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  • #211816

    take care mandy


    tantrums do not elevate any form of debate, nor do sullen moods
    change the order of things, God is sovereign, get over it
    naughty children I warned you, now go to your room
    scream and shout all you will but it is not possible
    to change anything that has been writ
    and you will find later on it is
    better this way,
    not ours


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 25 2008,13:41)
    take care mandy

    Hey, this isn't poetry?



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 25 2008,13:47)
    tantrums do not elevate any form of debate, nor do sullen moods
    change the order of things, God is sovereign, get over it
    naughty children I warned you, now go to your room
    scream and shout all you will but it is not possible
    to change anything that has been writ
    and you will find later on it is
    better this way,
    not ours

    Neither is this, really.

    But I like it. It makes me laugh at myself…


    provocking dose not elevate any form of debate, 'Normally'
    In fact its as cold as Ice, freezes the gates of hell closed.

    Hey Im off out to talk face to face with christains tonight, I'll try hard not to throw a tantrum, or get moody if they don't undersatnd me..

    blessings Mandy, Nick, Lineon :) :( :D


    Hey, Mandy we need some more comment on this thread.

    :D :laugh:


    I think Lineon is onto something here, you need to hit us with  more of that hidden poetic talent Mandy :D

    and also Mrs



    You guys are kidding, right? :laugh:

    I'm not a poet but thought I'd give it a try to answer some of Nick's musings. It's fun.

    Also, regarding the comments….this thread almost seems to have a hushed presence about it -it's poetry ONLY. It kinda makes me feel like I'm in a library or something. SHHHHHHH! No talking!



    Hi Mandy you are a joker?
    A libary :laugh:
    You have the right type of imagination to be a poet.

    Lineon :D


    if the words of the master seem to catch in your craw
    or they need your spiritual insight to be understood at all
    or must be taken as truth only where they were said
    you have defined yourself as being cut off from the head


    those who don't need the bible really need it much more
    for whatever they believe that is valid or any use at all
    comes from that sacred source heaven's bread for our soul
    no servant ever able to cast from his life the instructions
    the guidebook the Spirit and the life that lives therein and
    is given to base all faith on not just now but unto eternal
    grip tightly the map let not fools steal away your personal
    essential gift, from your dad,that is unwrapped day by day.


    no man has yet lived who is able to judge the Word
    for it is the food that comes from the mouth of our God
    never mind the author's names, vessels add their tincture
    too, just a garnish, hints of their own nature, culture, essence
    of God carries expression through sons of Adam, remade sons of God.


    scornful faithless malcontents pick and poke at precious things
    neither tasting nor attempting to discern how true alignment brings
    meaning purpose to the whole, wise storemen taking from new and old
    building slowly adding daily to the wondrous divine foundation for the king


    fear of change is tradition by another name
    security bound up only in what is earthly,
    fear of losing control fear of deception as with
    all unholy fears brings about what we fear
    trust is all trust in scripture trust the Son
    and trust our God, even trusting self is death
    let the Spirit author of the writings lead to eternity


    Twilight Odyssey Lyrics

    We traveled towards land unknown
    Upon the winding path of fate
    Uncertainty, our companion
    Understanding, our destination
    We looked above to the heavens
    While fire blazed across the sky
    And seared it a brilliant crimson
    That quickly faded to gray…
    Enchanted mist rained down upon us
    Clouding the path with haze
    Vertigo sensation rising within
    As we hopelessly cling to vespers
    And begin to slip away…
    Into a vortex of undefined shapes
    Trying to grasp
    Some shred of reality
    A futile endeavor
    In this dreamlike world
    Infinity's child surrounds
    Where the golden chimeras fly
    As a phantasmagoria unfolds before our eyes
    As we yield to our invigorated senses
    The existence we once knew falls away
    And we spread our wings for the first time
    With unparalleled abandon
    We drink in the rich beauty
    That lies in the forgotten wisdom
    Of this unearthly realm…
    It flows into us
    As we bathe in the twilight glow
    And the secrets of the universe
    Are bestowed upon us
    In a celestial coronation
    As we rotate as one
    In harmony with the spheres…


    Lord My God
    My love for You is kindled
    The ice within me
    Is melting and invades my soul
    Splashing my face
    Awakening my mind
    To your freedom.

