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  • #101107

    Job 17….They shall go down to the bars of the pit, when [our] rest together [is] in the dust.

    Who CURSED Nature, that it became as offensive even as a punishment forced up against a common unity of we return to dust to rest together?

    who cursed the Natural process of the woman’s Pain during birth?
    This is your punishment, sayeth the first Man That first talked with God
    God hoW is it done it is even now that the curse is lifted, all is the same pains,
    For both death and new Life
    ON  entry with an exit

    PRIMITIVE Letters began a world?

    Letters carry on the worlds from their beginnings?

    Letters either end worlds, for there is seen a need for new beginnings


    vain intellect included man has nothing to offer God
    his value as vessel only through which heavens work is done
    born of shady stock compounding, spiritual poverty and sin
    the net of heaven dragged ashore a few fish, some useful to him.


    if he'd come first king victorious smashing down the power of rome
    ruled the world from zions daughter, david mighty on his throne
    would men have gained respect for love, God's quiet gentle side
    and weakness, sadness, poverty be seen as blessings in disguise?


    if you cared we'd have seen you, now our darling brother's dead
    could have healed him if you'd come, more important plans instead?
    roll the stone back take the bindings something greater is revealed
    I am life, death's mirage is no big problem. I'm God's living Spirit man


    We Have arrived to see many more mysteries on this earth
    Many letters left
    It is the advantage  to Live in this day
    Judgement is hard, but a fifilling task
    How much better fitted are we to discern
    that we shall even begin to dance
    those we heard off, consumned with sorrow
    who never saw the ending of what had began….
    Many Moons
    Many legends
    Many gods taking vengeance!
    Many people
    Many children
    Many innocent
    Serving the many gods

    Is it possible to tell the end of the story that had only began?
    It is possible to presume an end for a half finished book that was destroyed before it told all.

    Yet there is danger, when as many versions come forth to finish the story that another began?

    gods indwelling in vessels
    With them is a corruptible arm of flesh to excecute their works
    with us the LORD of our conceived  God lives
    life for the future generatons is sown in our Good judgements



    All the boats had been taken
    The backwash helped some.
    My mistress was determined
    To get beyoned the crashing waves.

    We all rowed as if in a group
    We laughed and joked determined to be 'free'.
    But the elements of the sea ripped us apart,
    My mistress and I were alone in this wide, wide sea.

    As usual she is determined to be 'free'
    We rowed with gusto and verve,
    Past flying fish and boat wrecks
    Not one soul did we meet.

    The wind picked up whipping up the sea,
    The waves appeared to be huge monsters
    Bearing down on our dinghy,
    With hair in the wind she piloted our boat like a pro.

    The stormy seas calmed down, we sighed with relief
    But then huge white bellyed fish
    Sprang out dashing themselves onto the boat,
    We nearly lost hope.

    My mistress fought them off with her oar
    She pounded them in their belly,
    She told me to do the same.
    We beat off that attack derermined to be 'free'.

    to be continued


    many mysteries are manifested from angelic hordes above
    who would better serve their master not confusing men below
    full godly truth already written, only assuages hunger pain
    signs and wonders, some from evil, disturb the peace of man.


    The sun rises each day from the same port hole
    SO on time, in control, that we know what time it is throughout the day.
    The Moons  different, it shows up at any time and anywhere in the sky it maybe seen, either reflecting in full view or glowing as Half,
    or not at all.
    The sun is so reliable!
    Without the Suns reflecton the Moon would not even have been noticed?


    Quote (charity @ Aug. 12 2008,20:03)
    The sun rises each day from the same port hole
    SO on time, in control, that we know what time it is throughout the day.
    The Moons  different, it shows up at any time and anywhere in the sky it maybe seen, either reflecting in full view or glowing as Half,
    or not at all.
    The sun is so reliable!
    Without the Suns reflecton the Moon would not even have been noticed?

    Its the earth that goes round and round.
    I am getting dizzy, just watching, and waiting.
    Oh, Lord it is so hard to wait on you.
    Can you not come now?
    In the mean time CLEAMSE ME
    Search me O God, and know my Heart today.
    Try me O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray.
    See if there is some wicked way in me,
    Cleans me from every sin, and set me free.

    Free as a bird. Loving all, Amen and Amen

    Peace and LOve Irene


    the earthbound spirits met to discuss a better plan to use on us
    though hiding was effective once, the light exposed their countenance
    ugly: why not be intellects instead of evil spirits then one said
    it rings of authenticity and makes us one with man you see
    and then make God an intellect too so raising us from this poor zoo?
    will they swallow such nonsense do you think-
    you bet the silly things always do.


