    I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
    before I was a Mom.


    Parents learn everything you can from your teenager before he/she leaves home

    I don't know someones probley already said that- charity

    Teenagers as soon as you can pay the bills in the house then you can make the rules -my brother


    Corridors of old strech before me
    The floorboards give a familar creak
    The walls have that unsightly colour
    From which my life is lived.
    This long corridor is nothing to me
    The rooms are empty and lack warmth.
    Only the light in the distance
    Barres my eternal sleep
    Gives me a thought and a will to live
    Without it I am nothing
    Not a speck of dust will I be.
    My exsistence will not be known.
    The light is everything to me.


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