    'Let go, let go'
    I hear Your trumpet call,
    'Let go your inhibitions,
    Step out and walk in My Light
    Don't take fright
    Your life is safe.'
    That trumpet tune plays in my head.

    I hear Your tune,
    I see Your covenant in the sky
    The colours are bright and sharp,
    Life is my goal
    Freedom is anchored in my soul,
    No one can take it away
    Only I.




    Seven Seas

    I try to reach you through this fog of ancient fear.
    And I'll return to you one day again, my dear.

    I made this journey over seven seas for you.
    Now I found the place, and now, I've found the truth.

    This is the last step to my illumination now,
    So long just waiting, searching,
    Hoping and finding the way how.
    On the water in this realm I see your face…
    A revelation's done, right moment, right place.

    Once in a lifetime your dream is your destiny's way.
    And here on the water forever you'll stay.

    Dark waters now await my branded soul,
    So much done to reach this deep dark hole.

    The execution of all gains in my life before,
    Is now, is then, and will be finally forevermore.
    No more waiting, searching, hoping, and finding how,
    As I've been told, I will reach your kingdom now.

    Once in a lifetime your dream is your destiny's way.
    And here on the water forever you'll stay.

    Now I invite you to come to my kingdom with me,
    No foretelling futures, through the eyes of the world you will see…


    “Path Of Reality” (lyrics)

    The future unknown. cannot say man or god
    So may the destiny show us the way
    We can but hope that it leads us by the path
    But there's always allurement to turn off the road

    But on the edge of road only will-o-wisps play
    And following them the truth light disappears
    But why must we follow that dying light

    If you stay you'll pine away
    If you leave your honour will be history

    Creatures of nights mortals of morning
    Always reaching for the reborning
    For them are laughing moon and sun
    Forgotten even they're not eternal

    If you stay you'll pine away
    If you leave your honour will be history

    In silence we walk no sign of tomorrow
    We travel a long and a winding road
    We can but hope that it leads us by the path
    So may the destiny show us the way

    If you stay you'll pine away
    If you leave your honour will be history


    Hi People

    Here is worthless little execise I did.
    What do you think of it.?
    For long time [30years?]
    I have believed the majority of musicians
    Are looking for somthing, but they do not know
    What they are looking for,
    Or they choose to ignore it.
    They are looking for God!

    I took some song titels
    And composed a poem.
    Just to prove my point.
    Each line is a title of a song
    By various artists.

    'A Day In The Life'
    'Of Mice And Men'
    'Who Knew'
    'God Is A Lie'
    'And So It Goes'

    'But It Is Better If You Do'
    'Not Fade Away'
    'Into The Mystic'
    'Of Mice And Men'
    'God Gave Me Everything'

    Pls. tell me if I am clutching at straws!


    I was born blind and now i can see so that's good enough for me
    i was a beggar man and he came past and saw me, knew his Father
    gave the opportunity and ignored the theory of sin of his friends
    and excitedly followed what he heard and put some stuff on my eyes
    and told go and wash it off and then i could see, so seems that God
    was with him as it is unheard of in these parts for a blind man to
    be given sight, simple commonsense informs tells me to go follow him
    i think he is a prophet, ask Mum and Dad, blind as a bat till today,
    God does not listen to sinners praying for healing so he's ok with me
    fool you do not know anything and we have expertise, if he was of God
    he would not fix a sinner like you on the sabbath, Moses we know,
    but this new fellow proves himself a sinner by breaking Moses' rules
    out you go you unbeliever join the infidels outside the temple gates
    now appears the gentle stranger yet unseen and opens heaven's door
    introducing self as son of God, faith established on the divine works
    for blindness true is of the mind, far stronger than the eye can see

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