    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 12 2008,23:36)

    Quote (charity @ Aug. 12 2008,20:03)
    The sun rises each day from the same port hole
    SO on time, in control, that we know what time it is throughout the day.
    The Moons  different, it shows up at any time and anywhere in the sky it maybe seen, either reflecting in full view or glowing as Half,
    or not at all.
    The sun is so reliable!
    Without the Suns reflecton the Moon would not even have been noticed?

    Its the earth that goes round and round.
    I am getting dizzy, just watching, and waiting.
    Oh, Lord it is so hard to wait on you.
    Can you not come now?
    In the mean time CLEAMSE ME
    Search me O God, and know my Heart today.
    Try me O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray.
    See if there is some wicked way in me,
    Cleans me from every sin, and set me free.

    Free as a bird. Loving all, Amen and Amen

    Peace and LOve Irene


    The signs are said to be in the sky, real reality,
    was the thought once that God spoke to them thru the heavens above (sky)? yet it will continue to change as it always has?large Stars mean't a hoped for life was born on earth
    decerned the time of Day…for.. the new Day


    heavens flee when judgement comes their faithful witness temporary
    they give us time and comfort now but greater powers make them bow
    earth vision poor, eyes blighted born can limit viewed access, soul forlorn
    but ears can hear what matters most the still small voice of the Holy Ghost.


    lets nuke the towns who fail the test, to open homes to masters rest
    and cut off ears from rebel men who dare arrest the mighty king
    put up your swords, two edged is best and leaving God to do the rest
    let strength prevail meekness is strength, let power of God be manifest.


    Fight the good fight with all thy might,
    Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right.
    Lay hold on life, and it shall be Thy joy
    and crown eternally.

    Run the straight race, through God's good grace,
    lift up thy eyes and seek His Face.
    Life with its way before us lies,
    Christ is the path, and Christ is the prize.

    Cast care aside, learn on the guide,
    His boundless mercy will provide.
    Trust and thy trusting soul shall prove,
    Christ is its life and Christ is its love.

    Faint not or fear, His arms are near,
    He changed not, and thou art clear.
    Only believe, and thou shalt see
    That Christ is all in all to thee.

    Peace and Love Irene


    james and john you missed the point you know not yet which spirit from
    with brother pete you climbed the hill and saw my glory right full on
    but like old pete you ain't fixed yet and further cleaning's the next step
    let all the light in, open doors, remove the cobwebs, rats and all
    sons of thunder you may be, what you'll be soon you can't yet see.



    That attack tired us out
    We sleeprd on our boat, on a gentle sea.
    We awoke to a night sky with thousand of lights about us,
    Boats rowing with gusto towards a certain spot.

    My mistress looked up and saw the milky way
    And noticed two crosses set in the starry sky,
    How could she know the true cross from the false cross,
    Her faith set us apart, she chose the cross to the right.

    We looked up at the cross set our bearings to true south
    And rowed at a steady pace,
    Boats were peeling off rowing towards the false cross
    We shouted to warn, 'this is the true way', no one listened.

    We who rowed towards the cross
    Our lights became brighter and brighter,
    So bright in fact that we became beacons,
    Beacons for those on the open sea.

    The sea was calm and like a mirror,
    We saw ourselves for what we are,
    Servants and friends towards our Almighty King,
    Still we rowed towards true south.

    I fell asleep in the boat,
    When I awoke I was alone,
    I knew where she was, with my King.
    I kept rowing towards the true cross.



    What some call serendipity divine appointment seems to me
    more likely when your jaw will drop when coincidences occur a lot
    the flow of life reveals a hand that guides decisions, sleight of hand,
    yet ours the choices still to take, each step that builds that perfect plan


    the final word not ours to say on all subjects, the final day
    will give light to the blighted sight we have on things not yet given to
    know, our tiny brain not full equipped to master matters, esoteric, even earthly too,
    so setting camp and throwing stones, does not sit well with humble servants, students, still at school.


    God gives the rhythms but men make clocks, sun and moon marks the seasons
    and the equinox, but real times and the seasons don't relate to earthly things
    but to matters of great importance in the heavenly realms, and the passing of the years
    mark the days we are given, for the dying of the self and the new beginnings.


    When Peace like a river, attended my way,
    When sorrow like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well with my soul.

    Though Satan should buffed, though trials should come,
    Let this blessed assurance control;
    That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
    And hath shed His own Blood for my soul.

    And Lord hast the day when the faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back like a scroll.
    The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend;
    Even so, it is well with my soul.
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.

    Peace and Love Irene

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