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  • #357135

    Three four He will come through your Door.:D



              My heart is yearning for You
                   Your words of freedom
           Roam the inner corridors of my head
                        With flooding light
             You unfold my thoughts of jealousy
     That cling  deeply onto the roots of indifference,
    Arrogance will become dust and not be understood.
                     I yearn for Your people,
                 The understanding of Your law.
              I yearn for Your kingdom to come,
                For a life of peace in Your sight.




            Am I your untouchable
              Will you sit with me
              And my pinkish skin

                  Prime Ministers?
                Kings and Queens?

              What desires do you have
     Did your mother influence your desires
     Are we fodder or pawns of your desire

                      Martin Luther?
                     Nelson Mandela?

             You had to fight this desire
             Replace it with humbleness
        And retreat into your glass towers


      You are still in the streets and alleys
                Fighting for this desire
          And coping with understanding

                      Jehovah Witness?

      Have you been painted with that brush
           Does it show in your tolerance
    Have you made peace with that secret desire

                        Free Thinkers?
                         Wise FeMale?

       All nations are racists every one of us
              We have to fight this desire
                 To become fair minded

                 Who can point a finger
                   And say sHe is pure
                 No racism in the heart


    Touching Celestial Thought

    I feel like a stranger in my thoughts
    A vast desert with endless thoughts to think.
    I keep on shouting
    The echo ricochet's from mountain to mountain
    And is buried into the sand dunes
    Of the desert of thoughts.

    I must not lose my buried thoughts!
    So I dig into the desert of thoughts;
    Sieve for that unheard thought
    That echoed from the mountain,
    For I know it must be heard.
    Silently my Lord gives me hope.

    I felt I belonged to this celestial thought,
    For I could think of it for ever,
    And make sense of it and not feel like stranger.
    This thought disinter crates into sand,
    This thought becomes to much for my brain
    That I lose in the desert.

    This celestial thought that is freedom
    This celestial thought that I must strive for
    That I must capture in my mind
    That I must capture in my soul
    That I must capture in my brain
    That I must capture in my spirit.

    This thought is for us.


    I hear you.



    The ebb of life
    The course of life
    Has been set in our hearts
    From generation to generation.

    We live from day to day not knowing our end
    Knowing that we shall die
    Not understanding our death,
    The beginning of life.


    A quote from Mother Teresa

    'No one thinks of the pen while reading the letter.
         They only want to know the mind of the
      person writing: That is exactly what I am
               in God's hands – a little pencil.'


    The Window

    There is a window in our head
    That can be opened and closed
    Like a shed.

    There…., thoughts can be stored,
    Although they are flawed,
    Are restored.

    This window came into our head
    Unforeseen, not planned
    But by default.

    These thoughts can be seen
    Through a pane
    They can also be named.

    This window is the basis
    Of all our thought,
    Love and hate.

    These thoughts can be let out at will,
    Burst forth in mindlessness
    Or in mindfulness.

    As a whole these thoughts are powerful
    Can smash this window in our head
    And leave a broken down shed.

    Love or hate can become our bait
    We will run around and do their will
    Never to look back.

    Not understanding this is not us.
    We are looking through our window
    Where man has cultivated his thoughts.

    Confusing reality with worldly thoughts
    That play outside our head,
    Forgetting our real thoughts inside our head.

    The thoughts that God instilled
    Those thoughts that have been lost
    Forgotten to our past.


    God's Servant

                                       Our heart is aching
                                      We  feel it throbbing
                      We see Your creation oblivious to Your law,
                                     Blind to what is good
                                     Deaf to what is dEvil.

                                       A dim light shines
                                   At the bottom of Africa,
                            Extolling good wishes and deeds,
                                    Exhorting confidence
                                     And exhuming dEvil.

                           This light has been extinguished.
                                      His legacy lives on
                                            In the few
                             Who took his message to heart,
                                      This will be reborn
               Into the one that takes up our Creators challenge
                                    And lives by His Law.



    Take note there is a war outside our head
    The weapons are 'flattery' and 'get',
    These magic words influence Presidents and Kings
    From Singapore to Phnom Penh.

    Adverts are splurged onto the small screen
    Bombing our thoughts
    Attacking them with 'get'
    Outsizing them with 'flattery'.

    No one is immune
    To this orchestrated war around our heads,
    Snipers take aim,
    Thoughts are twisted, lying to the protected.

    'Made for your winning spirit'
    'You deserve it'
    These adverts claim
    The Enemy has no shame.


    'Life' The Fruit Is Available Again

    This subject about 'good' and 'bad',
    We know it inside out.
    We asked for it,
    Wanted to become like Him
    'Wise' to the extreme
    To 'Beautiful' to behold.

    O, this delicious fruit
    That gives us sweet success
    May it be 'good' or 'bad',
    Never the less, success,
    This fruit has ruined billions of lives
    Wrecked them like a crash.

    Now the subject 'life',
    This fruit has become a mystery,
    Dashed many a dream into smithereens
    Tossed them into streams,
    Laid us bare
    For self-flageration.

    Still this fruit 'life' is elusive
    It changes into atheism to
    Capitalism, to communism, to tribalism,
    To conservatism and to democratization.
    Still 'life' is not found,
    Death is the ultimate end.

    Yet there came a man and said,
    “'Life' does not come to an end'.
    That he has been sent to say,
    'That God has opened the gate once again
    To claim His servants
    Who love their neighbours to the end.'”


    Keeper Of The Universe [ps. 23]

                                        The Lord is the keeper of the universe.
                                                    All good things are ours,
                                    My thoughts are soothed by water streams
                                           As His strength streams into me,
                                            His name guides my knowledge.

                                           Shadows of darkness cling to me,
                               No fear covers me for His Word is my knowledge,
                                          My prayers find favour in Your sight
                                      And Your blessings are with me in this life.
                                  Surely the Lord will welcome me into His house.


    Parallel Ways [ps1]

                           This way grows fruits for life.
                                 Honour our Holy King
                            Have no dealings with dEvil.          
                     The way of the Lord brings life's fruit
                       That nourishes you day and night,
                    Which strengthens you in all directions
                       Your daily actions reflect tHis way
                            Your faith is strengthened.
                    The other way grows vanity for death.
                         Fleetingly you honour all things
                               And hold onto the self,
                  Not able to take directions from the Lord.
                  Our Holy King acknowledges the holy way
                     And rejects the way that spirals down.


    Yes we need poetry because poetry bring joy to your soul


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