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  • #211922

    surrender you enemy of God, a greater is standing at the gate
    your leader has been stripped of power and now your obesience
    is required, the terms are written firm, do not try to negotiate
    cast down your minds, commit , submit and become equipped
    for better work endowed, made strong as you know weakness
    but the Victor is utterly fair, not interested in punishment and
    He does not retaliate instead asks you to sign up for his service
    too for there is work to do retaking ground that has been lost
    restoring earth and all bringing light to who dwelled in darkness


    buzzards circling and death below poisoned meat
    has taken toll, more religious folk, far better off
    not to have learned of truth, they mixed it with
    man's folly making what tastes good but slowly
    kills your soul, spoils your appetite for medicine
    Jesus brought to rescue all from starvation and
    tainted wells, so follow him, listen to all he says


    the murderous serpent lifted up to face mockery
    caused death to lose all power over men in misery
    reversed wisdom lifting high the bloodied dying son
    all who look beyond the sin and believe are given life
    evil angels killed the heir, hoped to gain that kingdom
    blessed, but by deeper wisdom yet that blood released
    forgiveness, endowed new regeneration, sons, christians
    Christ living still through them, millions made one in him,
    but even yet those rebel rulers spread their knowledge
    failed and find new converts, gnostics who trust such
    shallow fare and even judge the servants, so judging
    thereby God Who guides their works eternal left for



    he was the scapegoat and the paschal lamb, the priest
    who entered in the Holy Place by tearing his flesh curtain
    making such access now impossible through the old way
    bringing forgiveness to all who repent, are reborn in him
    opened access to His God formerly limited to chosen few
    how could men still refuse this salvation so freely given?


    since eve stole knowledge from the tree and shared it with her mate
    then life has become an impossibility far too difficult to contemplate
    for knowing right from wrong is all very fine when you are established
    in the vine but bound to service to an earthly god and with no powers
    unto righteousness, deaf to goodness calling, over shouting sin within
    meant that poor conscience could not cope was disabled, double broke
    so now that Son has left his way we all can read and admit we strayed
    and seek empowerment to be restored in humbleness to the original plan


    “My mind is troubled, like a fountain stirred,
    And I myself see not the bottom of it.”
    – William Shakespeare

    And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.
    -All Good

    And God saw (every thing that he had made), and, behold, [it was] “very good”. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
    – All things Very GOOD

    And when the woman saw that the tree [was] good for food, and that it [was] pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make [one] wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
    -She Saw It Was Good

    The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy [is] understanding.
    -King Solomon.

     And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest [to be] with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
    -Adam fears Wisdom

    The thought of foolishness [is] sin: and the scorner [is] an abomination to men.
    -King Solomon

    A wise man [is] strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.
    -King Solomon

    He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.
    -King Solomon

    Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:
    -King Solomon


    the eye of man thinks it sees but really sees nothing at all
    only images, mirages, reflections, interpretations, deceptions
    yet man trusts himself more than anything else even our God
    and his revealed Word, when will the poor blind put the salve
    on their eyes and wake up from their sad slumberous state?


    the eyes of the woman landed on those pretty baubles
    and her heart wanted powers that would raise her estate
    so she chatted to her hubby who like peace at any price
    and aware she had risked it all went along with his mate


    goodness me put some clothes on girl you can't go round like that
    come and hide in the bushes while we fathom our new plan
    why am i feeling guilty, was it something that we did
    that causes this anxiety that rules in my heart?


    Adam pull your socks up wash you hands, it simply will not do
    to go around so untidily what will others think of you
    hang about there's only us but nonetheless you do agree
    that from now on what we look like has to take priority


    you are wrong, you are evil, you can't do anything right
    and that's not his mate that's talking but voices in his heart
    scolding, chiding, living hatred, animosity, never wearies every day
    then the night hours stretch eternally, but we cannot complain
    poor Adam lived all but a thousand years in misery and pain.


    We can quicken our time
    Into the future
    By obeying Gods Laws.
    Telling our Lord God
    That we are ready,
    That we are His.
    'Your Laws are my Laws.'
    'Your life is My Life.'

    We can quicken our time
    Into the future
    By acceppting Gods Grace,
    Knowing His Faith.
    So that our Lord God
    Knows we can move mountains
    By His Grace and Faith.
    'Your Laws are my Laws.'
    'Your Life is my Life.'



    Come Jesus come, just can't wait any longer.
    Is it time yet?
    Hoping all will happen soon.
    Grace is sufficient for me.
    God is good, God is great, worship Him forever.

    Waiting for the Lord, how hard it that?????
    Patience is not my best attribute.
    So teach me, O Lord to be more like you!
    Then I will be happy, when the day finally has arrived.
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praise God on High.


    good afternoon i bring good news, it's in this wondrous little book
    i'd like to share our point of view on certain beliefs, come have a look
    at this and that, it is the truth, we have the finest view and if you
    take these other books i'm sure you will agree you will need them all
    it's dangerous to read that one without these you might think it must
    be all be believed, but you must be reassured those scary bits are
    just allegories, they must be rationalised away, because religion is
    the real thing, supports itself completely, not actual works of power
    they died out with the last disciple, what's the matter, you're crying
    did you want real help in your life, you want a God Who is near and
    meets todays needs, more than intellectual stuff? she closed the door.


    remember the old chap who was outside the diner
    and he asked for a dollar to help buy a meal and
    you gave him a fiver though he smelled pretty bad
    well it happens that he was one of my friends
    the meal you helped buy him you actually gave to me
    now i know we never met you before this moment
    but the best news is that little kindness has brought a
    good dividend, come out of the queue of the goats
    and come join us in the celebrations that never end


    he birthed under the roman thumb and totally ignored it
    disappointing political zealots, are you the king of the jews
    they all wanted to know and the donkey's burden was indeed
    the saviour from oppression but that which was far higher than
    the men who ruled the world's kingdoms, just visiting, he''ll be back


    “Love is like grass. If you fall on it, it may leave a stain and some temporary pain. But you’ll get over the pain, it will eventually stop hurting. Now maybe the stain ruined your favorite pair of jeans, or maybe it was nothing special that was ruined, but either way the stain remains there. And with time, it will begin to fade, but it will always be there, a permanent reminder that you, too, once fell.”


    “Trying to grow up is hurting, you know. You make mistakes. You try to learn from them, and when you don't, it hurts even more.”

    -Aretha Franklin


    “If you are still being hurt by an event that happened to you at twelve, it is the thought that is hurting you now.”

    – James Hillman


    “Women will forgive anything. Otherwise, the race would have died out long ago”

    Robert A. Heinlein

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