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  • #212025

    some look back at the dim reflections of light rebounding
    from tombstones and sepuchres, shrouds and salt pillars
    as if man could be more than a passing visage a moment
    in time, mere grass to be cut down empty vessels useless
    turn around, see the Source fully visible in the face of Christ


    the anger of man only reflects what is carnal
    and still subject to vanity and subject to hurt
    for vengeance abides where our kingdom lives
    and if we serve ourselves then such is no gain


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 15 2008,05:53)
    the anger of man only reflects what is carnal
    and still subject to vanity and subject to hurt
    for vengeance abides where our kingdom lives
    and if we serve ourselves then such is no gain

    Very good reminder.


    frustration is alive where man's will is the ruler
    when our vision guides where we place our feet
    through much tribulation we reach our salvation
    trust does demand helplessness not our control.


    depression takes over as hope leaves the room
    but hope seen yet ethereal true hope must hide
    bound in faith trusting promises knowing burdens
    replaced with a yoke of new service within to abide


    yesterday's problems surface to gall us today
    unless forgiveness habitual, longsuffering rules
    patience born of self failures, false paths taken
    past now seen among others, who can judge, you


    bury the hatchet, friend, or bury your hurt
    but delaying resolution brings unfortunate fruit
    resentment invested brings judgement and pain
    let go and stay free we have so much to gain


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 15 2008,06:23)
    bury the hatchet, friend, or bury your hurt
    but delaying resolution brings unfortunate fruit
    resentment invested brings judgement and pain
    let go and stay free we have so much to gain

    Holy Cow…..you are being prophetic now, brother. God has spoken to me through this post of yours!!!


    those adjudged at heavens table seek their joy in finding fault
    hopelessness their sad bedfellow so time invested hating hope
    sending darts against their Maker striking servants in the way
    judging goodness stealing solace counting down their last days


    earthly man fashions his mind according to earthly things
    and judges all by worldly limits, so clever but incomplete
    finding eager audiences itching ears need such definition
    no room for sacred, divine declared off limits man must rule
    or the burdens of sin and insecurity become too unbearable


    valiant warriors uphold their views like flags
    waving high to catch the wind of popular consent
    but war is ended peace can reign why take on an Enemy
    when undeserved friendship's hand is still outstretched to men


    you brought your books then add them to this pile over here
    they will be useful stoking fires when the world is getting cold
    for the book you need is specified and no other matches truth
    that warms your heart and wins your mind if you accept it's rule


    come out of her she is condemned, with you could fall
    declared an enemy of God she has her future foretold
    a millstone for her hateful crimes her unrepentant ways
    no fear of God was ever found within her wicked naves
    she has no hold on you her teachings,not from the king
    and though your family served her, cast her evil bonds
    aside and expose her nakedness and shame speak truth
    share the words of forgiveness and freedom from her filth


    they peered up at the arches admiring the clever mason's work
    while the cracks enlarged and dust began to tumble to the earth
    will they find the door still opens when the stones are tumbling down
    or will they join in the carnage while the danger signs are still ignored?


    you may be utterly convinced and still be right out of line
    you may find some support in scripture but not the divine
    for we are not here to build babelic towers once again but
    find the truths that will withstand the scrutiny of heaven


    i brought my boxes of isms and i wonder if you would join with me
    in defining your ideas as isms so we can have an fine ism gallery
    and then make up a library of isms, could you name it after me
    a pile of useless labels where we ponder our isms, believe nothing


    I revisited the streets of old
    Where I gave my soul
    To Him Who is our King,
    These streets are still so dark
    Shadowy figures move about
    No Light is in sight.

    As I walk I strain my eyes
    For in this darkness there is no Light.
    I see girls and boys
    Men and women
    Makeup on each one
    Lipstick, eye shadow and blush,
    I smell a scent
    I have never smelled before,
    I am drawn to this crowed
    I am slowly reeled in.
    But than I smell the booze
    I see the drugs
    I see the vanity of it all.
    I recognize my son who is in the crowd,
    But the scent that smells so good
    Won't let him go.

    I pray for Light
    I pray for our King
    To save this planet
    Of all it's woes
    To teach the language
    That God only knows.



    Quote (gentleness @ Sep. 30 2008,19:53)
    My Cat  
    I had a cat named Oreo,
    He was black and white like a piano.
    Then at the break of day
    He ran away,
    And we found him on the roadeo.

    Hi Gentleness

    I am glad you found your cat!

    Lineon :;):


    they passed through the cloud and walked through the sea,
    they drank from the same Spirit of Christ as does the Body
    but their bones litter the desert as a message to you and me
    not to assume lightly on the salvation given, walk carefully.


    they complained against the plan instead of seeking blessing
    they revelled in the physical, but never grasped the miracles
    of their clothes never wearing and their daily needs being met
    fed the meat of truth by Moses but still it never found a home
    in their hearts and minds, rebellion never loosed it's fatal grip
    they even set up their own gods and indulged in pagan idolatry
    cycles recurring, has anything changed in the history of man

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